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Ann Coulter: When Does This Crap End? (VIDEO)
Op-Ed by: Tim King
Coulter is a prime suspect in the theft of the nation's moral compass.
Ann CoulterImage: bronstigemangoest.nl
(SALEM, Ore.) - When we grow up we are taught the difference between right and wrong.
Well before reaching adulthood, we are supposed to have a sound understanding of the bottom line, and a reasonable appreciation for the fact that mistakes carry consequences.
Ann Coulter visits grade schoolkids. Courtesy: Time MagazineBut moral decay, divisiveness and polarity are the order of the day in 2007.
As a society, it seems like we no longer aspire to be chivalrous.
Instead we go for the most outrageous, the most shocking, the most revealing, and the least-clothed.
And networks give time to a media whore who taunts people over the death of their child, calls the widows of 9/11 firemen in New York "Greedy Witches", and states on national television that she hopes a leading politician will die in a terrorist attack.
It brings us to that rotten speck on the TV a tortured soul called Ann Coulter, "Nazi Bitch" as she is known on countless Websites, and she brings us all a particular kind of shame that can't be contained in the continental United States.
The news in recent weeks has been packed with death and murder and tragedy.
The rate of soldiers dying in Iraq is climbing, murders and random crimes are growing, and the national media's sense of self regulation is nowhere to be seen.
When students are gunned down shot dead, we cry as a national family.
But Ann Coulter can verbalize her wishes for the murder of a high level public official, John Edwards, and FOX News goes on writing her paychecks.
Do Coulter supporters want the same threats to be leveled at politicians they support?
If it isn't OK to scream fire in a theater, then how does this twisted person get away with this garbage?
In this next clip Coulter has a chance to show the preceding statement, here is that clip:
Well, that's simple... The wicked witch of the far right and FOX News is willing to exploit her good figure and she has long blonde hair.
Sorry, but Coulter is the epitome of people in TV news that only exist because of their appearance.
If she was homely and overweight, would she have this stage?
Somebody has to put things into perspective, because the luxury ride of American supremacy is over, and we have pulled out all the stops that once kept people like Coulter in better places, like jail.
A time period when people felt compelled to be respectful and decent is growing smaller in the rear view mirror.
And it is more than a theory that world admiration for the United States has flown out the door, and now other nations are watching a diabolical pawn named Coulter getting what seems to be increasing time on the air.
In the two featured video clips, you can see Coulter at her worst, or at least what we hope is her worst.
She is a modern day incarnation of Jane Fonda's personality during the Vietnam War, a blasted traitor with disregard for the bond that is supposed to unite all Americans.
And that illustrates the most important thing that we all should feel o that this is not about right and left folks, it is about right and wrong.
It's also about the increasingly unethical behavior of media bullies who distance themselves farther from the truth, or any concern for Americans, with each passing day.
A former employer of Coulter's, Jonah Goldberg with National Review Online, described what it was like to work with her, "she behaved with a total lack of professionalism, friendship, and loyalty".
USA Today gave her the boot shortly after hiring her to cover the 2004 Democratic National Convention.
She wrote one article that began, "Here at the Spawn of Satan convention in Boston..."
Long lost sisters?Ann Coulter and Margie Phelps of theWestboro Baptist ChurchSome suggest that Coulter is similar in many respects to members of the Westboro Baptist Church out of Topeka, Kansas.
They are known for their anti-gay protests and taunts of grieving family members at military funerals.
The bizarre and hateful church group and Coulter have become the two most covered national phenomena's that fully go for the throat of people when they have to bury their own children.
The Westboro Baptist Church does it so they can sue governments that allow them to be assaulted while they assert their civil rights.
Coulter does it for ratings and money.
One primary focus of Coulter's bad energy has been Senator John Edwards.
In the past she has called him "faggot", now she says on national television that she hopes he is assassinated by terrorists.
Here is the clip where she uses the reference "faggot".
This week on MSNBC's "Hardball," Elizabeth Edwards called in to the show to ask Coulter to stop making personal attacks on her husband, Democratic Presidential Candidate John Edwards.
She also called Coulter out for the tormenting remarks she made previously made about John Edwards having placed a bumper sticker on his car referencing his dead son.
"You had a column a number of years ago which made fun of Charlie Dean's death and suggested that my husband had a bumper sticker on his car that said 'ask me about my dead son.'"
Coulter interrupted her at that point and said, "That was three years ago".
Then as Mrs. Edwards tried to talk to Coulter about her dead son, a heckler yelled from the crowd, "Why isn't John Edwards making this call?" which Coulter then parroted as a response instead of addressing her cruel error.
Watch the third video clip below:
It was a classic extension of the "sex sells" world that she hails from.
Others call it Hollywood.
Wear a low cut blouse and rely on a crowd heckler for your dialog on national TV, what a lousy act Ann Coulter is.
It is reported that response on MSNBC's political blog Wednesday was so heavy it crashed the server.
People are angry and Coulter's presence on national TV is visible far outside our national borders.
In strange irony, the problems between Coulter's ability to remain decent in the TV industry and the Edwards family, are an unseen benefit for his presidential candidacy.
Elizabeth and John EdwardsElizabeth Edwards sent an e-mail to supporters Wednesday morning that included a clip of their exchange and a donation request.
Though they declined to name the total, the campaign said they raised more money this week than from any previous e-mail campaign.
"I think when they engage in these attacks and use the language of hate, it's very important to stand up,'"
Edwards said. "What happens if you are silent when this kind of hateful language is used - not just by her, but by anyone - hate gets a foothold."
Edwards pointed out that Coulter's attacks haven't been limited to him, but also included his rivals for the Democratic presidential nomination. Coulter has made fun of Hillary Rodham Clinton's legs and compared Barack Obama to terrorists because his middle name is Hussein.
"What she said about Senator Clinton and Senator Obama is outrageous,'' Edwards stated Wednesday. ``And somebody has to stand up when she makes these kind of attacks."
People seem to be waking up to the fact that we all have a lot in common in this country.
We may have different backgrounds, but we are supposed to have a red white and blue bond, and it doesn't take a genius to spot a bad apple on a tree.
Corporations supporting Coulter need to withdraw their support.
People can call Crown Forum Publishing and Random House and tell them to drop their contract with Coulter.
Remember the censorship that has gone on in recent years over people who criticize the Bush A the Dixie Chicks, Bill Mahr being canned from TV because he suggested that the terrorists who took their own lives to kill Americans were not cowards, and who can forget the whole country coming unglued over Janet Jackson's nipple making national airwaves.
With respect to Coulter's criminal statements about seeing Edwards die at the in all my life, I have never seen such contradictions.
Talk about losing your moral compass.
Here is another clip on Coulter, where she storms off the set of Hannity and Colmes:
Above all, FOX News is behind the rise of Coulter's attacks on our lingering decency.
I have no doubt that the day will come when lies and blatant inaccuracy in news can again be sanctioned and at least disciplined.
Even with public officials, there is a line drawn long ago in the sand, and I predict that Coulter is eventually going to be slammed by a huge wave that will sweep her kind out to sea forever.
Internal Comments are Closed on this story.
David July 11,
am (Pacific time)JEFF GORDON January 22,
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am (Pacific time)TruthGuy July 4,
am (Pacific time)Anonymous July 3,
am (Pacific time)Adam July 3,
am (Pacific time)Laz July 2,
am (Pacific time)Bdub July 1,
pm (Pacific time)Ivan The Readable July 1,
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am (Pacific time)hardmath July 1,
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am (Pacific time)Jeff July 1,
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am (Pacific time)Francis J. Donovan June 30,
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pm (Pacific time)on vacation June 29,
pm (Pacific time)Dave Thomas June 29,
pm (Pacific time)Jo June 29,
pm (Pacific time)Michael D June 29,
pm (Pacific time)Ann's bitch slap June 29,
pm (Pacific time)gb June 29,
pm (Pacific time)Dave June 29,
pm (Pacific time)Brian Ahier June 29,
pm (Pacific time)captbilly June 29,
pm (Pacific time)Tim King June 29,
pm (Pacific time)WC June 29,
pm (Pacific time)Mark June 29,
pm (Pacific time)Blaine June 29,
pm (Pacific time)Mark June 29,
pm (Pacific time)Anonymous June 29,
am (Pacific time)Guy June 29,
am (Pacific time)no thanks June 29,
am (Pacific time)John June 29,
am (Pacific time)Stevejbons June 29,
am (Pacific time)David June 29,
am (Pacific time)Paul Bryant June 29,
am (Pacific time)mollyivinsrip June 29,
am (Pacific time)Stacie June 29,
am (Pacific time)Anti-hate June 29,
am (Pacific time)Don June 29,
am (Pacific time)Michael Collins June 29,
am (Pacific time)NT June 29,
am (Pacific time)Christopher London June 29,
am (Pacific time)charles
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am (Pacific time)George June 29,
am (Pacific time)Jay Martin June 29,
am (Pacific time)Neal Feldman June 29,
am (Pacific time)Anonymous June 29,
am (Pacific time)Brudder June 29,
am (Pacific time)John the refugee June 29,
am (Pacific time)Robbin Cowen June 29,
am (Pacific time)MIKE WHITLEY June 29,
am (Pacific time)Mark June 29,
am (Pacific time)Paul June 29,
am (Pacific time)Not a joke June 29,
am (Pacific time)King June 29,
am (Pacific time)Dumb Blond June 29,
am (Pacific time)Mike McFadden June 29,
am (Pacific time)skytiger June 29,
am (Pacific time)Ray June 29,
am (Pacific time)Jeff June 29,
am (Pacific time)hypocaust June 29,
am (Pacific time)Steve - CO June 29,
am (Pacific time)T Ray June 29,
am (Pacific time)Harrold June 29,
am (Pacific time)Tim King June 29,
am (Pacific time)Fla-Guy June 29,
am (Pacific time)Tim Dunn June 29,
am (Pacific time)Big Dog June 29,
am (Pacific time)Grow Up June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Tim King June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Anonymous June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Brudder June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Allan June 28,
pm (Pacific time)David M June 28,
pm (Pacific time)rasqual June 28,
pm (Pacific time)George Hanshaw June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Mary June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Peter Switzerland June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Anonymous June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Greeno in L.A. June 28,
pm (Pacific time)abbytherabbit June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Greeno in L.A. June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Mike June 28,
pm (Pacific time)John N. June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Greeno in L.A. June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Annz Snizz June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Hope Angel June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Maryam June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Austin June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Russ Thayer June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Marty June 28,
pm (Pacific time)John N. June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Juan June 28,
pm (Pacific time)F Chuck June 28,
pm (Pacific time)FF11 June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Jerry June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Tim King June 28,
pm (Pacific time)John June 28,
pm (Pacific time)John N. June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Dave June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Gary Holmes June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Chuck June 28,
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pm (Pacific time)Markie June 28,
pm (Pacific time)cnn June 28,
pm (Pacific time)GR June 28,
pm (Pacific time)GOP_FKHEAD June 28,
pm (Pacific time)John June 28,
pm (Pacific time)ljc June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Tim June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Andrew
pm (Pacific time)Keri Smith June 28,
pm (Pacific time)LairB June 28,
pm (Pacific time)jpb June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Skipper Osborne June 28,
pm (Pacific time)moh June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Me June 28,
pm (Pacific time)George June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Jean Whitman June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Alan June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Agent of Change June 28,
pm (Pacific time)MJ June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Andy June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Joe in Chicago June 28,
pm (Pacific time)T. Candell` June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Max June 28,
pm (Pacific time)bill smith June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Diver Dude - Hawaii June 28,
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pm (Pacific time)everyman June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Dusty June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Anthony R Rasmus III June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Austin June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Davo June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Harleigh Quinn June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Brudder June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Charles Spiegelman June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Wade June 28,
pm (Pacific time)walt June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Valjean June 28,
pm (Pacific time)The editor June 28,
pm (Pacific time)ckc June 28,
pm (Pacific time)peter J Commisso June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Anonymous June 28,
pm (Pacific time)fmcd2000 June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Tim King June 28,
pm (Pacific time)
I have always taken on bullies, Coulter is just one more.
And if you were standing in front of me you would not be calling me a coward.
I have been a reporter for twenty years and my voice is growing by the day as we continue to rate higher and higher on the Web.
Tens of thousands read these stories, I hope to see a day when I don't feel compelled to fight fire with fire.
Why don't you pay attention to my Jane Fonda analogy?
That clearly shows that I am middle road.
I'm certainly not a fan of John Edwards specifically, I think he has a lot to offer, like the other candidates.
So do you advocate for drug addict Rush Limbaugh?
How about Bill O'Reilly who pins the crimes of nazi's on American WWII veterans?
I think most of the Coulter supporters are people that will never change, but people who ultimately rally for peace and justice at times of war, not against the concept of war as a whole, are growing.
We are a lot of middle road people, and all it should take for every red blooded American to be incensed over Coulter's attitude and disrespect and cruel remarks is a slight leaning away from right wing politics.
In the end, people of my party have taken out the kid gloves out for a fight one time too many.
Many of us are done with the lies and greed of the America corporations and insurance companies.
It hasn't gone too far, it has gone
way too far.
John June 28,
pm (Pacific time)rhoadie June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Dorace June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Joel Friedland June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Shupy June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Francis Man June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Tim King June 28,
pm (Pacific time)J. Ray June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Bill June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Brian June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Dave June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Dane June 28,
pm (Pacific time)ex-republican June 28,
pm (Pacific time)midwest girl June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Jeff June 28,
pm (Pacific time)brokenarrow June 28,
pm (Pacific time)ADP June 28,
pm (Pacific time)brokenarrow June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Terry Blackwood June 28,
pm (Pacific time)V June 28,
pm (Pacific time)slavicdiva June 28,
pm (Pacific time)ME June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Emily June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Nathan Hale June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Dan R June 28,
pm (Pacific time)BuddyBear June 28,
pm (Pacific time)mike June 28,
pm (Pacific time)John June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Soeren Poulsen June 28,
pm (Pacific time)GBoettner June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Anonymous June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Boettner June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Chad June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Marty June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Normal June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Joely June 28,
pm (Pacific time)TK June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Get real, Idiots June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Tom Paine June 28,
pm (Pacific time)annisgreat June 28,
pm (Pacific time)looknforanninfla June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Tony Mski June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Patrick June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Baerwolf June 28,
pm (Pacific time)richard June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Lane June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Grolan June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Bernie June 28,
pm (Pacific time)JB June 28,
pm (Pacific time)met June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Chris June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Anonymous June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Bren June 28,
pm (Pacific time)charles June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Joel June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Mark Sandstrom June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Mouthpiece June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Scared American June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Tony W. June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Ann COOKOO Coulter June 28,
pm (Pacific time)ghostcommander June 28,
pm (Pacific time)blah June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Leon June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Michael June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Doug from CO June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Ed
pm (Pacific time)Marion June 28,
pm (Pacific time)helend, NJ June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Joe June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Not amused June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Orton Nicks June 28,
pm (Pacific time)brokenarrow June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Joseph Lee June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Jason Weaver June 28,
pm (Pacific time)me again June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Mike June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Jack J. June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Abo June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Steve June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Mark Knott June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Mike June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Sean June 28,
pm (Pacific time)brokenarrow June 28,
pm (Pacific time)tribewolf June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Facist Conservative June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Trep June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Dudex June 28,
pm (Pacific time)RY June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Politically Tired June 28,
pm (Pacific time)brokenarrow June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Butch June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Inherownwords June 28,
pm (Pacific time)A Coulter June 28,
pm (Pacific time)
I doubled the ratings of the lowest-rated cable news show on Tuesday by agreeing to go on for a full hour to promote my new paperback version of "Godless" -- a mistake I won't make again. As I was walking to the set, minutes before airtime, it was casually mentioned to me that Elizabeth Edwards, wife of Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, might call in.
For the first time in recorded history, the show's host did not interrupt a guest, but let Elizabeth Edwards ramble on and on, allowing her to browbeat me for being mean to her husband.
Say, did any TV host ever surprise Al Franken, Bill Maher or Arianna Huffington with a call by the wife of someone they've made nasty remarks about? How about a call to John Edwards from the wife of a doctor he bankrupted with his junk-science lawsuits?
I think I may have tuned out at some point, so I can only speak to the first 45 minutes of Elizabeth Edwards' harangue, but it mostly consisted of utterly dishonest renditions of things I had said on my "Good Morning America" interview this week and a column I wrote four years ago. (You can't rush Edwards' "rapid response team"!) She claimed I had launched unprovoked attacks on the Edwards' dead son and called for a terrorist attack on her husband.
These are bald-faced lies, and the mainstream media knows they are lies. Yet they were repeated ad nauseam on Wednesday by The Associated Press, the AOL pop-up window, CNN, NBC and -- stunningly -- the host of the lowest-rated cable show himself, who personally told me he knew the truth.
So for those of you who haven't read any of my five best-selling books: Liberals are driven by Satan and lie constantly.
Here is my full sentence on "Good Morning America," which the media deceptively truncated, referring to a joke I told about Edwards six months ago that made liberals cry: "But about the same time, you know, Bill Maher was not joking and saying he wished Dick Cheney had been killed in a terrorist attack -- so I've learned my lesson: If I'm going to say anything about John Edwards in the future, I'll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot."
The usual nut Web sites posted a zillion denunciations of my appearance on "Good Morning America" immediately after I appeared Monday morning. But it didn't occur to any of them to simply lie about what I had said. No, it took them nearly 36 hours to concoct a version of that quote that included the Edwards part, but not the Maher part, or what English language speakers call: "the point."
By tomorrow it will be: "Ann Coulter tried to kill John Edwards on 'Good Morning America'!"
Judging by his fundraising efforts so far, I gather most of you don't know who John Edwards is -- unless you're an overpriced hair dresser. He's the trial lawyer who pretended in court to channel the spirit of a handicapped fetus in front of illiterate jurors to scam tens of millions of dollars off of innocent doctors. According to The New York Times, Edwards told one jury: "She speaks to you through me ... And I have to tell you right now -- I didn't plan to talk about this -- right now I feel her. I feel her presence. She's inside me, and she's talking to you."
Let me also quote from campaign consultant Bob Shrum's book "No Excuses":
"(Kerry) was even queasier about Edwards after they met. Edwards had told Kerry he was going to share a story with him that he'd never told anyone else -- that after his son Wade had been killed, he climbed onto the slab at the funeral home, laid there and hugged his body, and promised that he'd do all he could to make life better for people, to live up to Wade's ideals of service. Kerry was stunned, not moved, because, as he told me later, Edwards had recounted the same exact story to him, almost in the exact same words, a year or two before -- and with the same preface, that he'd never shared the memory with anyone else. Kerry said he found it chilling, and he decided he couldn't pick Edwards unless he met with him again."
Apparently every time Edwards began a story about his dead son with "I've never told anyone this before," everyone on the campaign could lip-sync the story with him.
As a commentator, I bring facts like these to the attention of the American people in a lively way. Thus, for example, in a column about the Democratic candidates for president written in 2003, I pointed out that the Democrats refused to discuss the economy or the war, but had recently "discovered a surprise campaign issue: It turns out that several of them have had a death in the family."
Among several examples of Democrats talking about a death in the family on the campaign trail was this one:
John Edwards injects his son's fatal car accident into his campaign by demanding that everyone notice how he refuses to inject his son's fatal car accident into his campaign.
Edwards has talked about his son's death in a 1996 car accident on "Good Morning America," in dozens of profiles and in his new book. ("It was and is the most important fact of my life.") His 1998 Senate campaign ads featured film footage of Edwards at a learning lab he founded in honor of his son, titled "The Wade Edwards Learning Lab." He wears his son's Outward Bound pin on his suit lapel. He was going to wear it on his sleeve, until someone suggested that might be a little too "on the nose."
If you want points for not using your son's death politically, don't you have to take down all those "Ask me about my son's death in a horrific car accident" bumper stickers? Edwards is like a politician who keeps announcing that he will not use his opponent's criminal record for partisan political advantage.
Manifestly, I was not making fun of their son' I was making fun of John Edwards' incredibly creepy habit of invoking his son's tragic death to advance his political career -- a practice so repellant, it even made John Kerry queasy.
I'm a little tired of losers trying to raise campaign cash or TV ratings off of my coattails, particularly when they use their afflictions or bereavement schedules to try to silence the opposition. From now on, I'm attacking only serious presidential candidates, like Dennis Kucinich.
Bill June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Donna June 28,
pm (Pacific time)iggy June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Tom C June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Johann Wagener June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Tony B June 28,
pm (Pacific time)brokenarrow June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Tyler June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Raymond Penafort June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Jimbo June 28,
pm (Pacific time)R June 28,
pm (Pacific time)lulz June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Ho-Hum June 28,
pm (Pacific time)cully June 28,
pm (Pacific time)k June 28,
pm (Pacific time)ContextIsKey June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Mike June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Nancy June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Greg Treese June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Tat June 28,
pm (Pacific time)brokenarrow June 28,
pm (Pacific time)R June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Patrick Vadnais June 28,
pm (Pacific time)escondido guy June 28,
pm (Pacific time)tom June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Bullseye June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Gordon Goheen June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Joseph J. Lauterbach III June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Blue Pez Cow June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Sue June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Tamo June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Mark Proulx June 28,
pm (Pacific time)OHMom June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Kat June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Dano June 28,
pm (Pacific time)be real June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Alex June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Tim King June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Anonymous June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Ryan June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Tim June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Chuck Hogan June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Sue June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Nope June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Bill, California June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Joe June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Jim June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Tim King June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Jackie June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Todd June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Anonymous June 28,
pm (Pacific time)hedwig June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Jim June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Rob June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Chris June 28,
pm (Pacific time)scottkilowatt June 28,
pm (Pacific time)WTH June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Zoltan Szabados June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Bart Breen June 28,
pm (Pacific time)J Senich June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Travis June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Chuck June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Sue June 28,
pm (Pacific time)mark l
pm (Pacific time)A Coulter Hater June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Sean June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Kevin June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Mark from NH June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Zach June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Kevin June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Phillip June 28,
pm (Pacific time)margaret Davis June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Steve June 28,
pm (Pacific time)aman June 28,
pm (Pacific time)Vic June 28,
pm (Pacific time)
&2015 . All opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of .
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