
ocean storms4.Abnormal weather.Rising **a levels3.Earth pest and di**a**2, it will bring to the following **veral **rious con**quences1Large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere cau**d by greenhou** ga**s (carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
ciciFAFA &
it will bring the following **rious con**quences,in 3) abnormal climateA mass of carbon dioxide went into the atmosphere m**ing the greenhou** domino offect(by a mass of carbon dioxide went into the atmosphere),increa** de**rtification area: 1)increa** pests and di**a** 4) 2) **a-level ri**
The massive carbon dioxide gas enters the atmosphere to cau** the greenhou** effect (massive carbon dioxide gas to enter atmosphere to create), it will bring by the following **veral kind of **rious evil con**quences: 1) on Earth's plant di**a** and the carry di**a** increa**; 2) **a level ri**; 3) the climate is u**sual, the **a storm increa**s; 4) the land is arid, the de**rtification area increa**s.参考**:ww
Many carbon dioxide greenhou** ga**s into the atmosphere (many cau**d by carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere), which will bring **rious con**quences to the following: 1) on the Earth's increa** in pests and di**a**s and infectious di**a**s; 2) **a-level ri**; 3) climate abnormal increa** 4) land of drought, de**rtification area increa**d. 百分百对,用吧
服务声明: 信息来源于互联网,不保证内容的可靠性、真实性及准确性,仅供参考,版权归原作者所有!Copyright &
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table又翻译成什么a set of equally likely disjoint random worlds such that the conditional probability P(A|B) is the number of worlds satisfying the condition A ∧ B divided by the number of worlds satisfying the condition B, a random world is any permutation of a simple random sample of size n that is drawn from the population and which is compatible with the anonymized table T*. We avoid double counting because the random worlds are disjoint.这里面的worlds是什么意思. In our case
没具体的前文我就猜一下看着像统计题- -从这个角度想的话,world大概可以理解为集合,table应该指表格
一组不相交的世界,同样可能随机条件概率P(一| B)是满足条件的∧B除以满足我们避免重复计算世界的数字世界的数量因为随机的世界是不相交的。在我们的例子中,一个随机的世界是任何排列的一个简单的大小为n的随机样本是从人口中抽取具有匿名表T *兼容。world是集合吧,table是指的表格之类的。求采纳
Today,the topic is to describe my best friend or the one you respect,i choose to say something about my best friend.
Today's topic is
"Describe my best friend" or "Who is the person you admire". I choose to talk about my best friend.
Today, the topic is to describe my best friend or the one you respect, i choose to say something about my best friend.
Today the topic is to describe my best friend or who is the one you admired, I want to talk about my best friend.帮忙翻译一句话_百度知道
实在感谢~,虚幻的社区与真挚的感情。 尽管我们都不曾相识,英语演讲所用,但要知道,虚拟世界亦有真情,不要用翻译工具。-----------------------------------------------------------------------求帮忙翻译 这几句话,希望 是 自己翻译的,游戏与现实。生与死这是WOW里暴雪为一个因白血病而去世的猎人玩家而增加的一个NPC和他的一段小诗
满意敬请采纳,请查收。】Although we do not meet with each other.【生与死,游戏与现实,虚幻的社区与真挚的感情。】Life and death,虚拟世界亦有真情【这是WOW里暴雪为一个因白血病而去世的猎人玩家而增加的一个NPC和他的一段小诗, who died of leukemia,但要知道, games and reality, visional community and sincere feelings.【尽管我们都不曾相识, yet you should know that there exist true feelings in a virtual world. 已为你翻译好。】This is a little part of a poem and an additional NPC from a hunter player in WOW Blizzard
其它的回答的也不错,,但分还是 给你了,也谢谢大家!
The visional game society and the true feelings, there are true feelings even if we are in an imaginary world. 中间那段 翻译过来没有主语 好像有点奇怪 但是就是原文的意思. Even though we have never come across each other. Live and death.The shadowy game and the realty不好意思 因为我不玩wow 所以第一句里有几个地方我不明白 不过根据我的理解 暴雪是一个人的人名吧 我姑且用拼音代替 还有 NPC我也不知道是什麽 我姑且将他视为一个物件 来翻译吧 Here is an additional NPC as well as a short stanza of peom from BAOXUE in memory of a hunter player in WOW who passed away because of
leukemia, all we have to bear in mind is that。嗯 希望可以帮到你吧
This is a peom Storm from WOW(按情况加the) has done and a NPC added for a hunter player who die of leukemia. Life and death, game and reality, virtual society and true feelings.Although we are all strangers, there are true feelings in the virtual world.
This is WOW Blizzard as a for leukemia death Hunter game player and add a NPC and a little poem. Life and death, games and reality, virtual communities and sincere feelings. Although we have never met, but you know, the virtual world is also true.
life and death, game and reality, fake comunity and authentic love. though we've been strangers,however it is to be known that there's true love in virtual world
出门在外也不愁帮忙翻译一句话五花马 ,千金裘,呼儿将来换美酒,与尔同消万古愁_百度作业帮
帮忙翻译一句话五花马 ,千金裘,呼儿将来换美酒,与尔同消万古愁
五花马 ,千金裘,呼儿将来换美酒,与尔同消万古愁晕,到底那个对啊
将进酒 《将进酒》(其中 将读qiang,阴平,意思为请),一作《惜空酒樽》,原是汉乐府短箫铙歌的曲调,题目意绎即“劝酒歌”.《宋书》:汉鼓吹铙歌十八曲,有《将进酒》曲.《乐府诗集》:《将进酒》古词云:将进酒,乘大白.大略以饮酒放歌为言.宋何承天《将进酒》篇曰:将进酒,庆三朝.备繁体,荐佳肴.则言朝会进酒,且以濡首荒志为戒.若梁昭明太子云,洛阳轻薄子,但叙游乐饮酒而已.唐代李白沿用乐府古体写的《将进酒》,影响最大.继李白之后李贺也是同题诗歌.将进酒 李白君不见黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回.君不见高堂明镜悲白发,朝如青丝暮成雪.人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月.天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来.烹羊宰牛且为乐,会须一饮三百杯.岑夫子,丹丘生,将进酒,杯莫停.与君歌一曲,请君为我倾耳听.钟鼓馔玉不足贵,但愿长醉不复醒.古来圣贤皆寂寞,惟有饮者留其名.陈王昔时宴平乐,斗酒十千恣欢谑.主人何为言少钱,径须沽取对君酌.五花马,千金裘,呼儿将出换美酒,与尔同销万古愁.
【诗文解释】你难道没有看见,汹涌奔腾的黄河之水,有如从天上倾泻而来?它滚滚东去,奔向东海,永远不会回还.你难道没有看见,在高堂上面对明镜,深沉悲叹那一头白发?早晨还是满头青丝,傍晚却变得如雪一般.因此,人生在世每逢得意之时,理应尽情欢乐,切莫让金杯空对皎洁的明月.既然老天造就了我这栋梁之材,就一定会有用武之地,即使散尽了千两黄金,也会重新得到.烹羊宰牛姑且尽情享乐,今日相逢,我们真要干杯三百.岑夫子,丹丘生,请快喝不要停,我为你唱一首歌,请你们侧耳为我细细听.在钟鼓齐鸣中享受丰美食物的豪华生活并不值得珍贵,但愿永远沉醉不愿清醒.自古以来那些圣贤无不感到孤独寂寞,唯有寄情美酒的人才能留下美名.陈王曹植过去曾在平乐观大摆酒宴,即使一斗酒价值十千也在所不惜,恣意畅饮.主人啊,你为什么说钱已经不多,快快去买酒来让我们一起喝个够.牵来名贵的五花马,取出价钱昂贵的千金裘,统统用来换美酒,让我们共同来消融这无穷无尽的万古长愁!五花马,千金裘,呼儿将出换美酒,与尔同销万古愁.Pulls the precious piebald horse, takes out the price expensive daughter fur garment, uses for to trade the good wine entirely, lets us melt this inexhaustible eternal length to worry together!


