Anciet china daily 翻译翻译

The estimated annual average lightning- generated NO
in whole Chinese inland area is 3.84 10
整个中国内陆地区闪电产生NOX 的年平均估算值为3.84× 10 11gN/ yr。
Mechanism and Estimation of Lightning-Generated NO_X
in Chinese Inland Area
The writer has explored the Najadaceae in Chinese inland water bodies, and studied up on each species with morphologic-anatomic and cytology experiments since 1979.Two new species and three species of new distribution occur in the inland.
自1979年以来,笔者对中国内陆水体中茨藻科植物进行了调查,并对每一种都进行了形态解剖和细胞学的实验研究。 只发现了2个新种和3个新纪录。
Analyese on Some Features of Ground Flashes in Chinese Inland Plateau
As the only spirit landscape of Chinese inland, Chongqing' the main urban area is a special city of the type.
Pingyao International Photography Festival Opens a Cultural "Port" in Inland China
The Korean enterprises in China have started the major structural adjustments under the situation and have gradually increased the investments aimed at the Chinese domestic market, especially, the number of Korean enterprises who have made investments in inland China has been increased as China's "developing the west" project is carrying out.
投资的项目数和金额均大幅度减少 ,在华韩资企业也开始进行重大的结构调整 ,针对中国国内市场的投资逐渐增多。 伴随着中国西部大开发事业的推进 ,在中国内陆地区投资的韩国企业逐渐增多。
Located in inland China,Central China includes Shanxi,Henan,Hubei,Hunan,Anhui and Jiangxi Province. Its velocity of economic development lags behind that of East China and its rate of urbanization is lower than the average of China.
The successive entering of the western missionaries, Alessandro Valignano (), Michele Ruggieri()and Matteo Ricci () , into China through different coastal places of Guangdong, such as Shangchuan, Langbai and Aomen, during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty( ), marked the beginning of the their thorough contacts with the culture, society and government of the Chinese Empire.
明朝万历()年间,范礼安(Alessandro Valignano,)、罗明坚(Michele Ruggieri,)、利玛窦(Matteo Ricci,)等西方传教士逐步由中国沿海的广东上川、浪白、澳门等地进入中国内陆,进行传教活动,开始了与中国文化、中国社会以及中国政府全面深入的接触。
ResultsThe average incidence of typhoid fever per year was 144.56/100 000 from 1985 to 2005,which is more than the average of China,and more than inland of China.
Effect of variation of Himalayan arc boundary condition
on the inland stress field in China
The current situation and development counterpolicies of China inland's economy
After having studied the relationship of time and space of the seismicity of M,≥7. 0 in the three "earthquake entrance windows" in the adjacent area of Mainland China and of the seismicity of some M, ≥6.0 earthquakes in the inland area, we have discussed how to use this relationship to predict the time and space of M,≥ 6. 0 earthquakes in Mainland China so as to provide a useful reference for the tendency prediction of large seismic situation.
为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&& In this paper, we have analysed the wind data and synoptic circulation pattern over West Pacific and Southeast Asia. It is shown that there is a cross-equator jet flow from Australia which prevails the East China and determines the precipitation in China. This flow is defined as cross-equator flow from Australia and low level jet over China.It has very important effect on the summer precipitation over China. The effects on precipitation in China of Southwest monsoon coming from India and southwest monsoon coming... In this paper, we have analysed the wind data and synoptic circulation pattern over West Pacific and Southeast Asia. It is shown that there is a cross-equator jet flow from Australia which prevails the East China and determines the precipitation in China. This flow is defined as cross-equator flow from Australia and low level jet over China.It has very important effect on the summer precipitation over China. The effects on precipitation in China of Southwest monsoon coming from India and southwest monsoon coming from West Pacific have been analysed by some authors. In this paper it is pointed out that the cross-equator flow which lies between these two flows mentioned above and comes from Australia of South Hemisphere effects the summer monsoon rainfall over China.It is noticed that exploration of this flow will help to research in a deep going way on structure of summer monsoon over East Asia and help to change our ideas about this subject.本文通过多年平均风场和卫星云图等资料的分析揭示了一支源于澳洲的过赤道气流的存在。本文定义这支源自南半球并伸入中国内陆的气流为澳洲过赤道气流和中国低空急流。 本文指出,这支气流处在南亚经向季风环流的低层,是南亚季风的重要组成部份,是动量和水汽输送的重要通道。它对我国夏季季凤降水的影响更为直接。过去人们研究了东非过赤道气流及延伸的西南季风和西太平洋上东南季风及其对我国的影响。本文指出的中间这支气流对我国夏季季风降雨作用明显。 本文认为,这支气流的揭示将有助于深入讨论和改变对东亚季风和赤道一带大气环流结构的看法。 An approach to the method for the calculation of gravitational oceanic tidal load is made. The results obtained by employing three different cotidal charts (M2) are compared. They give a map for the geographic distribution of the component of gravitational tidal load (M2) for the BTTZ (京津唐张) area and the continent of China together with a tidal map of K1. 本文探讨重力海洋负荷潮的计算方法,比较三种不同的 M_2海潮共潮图的计算结果,给出中国内陆及京津唐张地区重力负荷潮 M_2、K_1分潮的地理分布图。 According to the literatures there are 4 species of Najadaceae in inland waters of our country. The writer has explored the Najadaceae in Chinese inland water bodies, and studied up on each species with morphologic-anatomic and cytology experiments since 1979.Two new species and three species of new distribution occur in the inland.The numbers of species and variety of Chinese Najadaeeae may be summed into 11 (including 3 Taiwan species) and 1 respectively. They are: Najas marina L., N.marina L. var. interrnedia... According to the literatures there are 4 species of Najadaceae in inland waters of our country. The writer has explored the Najadaceae in Chinese inland water bodies, and studied up on each species with morphologic-anatomic and cytology experiments since 1979.Two new species and three species of new distribution occur in the inland.The numbers of species and variety of Chinese Najadaeeae may be summed into 11 (including 3 Taiwan species) and 1 respectively. They are: Najas marina L., N.marina L. var. interrnedia (Gorski) A. Br., N.graminea Del., N.minor All., N. moshanensis N. Z.Wang, N.chinensis N.Z.Wang, N. oguraensis Miki, N. japomca Nakai, N. foveolata A. Br. ex Magnus, N. ancistrocarpa A. Br. ex Magnus, N. browniana Rendle, N indica (Willd.) Cham.据文献记载我国内陆水域茨藻科植物有4种。自1979年以来,笔者对中国内陆水体中茨藻科植物进行了调查,并对每一种都进行了形态解剖和细胞学的实验研究。只发现了2个新种和3个新纪录。我国茨藻科植物共有11种,1个交种(包括台湾分布的3种):Najas marina L., N. marina L.var. intermedia(Gorski)A. Br., N. graminea Del, N. minor A11., N. oguraensis Miki, N. moshanensis N. Z. Wang, N. chinensis N. Z. Wang, N. japonica Nakai, N. indica (Willd) Chan, N. ancisirocarpa A. Br. ex Magnus, N. browniana Rendle。&nbsp&&&&&相关查询
2008 CNKI-中国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725
中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社Ancient Tombs
In China, as elsewhere, the
earlier the period the more important archaeological evidence is to our
understanding of what life was like.& For periods before writing,
surviving artifacts offer a crucial corrective to legend and myth.&
Moreover, even after writing was invented, for many centuries the types
of texts that survive are very limited, so that there is still a great
deal to learn from artifacts.& Scientifically excavated objects can
be placed more accurately in time and place than early texts, which
often went through a process of accretion over time, with many
passages added later.
Thousands of early archaeological sites have been excavated in China,
most of them graves.& Learning from this archaeological evidence is at
least as difficult as learning from texts.& The objects are silent--we
must ask questions of them before they can tell us anything.
This unit contains summaries of five archaeological sites, ranging in
date from about 2300 BC to 100 BC.& The tombs selected for
examination were all advanced for their time.& Their occupants were members of
the ruling class of the period, able to afford the highest standard of
material comfort, technical excellence, and artistic embellishment then
Think about the following issues as you
examine each tomb:
What can you learn about the occupant of the grave from the goods
buried with him or her?
Why do you think certain types of objects were selected to be put in
graves?& How does this change or stay the same from tomb to
What can you infer from these graves about attitudes toward death and
the afterlife?& How do these attitudes change over time?
How do the objects in these five tombs reveal changes in stylistic
preference?& How about media and technique?
Do you see evidence of technological advances in either the
construction or the contents of the tombs?
What are some of the advantages and some of the limitations of what
you can learn from the archaeological evidence presented in these fiveTombs and Ancestors
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