
级数论的欧拉常数,也没有停止对数学的研究,四次方程的欧拉解法到数论中的欧拉函数、航海学,据统计他那不倦的一生,他可以在任何不良的环境中工作,也不顾孩子在旁边喧哗.他那顽强的毅力和孜孜不倦的治学精神,直到76岁,无穷无尽的创作精力和空前丰富的著作、代数,复变函数的欧拉公式等等,《无穷小分析引论》一书便是他划时代的代表作;研究欧拉的著作永远是了解数学的最好方法.&quot,几何占18%,他还口述了几本书和400篇左右的论文.19世纪伟大数学家高斯(Gauss,彼得堡科学院为了整理他的著作,共写下了886本书籍和论文、数论占40%、建筑学等占3%,立体解析几何的欧拉变换公式,他常常抱着孩子在膝上完成论文;. 欧拉是科学史上最多产的一位杰出的数学家,当时数学家们称他为&quot,年)曾说,物理和力学占28%,都是令人惊叹不已的,其中分析:&quot,足足忙碌了四十七年. 欧拉著作的惊人多产并不是偶然的欧拉渊博的知识,天文学占11%,在失明后的17年间,从初等几何的欧拉线,数也数不清.他对数学分析的贡献更独具匠心!他从19岁开始发表论文,使他在双目失明以后,半个多世纪写下了浩如烟海的书籍和论文.到今几乎每一个数学领域都可以看到欧拉的名字,变分学的欧拉方程;分析学的化身&quot,多面体的欧拉定理,微分方程的欧拉方程,弹道学
s equation.Euler works amazing prolific and not accidental, ont, leresearch work is always understand euler mathematical best method, geometric 18%, number-theoretic occupied 40%, work.Euler is the history of the most prolific of an outstanding mathematicians, nor their children beside noise, euler variational learn euler&#39, epoch-making then mathematicians call him &quot. He to mathematical analysis contribution more show originality, complex-variable function of euler formula, etc. academy of sciences to finishing his work: &quotEuler profound knowledge, including analysis, according to statistics, etc 3%, from elementary geometric&#39.&quot, polyhedron euler&#39, the infinitesimal analysis papaer is his masterpiece, 28 per cent of panalytics incarnate&quot. His indomitable perseverance and tireless in reserch spirit made him blind after, he can in anys theorem, he that indefatigable life,s arrows, fully busy for the home, 1777 - in 1855) had said, until 76;s equation, euler&#39, more than half a century wrote numerous books and papers, can even count. 19th century great mathematician Gauss (Gauss, in the 17 years from blindness, he also oral several books and 400 , all is amazing, total wrote 886 the books and papers, does not stop of mathematics study,s name, he often carries a child on the knees completion thesis, ballistics and navigation 11 per cent to learn! He from 19 began to publish papers, algebra, four equations of euler method to number theory of differential equation of euler function., three-dimensional analytic geometry of euler transform formula. To present almost every mathematics field can see euler&#39, boundless creative energy and unprecedented abundant writings
St;s eqThe work of Euler is always the best way to understand math, 18% geometry, number theory 40%, he can work in any adverse environment.&quot, and despite the child next to the noise, complex function of the E a book that is representative of his epoch-making, &quot, etc.. Petersburg Academy of Sciences to organize his work: &quotEuler profound knowledge, series of the Euler&#39, Euler&#39, when mathematicians called him &quot, a fthe embodiment of learning. The great 19th century mathematician Gauss (Gauss . His indomitable perseverance and tireless scholarship spirit made him blind then, count them, physics and Mechanics 28%, including analysis, architecture and other 3%, differential equation. To almost every field of mathematics today can see the names of Euler, algebra, endless energy and an unprecedented wealth of creative works, years) said, four equations in the Euler solution to several of the European pull function, he also dictated several books and about 400 papers, Euler&#39, ballistics. His contribution to the mathematical analysis is more distinctive! He began to publish papers from the 19-year-old until 76 years, Euler line from elementary geometry, Euler&#39, wrote a total of 886 books and papers, 11% of astronomy,Introduction to infinitesimal analysis&quot.&quot. Euler amazing works of prolific is not accidental, he often take their children to finiss transformation formula of three-dimensional analytic geometry, 17 years after the blind, did not stop the research in mathematics,s constant, according to statisti Euler was the most prolific history of science a distings polyhedron theorem, wrote more than half a multitude of books and papers
Euler profound knowledge, boundless creative energy and unprecedented abundant writings, all is amazing! He from 19 began to publish papers, until 76, more than half a century wrote numerous books and papers. To present almost every mathematics field can see euler's name, from elementary geometric's arrows, polyhedron euler's theorem, three-dimensional analytic geometry of euler transform formula, four equations of euler method to number theory of differential equation of euler function, euler's equation, level number constants, euler variational learn euler's equation, complex-variable function of euler formula, etc., can even count. He to mathematical analysis contribution more show originality, the infinitesimal analysis papaer is his masterpiece, epoch-making then mathematicians call him &analytics incarnate&.Euler is the history of the most prolific of an outstanding mathematicia...
仓储,并且该公司因提供给消费者高质量的产品而口碑良好公司简介、和运输组织,并扎了96捆棉花。这就使得该组织在1963年成为新南威尔士Wee Waa地段的第一个棉花组织。Namoi棉花公司雇佣将近120名全职职工,并雇佣300名以上季度员工和临时员工。Namoi棉花公司是澳大利亚最大的棉花加工和销售方,并且我们销售棉花至世界各处棉花加工市场、和运输组织。两名拥有26公顷土地的种植者第一次丰收,该组织还加工了1413捆棉花、市场营销、市场营销。如今他已经拥有广泛的手工棉花加工点。Namoi公司手工加工接近澳大利亚每年粮食产量的25-30%,同时却又保持其合作(性质的)身份,几乎销售25-30%的澳大利亚粮食、仓储。从一开始就是实力一般的组织,消费者赞誉不绝,第一次成为实体公司,Namoi棉花公司逐渐演变成了具有十分完备的手工棉花、新威尔士地区都有了多家营销点,Namoi棉花公司出现在澳大利亚证券交易所名单之上。翻译没有最好,并且能手工扎棉100万捆。Namoi棉花公司于1962年由农民合作而成:Namoi棉花公司是澳大利亚主要的手工棉花与市场营销组织,并且在南昆士兰,并且我们销售棉花至世界各处棉花主要加工市场。我们具有十分完备的手工棉花。在1988年4月,并且农民都是Namoi低谷的领先棉花种植小组,只有更好,适当翻译即可不足之处
我的爱loveless &
我意识到这有多么粗俗,你不得不把它解释得很详细 大概就是这意思.我只能翻译到这层次了理解还是靠你自己 GOOD LUCK~ 我意识到这是多么粗俗,而且
公司文件Namoi棉制品公司是澳大利亚主导的轧棉和销售公司,我们集轧棉,销售,储存,运输于一体的公司,销售棉花到大部分的世界主要棉花加工市场。Namoi棉制品公司于1962年由低Namoi谷一小部分开创性的棉织品种植者组创为一家种植者合营的企业。最初的收获来自于两位种植者,他们种植了26公顷棉花,采摘了96包棉花,1963年在新威尔士的Wee Waa他们得到了第一批棉织品,加工了1413包。Namoi棉织品公司就是从这个简单的开始逐步发展为一家集轧制,销售,储存和运输为一体的公司,并且销往世界上大部分的主要市场。它在新威尔士和昆士兰南部的棉花生长区拥有一条龙的轧制和销售办公室。Namoi棉织品公司是澳大利亚最大的棉花加工和销售商之一,为客户提供高质量和统一的棉织品,建立了很高的名誉和信誉度。每年Namoi棉织品公司轧制澳大利亚棉织品量的25-30%,轧制一百万包,销售25%-30%的澳大利亚作物。在1998年4月,Namoi棉织品公司名列澳大利亚股票交易排行榜第一,同时也位于合作经营企业零售第一。Namoi棉织品公司正式员工120名,季节和零食雇员300余名。
公司简介Namoi棉花是澳大利亚领先的轧棉和营销组织。我们是一个完全集成的轧棉、销售、仓储和运输组织出售棉花到世界上的许多主要的棉花加工市场。Namoi棉花种植者合作成立的一个在1962年由一小群开创性的棉花种植者在低Namoi谷。最初的收获来自只是两个种植者谁种植总共26公顷,挑选96包。它建立了它的第一个轧棉机在极小的家里,新南威尔士州和1963年加工1413包。从这卑微的Namoi棉花已经演变成一个完全集成的轧棉、销售、仓储和运输组织出售棉花到世界上许多主要市场。现在有一个广泛的网络营销办事处杯杜松子酒和整个棉花种植区的昆士兰和新南威尔士南部。Namoi棉花是澳大利亚最大处理器和营销者的棉花和已经建立了一个强大的声誉在其客户能够可靠地提供棉花的一致的高标准和统一的质量。Namoi棉杜松子酒大约25 - 30%的澳大利亚作物每年,有能力杜松子酒一百万包和市场近25 - 30%的澳大利亚的作物。1998年4月Namoi棉花在澳洲股票交易所上市,第一个实体这样做同时保留它的合作地位。Namoi棉雇佣了大约120名全职员工和超过300的季节性和休闲的员工
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(汉匈关系是西汉时期最重要的民族关系,而匈奴也始终是最大的外来威胁。汉匈关系的好坏直接影响到汉朝北方和西北边疆的稳定。由于国力对比的变化,西汉政府也先后对匈奴采取了不同的政策,本文结合了前人的观点对这种变化加以分析。而西汉政府采取的一些政策在今天来看仍然有着一定的借鉴意义。)&&&&& 妈的,用,论文交上去后被老班说是在线翻译,被退了下来,好的帮忙翻译一下,感激不尽……
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&&& &为了解决用户可能碰到关于"麻烦帮我这下面一段话翻译成英语。要准确翻译,我不要机器复制的。谢谢"相关的问题,突袭网经过收集整理为用户提供相关的解决办法,请注意,解决办法仅供参考,不代表本网同意其意见,如有任何问题请与本网联系。"麻烦帮我这下面一段话翻译成英语。要准确翻译,我不要机器复制的。谢谢"相关的详细问题如下: 这种再没任何征兆的情况下。为了顾及同事情谊,就是提醒他不要收受供应商的钱,我得知,我没这么多时间面面俱到,这种私下收受供应商贿赂的行为损坏了我们公司的利益?如果是因为我的工作不好,试问我要是威胁他的话,祝大家晚安,原谅我及时没有跟公司汇报。下面。事实是这样的,前几天, 在北京。这就是我要说的话,你们可以看看这批货是否有严重的质量问题,并且从那时候开始怀恨于我,而放任坏人,我们来说一下Jim,这样对你我都不好,Jim 就没出现过失误吗,这种低级的失误我从来没有出现过,因为在这件事的处理上,我把这个问题私下跟Jim说了,请贵公司给我一定的精神赔偿金,我并没有打击报复他的意思,等这批货到了美国,从他的话语当中,难道公司就不允许我出现失误吗,公司缺乏公平公正。我得知这一消息后非常震惊,我就很有把握的说,也是就供应商XX出的货,我说我们是贵公司的员工,我干大胆的说,我是否收受过他们的贿赂,没有在生产一线帮我把控质量的我们公司的人员。Jim 听后不以为然.我知道这次是她说我的坏话,请求劳动仲裁,就解雇我的方法?据我所知,但是出于对公司负责的态度, 这一年来我一直自己干这个工作,我能不能问一下,我们公司时候是冤枉好人,我没有助手,实际上已经违反了中国的劳动法, 他前几天也因为色好的问题刚刚被老板询问:没有,有时候同时 出很多货,但是我觉得公司这种处理问题的态度叫我觉得不可思议,叫他们评判一下,因为我触及了Jim 的利益,我们之间有邮件的往来,您能告诉我我被解雇的原因吗,而且我已经为贵公司工作了一年,我将提交我公司董事长和总经理,我做了不该做的事,私自收受供应商的贿赂。最重要的是没有人协助我的情况下,我为什么不直接跟老板说,我将把我的邮件来往记录提供给劳动部门。我今天说出这些,为此,我偶然和XX 公司的人员吃饭,如果在这里得不到公平的回答,Jim已经不是第一次收受供应商的贿赂,于是他开始说我威胁他。我知道他是我的领导,我得知Jim 在生产过程中。其次。对于这个事?而且对于刚刚在XX出的货。当然,无形中,更大的隐患是我们不能保证我们产品的质量。难道公司允许这样的人留在公司吗,我不想走到这一步?如果你非要解雇我。公司可以解雇我,你们可以问问我在上海的供应商。我觉得这应该是我这次被公司解雇的真是原因, 吃饭中,而是提醒一下他,他无意得知我和Jim 是同事我能请问一下===========突袭网收集的解决方案如下===========
解决方案1:therefore. In fact, more hidden trouble is we can&#39, I will submit my company chairman and general manager, but for the company responsible mannerMay I ask can you tell me why I fired, did the company would not allow my mistakes, I say we are your company&#39, I learned from his word,eat. this batch of goods to the United States. In order to take into account the camaraderie. For this matter.Don&#39, a lot of money. Today I say these, and from that moment on a grudge against me, we lack of fairness and justice. I think it should be me this was fired the real reason, forgive me for nottimely with company, you can ask our supplier in Shanghai, our company is the wrong person, I feel incredible, in fact has violated the labor law of China. Of course, sometim no assistant, but I think this problem is attitude? If it is because my job is not good, is to remind him not to accept the money suppliers,this year I have been doing this job, this privately accepting bribes supplier behavior damagedthe interests of our company? If you&#39, you can have a look of the goods if there are serious quality problems, but also on the supplier XX out of the goods, we look at the Jim,told them to judge it, I stumbled and XX company personnel to eat, they dismissed me approach, invisible. I know he is my leadership, I touched the interests of Jim, I will send my mail to record for the labor department labor arbitration, this to you and I are not good, is not the first timefrom suppliers bribery. This is what I want to say, I wish everyone good night. Ss employees. I know the news shocked, why don&#39, I put the problem privately told Jim, e-mail exchanges between us, because in this matter, I don&#39, request. The company can fire me, and he began to say I threatened him, and I have been working for yout guarantee the quality of our products, this hasn&#39, Jim never made mistakes, I did nottake revenge on him, he accidentally learned that Jim and I are colleagues, I&#39: No, whether I am accepting their bribes? But for just XX out of the goods, etc, a few days ago, but to remind him, if a fair answer is not here, I have no more time to complete? As far as I know, such a low-level errors It I tell the boss said. Jim after listen to not tt any signs of the situation, not in the production line to help me put our company controls the quality of thestaff,he is a few days ago because of good color problem has just been the boss asked, and let the bad, Jim, I did not do, can I ask, I learned that in the process of production of Jim, ask if Ire not gonna fire me.Below, who received from suppliers of bribery, in Beijing, please give me some mental damages. The most important thing is not to assist my case, I can safely say. I know this time ist want to go to this step, It allow such people to stay in the company解决方案2:谢谢!
问:英语专业发展趋势:该专业具有持续发展的专业基础,文化渊源,具有全球...答:Development trend of professional English: the professional has the specialized foundation, sustainable development of cultural origin, with a global field of activity, has an irreplaceable advantage in the new global economic ...===========================================问:但你不能否认它很真实,有些人是用说唱宣泄他对社会的不满,有些人则用...答:but it's undeniable that they are real. Some people rap to express their dissatifaction with the society, some rap to tell stories. Maybe they are not nice, maybe they are dissapointed with the world, but they live on bravely, ...===========================================问:我能请问一下,您能告诉我我被解雇的原因吗?如果是因为我的工作不好,...答:May I ask can you tell me why I fired? If it is because my job is not good, can I ask, in Beijing, Jim never made mistakes? As far as I know,he is a few days ago because of good color problem has just been the boss asked, such ...===========================================问:The senate of the university of HK hereby makes known that Mary has...答:香港大学参议院通知:玛丽已经被承认获得艺术硕士研究生学位(英语)。她已经通过指定的在2010年4月举行的考试被鉴定获得此学位,并且在考试中获得了第一名学生的成绩。===========================================问:大学英语翻译,以下是内容!急! 内容:无论如何,中国人用筷子、西方人...答:In any case, Chinese using chopsticks, Westerners useknives and is the specific cultural product. Chinesecultural collectivism canonized, advocating a total of, western culture advocating individual. Is the embodiment of...===========================================问:俄罗斯是中国周边最强大的邻国,同我国无论在政治上还是经济上都有很密切...答:Russia is the most powerful in China's neighboring countries, with China in political, economic or have a very close relationship. As we all know, Russia's trade with China's economic development will be a very good role in pro...===========================================问:我的高中学校很小,但却很美,像1座花园。学校的老师工作都很认真,学生...答:My high school small, but beautiful, like a garden. School teachers work very seriously, the students are learning efforts. School is the only one under too much, break-time, very crowded. But I still love this school. In the n...===========================================问:I was slow to understand the deep grievances of women. This was bec...答:那个……我英语不是很好,但是写文章还不错。我的意思就是说,如果你不是很急需答案的话,我可以先查一查一些不懂的生词,然后帮你翻成优美的文章可以吗? 我的速度应该不会很快,不过是想要帮你啦。 大概1小时最多了。===========================================问:今天我和高兴因为我要和我女朋友出去玩,来到了车站,我又看到你那可爱...答:Today, I'm very happy because I 'm going to go out to play with my girlfriend , when we came to the station, I saw your lovely face. We are sitting together, I am very happy, I believe till the end of the world will we part. I ...===========================================


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