
初二英语作文 我对英语的看法 还有翻译
初二英语作文 我对英语的看法 还有翻译
学个英语有什么用额。反我学了这么多年一直没用上过,纯属浪费财力物力以及人力。有必要普及英语么?看一看现在大学毕业之后的人们,真正能用得上英语的有几人?所以,个人认为普及英语就是国家政策的一个重大的失误。学生们把学习精力的70%都放在了英语之上,更有一些同学说英语比说国语更流利,语法错误更少,请问你还敢说自己是个中国人么?不知道人们注意到没有,学习英语的人中有80%都是为了一个成绩,学完以后就束之高阁了,在以后的生活之中更是毫无用武之地。那为什么不把英语算作一门选修课呢?有兴趣爱好的同学自然会去学,而学了半天也学不会的同学也就没有必要去学习英语了。有人又说,选修英语等于不修。这点我看则不然,首先在于兴趣,有兴趣的人自然会去学习。我敢说现在从事英语工作靠英语吃饭的人都是对英语感兴趣的人。那些迫不得已因为毕业需要、就业需要而学英语的人达到目的之后又有几人在一年之内再碰过一次英语单词?再说一说过早强迫学习英语对于小孩子们的影响。说一句中国话里面掺杂几个英文单词现在几乎已经成为时尚了,这样的说话方式到底美在哪里?显得很有学问?我倒是想问一问,你说的到底是国语还是英语。我觉得造就现在所谓的中国式英语语法的一部分原因就在于此。翻译:What's the use of learning English. Against I learned over the years has been useless, is a waste of resources and manpower. It is necessary to popularize English? Take a look at the people after graduating from college, now there are a few people really can use English? Spread English so, personally think that is a major national policy mistakes. 70% of the students to study the energy on English, there are some of my classmates speak English more than Chinese more fluently, less grammar mistakes, do you still dare to say oneself is a Chinese? Don't know if you notice, 80% of people are learning English to a result, learned later shelved, in later life is no use. Why not take English as an elective course?Students have interests and hobbies will naturally to study, and learn the along while also won't classmates there would be no need to go to learn English. Someone said, study English is not. Which I see not, first of all is to interest, people will naturally interested in to learn. I dare say, engaged in English work on dinner now are interested in English. Needs the necessity for graduation, employment, and to learn English to several people within a year after again met an English word? Say say early forced to learn English for children. Said Chinese maxim doped inside a few English words almost has become a fashion now, so speak what beauty in where? Seem to be very learned? I'd like to ask, what you said is mandarin or English. I think make now the so-called chinglish grammar that is part of the reason.
来源:  15:50:31 【】 
  I was &in a small village, so that my childhood mostly spent in countryside. Althought the condistions were not so good, my childhood was happy and interesting. At that time, we didn't have much money to buy toies. Therefore, almost all of my toies were made by myselfe or my mates. Sometimes, my father would make some toies for me. Besides, because my parents were busy with their farmwork, I usually helped them do some work after school, especially the housework. I wanted to relieve some burden of them. I was happy in my childhood. Even now, I usually recall the beautiful memories of my childhood.1&&&
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