—ino wonderr why Bill ...

The Answer Sheet
- Ravitch answers Gates
& & & The Answer Sheet&
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In-depth coverage:
"It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education."
Learn everything you need to stay sane during the school years with veteran education writer Valerie Strauss and her guests.
Valerie Strauss
In a paean to Bill Gates,
the Microsoft founder's "chief adversary."
It's the world's richest (or second richest) man vs. an education historian and New York University research professor.
Gates, through his philanthropic foundation,
in education experiments and now has a pivotal role in reform efforts. Ravitch, the author of the bestselling The Death and Life of the Great American School System, has become the most vocal opponent of
the Obama administration's education policy. She says Gates is backing the wrong initiatives and harming public schools.
In the Newsweek piece, Gates poses some questions aimed at Ravitch. I asked her to answer them. Below are the questions Gates asked, in bold, and the answers, in italics, that Ravitch provided in an email.
Gates: “Does she like the status quo?"
Ravitch: "No, I certainly don't like the status quo. I don't like the attacks on teachers, I don't like the attacks on the educators who work in our schools day in and day out, I don't like the phony solutions that are now put forward that won't improve our schools at all. I am not at all content with the quality of American education in general, and I have expressed my criticisms over many years, long before Bill Gates decided to make education his project. I think American children need not only testing in basic skills, but an education that includes the arts, literature, the sciences, history, geography, civics, foreign languages, economics, and physical education.
"I don't hear any of the corporate reformers expressing concern about the way standardized testing narrows the curriculum, the way it rewards convergent thinking and punishes divergent thinking, the way it stamps out creativity and originality. I don't hear any of them worried that a generation will grow up ignorant of history and the workings of government. I don't hear any of them putting up $100 million to make sure that every child has the chance to learn to play a musical instrument. All I hear from them is a demand for higher test scores and a demand to tie teachers' evaluations to those test scores. That is not going to improve education."
Gates: "Is she sticking up for decline?"
Ravitch: "Of course not! If we follow Bill Gates' demand to judge teachers by test scores, we will see stagnation, and he will blame it on teachers. We will see stagnation because a relentless focus on test scores in reading and math will inevitably narrow the curriculum only to what is tested. This is not good education.
"Last week, he said in a speech that teachers should not be paid more for experience and graduate degrees. I wonder why a man of his vast wealth spends so much time trying to figure out how to cut teachers' pay. Does he truly believe that our nation's schools will get better if we have teachers with less education and less experience? Who does he listen to? He needs to get himself a smarter set of advisers.
"Of course, we need to make teaching a profession that attracts and retains wonderful teachers, but the current anti-teacher rhetoric emanating from him and his confreres demonizes and demoralizes even the best teachers. I have gotten letters from many teachers who tell me that they have had it, they have never
and I have also met young people who tell me that the current poisonous atmosphere has persuaded them not to become teachers. Why doesn't he make speeches thanking the people who work so hard day after day, educating our nation's children, often in difficult working conditions, most of whom earn less than he pays his secretaries at Microsoft?"
Gates: "Does she really like 400-page [union] contracts?"
Ravitch: "Does Bill Gates realize that every contract is signed by two parties: management and labor? Why does management agree to 400-page contracts? I don't know how many pages should be in a union contract, but I do believe that teachers should be evaluated by competent supervisors before they receive tenure (i.e., the right to due process).
"Once they have due process rights, they have the right to a hearing when someone wants to fire them. The reason for due process rights is that teachers in the past have been fired because of their race, their religion, their sexual orientation, or because they did not make a political contribution to the right campaign, or for some other reason not related to their competence.
"Gates probably doesn't know this, but 50% of all those who enter teaching leave within the first five years. Our biggest problem is not getting rid of deadbeats, but recruiting, retaining, and supporting teachers. We have to replace 300,000 teachers (of nearly 4 million) every single year. What are his ideas about how to do this?"
Gates: "Does she think all those ‘dropout factories’ are lonely?"
Ravitch: "This may come as a surprise to Bill Gates, but the schools he refers to as "dropout factories" enroll large numbers of high-need students. Many of them don't speak or read E many of them enter high school three and four grade levels behind. He assumes the schools created the proble but in many cases, the schools he calls "dropout factories" are filled with heroic teachers and administrators trying their best to help kids who have massive learning problems.
"Unless someone from the district or the state actually goes into the schools and does a diagnostic evaluation, it is unfair to stigmatize the schools with the largest numbers of students who are English-language learners, special-education, and far behind in their learning. That's like saying that an oncologist is not as good a doctor as a dermatologist because so many of his patients die. Mr. Gates, first establish the risk factor before throwing around the labels and closing down schools."
Gates: "If there’s some other magic way to reduce the dropout rate, we’re all ears.”
Ravitch: "Here's the sad truth: There is no magic way to reduce the dropout rate. It involves looking at the reasons students leave school, as well as the conditions in which they live. The single biggest correlate with low academic achievement (contrary to the film Waiting for Superman) is poverty. Children who grow up in poverty get less medical care. worse nutrition, less exposure to knowledge and vocabulary, and are more likely to be exposed to childhood diseases, violence, drugs, and abuse. They are more likely to have relatives who are incarcerated. They are more likely to live in economic insecurity, not knowing if there is enough money for a winter coat or food or housing. This affects their academic performance. They tend to have lower attendance and to be sick more than children whose parents are well-off.
"The United States today has a child poverty rate of over 20%, and it is rising. This is a national scandal. The film compares us to Finland, but doesn't mention that their child poverty rate is under 5%. Mr. Gates, why don't you address the root causes of low academic achievement, which is not 'bad teachers,' but poverty. It won't involve magic, but it would certainly require the best thinking that you can assemble. And if anyone can afford to do it, surely you can.
I don't mean to suggest that schools as they are now are just fine: They are not. Every school should have a rich and many don't.
Every child should look forward to coming to school, for his or her favorite studies and activities, but those are the very studies and activities likely to lose out to endless test preparation. Schools need many things: Some need more resources and better conditions for t all need a stable, experienced staff. Teachers need opportunities for intellectual growth and colleagueship. Tests should be used diagnostically, to help students and teachers, not to allocate bonuses and punishments. Teachers, principals, administrators, parents, and local communities should collaborate to create caring communities, and that's happening in many places. I know that none of this is the "magic way" that you are looking for, Mr. Gates, but any educator will tell you that education is a slow, laborious process that requires good teachers, able leadership, willing students, a strong curriculum, and willing students. None of that happens magically."
I also asked Ravitch about her reaction to the strange comparison Alter made in calling her "the Whittaker Chambers of school reform." She wrote:
"I wondered if Alter knows much about history. Whittaker Chambers renounced Communism and embraced American patriotism. Was Alter suggesting that Bill Gates is the Alger Hiss of school reform? I thought it was a weird analogy.
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Valerie Strauss
&|&November 30, 2010;
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Posted by: Nikki1231 | November 30,
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Posted by: axolotl | November 30,
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Posted by: DHume1 | November 30,
Posted by: core4all | November 30,
Posted by: buckbuck11 | November 30,
Posted by: educationlover54 | November 30,
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Posted by: skrashen | November 30,
Posted by: FYIColumbiaMD | November 30,
Posted by: Critical74 | November 30,
Posted by: trace1 | November 30,
Posted by: MathEdReseacher | November 30,
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Posted by: mcstowy | November 30,
Posted by: nfsbrrpkk | November 30,
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Posted by: FYIColumbiaMD | November 30,
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Posted by: axolotl | November 30,
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Posted by: lacy4 | November 30,
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Posted by: jlp19 | December
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The comments to this entry are closed.We mostly talked about our sex life…and why I didn’t like it so much.
"When I told my cellmates I refused to do a suicide attack, none of them could understand why I didn't do it, " said Mohammad.
“I had been looking for my cell phone for three days and would you believe I found it laying on the counter in plain sight?, ” Sabin says. “There it was and I thought why didn’t I see it before?”
"Conley kept saying over and over again, 'I didn't see anything, I don't know why I didn't see anything, I wish I had seen something,'" Lehr says.
If you wonder why I didn't nest firstName, lastName, and title elements within the name element, read the
last paragraph again.
如果还不明白为何不在name元素中嵌套firstName、lastName以及title元素,请仔细阅读 上一段。
Along with the stories of me being adopted and all our relatives being able to do magic except me, my sister convinced me of another reason why I didn’t belong in the family.
That would explain why I didn't get a fraud call when I bought gas more recently in rural Pennsylvania.
I explained for the umpteenth time why I didn’t support the bill.
It’s why I didn’t quit several months ago, when my blogging income was sufficient.
"The World Cup has been my end of season objective and that is why I didn't give it my all," said Liu.
The irony was that the reason why I didn’t get that job was because the company felt that I wouldn’t have enough time based on my existing job in the wedding industry.
He asked me why I didn't drink or sleep with anybody.
The father muttered, Wonder why I didn't think of that one in my courting days!
I don't know why I didn't tell [Noel]about David.
I don't know why I didn't think of it. It seems so simple now.
This week my kids and I have done so many fun and educational things together I am in wonderment about why I didn’t take this approach before.
Chen Jiagang: So where is the problem? Why I didn't adopt this method. It was very hard to complete a whole story with only one photograph.
I left you by the house of fun, I don't know why I didn't come.
Miguel: OK. But I wonder why you didn't go out with one of your girlfriends .
I'm embarrassed to admit this because it sounds so unprofessional, but I became fascinated by Egypt and I wanted to know why I didn't know anything about it.
I waited 'til I saw the sun, I don't know why I didn't come.
This week my kids and I have done so many fun and educational things together I am in wonderment about why I didn't take this approach before.
I waited 'til I saw the sun, I don't know why I didn't come.
I waited 'til I saw the sun, I don't know why I didn't come.
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感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!Music from
including Music from World War I ()
Music from including
When it is known, the full name of the writers are used, as well as their birth and death years. Besides online sources for some of these songs, several songbook collections of the original sheetmusic are available, listed at the bottom of this page.
A Bird in a Gilded Cage
A Twilight Call
[pseud. for Mrs. Harriot Nevada (Hicks) Woodbury, ]
[pseud. for Mrs. Harriot Nevada (Hicks) Woodbury, ]
Coon! Coon! Coon!
Good-Bye Dolly Gray
Give Us Just Another Lincoln
I Send My Heart up to Thee!
, (from Three Browning Songs, Op. 44 [No. 3])
I'm Certainly Living a Rag-Time Life
Just Because She Made Them Goo-Goo Eyes
Strike Up the B or, Here Comes a Sailor
Tell Me Pretty Maiden (English Girls and Clerks) (featured in Florodora)
The Maid of Mexico, or Down on the Rio Grande
[pseud. for Mrs. Harriot Nevada (Hicks) Woodbury, ]
[pseud. for Mrs. Harriot Nevada (Hicks) Woodbury, ]
The Blue and the G or, The Mother's Gift to Her Country
The Year's at the Spring
, (from Three Browning Songs, Op. 44 [No. 1])
Bob White - Quail Song (from the Pastoral Comedy Opera Miss Bob White)
Hello Central, Give Me Heaven
Charles K. Harris, (arr. )
Hymn of Trust (Opus 13 with Violin ad lib.)
Mrs. H.H.A. Beach [, ]
Mighty Lak' a Rose [6 Sep]
My Old Virginia Home
O Dry Those Tears! (Song)
She's Getting Mo' Like the White Folks Every Day
The Tie That Binds
United Confederate Veterans March
Yale Boola! (March and Two Step)
Allan M. Hirsh, (arr.
[pseud. for Helen Guy]
Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home?
Down Where the Wurzburger Flows
Emalyne My Pretty Valentine
Foxy Grandpa [25 May]
I Wonder Why Bill Bailey Don't Come Home
In the Good Old Summer Time
On a Sunday Afternoon
Please Let Me Sleep
R. C. McPherson
James T. Brymn
Under the Bamboo Tree
The Glow-Worm ['Gluhwurmchen Idyl' from Lysistrata]
(original German words by Heinz Bolten-Backers, )
Bedelia (The Irish Coon Song Serenade)
Dear Old Girl
Richard Henry Buck,
Theodore F. Morse
Hiawatha (His Song to Minnehaha)
Ida! Sweet as Apple Cider
Harry H. Williams
Egbert Van Alstyne
Thunder and Blazes March (Entry of the Gladiators) [Opus 68]
, (); revised and fingered by Maurice Gould
Under the Anheuser Bush
You're the Flower of My Heart, Sweet Adeline [Nov. 18]
Andrew B. Sterling,
Harry Von Tilzer,
Give My Regards to Broadway
Good Bye My Lady Love
Joseph E. Howard,
Joseph E. Howard, (arr. Albert La Rue)
Mammy's Lullaby
, from "Bandanna Ballads"
Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis
She's Gone to the Land of Santa Claus
Richard C. McPherson,
Albert Von Tilzer,
The Preacher and the Bear
Joseph Arzonia (pseud. for , )
Joseph Arzonia (pseud. for , )
The Yankee Doodle Boy (from the play Little Johnnie Jones)
Every Dollar Carries Trouble of Its Own
[Bert Leighton, ; James Albert Leighton, ]
[Bert Leighton, ; James Albert Leighton, ]
Everybody Works But Father
Forty-five Minutes from Broadway
George Michael Cohan,
George Michael Cohan,
I Don't Care
Jean Lenox
Harry O. Sutton
In My Merry Oldsmobile [12 Jun]
In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree
, ????-1930
Egbert Van A arr. for Male Quartet Chorus by
Mary's a Grand Old Name (from the musical play Forty-Five Minutes from Broadway) [3 Oct.]
Mother, Pin a Rose on Me
Dave Lewis
Paul Schindler and Bob Adams
My Gal Sal [6 Mar.]
Alex Rogers
Bert A. Williams
Somebody's Sweetheart I Want to Be
The Whistler and His Dog (Caprice)
Wait 'till the Sun Shines, Nellie
Where the River Shannon Flows
James I. Russell
James I. Russell
Will You Love Me in December As You Do in May?
At Dawning (I Love You) (for Lower Voice, in F) (Op. 29, No. 1)
I Don't Like Your Family (No. 1 from The Time, The Place & The Girl)
I Love a L or, Ma Scotch Bluebell
Harry Lauder
Gerald Grafton
Love Me, and the World Is Mine
Dave Reed, Jr.
Ernest R. Ball,
March On (Hymn)
San Francisco
The Bird on Nellie's Hat
Arthur J. Lamb,
Alfred Solman
Waiting at the C or, My Wife Won't Let Me
Fred W. Leigh
Henry E. Pether
Waltz Around Again W or, 'Round, 'Round, 'Round
Will D. Cobb,
Ren Shields,
Won't You Come Over to My House
You're a Grand Old Flag (from the Musical Play George Washington Jr.) [aka "... Rag" 19 J 6 Jun]
Anchor's Aweigh
Anchors Aweigh [Popular Edition]
; Revised Melody by D. Sorvino
Chain of Love (No. 113 from Hymns We Love)
George Michael Cohan,
George Michael Cohan,
On the Merry-Go-Round
On the Road Called Santa Fe
The Story That Never Grows Old (Ballad)
The Teddy Bears Picnic (Characteristic March Two-Step) (aka Teddy Bears Picnic
Cuddle Up a Little Closer, Lovely Mine
Daisies Won't Tell (Song) (Companion Piece o Sweet Bunch of Daisies)
Have You Seen My Pussy Cat?
I Need the Prayers (Hymn)
I Shall Be At Home With Jesus (Hymn)
On the Road to Mandalay
Shine On, Harvest Moon
Take Me Out To The Ball Game [2 May]
By the Light of the Silvery Moon [19 Aug]
Casey Jones (The Brave Engineer) (Comedy Railroad Song) [7 Apr]
From the Land of the Sky-Blue Water (No. 4 from Omaha Tribal melodies collected by Alice C. Fletcher)
, , Op. 45, No. 1
I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now (from the Musical Comedy The Prince of To-Night) [1 Feb]
On, Wisconsin! (March-Song and Two-Step) [1909; 10 Oct 1910]
America the Beautiful [25 Oct.]
(), 1882 (originaly called Materna)
Down By the Old Mill Stream [12 Aug]
Let Me Call You Sweetheart [8 Apr]
Put Your Arms Around Me, Honey (I Never Knew Any Girl Like You) [15 Sep]
Skid-dy-mer-rink-adink-aboomp (Means I Love You)(aka Skiddy-Mer-Rink-A-Doo)
Steamboat Bill [17 Nov.]
[Bert Leighton, ;
other brother's info unknown]
The Harp at Midnight (Nocturne)
Washington and Lee Swing
Where Is My Mama
Alexander's Ragtime Band [18 Mar.]
I Want a Girl (Just Like the Girl That Married Dear Old Dad) [1 May]
Little Grey Home in the West (Song) [30 Oct]
Oh You Beautiful Doll (Song)
Be My Little Baby Bumble Bee (Song)
Frankie and Johnny or You'll Miss Me in the Days to Come
[Bert Leighton, ]
It's a Long, Long Way to Tipperary
Moonlight Bay
When Irish Eyes Are Smiling (from The Isle O'Dreams) [12 Aug]
When Johnson's Quartet Harmonize
When the Midnight Choo-Choo Leaves for Alabam'
Ballin' the Jack
I Love the Whole United States
If I Had My Way (Ballad)
Low Bridge! Everybody Down or Fifteen Miles on the Erie Canal [composed in 1905]
Peg O' My Heart
The Purple and White
There'a A Long, Long Trail (Song)
To-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Rall (That's an Irish Lullaby) (from Shameen Dhu) [14 Jul]
You Made Me Love You (I Didn't Want to Do It) [13 Apr) (from The Honeymoon Express)
A Little Bit of Heaven, Sure They Call It Ireland (How Ireland Got Its Name) (from The Heart of Paddy Wack) [29 Jun]
Back Back Back to Indiana (Song)
By the Beautiful Sea
Keep the Home-Fires Burning (Till the Boys Come Home) [15 Oct.]
Ivor Novello [pseud. for , ]
Missouri Waltz(Hush-a-Bye, Ma Baby)
MArranged for piano by Frederick Knight Logan
The Aba Daba Honeymoon
When You Wore a Tulip and I Wore a Big Red Rose [13 Jul]
Are You From Dixie? (Cause I's From Dixie Too!)
Battle in the Sky (Marche Militaire)
Fascination (from A World of Pleasure)
I Didn't Raise My Boy to Be a Soldier
Ivory Palaces [Hymn]
Nola (A Silhouette for the Piano) [24 Mar 1915; published 24 Nov 1916]
Pick Up Your Troubles in Your Old Bag-Kit and Smile, Smile, Smile
[pseud. for George Henry Powell]
, 18??-1942
Thank God for a Garden (Song)
When the Lusitania Went Down
Arrah Go On, I'm Gonna Go Back to Oregon
Colonel Bogey (March) (Piano Solo) [23 Mar]
Kenneth J. Alford
(alias for ,
If You Were the Only Girl in the World (Sung by Violet Lorraine and George Robey) (from The Bing Boys Are Here)
Li'l Liza Jane (Southern Dialect Song) (used in the Three Act Comedy Come Out of the Kitchen)
Mother's Good Night Song
Pretty Baby (Song) (from The Passing Show of 1916)
The Hero of the European War
The Story of a Soul (for Male or Mixed Quartette)
Billy Boy (Patriotic Song)
Old Negro M Arranged by ,
For Me and My Gal [24 Jan]
Good-bye Broadway, Hello France! (from Passing Show of 1917 at N.Y. Winter Garden)
Hail! Hail! The Gang's All Here(What the -Duece- Do We Care)
It's Time for Ev'ry Boy to Be a Soldier
Mr. Jazz, Himself
Oh Johnny, Oh Johnny! Oh! (from Nora Bayes' Production of Songs as is and Songs as was) [5 Feb]
Over There
The Battle Song of Liberty
(set to the the music of Our Director; vocal adaptation by George L. Cobb
The Darktown Strutters' Ball ("I'll Be Down to Get You in a Taxi, Honey") [18 Jan]
To Helen (for Baritone and Piano) (from Four Poems By Edgar Allan Poe)
, Opus 16, No. 1
A Beautiful Life (Hymn)
(aka Golding),
(aka Golding),
Good Morning, Mr. Zip-Zip-Zip!
I'm Always Chasing Rainbows [from the Musical Comedy Oh Look!]
, ; first 12-bars of Chorus from the slow theme of Frederic Chopin's Fantasy-Impromptu, Op. 66 (1835)
In Flanders Fields the Poppies Grow
Ja-Da (Ja Da, Ja Da, Jing Jing, Jing!)
, (1894 or 1896 to 1956)
, (1894 or 1896 to 1956)
Keep the Trench Fires Going for the Boys Out There
Madelon (I'll Be True to the Whole Regiment)
; Trans. by Alfred Bryan
; Arr. for piano solo by J. Bodewalt Lampe
Oh! How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning
Over The Sea, Boys
Rock-a-Bye Your Baby With a Dixie Melody
Somebody Stole My Gal
The Caissons Go Rolling Along [(written in 1907) 22 Jan 1918 for orch.; 26 Feb 1918 for mil. 27 Feb 1918 for piano (w/words); re-pub. in 1921]
The Yanks With the Tanks (Will Go Through the German Ranks)
Till We Meet Again (Song [Duet]) [30 Aug]
We Don't Want the Bacon (What we want is a piece of the Rhine)
When Pershing's Men Go Marching Into Picardy
Whiffenpoof Song (from The New Yale Song-Book) [2 Jul]
[originally the melody from
by Guy H. Scull, , was
written to accompany Rudyard Kipling's poem "Gentlemen-rankers"];
[adapted] by ,
[End of World War I: 11 November 1918]
A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody
Bluin' the Blues (Song and Fox Trot)
Cielito Lindo (Beautiful Heaven) [] []
[psued. for Quirino Mendoza y Cortes, ]; English adapt. by Jerry Castillo
[psued. for Quirino Mendoza y Cortes, ]; arranged by Jerry Castillo (and Bob Kaai)
Dardanella (Song)
How 'Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down on the Farm? (After They've Seen Paree)
I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles (Song) [from The Passing Show of 1919]
John Barleycorn Goodbye
Let the Rest of the World Go By (Ballad)
There's a Girl in Chateau Thierry
Art Hickman and Ben Black
Art Hickman and Ben Black
I'll Be With You in Apple Blossom Time
Look for the Silver Lining (Duet for Blair and Sally) (No. 4, from Sally)
Margie [3 Nov]
Tell It Everywhere You Go (Hymn)
The American Legion (One Step March)
[alias for Harry James Lincoln, +]
Whispering [22 Jul]
[Richard Coburn aka Frank S. de Long (); and Vincent Rose ()]
Ain't We Got Fun (Song) (Introduced by Arthur West in Franchon and Marco Satires of 1920)
All By Myself
April Showers (No. 3 of 7 from the Musical Extravaganza Bombo)
Beneath the Spanish Moon (Fox Trot Song) (Quartet for Mixed Voices)
"Ma" [aka Ma! He's Making Eyes at Me]
[alias for Conrad K. Dover, ]
Second Hand Rose (from Ziegfeld's Follies of 1921)
Three O'Clock in the Morning [(in 1919 for) 3 Jun 1921; 27 Jan 1922)]
(pseud. for Dolly Morse, )
, ; revised by Frank E. Barry
Angel Child
George Price, Abner Silver, Benny Davis
George Price, Abner Silver, Benny Davis
Carolina in the Moring (Song)
"Chicago" That Toddling Town
Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Shean
Ed Gallagher and Al Shean
Ed Gallagher and Al Shean
Toot, Toot, Toosie (Goo' Bye) (A Cute Fox Trot Song)
YES! We Have No Bananas [23 Mar]
&&&&Several notable Dover Publications of original sheetmusic songbooks are recommended which are listed below.
[] : Song Hits from the Turn of the Century: Complete Original Sheet Music for 25 Songs Edited by Paul Charosh & Robert A. Fremont, ISBN 0-486-23158-5
[] 1973: Favorite Songs of the Nineties: Complete Original Sheet Music for 89 Songs Edited by Robert A. Fremont, ISBN 0-486-21536-9
[] 1991: American Art Songs of the Turn of the Century Edited by Paul Sperry, ISBN 0-486-26749-0
[] 1971: Trust Me With Your Heart Again: A Fireside Treasury of Turn-of-the-Century Sheet Music [56 songs] Collected by Norton Stillman, [New York: Simon and Schuster], SBN 671-21037-8 [LCCN# 70-159138]
[] 1989: &Alexander's Ragtime Band& and Other Favorite Song Hits,
Edited by David A. Jasen, ISBN 0-486-25331-7
[] 1984: &Take Me Out to the Ball Game& and Other Favorite Song Hits
Edited by Lester S. Levy, ISBN 0-486-24662-0
[] 1989: &Peg o' My Heart& and Other Favorite Song Hits 1912 & 1913 Edited by Stan Appelbaum, ISBN 0-486-25998-6
[: &The Saint Louis Blues& and Other Song Hits of 1914 Edited by Sandy Marrone, ISBN 0-486-26383-5
[] 1994: &For Me and My Gal& and Other Favorite Song Hits,
Edited by David A. Jasen
[] 1997: &A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody& and Other Favorite Song Hits,
Edited by David A. Jasen, ISBN 0-486-29451-8
Webpage contents and all MIDI files are
Copyright &
All Rights Reserved.
Created 14 March 1999.
Last updated 17 January 2015.


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