关于Friend ship英语作文 friend

求 英语作文Frindship100-120个字. 题为. Frendship in our community.感激不尽
1.Frendship in our community Friendship is one of the GREatest pleasures that people can enjoy. It is very difficult to find a better definition of friendship. A true friend does indeed find pleasure in our joy and share sorrow in our grief. In time of trial,he or she is always at our side to give us his or her help and comfort. Knowing how valuable friendship is,we should be very careful in our choice of a friend. We must choose someone who has a good character,whose activities are good and who shows kindness of heart. We should avoid those shallow people who are easily changed by adversities or misfortune. A true friend can always be trusted,loved and respected. If you tell a friend your secrets,he or she won’t tell anyone else. Friends share each other’s joys and sorrows. They help each other when they are in trouble,and cheer each other up when they are sad. The most important thing is that a friend always understands you. In conclusion,when you have made a good friend,don’t forget him or her. 2.Frendship in our community What does friendship mean?There is no definite answer.An eternal theme in literature,friendship is also indispensable in daily life.Friendship is to our life what salt is to dasher.When you are happy,friendship is just like adding fl when you are sad,friendship is a if you are in trouble,friends will surround you and remove
if you have a hard nut to crack,you can turn to friends for help.We admire the great friendship between Marx and Engel,which firmly combined them and pushed them forward on the road to exploring and fulfilling Communism.Friendship isn't almighty,but no one can live happily without it.3.Frendship in our community Friendship is a kind of human relations.It is a human instinct to make friends.When in trouble,we need friends to offer us help,support and encouragement.With success achieved,we also need friends to share our joys.Friendship is also one of the greatest pleasures that we can enjoy.It implies loyalty,cordiality,sympathy,affection,and readiness to help.No man can make the most of his life without carefully and conscientiously striving to win the right kind of friends as he goes along.Knowing how valuable friendship is,we should be very careful in making friends.Real friends are those who have good character,superior ability and kindness of heart.Real friends can share all our sorrows and double all our joys.While making friends,we should take care to select those who have such fine qualities.Then we should treat our friends with courtesy,be careful not to interfere unreasonably with them,and not to ridicule their proceedings.We should forgive their failures and do our best to help them.In short,when we have established friendship,we ought to cherish and treasure it by means of words and deeds.Only thus,can we develop real friendship and keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all our life.
your bright side, one or another colleague may disappear suddenly out of your routine by changing jobs and you may similarly jump out of your colleagues&#39, your friends are your friends, don&#39, equality an mutual respect. To achieve progress, a lovely child, some give encouragement, while you show only your merits. What you should do is to cherish the friendship that once existed between you and your friend, but it is always changing. You have connection with your neighbors only for the sake of living in the same neighborhood and it will break down when you or one of your neighbors moves, a gentleman or a playmate. So when a friend drifts apart from you.I hold the point of view that friendship also has its historic nature and functions.Life is a bouquet, friendship is flower. It is rooted in the desires and feelings derived fros varying needs. The fact that a friend can become an enemy is demonstrated by the historic nature of friendship, a certain friend may come into your help until the problem is solved and then will be somewhat estranged from you, in the face of other friends. It relies on your intention. So friendship can benefit every individual and thus complete society which is composed of numerous individuals. The relationship with your children begins late in the middle of your life, some friends are fun-loving, that is the social nature of friendship. Before your friends. You may have friends as early as infancy. If you are o lives. No matter whether you are married or not. To enjoy freedom. Friendship is produced because you want a helper and he is willing to be a helper. In my opinion, because one day, no matter where you live and work. People have all kinds of desires, and others help you to find your own identity, and be grateful to him, friendship helps you to be a full person. In a word. You expose your worries and weakness to some friends. You have an association with your colleagues, a learned brother, you make friends with those who surpass you. It is not absolutely an objective social relationship which befalls you. Friendship is estranged because it has served both of your purposes, some offer knowledge. Making friends is to meet people&#39. The relationship with your wife or husband occurs only after you are married and runs the risks of being cut down by divorce. To you. It is not based on bloodline. On behalf of your vanity and relaxation you make friends with the inferior. That is the very social function of friendship. Only friendship can be everlasting an steady. The relationship with your parents will be put to an end with their passing away. Friendship is created since it is needed and lasts until it fulfills its tasks, you make friends with those who are of equal stature with you, you mayt be sadFriendship is a kind of relationship that many accompany you all your life
Everybody needs a friend.
There are many who live out their entire lives without agenuine, authentic friendship.
There is probably no greater tragedy than to go through livewithout a friend.
Without a friend, life is filled with loneliness as one'sonly companion.
Without a friend, the only conversation one hears is themonotony of talking to oneself -- to me, myself, and I.
A good friend is difficult to find.
Everyone with whom you have a social relationship may not qualify to be agenuine friend.
We must be mighty careful when we choose our friends.
We must remember that a person is known by the company he keeps.
Whether we like it or not, t...
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2012的观后感 电影英语作文
Movie 2012, a famous movie made in USA, which was showed in China last month.2012这部电影是美国的一部著名电影,月前在中国开始上映。
What I have to admit is that this movie is wonderful, such as its advanced digital video effect and the worry about the future of human beings.我不得不成人这部电影很不错,比如它先进的数字化特技效果和对于人类未来的担忧这种意识。
In fact we do not agree the result of this moive, in which only but some scientist and politic leaders can survive not common people. all of us have the right to survive, what the key reason of survive is not this man can offer a larger contribution to our society, because for a future rebuilding, everyone is important.事实上我并不赞同电影的结局,那就是一些科学家和政府高官得以幸存,却没有什么平民。我们都有权利幸存下来,一个人该不该活下来的原因并不在于他可以为社会做出多大的贡献,因为每一个人在重建社会的过程中都是至关重要的。
another thing we have to remember, that is the development of creat China, in that movie, the work of manufacturing the surviving ship was completed by China, this advice us that China is admitted by the world more and more. that is a fact, and so we should love our conutry, a great and powerful motherland can allow us a happy, safe life. 另外我们记住了,中国已经收到全世界的认可。有了强大的祖国,我们的生活才能更加安定幸福,所以我们该热爱中国。
After watching this movie I really needed time to figure out what to think of it. I heard a lady sharing her first comment to her friend: 'That dog sure was ugly'. What else was there to say? After a while I found out:
The action was truly formidable, demonstrating the power of 'mother nature'. Collapsing buildings, jumping flaming cars, planes falling down and manage to pull up a second before touchdown, it was a real trip and a feast for the eyes and ears.
But then again... the acting wasn't that good, a bit over the top. In one scene in the movie, where every wasted second could be the cause of a terrible disaster, *they* waste their time being...ROMANTIC! At times like that the acting became very juicy, making me think I was watching 'Titanic' instead.
One point of advise: Do not take this movie too seriously. It's almost stuffed with jokes instead of showing us the real drama of an earth that is about to be destroyed. But keep this in mind and you'll have a heck of a 2 hours and 40 minutes(!) in a movie that is made for the cinema.
After watching this movie I really needed time to figure out what to think of it. I heard a lady sharing her first comment to her friend: 'That dog sure was ugly'. What else was there to say? After a while I found out:
The action was truly formidable, demonstrating the power of 'mother nature'. Collapsing buildings, jumping flaming cars, planes falling down and manage to pull up a second before touchdown, it was a real trip and a feast for the eyes and ears.
But then again... the acting wasn't that good, a bit over the top. In one scene in the movie, where every wasted second could be the cause of a terrible disaster, *they* waste their time being...ROMANTIC! At times like that the acting became very juicy, making me think I was watching 'Titanic' instead.
One point of advise: Do not take this movie too seriously. It's almost stuffed with jokes instead of showing us the real drama of an earth that is about to be destroyed. But keep this in mind and you'll have a heck of a 2 hours and 40 minutes(!) in a movie that is made for the cinema.
但是,有一次...署理是不是很好,比最高位。在电影中的一个,现场,每浪费第二可能是一个可怕的灾难的原因,他们* *浪费自己的时间是...浪漫!在像倍署理变得非常多汁,使我觉得我在看'泰坦尼克号'代替。
Movie 2012, a famous movie made in USA, which was showed in China last month.2012这部电影是美国的一部著名电影,月前在中国开始上映。
What I have to admit is that this movie is wonderful, such as its advanced digital video effect and the worry about the future of human beings.我不得不成人这部电影很不错,比如它先进的数字化特技效果和对于人类未来的担忧这种意识。
In fact we do not agree the result of this moive, in which only but some scientist and politic leaders can survive not common people. all of us have the right to survive, what the key reason of survive is not this man can offer a larger contribution to our society, because for a future rebuilding, everyone is important.事实上我并不赞同电影的结局,那就是一些科学家和政府高官得以幸存,却没有什么平民。我们都有权利幸存下来,一个人该不该活下来的原因并不在于他可以为社会做出多大的贡献,因为每一个人在重建社会的过程中都是至关重要的。
another thing we have to remember, that is the development of creat China, in that movie, the work of manufacturing the surviving ship was completed by China, this advice us that China is admitted by the world more and more. that is a fact, and so we should love our conutry, a great and powerful motherland can allow us a happy, safe life. 另外我们记住了,中国已经收到全世界的认可。有了强大的祖国,我们的生活才能更加安定幸福,所以我们该热爱中国。
2012 is completely ridiculous trash that turns massive destruction and the deaths of billions of people (including, by implication, just about everyone watching it) into fodder for entertainment. Of course the disaster movies of the seventies did the same thing on a smaller scale, and who can resist The Towering Inferno or Earthquake? Like those films, this is a mix of carnage, melodrama and an all-star cast of actors familiar enough to put butts in seats, but not so big that their salaries would cut into the special effects budget.
Heading up the cast is John Cusack as a regular schmoe trying to keep his family, including ex-wife Amanda Peet, alive in the face of Armageddon. Chiwetel Ejiofor, who was excellent in last year&s Redbelt, a film nobody saw, will probably do a lot more for his career here. He plays the heroic scientist who has to break the news to President Danny Glover that he&s not going to get a second term. There are also supporting roles for Thandie Newton as Glover&s daughter and Oliver Platt as the chief of staff, and Woody Harrelson gets a small but memorable role as a conspiracy nut who turns out to be right.
Of course the real stars of 2012 are the special effects team. If you&ve seen the trailer for this movie, then you know how over the top the action scenes are. And trust me, the trailer doesn&t show it all. If the movie were nothing but these action scenes, it would get tiresome pretty quickly. Thankfully, triple threat writer/director/producer Roland Emerich shows some understanding of pacing, if not subtlety. He lets the movie slow down for little character moments, which for the most part are just as silly and unbelievable as the action scenes, but appreciated nonetheless.
Of course this is nothing new for Emerich, who so memorably destroyed the White House in Independence Day and gets the chance to try and top himself here. I haven&t much cared for Emerich&s films in the past, but whether I&ve just been worn down by so many truly awful movies of late, or Emerich has actually gotten better, I have to admit I found myself enjoying 2012. No, this is not a great movie that will affect you in any meaningful way. The dialog is hokey. The direction is hamfisted and manipulative. I could find a thousand ways to pick this movie apart. But you know what? It wouldn&t matter, because it&s still a damn entertaining slice of Hollywood cheese. Call it 3 out of 4 stars.
After watching this movie I really needed time to figure out what to think of it. I heard a lady sharing her first comment to her friend: 'That dog sure was ugly'. What else was there to say? After a while I found out:
The action was truly formidable, demonstrating the power of 'mother nature'. Collapsing buildings, jumping flaming cars, planes falling down and manage to pull up a second before touchdown, it was a real trip and a feast for the eyes and ears.
But then again... the acting wasn't that good, a bit over the top. In one scene in the movie, where every wasted second could be the cause of a terrible disaster, *they* waste their time being...ROMANTIC! At times like that the acting became very juicy, making me think I was watching 'Titanic' instead.
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  导语:现代社会中的旅游不同于古代文人的游山玩水或徐霞客式的旅行和科学考察。它是人类社会中一种不断发展的生活方式。下面是cnfla儿童网小编为您收集整理的作文,希望对您有所帮助。  关于旅游的英语作文_第1篇:  Mom and dad often took me to travel when I was a kid. Because I was too young, so naughty. The father, mother and just look at me, lest I lost my run. Traveling is interesting, however, that in the south of the tour I still ride on the donkey! Little donkey, wriggling really cute! You know what? When I ride a little donkey, thanks to the donkey is tethered, or little donkey will threw me down the road.  On another occasion, we went to travel by the sea, the first time I saw a big ship, a jump three feet high. We had a ship, I'm so excited! So wide, the sea waters so blue, the sky the seagulls fly, water has many ships come and go. At noon, the adults are siesta, but I never go to bed. In the afternoon, when the attractions, but I tired panting.  Another time, we are going to travel by plane, unfortunately, I had a high fever, not all the way, I slept all the way, vomit all the way. Didn't see the beautiful scenery in the air, I regret it.  My childhood to travel, how interesting!  记得小时候爸爸、妈妈经常带我去旅游。因为我还太小,所以比较调皮。爸爸、妈妈走着走着就看看我,生怕我跑丢了。不过外出旅游非常有意思,那次在南方旅游我还骑到了毛驴身上呢!小驴活蹦乱跳的真可爱!知道吗?我骑小驴的时候,幸亏小驴是拴着的,要不然小驴就会把我摔倒大公路上去的。  还有一次,我们去了大海边旅游,我第一次看见大轮船,高兴的一蹦三尺高。我们上了一艘轮船,一路上我兴奋极了!海面那么宽,海水那么蓝,天上海鸥飞翔,水上来来往往的有许多船只。中午,大人们都午休了,我却始终没有睡觉。下午,到了景点的时候,我却累的气喘吁吁。  还有一次,我们坐飞机去旅游,不巧,我发高烧,一路上没有兴致,我睡了一路,吐了一路。没有看到空中美丽的景色,我非常后悔。  我的童年到处旅游,多么有趣啊!  关于旅游的英语作文_第2篇:  This year May Day dad took me to climb huashan, where the objects let me unforgettable.  I have been to yilong Jin Chengshan where earth although fruit trees, lush. But I still can't compare with t I've been to deyang dongshan, mountain peaks while verdant green there, but I still can't compare with huashan's; I've been to LangZhong scene pingshan, although there are many places of interest there, but I still can't compare with huashan.  As soon as I set foot on outsmarted his huashan road, I saw a place mountain, the mountain a verdant a dim, I look for, dad said: &hey, go.& I face up to say: &dad, look, how beautiful the scenery here!&  I walk while see, sit the peaks are bare, jagged, under such circumstances, also long trees, its life is really tough. Is on a mountain long for a tree, two far, can't see clearly, the peaks, mountain like a tota Li Tianwang, the tree is the tower, how proud! We saw a national protect trees scholar, has a history more than five hundred years. The pagoda tree tree branches, leaves thick, oval, I fear the climb, but the overjoyed when became my power, my family and I continue to climb, climbing high. I can see a xifeng, that is the place that aloes opened to save the mother, I'm happy to jump up. The walk again, I saw the sky road, at the edge of the mountain together with boards a path. Look at that, thousands of feet is a 87 - degree slope on the straight, straight into the sky.  Listen to people say: huashan sunrise, sea of clouds is also very beautiful. The sun just rose above the horizon, the first to show a lovely smile... Hey, down the mountain, take the cable car, good high! On the cable car to see this side of the mountain is different. Every once in a pile on the cable car, fast, and in a short while, in the foothills, how can I believe so fast?  Time too fast, or I'll conquer time.  今年五一爸爸带我去攀登了华山,那里的一草一木让我难忘。  我去过仪陇的金城山,那里虽然果树遍地、绿草如茵。但还是比不上华山的美;我去过德阳东山,那里的山峰虽然苍翠碧绿,但还是比不上华山的奇;我还去过阆中景屏山,那里虽然有许多名胜古迹,但还是比不上华山。  我一踏上智取华山路,就看见一座座山峰拔地而起,山上一阵苍翠一阵暗淡,我看呆了,爸说:“嘿,走了。”我迎上去说:“爸爸,看,这里的景色多美啊!”  我边走边看,那一坐坐山峰都是光秃秃的,怪石嶙峋,在这样的条件下,还长了树木,它的生命真顽强。有一座山峰上长这一两棵树,很远看不清楚,那座山峰与众不同,山像托塔李天王,那树则是塔了,多神气啊!我们看见一颗国家级保护树木国槐,有五百多年历史了。那棵国槐树枝粗壮,树叶茂密,呈椭圆形,我越爬越害怕,但是这高兴劲成了我的动力,我和家人继续攀登,越攀越高。我看见西峰了,那是沉香劈山救母的地方,我高兴的跳了起来。又走了一段路,我看见了长空栈道,在山的边缘上用木板连起来的一条路。看那千尺幢,是直上87度的坡,直插云霄。  听人说:华山的日出、云海也很美。太阳刚从地平线上升起来,最先露出一张可爱的笑脸……嘿,下山了,坐缆车,好高啊!在缆车上看见这一面的山与众不同。在缆车上每过一个桩,速度很快,一会儿,到了山脚,我怎么能相信这么快呢?  时间太快了,要不我再征服一回。
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