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Book 3 Module 3 参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 BCBCA
6-10 CABAA11-15 BBCAB 16-20 AACCA21-25 DABCB 26-30 DACAC31-35 BADBC 36-40 BCACD41-45 ADBBA 46-50 CDACB51-55 BACDD 56-60 ACDCC61-65 DABCD 66-70 ABDDB71-75 EGDFA76. She discouraged / stopped them.77. Their fight for independence.78. She often expressed negative feelings.79. By sharing love with others.80. After her grandchildren came to her home.短文改错:81. ... on school trip.
on后加a82. ... we had arrived ...
去掉had83. ... fishing tool and ...
tool → tools84. Like other classmates, ...
Like → Unlike85. ..., I fix my eyes ...
fix → fixed86. ... felt anything bite ...
anything → something87. ... pull them out ...
them → it88. ..., but I lost ...
but → and / so89. ..., fall right into ...
fall → falling90. ..., a happier but ...
happier → happyOne possible version:
On Sunday I drove away from home at 6 am to go to the airport to meet my friend, whose plane was arriving at 9 am. Unfortunately, I was caught in a terrible sandstorm on the way. The visibility was poor. My car ran into a truck and broke down. Luckily, nobody was injured in the accident. I telephoned the police and the insurance company and then I could do nothing but leave the car aside and take a taxi to the airport. I arrived at 8:40 am and met my friend on time. Knowing what had happened on my way to the airport, my friend was deeply moved.部分解析单项填空:21. D。lightning 是不可数名词,其前不用冠词;be struck by lightning 遭雷电击中。thunderstorm 在句中特指昨晚的那场暴雨,故其前用定冠词the。22. A。题意:人们普遍认为脑子越用越灵活(active)。rotating 旋转的;violent 剧烈的;terrifying吓人的。23. B。A flood disaster 与make 之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且make 所表示的动作并非发生于hit 之前,故排除A、D两项。作结果状语时,不定式常表示预料之外的结果,而动词-ing 形式常表示预料之中的结果。“成千上万人无家可归”是“八月份这个地区发生洪灾”导致的预料之中的结果,故选B项。24. C。furniture 意为“家具”,是不可数名词,可用much, little, a little, a lot of, lots of 等修饰,但不能用many, few, a few 等修饰。根据so 引导的分句“房间看起来很大”可知,“我住的房间里家具不多(little)”25. B。it(The car)与damage 之间是被动关系,且damage 所表示的动作发生在was repaired 之前,故用过去完成时的被动语态。26. D。第一个look 表示“看,注视”,是实义动词,故用副词sadly 修饰;第二个look 表示“看起来”,是系动词,故用形容词sad作表语。27. A。根据句中的ask 可知,此处指“询问她的蛋糕是否(if)做好了”。28. C。根据主句句意“立刻向医生征求意见”可知,此处指“如果任何一种症状发生(occur)”。affect 影响;cause 引起,导致;experience经历。29. A。根据前一句“布莱克女士已离开办公室”可知,此处指“我能帮你吗?”can(用于表示请求、给予)可以,能。30. C。where 此处引导地点状语从句,意为“(在)……的地方”。31. B。take place 意为“发生”,为不及物动词短语,没有被动语态。“发生”这个动作发生在上世纪末之前,即“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时。32. A。题意:地上的沙子被风卷起(picked up),空气中便充满厚厚的灰尘。end up 结束;put out 扑灭;put down放下。33. D。there is no possibility of ... 没有……的可能性。34. B。根据题意可知,答语意为“笔记本和钢笔总共(in all)10 美元”。35. C。根据答语中的OK可知,应答者希望(Hopefully)能准时到达演出现场。完形填空:话题:人际关系本文是记叙文。文章讲述了跌入人生谷底的Eileen Benham 终于找到了新的人生道路。36. B。根据下文的dropped out of school and went to live with a family friend in London 可知,Eileen Benham 开始陷入困境。37. C。亲戚朋友死于车祸是一件令人悲伤的事。38. A。39. C。根据上文的“父母酗酒,妈妈有精神问题,去别人家借宿结果对方死于意外”可知,这些事对于Eileen Benham这个年纪的孩子来说太疯狂。40. D。根据下文的was told by one teacher可知。41. A。根据上文的struggled 和下文的Desperate for help 可知,学校有个老师告诉Eileen Benham她不会有所作为。42. D。根据下文的a local charity 和volunteering可知。43. B。44. B。根据下文的listened to my story 可知,“未来的希望”这个慈善机构的志愿者和街上酗酒的年轻人交谈,Eileen Benham 也和这些志愿者交流了起来。45. A。此处与上文Eileen Benham 的老师对她的评价相对比,表达这些志愿者并没有戴有色眼镜看她。46. C。根据本句中的either ... or 和building something new 可知,要么屈服要么有所建树。47. D。根据下文的Eileen began volunteering at Future Hope 可知,Eileen 意识到是时候开始新生活了。48. A。根据上文的start building something new可知。49. C。Eileen 开始教导一些有学习障碍的年轻人。50. B。Eileen 通过开展街舞课程帮助当地的女孩合理利用时间。51. B。根据上文的wandering the streets in the evening 可知,孩子们仅仅是需要有能交朋友和安全的地方。52. A。根据下文的see them looking better and happier 可知,Eileen 帮助“未来的希望”慈善组织解决了青少年的不良问题。53. C。根据上文的teenage 以及Eileen 是个19 岁的青少年可知,问题少年和她更谈得来是因为他们年纪相仿。54. D。看到问题少年变好,Eileen 感到骄傲。55. D。根据上文Eileen 已经在“未来的希望”帮助其他年轻人以及下文的you only get something good out of doing something good 可知,她会继续帮助他人。阅读理解:A篇(文学)本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了小说The Cay的创作背景。56. A。细节理解题。根据第一段的Dutch boy who had climbed up on top of a life raft 和The raft drifted off into the night and was never seen again可知。57. C。细节理解题。根据第三段的Robert, ... became “Timothy” of The Cay可知,Timothy的人物原型是Robert。58. D。细节理解题。根据第四段的Phillip, a boy with whom I'd played from about the age of five until I was ten可知。59. C。主旨大意题。根据第一段的using it in a novel,第三段的He became “Timothy” of The Cay 以及最后一段的hoping he'd be color-blind before the story was over 可知,文章主要讲述了The Cay 中三个人物是怎么来的,因此C项符合题意。B篇(语言)本文是说明文。文章主要讲述了hello一词背后的故事。60. C。细节理解题。根据第一段的“Hello” was considered a very impolite way to greet someone可知。61. D。细节理解题。根据第二段的they were used to ... express surprise和Hullo! How did that get in there? 可知。62. A。段落大意题。根据第三段的But what would you yell? 和Thomas Edison suggested the word hello 可知,第三段主要讲述了hello 一词用于接听电话的由来。63. B。推理判断题。根据最后一段的“hello” became not just the standard way to answer the phone, but an accepted way to greet people in person 可知,hello一词原本是电话用语,但后来人们在面对面的交流中也用这个词。由此可知,电话改变了人们说话的方式。C篇(体育)本文是议论文。文章主要讨论了极限运动。64. C。细节理解题。根据第二段的MarvinZuckerman, ... people who take extreme sports do take risks, but there are far more dangerous “highs” they could be seeking可知。65. D。推理判断题。第三段举的例子主要是为了说明第二段的观点there are far more dangerous “highs” they could be seeking。66. A。词义猜测题。根据第四段的the greater problems like addiction 以及转折连词but 可知,be overshadowed by 意为“逊色于、次于”。67. B。推理判断题。根据第一段的It is our differences that make a society interesting, so while it may not be for everyone, high-risk activities contribute to the diversity of our culture 和最后一段的we should celebrate them for their differences and do what we can to support them 可以明确看出作者赞成极限运动。D篇(自然)本文是记叙文。文章主要描述了一所学校遭受龙卷风袭击。68. D。细节理解题。根据第二段的By 2:45,the skies were darkening 以及下文的描述可知。69. D。细节理解题。根据第二段的Teachers rushed to get kids onto buses or into waiting cars可知。70. B。细节理解题。根据第三段的it almost completely destroyed the school可知。选做题参考答案及解析参考答案A 1-5 DDBCD B 6-10 BDACC解析A篇(文学)本文是应用文。文中的三位作者回忆了在夏季读过的对自己影响较大的书籍。1. D。细节理解题。由文中的Even with my limited English 及I think the slow reading of that book 可知,13 岁那年Edwidge Danticat 从海地来到美国才一年,英文还比较差。2. D。细节理解题。由文中的At 19, I took a year off from college and moved to London. I worked as a child's nurse for a family with three little boys 可知,19岁时J. Courtney Sullivan 休学一年到伦敦当保姆。3. B。细节理解题。由文中的But while in England, I found myself reading American voices 及The definitive title of my time in London was Jane Smiley's A Thousand Acres 可知,Jane Smiley 应该是位美国作家。4. C。推理判断题。由文中的Looking back, I know it was the first time I sensed the difference between literature and entertainment 可以推断,在读《丧钟为谁而鸣》之前,Philipp Meyer 对文学作品没有清晰的概念。5. D。篇章结构题。that 指代的是上文中的I ... wasn't exactly
I would happily read any books. I didn't really see the difference,也就是作者对待阅读的态度。B篇(自然)本文是说明文。一家网站出售带刺的大荨麻,因为这种植物种在花园里可以招来更多的野生动物。6. B。词义猜测题。由第三段中的Many people are now planting these in their gardens for wildlife 可知,这种植物可以吸引更多的野生动物,所以人们购买这种植物是为了“增加”花园里野生动物的数量。7. D。细节理解题。由第二段中的snapped up 可知,这种植物销售的速度很快。8. A。细节理解题。由第四段内容可知这种植物可以食用。9. C。推理判断题。由文末的Demand has been surprising. We are having to clear extra space in our nursery so we can grow more可以推断,网站的销售前景很可观。10. C。推理判断题。本文中提到的荨麻、花园、草坪、野生动物等是与自然相关的,所以本文最有可能出自“自然”版块。
选择题答案:1D 2C 3C 4B 5D 6B 7A 8A 9C 10D 11D 12A 13A 14D 15B 16A 17B 18A 19D 20B 21A 22C 23B 24D 25B 26C 27A 28D 29B 30C 31A 32D 33B 34C 35D 36B 37C 38A 39A 40D 41B 42C 43B 44A 45B 46B 47C 48A 49D 50B 51C 52A 53D 54B 55C 56A 57C 58D 59B 60F
Book 8 Module 3参考答案及部分解析[参考答案]1-5 ACACC
6-10 ACBCA11-15 BCACB
16-20 CACBC21-25 CBCAA
26-30 CADAB31-35 BAADC
36-40 GCADF41-45 ADBCA
46-50 DBCAD51-55 BCABD
56-60 CABDC61. really
62. unbelievable
63. advising
65. to have
66. serves
70. that短文改错:71. Entered high school ... Entered → Entering72. ... eat too much.
eat → ate73. ... I was so serious ...
serious → seriously74. It made matters worse ...
It → What75. ... made a fun of ...
去掉a76. From now on ...
now → then77. ... to avoiding snacks.
avoiding → avoid78. ... I took off jogging ...
off → up79. ... until I did succeed ...
until → before80. Only then I ...
I 前加didOne possible version:Western fast food is becoming increasingly popular in China, especially in big and medium-sized cities. The most famous brands include KFC, McDonald's and Pizza Hut. Two reasons can explain why Western fast food is so popular. For one thing, it is served quickly and you can take it wherever you go. For another, the fast food restaurants offe they provide you with a comfortable environment and excellent service. Personally, I don't like Western fast food because it is widely believed to be junk food and it isn't very good for our health.
[部分解析]阅读理第一节:A篇(节假日活动)本文是应用文.文章主要介绍了加拿大各地节庆活动的一些相关情况.21. C.细节理解题.由Red or white? 一节中的May 1 to 10和 taste the best wines in Canada等信息可知,五月一日至十日对葡萄酒爱好者们来说是不可错过的好日子,故选C项.22. B.细节理解题.由Are you ready?一节中的the Newfoundland Targa Rally和This is a great chance to test your car’s limits and your skills可知B项说法正确.23. C.推理判断题.由Hello spring!一节中的These gifts were a thank-you ... home to the Canadian Tulip Festival可知,作者之所以提到荷兰是为了说明加拿大郁金香节的来历,故选C项.24. A.推理判断题.由文章首段中的we’ve collected our favorite must-see events across Canada和下文中的相关内容可知,本文很有可能来自于一本介绍加拿大各地节庆活动的书,故选A项.B篇(个人情况)本文是记叙文.文章主要介绍了Raymond Loewy作为二十世纪最著名的工业设计师之一给我们的生活带来的巨大影响.25. A.细节理解题.由第一段中的As a mid-century industrial designer ... He can be called the “father of industrial design”可知,Raymond Loewy因其在工业设计领域中的成就而闻名,故选A项.26. C.词义猜测题.由第三段中的His designs did not just stop with the transit system ... but also created products and the graphic design required for marketing the products可知,Raymond Loewy的设计作品涉及的范围很广,由此可见他是一位多产的设计师,故选C项.27. A.推理判断题.由最后一段中的he tried his hand at designing anything and everything, the modern world was magical和no matter how worthless or important, each of his designs was always brought to perfection等信息可知,Raymond Loewy是一个充满好奇心而且十分认真的人.28. D.标题归纳题.纵览全文,尤其是文章最后的he designed so many things that have made our life in the 20th century more beautiful可知,本文主要讲述了Raymond Loewy作为二十世纪最著名的工业设计师之一给我们的生活带来的巨大影响,故选D项.C篇(饮食)本文是说明文.文章主要介绍了比萨的历史及现状.29. A.细节理解题.由第二段中的a piece of dough ... rolled out into a flat, round shape可知A项说法正确.30. B.细节理解题.由第三段中的Other products from the south of Italy spread slowly at first to the north, but pizza was slower to travel和It was only in Italy ... that pizza was still little-known可知,比萨最初在意大利传播得很慢,故选B项.31. B.写作目的题.本段主要介绍了比萨在意大利和美国等地的传播情况,故选B项.32. A.推理判断题.由文章最后的By the way, it varies a lot as for the ingredients people choose in America, Russia, India and many other countries可知,作者接下来很可能会介绍美国、俄罗斯和印度等国的人们在制作比萨时所选取的不同原料,故选A项.D篇(人际关系)本文是说明文.文章主要就如何解决员工之间的冲突提出了三种方法.33. A.细节理解题.由第二段中的You can use role-reversal methods to help each employee understand how the other feels以及后面的例子可知,员工之间要学会角色转换,多站在别人的角度去想一想,所以应该是相互体贴一些,故选A项.34. D.细节理解题.作者通过这句话意在说明Workers often respond better to praise than criticism,即:多向员工展示积极的一面,故选D项.35. C.写作目的题.由第一段中的最后一句The goal is to build a team-centered workforce以及后面各段的主题句(每段的第一句)可知,作者提出了解决冲突的三种方法以供参考,故选C项.第二节:话题:社会本文是说明文.文章主要介绍了阿拉伯联合酋长国教育中存在的一些问题.36. G.由G项内容可知,目前该国大约25%的男孩子未能完成高中学业是对前面more and more boys have been dropping out of high schools的补充说明,故选G项.37. C.由C项内容可知,很少有女性愿意嫁给一个学历低的男性是对前面Such a condition has also put them at an obvious disadvantage的补充说明,故选C项.38. A.因为盛产石油,人们的生活很富裕,孩子们也过着安逸的生活,但是如果石油开采完了怎么办,故选A项.39. D.由该空前面的Public schools usually get enough money from the government和后面的The rest go to private schools可知,D项内容符合该处语境.40. F.该空后面的One of them is the population’s widespread thinking that the government will always supply young citizens with jobs是对F项内容的补充说明,故选F项.语言知识运用:第一节:话题:个人情况本文是记叙文.文章主要讲述一个男孩遭受脑震荡后突然成为音乐天才的故事.41. A.由下文的13 musical instruments可知,他现在会演奏“音乐(music)”了.42. D.由下文的He can now play as many as 13 instruments可知,Lachlan Connors已经成了一名优秀的乐器“演奏者(performer)”.43. B.由下文的he has never learned any instrument可知,“尽管(although)”他从来没有学习过任何乐器,但是现在会演奏十三种乐器了.44. C.由上文的he has never learned any instrument可知,他以前从未有这方面的“才能(talent)”.45. A.由下文的so he dreamed of a career playing football可知,他之所以梦想着成为一名足球运动员是因为从小热爱“体育(sports)”.46. D.由下文的I would say ... he’d say ‘No’ impatiently可知,Lachlan对音乐这门艺术并不“热衷(enthusiastic)”.47. B.由下文的I would say ... he’d say ‘No’ impatiently可知,Lachlan很少“谈论(talk)”音乐.48. C.由下文的with a song like ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’可知,Lachlan的母亲在问他能不能“听出来(hear)”下面是什么.49. A.50. D.由下文的I remember getting up可知,他在踢足球时“摔倒(fell down)”在“地(ground)”上碰了头.51. B.由上文的suffering a concussion可知,站立起来后很难保持身体“平衡(balance)”.52. C.由下文的The doctors told him ... another couple of hard hits to the head可知,当时他并没有怎么在意,故选用little.53. A.由上文的playing football和suffering a concussion可知,医生们告诉他可以重返“球场(field)”了.54. B.由上文的he went on to suffer another couple of hard hits to the head可知,接二连三的头部撞击把他“送(sent)”进了医院.55. D.由上文的Since his condition worsened可知,由于他的情况恶化,所以被告知不要再进行那些“危险的(risky)”体育活动了.56. C.由下文的his new-found musical ability可知,这是一个“好(good)”消息.57. A.由下文的the piano, guitar, drum, violin, handbells and so on可知,这里是指“包括(including)”这些乐器.58. B.根据医生的解释可知,这应该是医学上的一种“理论(theory)”.59. D.脑震荡使Lachlan大脑中“以前(previously)”一直休眠的部分开始活动了.60. C.由上文的The condition of suddenly developing a new skill可知,这种情况“发生(occur)”在左脑受到损伤后,右脑会对其作出弥补.第二节:61. really.动词like要用副词来修饰,故填really.62. unbelievable.dishes前要用形容词作其定语,且结合I had never had before可知,设空处表示“难以置信的”,故填unbelievable.63. advising.介词of后要接动词-ing形式作宾语.64. the.year party指谈话双方都知晓的年会,故其前用the表示特指.65. to have.take sb. to do sth. 带某人去做某事.66. serves.在that引导的定语从句中,关系代词that代替先行词place,并在从句中作主语,又因为从句描述的是某个地方的一般情况,要用一般现在时,故填serves.67. so.Society is really changing所表示的情况同样适用于the public's preferences,故填so.68. how.saw后接宾语从句,结合从句的结构可知,该从句是感叹句,又因为popular是形容词,故填how.69. with.confuse ... with ...是固定表达,意为“把……和……混淆了”.70. that.设空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词something,且关系词在从句作主语,又因为something是不定代词,故此处填that. [选做题参考答案及解析][参考答案]1-5 DBACA
6-10 CADBC[解析]A篇(体育)本文是说明文.文章主要介绍了一种新兴的水下运动——极限自由潜水.1. D.细节理解题.由第二段中的the use of snorkels and masks和Scuba divers wear a kind of wet suit ... they need oxygen and other equipment可知D项说法正确.2. B.推理判断题.由第三段中的scuba diving seems a little less “Extreme”. Extreme Free Diving has become very competitive and is exploding in popularity with extreme divers可知,下划线部分是指那些喜欢挑战极限的人们,故选B项.3. A.细节理解题.由第四段中的The first official European record for Extreme Free Diving was recorded in 1911 when Greek Yorgos Haggi Statti dived ... to a depth of 253 feet和His record stood for many years可知,Yorgos Haggi Statti是第一个在极限自由潜水比赛中创下世界纪录的人,故选A项.4. C.推理判断题.由第一段中的Extreme Free Diving (EFD) is a sport that ... is being discussed as a possible Olympic event和最后一段中的One day adding a new word into the Olympic motto of “Swifter, Higher, Stronger” looks like a sure bet可知,作者对于这一讨论抱有很大的希望,故选C项.5. A.标题归纳题.文章主要介绍了极限自由潜水这一新兴的水下运动,其最大的看点就是潜水者们能否一次又一次地突破极限,潜得更“深”,故用Deeper来作为标题最恰当.B篇(社会)本文是说明文.文章主要介绍了英美两国道路的命名方式.6. C.细节理解题.由第一段中的Many streets take their name from a local feature ... Mill Street和第二段中的Some streets have become so closely identified with people of a particular profession ... Fleet Street with newspapers可知,这两条街道的名称都与其本身的特色有关,故选C项.7. A.推理判断题.由第三段中的The roads are often straight and have square blocks of buildings between them可知,A项所给图示与文章内容最为贴近.8. D.细节理解题.由最后一段中的Some street names have particular associations: ... Bourbon Street in New Orleans with jazz可知D项为正确答案.9. B.段落大意题.文章最后一段主要介绍美国街道的命名方式,故选B项.10. C.写作目的题.本文主要介绍了英美两国道路的命名方式,故选C项.谁有英语周报高一人教新课标浙江专版15期答案 急-中国学网-中国IT综合门户网站
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