wto begin with可以为师矣的上句用在句...

在C#开发的过程中多线程委托是经常用的,今天在测试以前写的软件的时候发现有个问题,报&在创建窗口句柄之前,不能在控件上调用 Invoke 或 BeginInvoke。 这样的错误。
在调用下一个委托的时候。先判断下 在控件上面或者窗体上&&IsHandleCreated ,如下:
& &if (this.IsHandleCreated)
& & & & & & {
& & & & & & Methinvoker meth = new Methinvoker(MessSeInfo);
& & & & &&
& & & & & & & & this.BeginInvoke(meth);
& & & & & & }
这样就可以避免了,而且说有时候就关掉软件就是应为线程在执行的时候还没有关闭掉就直接赋值为Null了。 把这个去掉就好了
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(1)(2)(1)(1)(6)(2)(1)(5)(1)(1)(1)(3)(10)(13)(1)(14)(1)(2)(1)(20)(23)(2)(3)(3)(2)(5)(18)(1)用to begin with 怎么造句_百度作业帮
用to begin with 怎么造句
用to begin with 怎么造句
We can't go. To begin with. it's too cold.
he is to begin with his english study in this new termto_begin_with
大学英语四级常用词组 ... begin with 以…开始;开始于 to begin with 首先,第一 on behalf of 代表…,为了….
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[注三]注意有些用作句子独立成分的习惯语,如to begin with(首先),to conclude(最后),to besure(当然),to tell you the truth(老实对你说)等。.
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九年级英语词组总结Unit1-8单元 - 豆丁网 ... first of all 首先 6. to begin with 一开始 7. late on 随后 8.
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concentrate on 集中;专心;专注to begin with首先;第一;起初drop out (of)(从活动、竞赛等中)退出;辍学.
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patty to begin with
翻旧账 nobody really liked patty to begin with没有人喜欢翻旧账
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begin to dream with
开始梦想 move into the undulating , spiraling , ascending energy of the cosmos . watch the sun rise and set . watch moon rise and set . soon you will begin to dream with more detail .进入波浪型,螺旋型,上升的宇宙能量,观看日出和日落,观看月亮升起和沉没,很快地你会开始梦想更多的细节。
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place to begin with
地方重新开始 if you are yourself at work , you will either thrive or wither , and if you wither chances are that you are in the wrong place to begin with .如果你在工作中坚持做自己,你要么茁壮成长,要么逐渐枯萎,当你枯萎的时候,还会有机会在你枯萎的错误地方重新开始。
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to begin with companies
开始于公司 such a pattern tends to begin with companies moving out of a city to a suburb , enticing workers to move to less-expensive outer suburbs , he said .他说,此类模式往往开始于公司从城市迁至郊区,诱使职工也搬迁至较为便宜的远郊。
- 基于2个网页用适当的字母或缩略形式完成句子.1、When you sing ,you begin with Do ,Re,Mi.When you stady ,you begin with__________.2、l go to school at 7:00 ________and go home at 5________.3、Jack coughs a lot. He needs an_______-ray.4、In 2001,C_百度作业帮
用适当的字母或缩略形式完成句子.1、When you sing ,you begin with Do ,Re,Mi.When you stady ,you begin with__________.2、l go to school at 7:00 ________and go home at 5________.3、Jack coughs a lot. He needs an_______-ray.4、In 2001,C
用适当的字母或缩略形式完成句子.1、When you sing ,you begin with Do ,Re,Mi.When you stady ,you begin with__________.2、l go to school at 7:00 ________and go home at 5________.3、Jack coughs a lot. He needs an_______-ray.4、In 2001,China joined the________.5、Jack has got a fever.The doctor asks him to take________.
1.原句是"When you study..."吧?When you study,you begin with (A,B,C).2.7:00 (A.M.),5(P.M.)3.(X)-ray.(肺癌?咳得很厉害居然要照x光?)4.(WTO)5.(Advil) 一种处方药缩写专治发烧
对不起,是缩略形式!用begin with造句._百度作业帮
用begin with造句.
用begin with造句.
The english class begins with a beautiful song.
let's begin with Tom让我们从TOM开始
Let's begin our class with a song.
Pen begins with letter P.
begin with:
vt. 始于(以...为起点)I have to begin with an apology.
The proceedings will begin with a speech to welcome the guests.
大会议程首先 是向来宾致欢迎辞.


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