I hate thesense of smelll of...

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Posted 04/05/2011
RESUMES! And Job Interviews!
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Posted 04/05/2011
I hate hairless balls!
Posted 04/05/2011
but we love the $$$$
Posted 04/05/2011
I hate the smell of balls
Yes, I doo love the $$$$$, and with the government in so much debt, i'm not going to count on my husband (military) to be the sole provider anymore. Looks like this SAHM
(stay-at-home mom) gig is coming to an end
&&&&&&&&&& Mommy&&'s&BabyFaith makes things possible, not easy.
Posted 04/05/2011
Would you still love your dh
(dear husband) if his balls smelt like vinegar?
Posted 04/05/2011
Considering he's a heavy sweater, and they smell like salt and sweat. Yes. I just refuse to go near the area unless he's FRESH out of the shower(:
&&&&&&&&&& Mommy&&'s&BabyFaith makes things possible, not easy.
Posted 04/05/2011
I remember I licked dh's nip once and it tasted like onion. Traumatizing.
Posted 04/05/2011
Yuck for sweaty balls!!! I hate sweat! I hooked up with
a guy that got so sweaty that my belly button ring unscrewed and fell out! He kept like laying on me! YUCK! Needless to say that was a one time deal!
AndreaMason&Alekzander (7.14.10)
Posted 04/05/2011
me too. all things mentioned.
Erin + Jim = Kellan 7.2.10, Aven 11.19.12, Baby #3 EDD 5.15Check out what
looks like!
Posted 04/05/2011
OMG you ladies almost made me pee my prego pants. And for the record balls are nasty and I too have to make my man shower due to the ball-odor. So glad to not have them dangly things =) Onion nip, that would definitely be traumatizing, Id have to tell my self he was shirtless eating chip dip or something to go near there again lol
Brianne(21) Chris(25) Married 06/24/11BWing, CDing, EBFing momma to:&Mia 07/18/10 and Ava 10/26/2011
Posted 04/05/2011
wait, i thought adriana said hairy balls.
take backs, i don't hate hairless balls, i hate hairy ones. and sweaty ones.
word, on the resumes and interviews, though. i feel your pain.
Erin + Jim = Kellan 7.2.10, Aven 11.19.12, Baby #3 EDD 5.15Check out what
looks like!
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Why You Should Ditch The Gym
January 19, 2013
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I hate the gym. I hate the smell of it &#8212; the metal and the rubber and the sweat. I hate the sound of it &#8212; the augmented hissing of the rows of treadmills and the grunts and the clanging of iron. I hate how it looks &#8212; rows upon rows of fat-removing machines and strange metal weightlifting sculptures that no future archaeologist will ever be able to decipher the meaning of. I hate the individualized, internalized competition &#8212; you vs. the mirror and you vs. the digital readouts. Most of all, I hate how it takes the inherent variety, beauty and
and distills it to a single brainless and repetitious motion.I never go to gyms. I run outside sometimes, which is invariably better than running on a treadmill. But mostly I participate in amateur sports leagues to stay fit. I am addicted to recreational sport in the most positive way possible. I will participate in any sport, regardless of my skill level. I&m a passable soccer player. I&m an atrocious hockey player. In college, I played in both a soccer league and a hockey league. I had more fun falling all over the ice than I did playing soccer, a sport I&ve played competitively my entire life. Nobody dressed me down for mishitting the puck or skating like an idiot. They were eager to help me improve. Rec leagues are not filled with professionals or amateurs. They are filled with enthusiasts. Enthusiasts don&t chastise your lack o they help you develop it, and quite happily at that. The beauty of recreational sports lies in the fact that they're done for recreation. I&m there because I enjoy it, and so is everyone else. When I have a city league squash match after work, I look forward to it all day. The physical benefits are a bonus. Gyms, however, feel like internment camps full of people at the mercy of the Guilt Commission of the Mind's New Year&s resolution.&A psychological jailer methodically enforces
at the weight rack. Fifteen reps. Left arm. Right arm. Switch body part. Fifteen reps. Left leg. Right leg. Fifteen-minute cardio on the elliptical. Right foot. Left foot. "Here," says the jailer, turning on the hockey game. "You may watch some footage of men playing a game they love while achieving a fitness level you will never realize."Though these professional athletes do benefit from gym work, their physicality is a result of the dynamic movements inherent in any sport. A social hockey or flag-football league provides a full-body workout that is impossible to match with weights and machines. Your body's ability to sprint, dodge, duck, throw, catch and jump works out your muscles in a totally organic way. Coordination improves. Balance improves. Muscularity improves, and the brain rewards you with heavy doses of .
Best of the WebI hate craving
things I cant have
I&#39;ve been hardcore craving the smell of an asthma inhaler : s&&I haven&#39;t used one in tears so I don&#39;t know ing from but when I close my eyes its all I can smell. I know, I&#39;m weird as hell. Anyone have any really off cravings to share so I can feel less weird about myself?
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Haven&#39;t used one in years**
Haven&#39;t used one in years**
Omg that is a pretty good smell lol kind of like a fresh air smell huh?? For me its the smell of a nail salon, the acrylic...mmm
Omg that is a pretty good smell lol kind of like a fresh air smell huh?? For me its the smell of a nail salon, the acrylic...mmm
Oh Wait not the inhaler but the albuteral smells good
Oh Wait not the inhaler but the albuteral smells good
ooh I love that smell too. Its so weird how our senses change, perfumes&&I used to love have become so gross and other smells I used to turn away from are so amazing.
ooh I love that smell too. Its so weird how our senses change, perfumes&&I used to love have become so gross and other smells I used to turn away from are so amazing.
Yess allergies have also heightened so perfumes are a no no they make me sneeze so much and end up peeing myself a little lol but yes that&#39;s Very true its kind of cool :) i smell rotten milk and baby poop often out of no where lol i think that&#39;s my body getting ready because those are the two scents i hate!!!!!
Yess allergies have also heightened so perfumes are a no no they make me sneeze so much and end up peeing myself a little lol but yes that&#39;s Very true its kind of cool :) i smell rotten milk and baby poop often out of no where lol i think that&#39;s my body getting ready because those are the two scents i hate!!!!!
I went to l& d on friday night because I thought my water broke but it turns out I peed myself : s I didn&#39;t know wether to laugh at myself or cry in embarrassment! Guess I gotta step up those kegels!
I went to l& d on friday night because I thought my water broke but it turns out I peed myself : s I didn&#39;t know wether to laugh at myself or cry in embarrassment! Guess I gotta step up those kegels!
Ahaha, getting ready to smell&&those for the next long while! I&#39;m glad I don&#39;t smell those regularly, for me its vomit. Can&#39;t deal with it. Its gonna take a lot of getting&&used to!
Ahaha, getting ready to smell&&those for the next long while! I&#39;m glad I don&#39;t smell those regularly, for me its vomit. Can&#39;t deal with it. Its gonna take a lot of getting&&used to!
Hahahaha omg that&#39;s awesome! I would have been embarrassed lol it probably happens all the time!! Ugh the sour acidy smell....lord help us haha
Hahahaha omg that&#39;s awesome! I would have been embarrassed lol it probably happens all the time!! Ugh the sour acidy smell....lord help us haha
Yeah the doctor didn&#39;t even bat an eyelash when she told me they probably see it all the time. It was a good test run&&for the real thing though!
Yeah the doctor didn&#39;t even bat an eyelash when she told me they probably see it all the time. It was a good test run&&for the real thing though!
I too went to l&d and was told I just peed myself lol
I too went to l&d and was told I just peed myself lol
Lol that&#39;s true! Did you time it and make a second route? Or is that only in movies??
Lol that&#39;s true! Did you time it and make a second route? Or is that only in movies??
Babydue, that makes me feel a lot better about myself lol. What were you doing it when it happened? I was laying on the couch and sat up a bit to.grab the remote and woosh.
Rudee, didn&#39;t think of timing it, but I live pretty close to the hospital anyways, so it probably only took us ten or so minutes anyways. We have three routes actually, and I follow our local police on twitter and they always update road closures so we can be sure&&to avoid any of that in.case there are accidents
Babydue, that makes me feel a lot better about myself lol. What were you doing it when it happened? I was laying on the couch and sat up a bit to.grab the remote and woosh.
Rudee, didn&#39;t think of timing it, but I live pretty close to the hospital anyways, so it probably only took us ten or so minutes anyways. We have three routes actually, and I follow our local police on twitter and they always update road closures so we can be sure&&to avoid any of that in.case there are accidents
Which there usually is because people suck at driving in my city
Which there usually is because people suck at driving in my city
Yes same here and we&#39;d never have our police men to follow on twitter lol our town is crazy :/
Yes same here and we&#39;d never have our police men to follow on twitter lol our town is crazy :/
Its run by the force, the constables that run the media desk are in charges of using all forms of social media to.connect to the public as well as the journalists. Its a brilliant idea I think, and an excellent use of resources. Why just have someone sitting at a&&desk waiting for a reporter to call when they can engage and enlighten the public?
Its run by the force, the constables that run the media desk are in charges of using all forms of social media to.connect to the public as well as the journalists. Its a brilliant idea I think, and an excellent use of resources. Why just have someone sitting at a&&desk waiting for a reporter to call when they can engage and enlighten the public?
Very true. And we are a technology based generation where we&#39;re on our phones most of the day. Saves time and money.
Very true. And we are a technology based generation where we&#39;re on our phones most of the day. Saves time and money.
Wow that is so weird.. I was going to post the same question asking if it was weird I liked how my albuterol inhaler tastes/smells lol
Wow that is so weird.. I was going to post the same question asking if it was weird I liked how my albuterol inhaler tastes/smells lol
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I hate craving
things I cant have
I&#39;ve been hardcore craving the smell of an asthma inhaler : s&&I haven&#39;t used one in tears so I don&#39;t know ing from but when I close my eyes its all I can smell. I know, I&#39;m weird as hell. Anyone have any really off cravings to share so I can feel less weird about myself?
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MedHelp is a division of .外国人发的I hate the chinese帖子.(转)翻译_中华文化吧_百度贴吧
外国人发的I hate the chinese帖子.(转)翻译
I hate the chinese. It's wierd like, cause i don't hate-hate them but I cannot tolerate them more than any other group of people... I just find them annoying. And Im not a racist... not more than your average person is anyway. The Japanese don't irk me and korean's are cool but the chinese just irritate me. Maybe it's the sound of the language. I dunno.我讨厌中国人,这听起来可能让人感觉很不正常。事实上我不是有多憎恨他们,只不过相比较其他地方的人来说,我特别不能容忍中国人罢了。我就是觉得他们讨厌。我和大多数人一样,不是者。我觉得日本人不会让我感觉到困扰,还有韩国人也让人觉得很酷,只有中国人让我觉得很不爽。我不知道是什么原因,很可能因为中国话的发音(难听)的缘故吧。
I like steam dumplings, fried wontons, shrimp fried rice, shrimp mei fun and shrimp in garlic sauce. 我喜欢,炸馄饨,,虾还有
ask anyone you know who has lived and worked in China for a number of years. Sometimes you need to live in a place to really understand the people. It's like a marriage. I know we shouldn't generalise but in Chinathere there is no reality.Everything is about self-interest greed. Everybody lies to each other and no body trust each other you will never and I repeat never find such greedy and corrupt people as long as you live. With the exception of Nigeria maybe.PS Read the book the Asian man game. 随便去问个在中国工作生活过若干年的认识人。有时候你要想真正了解一个地方的人的话,就要在那住(一段时间),这就像婚姻一样。我知道我们不该一概而论,但是在中国你找不到任何真实的东西.到处都是有关私利的贪婪,每个人之间都互相说谎,都互相不信任对方,(除在中国之外)你绝不会,我要重复一遍,绝不会,绝不会再看到如此自私与腐败堕落的人了。也许也要除了尼日利亚之外。PS. 去读读《the Asian man game》(亚洲人的游戏?)这本书
It is stupid to ask such question. Since nobody knows you personally, only your doctor can tell if you are still a normal person.If you feel you hate Chinese for no reason, there must be lot of people (Chinese or non-Chinese) hate you for no reason... They may hate your sound, your looking, or whatever. If you think they are normal if you think they are abnormal then you have the same problem...问这种问题是很愚蠢的。因为没有知道你的个人状况,只有你的医生才能告诉你你是否还是个正常人。如果你觉得你毫无理由地厌恶中国人,那么肯定也会有许多人(中国人或者非中国人)毫无理由地厌恶你的... 他们也许厌恶你的声音,你的外表,或者别的什么。如果你觉得他们是正常人那么你就也是正常人;如果你觉得他们不正常,那么你也有同样的问题...
i am a Chinese. to be honest some Chinese are really annoying, crazy selfish, noisy in public cos they are a lack of education. but not my friends, not me, not most of the chinese students abroad. i want change the fact and i hope some chinese stop doing shameful things but i have no idea. i accept all you said. forgive the chinese who offended you guys. but if you said chinese language irritate you, sorry i can not help swearing you.(sorry i am not good at english)我就是中国人。坦诚地说,的确存在某些因为缺乏教育的中国人,他们招人烦,极度自私,在公共场所吵闹。不过我的朋友,我自己,多数留学的中国人都不是这样。我想改变这种印象,并希望某些中国人不再丢人现眼,但我又不知该怎么办。我承认你说的所有情况,原谅冒犯了你的中国人吧,但你若说中国人的语言惹你发毛,遗憾得很,我不得不啐你。(英文不是专长,不好意思)
I agree! I live in the UK, am Chinese and is a teen: all I say is big huddles of Chinese youths in CHINESE restaurants talking in CHINESE. It's annoying, the generation before had to WOrK HARD. This generation doesn't.我赞同!我住在英国,是中国的青少年一代:我要说的是在中国餐馆里乌央央一群中国青年说中文。这很讨厌,上一代人是劳苦命,这一代就不是了。
You r so darn right!! i am a Chinese student now studying in USA too. well it really kinda broke my heart to see so many americans hate chinese ppl for no "normal" reasons. Many things media of US said is very absurd and superficial about China and ALWAYS the negative sides. Most Chinese ppl like Americans and totally WELCOME you guys to visit China, they r good people. At LEAST, they didnt ask this freaking stupid question in Chinese Web site!!!!btw i love China because that is where i come from.回复imahereforfun你说得太他娘的在点了!!我也是中国学生,眼下正在美国求学。真伤了俺的心呐,看见如此多的美国人为了非“正常”的原因而憎恨中国人民。美国媒体传递的很多有关中国的信息,非常荒唐而浅薄,而且一贯是负面的。大多数中国人喜欢美国人,完全欢迎你们来访中国,他们是善类啊。至少他们在中文网站上不问这种蠢透了的问题!!!!
I'd say 'hate' is not the human norm (though that's arguable), but patent dislike of a group of people *is,* sadly. However, when the dislike is non-stop and in your mind 24/7, you're back at abnormal. I've been living and working in mainland China two and a half years. I never really went through c I was stuck in 'euphoria stage' for various reasons until recently. Suddenly, it has hit me--BAM--like a ton of bricks. The irritation and exasperation I've been feeling is, I know, perfectly natural. I'm a human being, not a god. I recognize my feelings 100%% in what foreign_devil wrote. It's just....it's all true.I'm educated and observant enough to know full-well *why* it's true, and that it's not true for every single person in the country, but it can just be heartbreaking sometimes to see the effects of a giant cultural 'jump' that skipped 100 years, leaving the majority of its citizens in the past, coping with a nation that should have come a century later. Inevitable, every last shred of it. Every last face-save, and spit, and honk, and illogical conclusion, and stare, and childish nationalist comment, and declaration of, 'I only care about money!...' is inevitable. Don't hate the Chinese people. Start with Mao.要我说,“仇恨”不是人该说的话(那当然是毫无疑问),沮丧的是,不踩底线的对某群体存在反感,也“算“合情理。可是这种反感无时无刻不在你的心里纠结,你就仍然算作不正常。我在中国大陆生活与工作过一段日子,为期两年半。在最开始,本人真的从不觉得文化上有啥拧巴;直到近期为止,因为各种因素,我曾一直盘桓在”陶醉期“。突然之间,如同一堆砖头当头罩下——哐当。激愤,这就是我的感受,我很清楚,这些感受太自然了。我是凡人,不是神仙。我承认我的感受百分之二百都在番鬼的著述中出现过。这些只不过....是真实的感受。 我受过教育,也足够审慎,对这个国家的每一个体而言的是是非非之迷题,能够剖析清楚,然而看到一种巨大文化跃迁带来的影响,有时又让人心碎,这种跃迁跨距达百年,它的大部分公民遗留在过去时,百年之后又得应对一个必将遭遇的国家。都是必然的,每件事情都是。任何爱面子,吐痰,鸣喇叭,不讲逻辑的结论,盯看,孩子气的民族主义者写下的评论,以及“我只在乎钱”的宣告! 都是一种必然,无需诧异。不要憎恨中国人民。在对待毛的问题上开个头吧。
Aww really? You hate the Chinese would it be cretin Chinese? IDK Im Chinese and Laos would you hate me then? Im not offended but there are ways to hate but every azn race is not the same but you think they are also ok such as Koreans and Japanese . I mean why hate did they do anything wrong to you? If someone hates your culture would you be offended?啊,真的?你厌恶中国人,是那些中国人中的白痴吗?我不知道,我是中国和老挝混血,那么你也厌恶我吗?我没有生气,但是每个亚洲种族都有它让人讨厌的方面,但是每个亚洲种族都是不同的,但是你也觉得他们还不错,比如韩国人和日本人。(注:不知道她是不是想表达这个意思,这三个but把我也搞蒙了)我的意思是,为什么要厌恶呢,他们做了什么伤害你的事了吗?如果有人厌恶你们这个文明,你会生气吗?
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