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英语翻译不要用软件翻,不通的,翻得好可以追加分With china becoming a manufacturing power-house,is the world economy making itself so dependent on this still-developing nation that it is vulnerable to potentially devastating trade di_作业帮
英语翻译不要用软件翻,不通的,翻得好可以追加分With china becoming a manufacturing power-house,is the world economy making itself so dependent on this still-developing nation that it is vulnerable to potentially devastating trade di
英语翻译不要用软件翻,不通的,翻得好可以追加分With china becoming a manufacturing power-house,is the world economy making itself so dependent on this still-developing nation that it is vulnerable to potentially devastating trade disruption that could rise from social unrest,war,terrorism,or natural disaster?Situation in which sth is prevented from continuing.Since China became a member of the World Trade Association,corporations around the globe have jumped on the make-it-cheaper-in-China bandwagon.Dell computer relocated its giant PC- making facility from Kuala Lumpur to Xiamen.Intel started up a $100 million assembly plant in Shanghai for its Pentium 4 microprocessors.Samsung Electro-Mechnics has proposed the relocation of its mobile-phone components business,while LG Electonics shifted some parts of its microwave production lines from South Korea to Tianjin.GM,Toyota,and Ford have recently formed joint ventures with Chinese partners to make China a global manufacturing base for autos.Toshiba TVs,SONY Playstaions,and Motorola phones are among the thousands of products flowing out of China.“China is becoming a manufacturing superpower”,explains one Asia expert,“ and the momentum seems unstoppableThe advantages of manufacturing in China are obvious.Most significant,wages are a third of Mexico’s or Even Hungary’s and a mere five percent of those in the United States and Japan.China has an abundant pool of young,high school educated workers,with millions entering the workforce each year.Its universities are turning out will-trained engineers who command only modest salaries.Proximity to the world’s largest and fastest-growing market is another key attraction of investing in China.The nation has already passed the United States as the world’s biggest user of mobile phonenearness in time and spaceChina has drawn more foreign investment in recent years than any other emerging economy,averaging $40 billion (400亿) a year.Through increased government investment in education and training ,China is attracting research and development facilities from world-class technology companies,including Microsoft,IBM,and Motorola.In tandem with moves into China,an increasingly important initiative among corporations is the tightening of global supply chains,designed to improve just-in-time delivery and other critical logistics functions.By concentrating manufacturing too heavily in one place,corporations open themselves to often unforeseeable risks.Natural disasters alone could destroy hundreds of manufacturing facilities located in China’s costal provinces,causing havoc to supply networks.The concentration of Western interests in these geographic regions also raises the threat of international terrorism.Less dramatically,China’s membership in the WTO will almost certainly force reforms to China’s labor laws and practices,reducing the low-cost labor advantage for foreign firms.有效期三天,差点忘喇
第一句有点拗口,提一下主干就是“世界经济是否对中国太依赖了?”,后面“这个仍然在发展.毫无免疫的国家”的全是对中国的修饰.随着中国成为世界的制造发动机,世界经济是否对中国这个仍然在发展中的,对可能由社会动乱,战争,恐怖主义及自然灾害引起的潜在的贸易危机毫无免疫的国家过于依赖了?自从中国加入世贸,全球各地的公司趋之若鹜.DELL(戴尔)电脑将他的大型PC(个人电脑)制造基地从吉隆坡搬到了厦门,Intel(英特尔)在上海为他的奔腾4处理器新建了一个价值1亿美元的生产线.Samsung(三星)已经提出了将他们的手机零配件业务移址的计划,同时LG已经将一部分微波器件生产线从朝鲜转移到天津.GM(通用汽车),Toyota(丰田)和Ford(福特)都分别在中国开展了合资业务,这让中国成为全球汽车业的制造基地.Toshiba(东芝)电视,SONY Playstations(一款游戏机,同类型的还有微软的X-BOX),和Motorola手机等数千种产品正源源不断地从中国输往全世界.“中国正成为一个超级制造机器”,一个亚洲问题专业解释到,“并且这种趋势无法阻挡.中国制造的优势很明显.最重要的,工资是墨西哥甚至匈牙利的三分之一,美国和日本的百分之五.中国有大量的,受过中等教育(中学)的年轻工人,每年新涌入数百万的劳动力.他的大学提供优秀的,但薪金要求很低的工程师.拥有世界上最大的,增长最快的市场是中国如此受追捧的另一个原因.中国已经超过美国成为世界上手机用户最多的国家.中国近几年吸引的外资比任何一个发展中的经济体都多,平均每年400亿美元.政府对教育和培训投入的加大,正吸引着包括Microsoft(微软),IBM(国际商务机器)和Motorola(摩托罗拉)在内的世界级的技术公司的研发部门来到中国.伴随着“涌入中国”这股潮流,另一个越来越重要的举措就是全球供应链的紧缩,这种紧缩旨在改善速递业务以及其它重要的后勤业务.将制造业务过于集中在一个地方的公司,也面临着一些不可预见的风险.单自然灾害一项就能破坏中国沿海省份数以百计的制造工厂,造成供应网络的大浩劫.西方国家的利益在这一区域变得越来越集中,也增加了国际恐怖主义的威胁.然而,成为世贸组织成员将使得中国不得不改革她的劳工立法和执法,削减她给外国公司提供的廉价劳动力优势.
随着中国成为一个制造业大国的内部,是使自己成为世界经济如此依赖于这个仍在发展的国家,它很容易受到潜在的破坏性的贸易中断,可能引起了社会动乱,战争,恐怖主义,或自然灾害? 这是某事的情况持续发生。 自从中国成为世界贸易协会,世界各地的公司成员对化妆它,更便宜,在-中国盲目跟风。戴尔电脑从吉隆坡迁至其巨大的个人电脑制造工厂到厦门。英特尔在上海开始了其奔腾4微处理器的1亿美元的装配厂...将以下中文翻译成英文,优秀的答案将有追加分。请把握机会。_百度知道
所以. 宽容是最美丽的一种情感。5,宽容像天空一样宽阔,让这个世界充满浓浓暖意,可以融化人内心的冰点,当别人无意中对我们犯下错误的时候、透明,宽容是一种良好的心态,宽容是人性中最美丽的花朵。宽容是温暖明亮的阳光,请别忘了在自己心里装满宽容4,像大海一样深沉,宽容是一种崇高的境界
tolerance is as deep and silent as a big sea ,tolerance is as wide and clear as the sky ,please do not forget to bear the tolerance in your heart.Tolerance is the warm and shining sunlight which could melt the frozen heart and make the world full of warm and harmonyTolerance is a most significant emotion,tolerance is a good state of mind,and tolerance is the most beautiful blossom of the human character,when others do wrong to us by chance.So, tolerance is a state of
high spirit
That is why, do not forget to fill your heart with forgiveness. For tolerance, like the rays of the sunTolerance is one of the most beautiful human qualities, when others unintentionally do us wrong. It is a positive state of mind, can melt even the coldest of hearts and fill this world with a glow of warmth, that is as vast and clear as the sky and as deep as the oceans. It is the most beautiful flower in the garden of the human soul, a level of spiritual enlightment
欧洲人和美国人问路时不说英语,只在纸上写“咖啡馆在哪里?”,另外一方能看懂吗?我认为可以啊, European and American people to ask,do not
出门在外也不愁100分求下列几段短对话翻译,谢绝谷歌 有道等工具翻译,可连续追加得分_百度知道
100分求下列几段短对话翻译,谢绝谷歌 有道等工具翻译,可连续追加得分
邓英文“I have a dream ”)。为了能飞越重洋去杀掉祝英台,祝英文“this is BBC…,梁山伯十八里相送在天河机场与祝英台缠绵告别。(2)一周以后。终于在纽约街头找到他当年的爱人祝英台,梁山伯也来到了美国:不杀祝英台誓不为人,祝英台从美国打来越洋电话,他发下毒誓。(3)祝英台的无端背叛深深伤害了梁山伯脆弱的心灵。(4)一年之后,尤其擅长模仿马丁。当然他没有忘记用老生证可以优惠20块钱,梦想有朝一日成为BBC主持人(旁白暂停。于是重新来到新东方书院学习托福和GRE,而她正和马文才卿卿我我。在祝英台临走的那一天,可连续追加得分(1)话说梁山伯和祝英台三年前一同来到刚刚成立的武汉新东方书院学习英语.路德。(旁白暂停谢绝谷歌 有道等工具翻译,他每天提醒自己有一个梦想。梁山伯酷爱口语师从口语老师邓大付学习美国口语.)最终祝英台以托福和GRE高分的成绩被哥伦比亚大学录取,四处寻找祝英台的下落.金的演讲。祝英台一心梦想出国
(NThis is BBS, he made a swear, when she was been affectionate holding by Ma WI have a dream.: A year later. Zhu speak. Deng speak, who is especially good at imitating Martin Luther gold&#39. On the day of leaving. NARRATOR., he worked hard and reminded self the dream everyday.&quot. Certainlly: Yingtai Zhu&#39.NARRATOR. ;s heart deeplyNARRATOR, Liang came to the USA and looked for the whereabouts of Zhu.(Narrator stop: Kill Zhu or die, w)Finally. To kill Zhu over the oceans:&quot. He learned oral English from Dafu Deng:&quot. As voucher by using the previous student ID card. For this reason, they made a lingering farewell in the Tianhe Airport , he did not forget to get 20 Yuan&#39, for learning English together 3 years ago, he went back to New Oriental for learning TOEFL and GRE.&quot. Shanbo Liang ardently l)Yingtai Zhu always dreams to go abroad and to be a BBCs unprovoked betrayal broke Liang&#39, Yingtai Zhu got the offer from Columbia University by high score of TOEFL and GRE;s speech: The story says that Shanbo Liang and Yingtai Zhu came to Wuhan New Oriental. At last, he found his old lover Zhu in the streets of New York
the implementation of the accountant appointing system, wrote a brush sincere words and earnest wishes four word motto & establish accounting job rotation system, emphasize from the following six respects put forward to strengthen the accounting occupation morals construction suggestions, low cost of breaking faith. To this end, first of all, limitation of accounting system, characteristics and requirement do not falsify accounts&quot, I will be on accounting occupation morals
accounting occupation morals behavior to violate the increase blow strength, then from the interest drive, from the concept, strengtheni, enumerates the accounting occupation morals, and then mainly according to the Audit Commission
year the annual audit report revealed problems, but also to the accounting workers made the police training, which fully reflects the party and state leaders of the accountant occupation morals construct carry out occupation moral education of accounting: perfect related laws and regulations. The frame is mainly consists of fou establishing accounting personnel file integrity, to accountancy occupation morals of the related content to carry on the simple introduction, supervision system and supervision mechanism is not sound in several aspects cultivate good integrity of the accounting environment, finallyThe State Council Premier Zhu Rongji rarely mentioned the word before the inspection of Shanghai National Accounting Institute
不是翻译软件 Located in Shunde Daliang Qing Hui Garden, is one of the Four Famous Gardens in Guangdong in Qing Dynasty, the same time,


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