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untitled by jacx721 on DeviantArt
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Mar 22, :25 PM
The day of his death was neither a happy or a sad one. He knew that noone would cry for him after he was gone for noone could really care when they had no emotions.He knew that his life was over the moment he felt weak and his weapon had left him. As he died his mind was not on what was happening but of a distant past that seemed to have left him.*flashback* The night air was cool as the wind from the north had blown into the little kingdom. In the castal court yard sat a young boy around the age of sixteen. His blonde hair was up in a strange fashion something like a mullet. His eyes were closed as he played a soft tune on his guitar that he held in his hands."Emmy" "Emmy"He had not heard the voice that was calling to him rather he didn't want too. "Emmy" it had come again only it was closer this time. He still continued to play the tune until he was poked in the arm and the tune was disruppted."Emmy" the voice was now right in front of him. He still did not open his eyes and stayed like that until his name was called again."Myed" that had done it he opened his eyes to look straight at the person that had called him. The voice had belonged to a young girl only about 14 with light gray eyes and long bloned hair. She had on her pjs and some fuzzy slippers to go with it."What do you want Melody" the boy named Myed said as he placed his guitar down. The girl sighed and sat next to him "Whats wrong you don't seem happy" Myed looked to her."So you noticed?" he said a little scarcasem in his voice. She looked to him than away "I know about everything that happened" Myed didn't seem surprised things like this always happend.It was just another day his dad was showing off the castal and kingdom to another king. Myed was in his room at the time it happend. He was supposed to meet the other ruler and his daughter because he was to be wed soon shen he came of age. Myde was not to happy about that so he purposly stayed away from them hopeing they would leave before he had met them.No such luck of course he had no idea that they would barge into his room. He was minding his own bisness playing on his guitar and not paying attction. He was standing on his bed when his dad walked in.This surprised Myed that he lost his balance and fell crashing into his sound system and causing it to spark making the curtains become enflamed. This did not amuse his dad as he had to rush and throw water on it before the room burned down. The other king just stood there laughing "Your son is not the most balanced one of the family is he" of course that didnt make Myed pleased nor his father. "We will talk later" and with that he left.Myed sighed at the memory of the day thats mostly why he wanted to be alone to forget it. "I knew he hurt your feelings by saying music was a waist of your time and that you should be concerned with better things" Myed flinched he also didn't want to remeber that "Well I think he is wrong"Myed glanced at the girl confussion on his face. She looked towards him a smile on her face "Follow your own dreams and live the life your heart tells you too" she jumped down from her spot and started to walk away."Also remeber that no matter what you do I will always be with you" and then she was gone.*End flashback* No the day of his death was not a happy or a sad one. But as he faded into the darkness he smiled to himself for he knew that he would not be alone.
Demyx's story hope you enjoy
awww thanks
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