
冒冒失失 mào mào shī shī
解释 过分地随便对待。
词性 贬义词
结构 联合式
语法 作定语、状语;指人莽撞。
典故出处 清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第83回:“妹妹,回来见了老太太,别象刚才那样冒冒失失的了。”
成语示例 毛泽东《论反对日本帝国主义的策略》:“不到决战的时机,没有决战的力量,不能~地去进行决战。”
近 义 词 鲁鲁莽莽 莽莽撞撞
反 义 词 认认真真
英文翻译 head over heels &heels over head&
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冒失 基本解释冒失的近义词冒失[mào shi]词典:鲁莽的,轻率的;性急的;不顾后果的。词典:魄力;大胆,冒失,勇敢。词典:陡峭的;突然的,意外的;无理的,唐突的;不连贯的。词典:冒失,无礼(行为)。词典:自由;许可权;放肆,无礼;解放,释放。冒失 汉英大词典冒失[mào shi] abrupt:  例:冒失的行为        冒失从事        说话冒失    speak without due consideration冒失 网络解释1. 冒失是什么意思1. sauce n:saturatevt.浸透,浸湿;使满,使饱和 | sauce n.调味汁,酱油;莽撞,冒失 | savagea.未开化的;凶猛的2. imperence:impercipient 无知觉的 | imperence 冒失 | imperfect 有缺点的3. liberty n:lend 提供或增添某事物 | liberty n.自由, 特权, 随意, 冒失, 冒昧, 失礼 | linguistics n.语言学4. nonsense n:94. negotiation n. 谈判;磋商;协商 | 95. nonsense n. 谬论;胡扯;冒失;毫无意义的话 | 96. noway adv.没门冒失 双语例句1. 你在神面前不可冒失开口,也不可心急发言;因为神在天上,你在地下,所以你的言语要寡少。&&&&Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God.2. 2. 32:4 冒失人的心,必明白知识,结吧人的舌,必说话通快。&&&&The heart also of the rash shall understand knowledge, and the tongue of the stammerers shall be ready to speak plainly.3. 3. 也许是我对邪恶者过于愤恨,希望看到用这些刑罚去惩处包括政治犯、邪教者在内的一切丧德乱道之徒,以其人之道千倍万倍的刑罚去业报给其人之身,任何一个善良本分的人没有义务去接受邪教者、侵犯他人者、冒失轻浮渎职者、思钱眼开者带来的灾难或生命财产上的伤亡。&&&&Perhaps is me to the improbity too the anger hate, hope see punish to include political prisoner with these penalties, evil teach at inside of the Too of the whole wicked disorderly way, with its person's way 100000% ten thousand times penalties go to the industry report the person's body to it, the person of whichever and kind duty have no obligation accept evil teach, infringe upon others, rash and frivolous ditch job, think money eye to open bring of the dead and injured of disaster or life property.4. 4. 第二天,布贡妈??古费拉克给戈尔博老屋的看门兼二房东兼管家老妇人的称呼,她的真名是毕尔贡妈妈,这我们已经见过,而古费拉克这个冒失鬼对什么也不尊敬??&&&&On the following day, Ma'am Bougon, as Courfeyrac styled the old portress-principal-tenant, housekeeper of the Gorbeau hovel, Ma'am Bougon, whose name was, in reality, Madame Burgon, as we have found out, but this iconoclast, Courfeyrac, respected nothing, -- Ma'am Bougon observed, with stupefaction, that M.5. 5. 第二天,布贡妈棗古费拉克给戈尔博老屋的看门兼二房东兼管家老妇人的称呼,她的真名是毕尔贡妈妈,这我们已经见过,而古费拉克这个冒失鬼对什么也不尊敬棗,布贡妈大吃一惊,注意到马吕斯又穿上全身新衣出门去了。&&&&On the following day, Ma'am Bougon, as Courfeyrac styled the old portress-principal-tenant, housekeeper of the Gorbeau hovel, Ma'am Bougon, whose name was, in reality, Madame Burgon, as we have found out, but this iconoclast, Courfeyrac, respected nothing, -- Ma'am Bougon observed, with stupefaction, that M. Marius was going out again in his new coat.6. 五 连续落在布贡妈头上的雷火英文第二天,布贡妈棗古费拉克给戈尔博老屋的看门兼二房东兼管家老妇人的称呼,她的真名是毕尔贡妈妈,这我们已经见过,而古费拉克这个冒失鬼对什么也不尊敬棗,布贡妈大吃一惊,注意到马吕斯又穿上全身新衣出门去了。&&&&CHAPTER V DIVRS CLAPS OF THUNDER FALL ON MA'AM BOUGON Chinese On the following day, Ma'am Bougon, as Courfeyrac styled the old portress-principal-tenant, housekeeper of the Gorbeau hovel, Ma'am Bougon, whose name was, in reality, Madame Burgon, as we have found out, but this iconoclast, Courfeyrac, respected nothing, -- Ma'am Bougon observed, with stupefaction, that M. Marius was going out again in his new coat.7. 7. 到这里来,本身就是一件冒失的事,两人一起来就更是纯粹的胡闹。&&&&It had been a rash act to come here at all, and sheer folly to arrive together8. 开战。啊!你抓住冒失鬼的角,真不错,我给你一块排骨,而你却回答我:`说起这个,我要结婚。&&&&I offer you a cutlet and you answer me:`By the way, I want to marry.9. 如果他失败了,他会发现自己的形象将很快从众人期待的救世者,转变为又一个无能的冒失鬼。&&&&Should he fail, he will find himself swiftly transformed from wished-for saviour into yet another inadequate bungler.10. 5:4 或是有人嘴堳_失发誓、要行恶、要行善、无论人在甚麼事上冒失发誓、他却不知道、一知道了、就要在这其中的一件上有了罪。&&&&Or if a soul swear, pronouncing with his lips to do evil, or to do good, whatsoever it be that a man shall pronounce with an oath, an when he knoweth of it, then he shall be guilty in one of these.11. 凡与娼妇结合的,必放荡不羁,必为腐烂与蛆虫所占有;人必将他提出来,作为殷鉴;冒失的人,必要丧亡。&&&&&&Rottenness and worms will possess him, for contumacious desire destroys its owner.12. 只是太太经常犯轻举、冒失、心血来潮和冒充好汉的毛病,给佐爱惹来太多的麻烦。&&&&&&His horses and Lucy had devoured three of his farms, and at one gulp Nana was going to swallow his last chateau, near Amiens.13. 13. 不料小五郎不但对其没有帮助,还是个冒失的迷糊侦探。&&&&&&Unexpectedly, not only for its Kogoro does not help, or a bold-faced confused detective.14. 每次我看辛普森一家我我都强烈的渴望我是一个肥胖,冒失,胆小的人。。。&&&&&&And everytime I watch The Simpsons I DESIRE that I were a fat, bold, yellow man...15. 他这样说是冒失的。&&&&&&It was impudent of him to say so.16. 我希望你不要认为我太冒失。&&&&&&I hope you don't think I'm being too forward.17. 但当时有个朋友对我说:「我觉得你这麼做似乎太冒失了。&&&&&&But a friend at the time said to me, I think you may be being too bold here.18. 他说话冒失,但心意是好的。&&&&&&He has a big mouth, but he means well.19. 与美利坚合众国有最好的医生与冒失鬼在世界上的比例。&&&&&&And the United States of America has the best doctor-to-daredevil ratio in the world.20. 冒失鬼为了让自己的妻子相信他说的话,就又站到这台机器上。&&&&&&Hot head to make his wife believe his words, it is again at this machine.冒失是什么意思,冒失在线翻译,冒失什么意思,冒失的意思,冒失的翻译,冒失的解释,冒失的发音,冒失的同义词,冒失的反义词,冒失的例句,冒失的相关词组,冒失意思是什么,冒失怎么翻译,单词冒失是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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拼音mào shī 注音ㄇㄠˋ ㄕ词性近义词、、、、基本解释◎ 冒失 m&oshi[abrupt] 鲁莽没听明白就下结论也实在太冒失了引证解释匆遽;鲁莽。《儒林外史》第三八回:“那东西抖擞身上的毛……就狠命的往树枝上一扑,扑冒失了,跌了下来。”《天雨花》第二六回:“一时冒失全不察,口中吐出白光明。” 知侠 《铁道游击队》第七章:“你别冒失了!同志,现在还不到发狠的时候!”相关汉字、||
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 词语“冒失”的解释 汉典 zdic.net
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◎ 冒失 m&oshi[abrupt] 鲁莽
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ZDIC.NET 汉 典 網 冒失mào shiㄇㄠˋ ˙ㄕ鹵莽、莽撞。紅樓夢.第八十二回:「探春見湘雲冒失,連忙解說道:『這不過是肺火上炎,帶出一半點來也是常事。』」文明小史.第三十二回:「孔制臺聽他說東府比兗州開通些已不自在,又且要他籌款更覺得冒失,只為礙著師生情面,不好發作。」近冒昧、莽撞、魯莽、鹵莽、粗魯反謹慎、細心、慎重漏失,不中目標。儒林外史.第三十八回:「撲冒失了,跌了下來,又盡力往上一撲,離郭孝子只得一尺遠。」
ZDIC.NET 汉 典 網


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