Noyou is one lovee you mor...

The Bible is full of great verses and passages about the topic of love.
God’s love for us is a perfect example and starting place to study on love. There are also great verses about love in relation to marriage, brotherly love or , and loving your neighbor. Here is a collection of some of the greatest
quotes from the Bible. What is your favorite love Bible verse? Share it with us in the comments!
Featured Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Love love do it is not arrogant or rude. It does not i it is not ir it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. As for prophecies, as for tongues, as for knowledge, it will pass away.
God’s Love Scriptures
There should be no talk of love in the Bible without covering God’s love for each of us. This is the love that has led to a path for eternal life. Praise God!
“For God so loved the world,that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
Romans 5:8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 8:37-39
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
1 John 3:1
See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of G and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him.
Love One Another Bible Verses
Romans 13:8
Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.
Galatians 5:13
For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.
Ephesians 4:2 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love,
1 Peter 1:22
Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart,
1 John 4:7
Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.
What Did Jesus Say About Love
Matthew 5:43-48
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.
For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?
You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Matthew 6:24-25
“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.
“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
Mark 12:28-30
And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, asked him, “Which commandment is the most important of all?” Jesus answered, “The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’
John 14:21-24
Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.”
Judas (not Iscariot) said to him, “Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us, and not to the world?” Jesus answered him,
“If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. Whoever does not love me does not keep my words. And the word that you hear is not mine but the Father’s who sent me.
John 15:9-17 As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love.
If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. These things I command you, so that you will love one another.
Bible Verses About Love
for Marriage or Weddings
Song of Solomon 8:6-7
Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm, for love is strong as death, jealousy is fierce as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire, the very flame of the LORD. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it. If a man offered for love all the wealth of his house, he would be utterly despised.
Ephesians 4:2-3 with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
Philippians 2:2
complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.
1 John 3:18 Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.
Love Scripture Quotes from Proverbs or Psalms
Psalm 23:5-6
You prepare a table before me in the pr you ano my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
Psalm 31:16 Make your face s
save me in your steadfast love!
Psalm 63:3 Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.
Proverbs 10:12 Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.
Proverbs 17:17
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.
Christian Love Quotes
The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread. ~Mother Teresa
The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost. ~G.K. Chesterton
God loves you just the way you are, but He refuses to leave you that way. He wants you to be just like Jesus. – Max Lucado
“You can see God from anywhere if your mind is set to love and obey Him”
~ A.W. Tozer
Other Related Articles of Interest:
Resources The Holy Bible, English Standard Version “Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version(R) (ESV(R)), copyright (C) 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”You Tube Video- When God Made You by Newsong
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is a Christian blogger who loves to share the truth found in the Bible with others. Josh is blessed with a caring and wonderful wife Karen and four great kids. Josh’s other interests include golf, cherry cheesecake, and watching a good NFL game.
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Note: Thai language has its own script with 44 consonant letters, 15 vowel symbols that combine into at least 28 vowel forms, four tone diacritics, and an own set of numerals. There are many systems for transcribing Thai into the Roman alphabet. While some may be more approachable to foreign learners than others, they’re surely all not flawless.
The phonemic transcription system used here is not officially recognized, unfortunately not always consistent and certainly not flawless either but, in our opinion, comes as close to the original sound as possible. Please scroll down on this extensive page to hopefully find just what you’re looking for.
Days of the Week & Months
yesterday = muea waan (nee); tomorrow = proong nee
week = aa- month =
year = bpee
Days (English)Days (Thai)
Mondaywan jan
Tuesdaywan ang-khaan
Wednesdaywan poot
Thursdaywan pa-rue-hat
Fridaywan sook
Saturdaywan sao
Sundaywan aa-tit
Months (English)Months (Thai)
Counting Numbers in Thai
Numbers (English)Thai Number Words
11sip-et (!)
13 ...sip-saam ...
20yee sip (!)
21yee sip-et
22 ...yee sip-so:ng ...
30saam sip
31 ...saam sip-et ...
50 ...haa sip ...
100(nueng) roi
101(nueng) roi-et
102 ...(nueng) roi so:ng ...
200so:ng roi
300 ...saam roi ...
1,000nueng pan (speak "pun")
2,000 pan ...
10,000nueng mue:n
20,000 mue:n ...
100,000nueng saen
200,000 saen ...
1,000,000nueng laan
2,000,000 laan ...
Please note that it’s: 11 = sip-et, not “sip-nueng”; 20 = yee-sip, not “so:ng-sip”; 21 = yee-sip-et, not “so:ng-sip-nueng”. Accordingly it’s: 31 = saam-sip- 41 = see-sip-et etc.
Personal Pronouns
Depending on the “level of speech”, different sets of personal pronouns are being used in Thai. The ones listed here are the most commonly used ones and recommended for foreign speakers. In Thai, there are no reflexive or other personal pronouns, but possession may be indicated by the particle kho:ng. Subject pronouns are frequently omitted, often with nicknames of the speakers used instead.
Personal PronounsThai Personal Pronouns
I, mepom (for male speakers)
I, mechan (for female speakers)
youkhun (polite), tur (as in English "turn")
he/she, him/herkhao
itman (speak "mun")
we, us(puak) rao
youpuak tur
they, thempuak khao
Frequently Used Thai Words & Phrases (General)
In “polite speech”, which is recommended for foreign speakers, the particles khrab (for male speakers) and kha (female speakers) can be added to any phrase or sentence.
Useful Words & PhrasesThai Translation
Hello, Good morningsawat-dee khrab (male speakers)
Hello, Good morningsawat-dee kha (female speakers)
How are you?sabai dee mai (khrab/kha)
I am finesabai dee khrab/kha
Thank youkhorb khun khrab/kha
Excuse me, Sorrykhor to:ht khrab/kha
My name is ...pom/chan chue ...
What is your name?khun chue arai
How old are you?khun aa-yoo tao-rai
I'm ... years oldpom/chan aa-yoo ... bpee
Do you speak English?khun pood paa-saa angkrit bpen mai
I do not speak Thaipom/chan pood paa-saa tai mai bpen (dai)
I can speak Thai a little bitpom/chan pood paa-saa tai mai dai nit noy
Do you understand?khao jai mai (khrab/kha)
I don't understandpom/chan mai khao jai
I do not knowmai roo (khrab/kha)
Never mind, It's alright, No problemmai bpen rai (khrab/kha(
I don't wantmai ao (khrab/kha)
I don't likemai chorb
What time is it?gee mo:hng
Where do you come from?khun maa jaak nai
I come from ...pom/chan maa jaak ...
Where is ...?... yoo (tee) nai
Where is the toilet?ho:ng naam yoo nai (khrab/kha)
When ...?mua-arai
I like youpom/chan chorb khun
I love youpom/chan rak khun
You are (so) cutekhun naa rak (maak)
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?khun mee faen rue yang
darling, honey, sweethearttee rak
How much?(raakhaa) tao-rai
Can you give me a discount?lot dai mai (khrab/kha)
expensive, too expensivepaeng, paeng goe:n bpai
Check the billcheck bin, geb dtang duai (khrab/kha)
hotelro:hng raem
Do you have a room available?mee ho:ng waang mai (khrab/kha)
air-con roomho:ng air
fan roomho:ng pat lom
Useful Restaurant & Food Phrases
Restaurant & Food PhrasesThai Translation
Are you hungry?khun hiu khao mai
I am hungrypom/chan hiu khao
to eatgin khao
to drinkdue:m
restaurantraan aahaan, ho:ng aahaan
Thai foodaahaan tai
Western foodaahaan farang (speak "falang")
seafoodaahaan talay
breakfastaahaan chao
I want, I would like ...khor ...
drinking waternaam due:m, naam bplao
ice cubesnaam khaeng
One ... beer please!kho bia ... nueng kuat (khrab/kha)
One more beer please!kho bia eek nueng kuat
red wine, white winewai: daeng, wai: khao
coffeekafae ro:n
ice coffeekafae yen
tea (hot tea)chaa ro:n
sugarnaam dtaan
orange juice, pineapple juicenaam som, naam sapparot
menurai-kaan aahaan, menoo
Can I see the menu please?kho doo menoo noy khrab/kha
rice (normal)khao (suai)
fried ricekhao pad
rice soupkhao dtom
rice noodleskuay dtiao
egg noodlesbaamee
French fries, chipsfaen fai
potatoesman farang (speak "mun falang")
breadkhanom bpang
jam, marmeladeyaem
beefnuea, nuea wua
prawn, shrimpgoong
squidbplaa muek
fried eggkhai dao
pepperprik tai
toothpickmai jim fan
not spicy (please)(khor) mai phet
delicious, goodaroi (dee)
Check the bill!check bin, geb dtang duai (khrab/kha)
Health-Related Phrases
Health-Related PhrasesThai Translation
Help!chuai duai
painbpuat, jeb (temporary)
sick, illbpuai, mai sabai
to have a coldbpen wat
to have a feverbpen khai
stomach achebpuat to:ng
headachebpuat hua
toothachebpuat fan (speak "fun")
sore throatjeb khor
pharmacyraan khai yaa
hospitalro:hng payabaan
to see a doctorbpai haa mor
dentistmor fan (speak "fun")
medicine, drugsyaa
tablets, pillsyaa me:t
to take medicinegin yaa
injectioncheet yaa
health insurancebprakan
Basic Thai Vocabulary A – Z
Our popular A-Z dictionary currently has over 750 entries. Please use the table functions to search, for example, for a particular word or letter, and make the most of it.
about, approximatelybpramaan
address (noun)tee yoo
to be afraid (of), scaredglua
afternoondtorn bai
againeek (laew), eek khrang
What is your age?
How old are you?(khun) aa-yoo taorai
... ago, before... tee laew, korn, tee paan maa
to agreehen duai
air-conditionedmee air
aircon roomho:ng air
airportsanaam bin
(to drink) alcohol(gin) lao
a little (bit)nid noi
alonekhon diao
alright, okayriab roi
always, all the timesamoe:, dtalort wee-laa (speak "waylaa")
anal intercourse, (to have) anal sexlen dtoot
andlae, gab
angrygro:ht, mo:h ho:h (long round "o" sound)
animalsat (as in "Saturday")
to answerdtorb
to arrive(maa) tueng
ash treytee khia boori (speak "bully")
to asktaam
auntbpaa, naa
back painbpuat lang
bad, evilleo (speak "layo"), mai dee, (jai) rai, jai dam, yae
bag, baggage, handbaggra-bpao, gra-bpau tue:h
bank (financial)tana-khaan
bank accountbanchee ("bunchee")
bathroom, toiletho:ng naam, sookhaa
to bebpen, e.g.
I am a man = pom bpen poo chai
to be (stay)yoo, e.g.
I am (stay) at home = pom yoo baan
beachhaad (sai)
beautiful, prettysuai, suai ngaam
because, as, forpro-waa
beddtiang (no:n)
bedroomho:ng no:n
to belive (s.o.,
bestdee tee soot
betterdee kwaa
(to ride) bicycle(khee) jakkra-yaan
big, largeyai
black(see) dam
(light) bluesee faa
(dark) bluesee naam ngoen
boat, shipruea
bodydtua, raang gai
book (noun)nang sue:
to be bored (of)buea
boringnaa buea
bosom, breast, titsnom
bottom, ass(hole)gon, dtoot
braceletgamlai khor mue:
breadkhanom bpang
breakfastaahaan chao
bright, lightsawaang
broken, out of ordersia (laew)
brother (older)pee chai
brother (younger)no:ng chai
brown(see) naam dtaan
bus, coachrot but, rot me: ("may"), rot bpra-jam taang
bus stationsataanee rot khon song
(to do) business(tam) toorakit
businessmannak toorakit
busyyoong, mee too-ra, mai waang
but, howeverdtae
to buysue:
to call s.o.riak
to call (phone) haa
to call (phone) backto:h glab
cameraklo:ng tai roop
can, to be able to, capable ofbpen. e.g.
I can speak Thai = pom pood paa-saa tai bpen
can, to be able todai, saamaat
cannot, impossiblemai dai
cancermaraeng ("malaeng")
capitalmueang luang
carrot (yon)
car parktee jo:t rot
careful, attention!rawang
to changebplian
to (ex)change moneylae:k ngoen
cheap, inexpensivetoo:k, mai paeng
cheapertoo:k gwaa
cheat, untruthfulkhee go:hng
children, babylook, dek (plural "dek dek")
cigarette(s)boori (speak "bully")
cinema, movie theatrero:hng nang
city, townmueang
climate, weatheraa-gaat
clock, watchnaaligaa
to close, closedbpid
clothessuea paa
cockroachmalaeng saab
coconut(loo:k) ma-prao
cold, coolyen
(to feel) coldnao
(to be) cool, keep cool! jai yen yen
to comemaa
to come backglab maa
to come frommaa jaak
to come homeglab baan
company (business)borisat
to cooktam gab khao
cook (noun)mae/por khrua (female/male)
correct, righttoo:k
cousinloo:k pee loo:k no:ng
to cryro:ng hai
to danceden
daughterloo:k sao
daywan (speak "one")
daily, per daywan la, dtor wan
every daytook wan
day off, holidaywan yoot
deathkwaam dtai:
(to have) debtsbpen nee
to decidedtat sin jai
dentistmor fan (speak "fun")
diamond (ring)(wae:n) pe:t
to diedtai:
dildokho:ng tiam, dindo:h
differencekwaang dtae:k dtaang
different, different from ...mai muean gan, (dtae:k) dtaang jaak ...
difficult, hardyaak, lambaak
to disagreemai hen duai
disappointedpid wang
to do, to maketam
do not ...yaa ...
dream (noun)fan (speak "fun")
to dream (about, of)fan (tueng)
to drinkdue:m, gin
to drink (alcohol)gin lao
drink, beveragekhrueang due:m
to drive (car, motorcycle)khab (rot, mor-dter-sai)
driving licensebai a-noo-yaat khab khee
drugs, narcoticsyaa sep-dtit
drunk, pissedmao, mao mao (adv.)
earlyreo, reo reo, dtorn hua kham, chao
to earn, make moneyhaa ngoen
earringdtaang hoo, dtum hoo
easyngai, ngai ngai (adv.)
to eatgin, gin khao
egoistichen kae dtua
to elect, to votelueak dtang
election, votegaan lueak dtang
electricityfai faa
embassysataan toot
to enterkhao
entrancetaang khao
(to have an) erectionmee aarom, ham khaeng (coll.)
eveningdtorn yen
every, each, all ...took ...
everybodytook khon
everythingtook sing took yaang
everywheretook tee
to exercise, to work outork gamlang gai
exittaang ork
expensive, dearpaeng
too expensivepaeng gern bpai
to explaina-ti-bai
factoryro:hng ngaan
to fall (down)dtok
familykhro:b khrua
famousmee chue: siang
fanpat lom
fast, quickreo, reo reo (adv.)
(to be) fatuan
to feelroo-suek
(a) fewnoi
fewer than, less than ...noi gwaa
fewest ...noi tee soot
to fightsoo:
fingerniu mue:
firefai (mai)
fishingjab bplaa
fly (insect)malaeng wan
to flybin, nang khrueang bin ("sit airplane")
flood, floodednaam tuam
flowerdork mai
foot, feettao
football, soccerfoot-born
forhai, puea
foreigner, Westerner/Caucasianchao dtaang chaat, farang (speak "fallang")
for free, free of chargefee
to forgetlue:m
fridge, refrigeratordtoo yen
to fuck, have sexyet, uep, tap, au gan (coll., vulgar)
full (with food, not hungry)im (laew)
fun, amusement, enjoyablesanook
to getdai, dai rab
to givehai
glasses, eyeglasseswae:n dtaa
to go (to)bpai (no preposition required)
to go homeglap baan
to go out, go on a tripbpai tiao
good (at something), skilled, clevergaeng
good heart, kind, kind-heartedjai dee
green(see) khiao
to feel guilty, to be guiltyroo-suek pid, mee kwaam pid
(to get a) haircutdtat pom
to happengerd khuen
happydee jai, mee kwaam sook
hard, difficultyaak, lambaak
hard (not soft)khaeng
hat, crash helmetmuak
to hategliat
to havemee
headhua, see-sa
headachebpuat hua
healthysookapaap dee
to heardai yin
hearthua jai
heavy (weight)nak
to helpchuai, chuai luea
Help (me)!chuai duai
heretee nee, dtrong nee
his, herkhong khao
to hopewang
hope (noun)kwaam wang
(to be) hornymee aarom, ngian, bpliak ("wet")
hospitalro:ng payabaan
hot, warmro:n
hot-tempered, quick-temperedjai ro:n ("hot heart")
hotelro:hng raem
hourchua mo:hng
house, homebaan
howyaang rai, bae:b nai
how long? (time)naan taorai
how many ...?gee, maak taorai
how much?(raa-khaa) taorai, maak taorai
to hug, embracegord
hungryhiu (khao)
husbandsaamee, pua
ice, ice cubesnaam khaeng
if, in casetaa
importantsamkan ("some cun")
impossiblebpen bpai mai dai
in (e.g. one year)eek (nueng bpee)
in, insidenai, khaang nai
intelligent, cleverchalaat
(to be) interested (in)son jai (nai)
interestingnaa son jai
islandgko (very short "o" sound)
jeansgaang gaeng yeen
jokerueang dta-lok, jo:hk
keygoon jae:
room key, house keygoon jae: ho:ng, goon jae: baan
to kill, to murderkhaa
to kissjoob
to know, to know (s.o.)roo, roo jak ...
ladyboy, transvestite, she-malekatoey
language (English, Thai)paa-saa (ang-krit, tai)
last (as in "last month")... tee laew, ... gawn
latesai, duek ("late at nighT")
to laughhua ro (short "o" sound)
laundry shopraan sak reed
lawyernak got-mai
lazykhee giat
to learnrian
left-hand sidedaan sai: mue:
Turn left!liao sai:
to lend (money)hai yue:m (ngoen)
letterjot mai
to licklia
to (speak a) liego hok
to live, to be alivemee chewit (yoo)
light (not heavy)bao
lighterfai check
to likechorb
to listen (to)fang
to listen to musicfang ple:ng
little, smalllek, noi
to live in, to stay at(pak) yoo (tee)
to lock (a door)lok (bpra-dtoo)
long (material)yao
long (time)naan
to look(mo:ng) hen, mo:ng, doo
to look for, search, seek (s.o.,
to lose ( hai
to lose (e.g. a game)pae:
loud, noisy(siang) dang
to loverak
love (noun)kwaam rak
I love youpom/chan rak khun (male/female)
Do you love me?khun rak pom/chan mai
manpoo chai
managerpoo jat gaan
manicure/pedicuredtat lep
many, muchmaak, yoe, lai:
to marrydtaeng ngaan
already marrieddtaeng ngaan laew
(Thai, foot) massagenuad (tai, tao)
traditional massagenuad paen boran
to masturbate, wankchuck-wao (coll.)
maybe, perhapsbaang tee, aat-ja
to meet (s.o.)pob, joer
menstruation, to menstruatebpra-jam duean, bpen men
(to send a) text message(faak) khor kwaam
midnighttiang khue:n
military, soldiertahaan
mirror, glass (material)gra-jok
to miss (s.o.)kid tueng
I miss youpom/chan kid tueng khun
mistake, faultkwaam pid
to make a mistake, do wrongtam pid
to misunderstandkhao jai pid
mobile phone, cell phonemue: tue:h, mobai:
to borrow moneyyue:m ngoen
to have no moneymai mee ngoen
to owe money, have debtsbpen nee
to send/transfer moneysong/faak ngoen
monthlytook duean, duean la
more ... than... maak gwaa
most ...... suan yai
morningdtorn chao
Good morningsawat-dee dtorn chao
mountain, hillpoo khao
(to watch a) movie(doo) nang
must, have todto:ng
my, minekho:ng pom/chan (male/female)
What's your name?khun chue: arai
surname/family namenaam sakoon
necessaryjam bpen
neck, throatkhor
necklacesoi: khor
neighbourpuean baan
neighbourhoodtaew baan
nevermai koey (loey), e.g.
I never drink beer = pom mai koey gin bia
newspapernang-sue pim
next (as in "next month")... naa
in the nightdtorn glaang khue:n
tonightkhue:n nee
nipple(s)hua nom
nomai, mai chai, bplao
not at allmai ... loey
nothingmai mee arai
not yetyang (mai)
now, at the momentdtorn nee, diao nee, khana nee
oftenboi, boi boi
not oftenmai boi
old (material)gao
old (person)gae:
once, twicenueng khrang (khrang diao), so:ng khrang
onlytaonan, kae, yaang diao
to open, openbpoe:d
oppositedtrong gan khaam
(to perform) oral sextam o:ran, chai bpaak, o:m nok khao (coll.)
orange juicenaam som
ordinary, normal, usualtamma-daa
other... ue:n
papaya saladsom-dtam
parentspor mae:
passportnang-sue: dtoe:n taang
to pee, pisschee, yiao (vulgar)
penis, cock, dickkhuai, ham (speak "hum") [coll., vulgar]
testicles, balls(khai) ham
perfumenaam horm
petrol, gasolinenaam man (rot)
to fill petrol, gasolinedtoe:m naam man (rot)
petrol stationbam naam man ("bum naam mun")
photograph, pictureroop paap, roop tai:
to photograph, take a picturetai: roop
to pick (s.o.) uprab
pineapple juicenaam sapparot
planekhrueang bin
to playlen
play cardslen pai
pleasegaroona, bpro:hd
police, policemandtam-ruat
police stationsataa-nee dtam-ruat
polite, impolitesoo-paap, mai soo-paap
politics, politician(s)gaan mueang, nak gaan mueang
populartee niyom
possiblebpen bpai dai
to preferchorb ... maak gwaa
priceraakhaa, khaa
prime ministernayok rattamon-dtree
problem(s), troublebpan-haa
to have a problemmee bpan-haa
"No problem!"mai mee bpan-haa, mai bpen rai
profession, occupationaa-cheep
to promise, promisesan-yaa
to keep a promiserak-saa san-yaa
proudpoom jai
provincejang-wat ("chang-wat")
to pulldueng
to pushplak
quick, fastreo
quicklyreo reo
railway stationsataa-nee rot fai
It is rainingfon dtok
to readaan
really, surejing, jing jing (adv.)
to receivedai rab
red(see) daeng
to rememberjam (daI)
to rentchao
rent (noun)khaa chao
to rest, relaxpak porn
restaurantraan aahaan, ho:ng aahaan
to return, to come backglab (maa)
right, right-hand sidekwaa, daan kwaa mue:
Turn right!liao kwaa
rivermae: naam
to runwing
sadsao jai
salary, monthly incomengoen duean
samemuean gan, diao gan
same as ...muean gab ...
to save moneygeb ngoen
to saybork
(to be) scareddtok jai
schoolro:hng rian
sea, oceantalay
by the searim talay
season (cold, hot, rainy)rue-doo (nao, ro:n, fon)
seattee nang
to see(mo:hng) hen, doo
self (myself, himself etc.)e:ng
to sellkhai, jam-nai
to sendsong
separatelyyae:k gan
to pay separatelyyae:k gan jai
to have sex, fuckyet, tap, uep, ao gan
shirt, blousesuea (chert)
shoe(s)ro:ng tao
shop, storeraan
shortsan, dtia
to show ( doo
to shower, take a showeraab naam
Shut up!hoob bpaak, ngiab, sao wao (Lao dialect)
shy(khee) ai
sick, illbpuai, mai sabai
silkpaa mai
similarglai gan
single (not married)so:hd, yang mai mee fae:n
sister (older)pee sao
sister (younger)no:ng sao
to sitnang
skirt, dressgra-bpro:hng
to sleepno:n (lab)
sleeping roomho:ng no:n
slowly!chaa chaa
smalllek, noi
to smell (good)horm
to smell (bad), to stinkmen
to smileyim
to smoke (cigarettes)soop (boori)
sockstoong tao
soldier, militarytahaan
some ...baang ...
sometimesbaang khrang
sonloo:k chai
(to sing a) songro:ng ple:ng
sorry, pardon, excuse mekhor to:ht khrab/kha
to speak (about)pood (tueng)
special, extraordinarypi-se:t
spidermae:ng moom
to standyue:n
to start, to beginroe:m (dton)
stomach achebpuad to:ng, jeb to:ng
to stop, to have a breakyoot
strange, weirdbplae:k
street, roadtanon, sai
strong (physically)(khae:ng) rae:ng
sound, voice, noisesiang
to suck (, orm
suit, costumechut ("choot")
suitcase, bag, baggage, luggagegra-bpao, gra-bpao dtoe:n taang
sunpra aatit
to suppose, to assumesom-moot
(to be) surenae jai, nae no:n
surprise, to be surprisedbpralaat jai
to swimwai naam, len naam
swimming poolsa wai naam
to take (, ao
to take time, to lastchai weelaa ("waylaa")
to talk, to talk about, to chatkhui (gan), pood tueng, sontanaa
taxi, cab(rot) teksee
to teachsorn
teacherkhroo, aajaan
telephone cardbat to:h-rasap
telephone numberboer to:h-rasap
television(doo) to:h-ratat, tee-wee
to tellbork
Thailandmueang tai, bpra-te:t tai
thatnan ( speak "none")
theretee nan
to think (that)kid (waa), nuek (waa)
thirstyhiu naam
air ticketdtua khrueang bin
bus ticketdtua rot me:
rail ticketdtua rot fai
to tickle, ticklishjakkajee
tight, stingy, "cheap Charlie"khee niao
timeweelaa ("waylaa")
at what time ...?... gee mo:hng
What time is it (now)?(dtorn nee) gee mo:hng
on time, punctuallydtrong weelaa ("waylaa")
time(s) (one time, two times etc.)khrang (nueng khrang, so:ng khrang etc.)
every time, each timetook khrang
tired, sleepynueay, nguang no:n
to be tired of ...buea ...
todaywan nee
togetherduai gan, ruam gan
tomorrowproong nee
too ... (big, small)... gern bpai
tooth, teethfan ("fun")
toothbrushbpraeng see fan
toothpasteyaa see fan
to touch (, s.o.)dtae, jab
touristnak to:ng tiao
towelpaa chet dtua
traffic jamrot dtit
train, railwayrot fai
to translatebplae
transvestite, ladyboykatoey
to travel, to go outdtoe:n taang, bpai tiao
to trypa-ya-yaam, lo:ng
trousersgaang gae:ng
to turn (right/left)liao (kwaa, sai)
uglynaa gliat
umbrellarom (speak "lom")
under, belowdtai
to understandkhao jai
I don't understandpom/chan mai khao jai (male/female)
underpants, panties, knickersgaang gae:ng nai
to undress, to take offtord suea (paa), tord ...
unhappysia jai, sao jai, mai mee kwaam sook
until, till, totueng, jon, jon gratang, jon gwaa, gratang
vagina, pussyyoh-nee (formal), hoy, jim, hee (coll., vulgar)
very, many/muchmaak, maak maak (adv.)
villagemoo baan
visawee-saa (from English "visa")
to visit (s.o.)bpai haa, (bpai) yiam
to waitror
to wake updtue:n no:n
to walk, go for a walkdtoe:n, dtoe:n len
walletgra-bpao ngoen, gra-bpao dtang
to wank, to masturbatechuck-wao (coll.)
to want (to)yaak, dto:ng gaan
to wash (clothes)sak (paa)
to watchdoo
to watch TVdoo to:h-ratat, doo tee-wee
(wrist) watchnaaligaa khor mue:
drinking waternaam due:m, naam bplao
cold waternaam yen
watermelondtaeng mo:h
which way?taang nai
to wear (
weather, climateaa-gaat
weeklyaatit la, took aatit
what?arai na
What is this?nee arai
What's the time?gee mo:hng
when (temporal conjunction)weelaa ("waylaa"), dtorn tee, (muea) dtorn
where?tee nai
Where do you go?(khun) bpai nai
where (are you/do you come) from?(khun maa) jaak nai
Where is ...?... yoo (tee) nai
which, that, who (relative pronoun)tee
which (person)khon nai
which (material)an nai
white(see) khao
who?khrai, khon nai
whose ...?kho:ng khrai
whytammai, pro arai
wifepanrayaa, mia, fae:n
second wife, mistressmia noi
(to be) willingdtem jai
to winchana
windownaa dtaang
(red/white) winewai: (daeng, khao)
withgab, duai
womanpoo ying
to worktam ngaan
to work hardtam ngaan nak
world, earthlo:hk
to writekhian
wrong, mistaken, false, faultypid
to do wrongtam pid
yearly, every yearbpee la, dtor bpee, took bpee
yellow(see) lueang
yeschai, khrab/kha
yesterdaymuea-waan (nee)
young (man, woman); not old, still youngnoom, yang mai gae:, dek yoo
your, yourskho:ng khun (following the noun)


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