when we were smallre the Middl...

>>>A middle school student ,who jumped into the hot seat when h..
A middle school student ,who jumped into the hot seat when his school bus driver passed out on the way to class this morning is being praised as a "quick thinker" for leading the bus. and 15 other students .to safety. Seventh grader Jeremy Wuitschick is being praised by the local police chief for his actions. Wuitschick hopped out of his seat and grabbed the steering wheel(方向盘) . pulling the bus over to the side of the road before pulling the keys from the ignition(点火开关)“I'll give the kid credit for fast thinking. He did the right thing and we're going to do& something for him. The kid definitely deserves credit." Milton Police Chief Bill Rhodes cold ABC News. Police officers were informed of a school bus driving irregularly through town around 8 a.m. today .but by the time an officer arrived at the scene ,Wuitschick had had it under control. He had pulled the bus over in front of Discovery Primary School . which is near to the school where the students were headed .Surprise Lake Middle School. "I knew something was wrong." Wuitschick told ABC. " it was pretty scary. I was just acting on instinct .It was all happening really quickly." Jeff Short .assistant dean for the Fife school district . said the students had been trained in emergency situations on the school bus .including how to shut down ,the bus in an emergency. A staff member at the school .John McCrossin . happened to be driving behind the bus when the driver lost consciousness(知觉) . and rushed onto the bus to administer CPR(心肺复苏 )& once Wuitschick had pulled over to the side of the road .Rhodes said. The kids told McCrossin they had already called 911. The bus driver . whose name has not been released . was taken to the hospital. Emergency service personnel told school administrators&& he was suffering from a problem related to the heart. Short said his condition was severe. Rhodes&& said that there were no traffic& accidents or other injuries.&&&&&&&&小题1:Bill Rhodes praised Wuitschick becauseA. he drove the school bus to campusB he did bring the school bus to safetyC. he helped the police in public affairsD. he successfully saved the bus driver小题2:When the police reached the spot._______.A. the bus driver had already recoveredB. the bus had just arrived at its destinationC. the bus had already been under controlD the bus was& running crazily on the road小题3:From the passage we can learn that_______.A.Bill Rhodes gave Wuitschick a credit card for his deedB.McCtossin offered to call 911 when the event happenedC.Jeff Short happened to be driving behind the school busD.Wuitschick had been well trained in dealing with emergencies小题4:The passage is probably taken from______.A.a personal diaryB.a news reportC.an accident recordD.a research paper
小题1:B小题2:C小题3:D小题4:B试题分析:文章报导了Wuitschick在司机突发心脏病,校车处于危险境地的千钧一发的时候,控制了校车,让车在安全地方停下,避免了一场严重的伤亡事故。小题1:细节题:从第二段的句子:Wuitschick hopped out of his seat and grabbed the steering wheel(方向盘) . pulling the bus over to the side of the road before pulling the keys from the ignition(点火开关)“I'll give the kid credit for fast thinking. He did the right thing and we're going to do& something for him. 可知Bill Rhodes 表扬Wuitschick是因为他使得校车安全了,选 B小题2:细节题:从第三段的句子:but by the time an officer arrived at the scene ,Wuitschick had had it under control. 可知在校车到的时候,校车已经被控制住了,选C小题3:推理题:从第三段的句子:Jeff Short .assistant dean for the Fife school district . said the students had been trained in emergency situations on the school bus .including how to shut down ,the bus in an emergency. 可以推断出Wuitschick在学校已经接受过怎么处理紧急情况的训练,选D小题4:文章出处题:从全文看,文章报导了Wuitschick在司机突发心脏病,校车处于危险境地的千钧一发的时候,控制了校车,让车在安全地方停下,避免了一场严重的伤亡事故,还有各方对此事的看法。所以是新闻报道类短文,选B
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“A middle school student ,who jumped into the hot seat when h..”主要考查你对&&新闻报道类阅读&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
&&&&&&&&新闻报道类类文章有一共同特点,即都是由标题(Headline)、导语(Lead)、主体(Mainbody)、背景(Background)和结尾(End)五部分构成。标题是新闻报道中心思想高度而又精辟的概括;导语位于新闻报道的首段,高度概括新闻事实;主体则对导语概括的新闻事实进行详细叙述;新闻背景是指新闻事实之外,对新闻事实或新闻事实的某个部分进行解释或补充的材料;结尾往往是新闻事件的结果或动态展望,也是中心思想的概括并常常与新闻导语相呼应。&&&&&&&&新闻报道中的导语非常重要,它位于文章的第一段,通过它点出新闻的主题,五个W和一个H(When,Where,Who,What,Why和How)通常是构成一则完整消息不可缺少的要素。文章往往呈现出“倒金字塔”的特征,因此读懂首句或首段至关重要。&&&&&& 另外,从句的使用也是此类文章的一大语言特色,因为从句信息量大,适合新闻报道的要求。此外,大量的副词和插入语的使用也是此类文章的特点。为使文章更客观、更具信服力,常用The study said…, Scientists believe that…Experts said…, It's reported that…, According to the survey…等语言。同事在阅读过程中,我们要对材料所提供信息如when, where, who, how, why等进行提问,将信息迅速提炼出来。新闻报道类阅读应试策略:
【命题趋势】阅读理解的选材明显地呈现出关注实际生活的趋势,这种趋势与当前基础教育改革的目标是一致的,而中学生学习语言的根本目标与基础教育学会求知,学会做事,学会合作,学会做人的目标是一致的,真实新颖的选材对基础英语教学课程改革具有重要的反作用。时文报道就在文章中体现了这一要求。主要表现在以下几个方面: 1、反映海内外事件,文章结构严谨,内容贴近生活,用现代英语反映现代生活。 2、如果是新闻报道,都有比较固定的写作格式,如文首通常有报道的地点或时间,第一句话常常是文章的导语,有助于了解文章的大致内容和主题。 3、如果是新闻报道则是记叙文,有地点、时间、人物、事物等要素。 4、有许多大量反映当代社会变化的新词汇和表达方式。 5、命题既重细节,又重推理和主旨。 6、大背景中的小事件,大事件中的小插曲往往是选材的热点。【应试对策】 1、在平时学习中,关注生活,阅读新闻报道和广告类文章、把阅读时事文章作为学习英语的重要途径。 2、了解新的词汇和表达方式。如:tsunami海啸,MP3players(MP3)播放器,well_offsociety小康社会等。 3、抓住文章主题,准确捕捉细节和内涵,进行合理的推理。 4、品味新闻的标题,联系平时所积累的知识,为了解材料大意作铺垫。 5、了解新闻报道的特殊规律,其内容和多含何人、何地、何事、何时等,阅读时要抓住新闻的这一主要特点去理解判断。 6、要注意文中以黑体、大写、下划线等方式加以提示的文字,因为这很有可能是材料的核心或至少是一部分内容的概括。
与“A middle school student ,who jumped into the hot seat when h..”考查相似的试题有:
416877422140190805418179378344441664When my first wartime Christmas came, I was in basic training in New Jersey and not sure if I could make it home for the holidays. Only on the afternoon of December 23 was the list of men who would have three-day passes (通行证) posted. I was one of the lucky soldiers. It was Christmas Eve when I arrived, and a light snow had fallen. Mother opened the front door. I could see beyond her, into the corner of the living room where the tree had always stood. There were lights, all colors, and ornaments (装饰物) shining against the green of a pine.“Where did it come from?” I asked. “I asked the Gates boy to cut it,” my mother said. “I wouldn’t have had one just for myself, but when you called--- oh, such a rush! He just brought it in this afternoon…” The pine reached to the proper height, almost to the ceiling, and the Tree Top Krystal Star was in its place. A few green branches reached about a little awkwardly (难看地) at the side, I thought, and there was a bit of bare trunk showing in the middle. But the tree filled the room with warm light and the whole house with pleasant smell of Christmas. “It’s not like the ones you used to find,” my mother went on. “Yours were always in good shape. I suppose the Gates boy didn’t know where to look. But I couldn’t be picky.” “Don’t worry, ” I told her. “It’s perfect.”It wasn’t, of course, but at the moment I realized something for the first time: all Christmas trees are perfect.【小题1】 When the writer got home, ________.A.it was December 23B.it was snowing heavilyC.he found a Christmas tree in the living room D.the Gates boy was cutting a Christmas tree for his mother【小题2】 From the passage, we can conclude(推断) that ________.A.the writer used to cut very beautiful Christmas treesB.his mother didn’t like perfect treesC.his mother didn’t want to have a treeD.the writer wouldn’t have a tree cut by someone else【小题3】“All Christmas trees are perfect”, because they can remind you of ________.A.the wartimeB.the green of a pineC.the pleasant smellD.the sweet home【小题4】 The best title for this passage would be “________”.A.How to Choose a Christmas TreeB.How Soldiers Spent ChristmasC.The Perfect Christmas TreeD.The Christmas Without a Tree - 跟谁学
在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:When my first wartime Christmas came, I was in basic training in New Jersey and not sure if I could make it home for the holidays. Only on the afternoon of December 23 was the list of men who would have three-day passes (通行证) posted. I was one of the lucky soldiers. It was Christmas Eve when I arrived, and a light snow had fallen. Mother opened the front door. I could see beyond her, into the corner of the living room where the tree had always stood. There were lights, all colors, and ornaments (装饰物) shining against the green of a pine.“Where did it come from?” I asked. “I asked the Gates boy to cut it,” my mother said. “I wouldn’t have had one just for myself, but when you called--- oh, such a rush! He just brought it in this afternoon…” The pine reached to the proper height, almost to the ceiling, and the Tree Top Krystal Star was in its place. A few green branches reached about a little awkwardly (难看地) at the side, I thought, and there was a bit of bare trunk showing in the middle. But the tree filled the room with warm light and the whole house with pleasant smell of Christmas. “It’s not like the ones you used to find,” my mother went on. “Yours were always in good shape. I suppose the Gates boy didn’t know where to look. But I couldn’t be picky.” “Don’t worry, ” I told her. “It’s perfect.”It wasn’t, of course, but at the moment I realized something for the first time: all Christmas trees are perfect.【小题1】 When the writer got home, ________.A.it was December 23B.it was snowing heavilyC.he found a Christmas tree in the living room D.the Gates boy was cutting a Christmas tree for his mother【小题2】 From the passage, we can conclude(推断) that ________.A.the writer used to cut very beautiful Christmas treesB.his mother didn’t like perfect treesC.his mother didn’t want to have a treeD.the writer wouldn’t have a tree cut by someone else【小题3】“All Christmas trees are perfect”, because they can remind you of ________.A.the wartimeB.the green of a pineC.the pleasant smellD.the sweet home【小题4】 The best title for this passage would be “________”.A.How to Choose a Christmas TreeB.How Soldiers Spent ChristmasC.The Perfect Christmas TreeD.The Christmas Without a TreeWhen my first wartime Christmas came, I was in basic training in New Jersey and not sure if I could make it home for the holidays. Only on the afternoon of December 23 was the list of men who would have three-day passes (通行证) posted. I was one of the lucky soldiers. It was Christmas Eve when I arrived, and a light snow had fallen. Mother opened the front door. I could see beyond her, into the corner of the living room where the tree had always stood. There were lights, all colors, and ornaments (装饰物) shining against the green of a pine.“Where did it come from?” I asked. “I asked the Gates boy to cut it,” my mother said. “I wouldn’t have had one just for myself, but when you called--- oh, such a rush! He just brought it in this afternoon…” The pine reached to the proper height, almost to the ceiling, and the Tree Top Krystal Star was in its place. A few green branches reached about a little awkwardly (难看地) at the side, I thought, and there was a bit of bare trunk showing in the middle. But the tree filled the room with warm light and the whole house with pleasant smell of Christmas. “It’s not like the ones you used to find,” my mother went on. “Yours were always in good shape. I suppose the Gates boy didn’t know where to look. But I couldn’t be picky.” “Don’t worry, ” I told her. “It’s perfect.”It wasn’t, of course, but at the moment I realized something for the first time: all Christmas trees are perfect.【小题1】 When the writer got home, ________.A.it was December 23B.it was snowing heavilyC.he found a Christmas tree in the living room D.the Gates boy was cutting a Christmas tree for his mother【小题2】 From the passage, we can conclude(推断) that ________.A.the writer used to cut very beautiful Christmas treesB.his mother didn’t like perfect treesC.his mother didn’t want to have a treeD.the writer wouldn’t have a tree cut by someone else【小题3】“All Christmas trees are perfect”, because they can remind you of ________.A.the wartimeB.the green of a pineC.the pleasant smellD.the sweet home【小题4】 The best title for this passage would be “________”.A.How to Choose a Christmas TreeB.How Soldiers Spent ChristmasC.The Perfect Christmas TreeD.The Christmas Without a Tree科目:难易度:最佳答案【小题1】C【小题2】A【小题3】D【小题4】C解析试题分析:作者描述了非常时期回家过圣诞节的一次经历。家人为他准备的圣诞树虽然有不少的不尽人意的地方,但他最终意识到:在和平安宁的日子里,在有家人团聚的日子里,所有的圣诞树都是完美的。【小题1】推理判断题。into the corner of the living room where the tree had always stood. There were lights, all colors, and ornaments (装饰物) shining against the green of a pine.从以上描述可以推断出作者看到了客厅里的圣诞树。并且选项A,B,D与文中的描述不符,故选C。【小题2】推理判断题。从“It’s not like the ones you used to find,” my mother went on. “Yours were always in good shape.可以推断出作者过去能砍来漂亮的圣诞树,并且选项B,C,D与文中描述不符,故选A。【小题3】推理判断题。因为作者现在在家中,家的温馨让他觉得All Christmas trees are perfect,所以圣诞树能让你想起温暖的家,而不只是绿色的松树和令人舒服的气味等,故选D。【小题4】标题归纳题。从文章结尾作者的感悟It wasn’t, of course, but at the moment I realized something for the first time: all Christmas trees are perfect.中可以推断出本文的最好的题目应该是选项C. The Perfect Christmas Tree。考点:人生百味类阅读。知识点:&&基础试题拔高试题热门知识点最新试题
关注我们官方微信关于跟谁学服务支持帮助中心During my second year of middle school, our teacher gave us a test. I studied hard and ___ well in all the subjects, so the questions were not difficult for me. ____I stopped when I read the last one: “What is the _____ of the woman that cleans the school?”Of course this was a joke. I saw the cleaning woman every day. She was short and about 60 years old. She had dark hair. But _____ would I know her name? I had never talked with her before. In fact, I had never even thought _____ talking to her. I started to feel rather guilty. Finally, I _____ my paper, without finishing the last question.Before the class ended, one student asked, “Will the last question count toward _____ grade?” “ Of course,” the teacher said. “ In your life, you will meet many people. All are important. They deserve(值得) your attention and care, even if you just _____ and say hello to them.”I’ve _____ forgotten that lesson. I should get to know all of the people who work and live around me. That was, perhaps, the most ____ lesson of my life. Later, I learned that the cleaning woman’s name was Dorothy.【小题1】8 c9 j: S3 Y- `/ U$ X" W A.became! c! i# V- F. B B.made# R: U! g) E
P8 W# B, W8 K) G C.got& `7 D+ M" d, _% R D.did" h4 \; Q3 E6 @
E0 `( f* F! P # B" ?) N3 R) d/ `
J& a0 @$ ] 【小题2】3 ^) Y2 Y; F$ i9 g/ X7 I% L% D A.So3 a* T+ O7 _- Q$ E+ f B.But0 ?7 \7 I+ b4 J# d9 ^: L0 P+ G C.Or; Y" M9 K/ _: e* N D.A d' B/ K" \0 R; L% V$ C" T+ J ) ^0 V9 B' a0 ]. T( H6 R 【小题3】) `3 \4 U5 S$ J% L
e% E A. T- F8 i4 M. F2 f B.number
W1 e- a( X& X" W C.name$ O0 Z2 \6 Y$ e) b# F/ i/ F D.hobby+ Y1 X3 O# I
S$ i( j ! e: U4 e& K" a+ Z- F 【小题4】4 a( U4 H# O9 G, M. [! d A.where) Q# _# b& K& Y" \ B.how, V3 \6 M* K
P' T* b C.what) R/ I" G+ I6 M' h) Y" K( H9 W) E- L
g D.when- A4 U) O; R, E( N8 c
N 7 A7 O2 H/ M$ `# H+ X& K 【小题5】! b: f" `8 c# M1 S" h2 M A.about) C8 f( H5 c! V; U) G7 W: ?9 f B.over. i/ [( K) S5 Q2 C4 P; R, e C.for" N7 E0 B- D. c D.back& F( j' e$ T% ]1 L; `/ j % J& G1 \2 B) U, [" W" Z, Z% \ 【小题6】! D) G4 M/ ?4 d A.gave away7 K; _* g& G" g B.took away6 a+ b/ E/ C$ c! ]
M C.handed in8 N
^$ d3 I( C4 _ D.handed out' R
N; K, O* i5 F0 g. F' Q 4 \* N- Q, H" @! [( B 【小题7】9 @8 F/ Y
V& @4 D6 ]) W0 Y) I7 I A.we6 @% O: j4 K: H) ? B.us# U8 j- G9 C6 V, I, E+ Z; F C. ^5 c2 Q# ]* B/ V D.our+ ^7 @2 T, O4 I, N) N & ]/ a' Z' N5 G- V
?. ` 【小题8】4 D# [7 `" C# Z9 c2 X4 V A.shout$ B! V6 W. ?& B* ] B.smile2 @) ?( \) Z1 X" L$ H' ^ C.cry( T! X" N0 h& \/ X; J" b D.laugh2 J" g) F3 B% R7 M- I , c8 S+ U$ U$ `4 f7 E5 J 【小题9】- G6 h" h" F) T, R( P. g, _ A.never" ?: M- _$ A8 D! X B.ever& c+ B( b- L( P* ?' [ C.already* V/ Y9 e( i, Q0 ] D.just4 @9 T$ h+ F/ P- ^ ) O1 c# Z! e
I% ] 【小题10】9 b% M2 P: B6 c/ ^* W2 K9 H A.difficult5 F3 d" J# U- U7 [3 B B.interesting8 j, b- P- W0 ] C. _4 ], C% N+ P, `/ K' C D.exciting+ H/ F# ?1 Y- O. \2 M " D, U
J6 g' ]7 b: O4 S
在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:During my second year of middle school, our teacher gave us a test. I studied hard and ___ well in all the subjects, so the questions were not difficult for me. ____I stopped when I read the last one: “What is the _____ of the woman that cleans the school?”Of course this was a joke. I saw the cleaning woman every day. She was short and about 60 years old. She had dark hair. But _____ would I know her name? I had never talked with her before. In fact, I had never even thought _____ talking to her. I started to feel rather guilty. Finally, I _____ my paper, without finishing the last question.Before the class ended, one student asked, “Will the last question count toward _____ grade?” “ Of course,” the teacher said. “ In your life, you will meet many people. All are important. They deserve(值得) your attention and care, even if you just _____ and say hello to them.”I’ve _____ forgotten that lesson. I should get to know all of the people who work and live around me. That was, perhaps, the most ____ lesson of my life. Later, I learned that the cleaning woman’s name was Dorothy.【小题1】8 c9 j: S3 Y- `/ U$ X" W A.became! c! i# V- F. B B.made# R: U! g) E
P8 W# B, W8 K) G C.got& `7 D+ M" d, _% R D.did" h4 \; Q3 E6 @
E0 `( f* F! P # B" ?) N3 R) d/ `
J& a0 @$ ] 【小题2】3 ^) Y2 Y; F$ i9 g/ X7 I% L% D A.So3 a* T+ O7 _- Q$ E+ f B.But0 ?7 \7 I+ b4 J# d9 ^: L0 P+ G C.Or; Y" M9 K/ _: e* N D.A d' B/ K" \0 R; L% V$ C" T+ J ) ^0 V9 B' a0 ]. T( H6 R 【小题3】) `3 \4 U5 S$ J% L
e% E A. T- F8 i4 M. F2 f B.number
W1 e- a( X& X" W C.name$ O0 Z2 \6 Y$ e) b# F/ i/ F D.hobby+ Y1 X3 O# I
S$ i( j ! e: U4 e& K" a+ Z- F 【小题4】4 a( U4 H# O9 G, M. [! d A.where) Q# _# b& K& Y" \ B.how, V3 \6 M* K
P' T* b C.what) R/ I" G+ I6 M' h) Y" K( H9 W) E- L
g D.when- A4 U) O; R, E( N8 c
N 7 A7 O2 H/ M$ `# H+ X& K 【小题5】! b: f" `8 c# M1 S" h2 M A.about) C8 f( H5 c! V; U) G7 W: ?9 f B.over. i/ [( K) S5 Q2 C4 P; R, e C.for" N7 E0 B- D. c D.back& F( j' e$ T% ]1 L; `/ j % J& G1 \2 B) U, [" W" Z, Z% \ 【小题6】! D) G4 M/ ?4 d A.gave away7 K; _* g& G" g B.took away6 a+ b/ E/ C$ c! ]
M C.handed in8 N
^$ d3 I( C4 _ D.handed out' R
N; K, O* i5 F0 g. F' Q 4 \* N- Q, H" @! [( B 【小题7】9 @8 F/ Y
V& @4 D6 ]) W0 Y) I7 I A.we6 @% O: j4 K: H) ? B.us# U8 j- G9 C6 V, I, E+ Z; F C. ^5 c2 Q# ]* B/ V D.our+ ^7 @2 T, O4 I, N) N & ]/ a' Z' N5 G- V
?. ` 【小题8】4 D# [7 `" C# Z9 c2 X4 V A.shout$ B! V6 W. ?& B* ] B.smile2 @) ?( \) Z1 X" L$ H' ^ C.cry( T! X" N0 h& \/ X; J" b D.laugh2 J" g) F3 B% R7 M- I , c8 S+ U$ U$ `4 f7 E5 J 【小题9】- G6 h" h" F) T, R( P. g, _ A.never" ?: M- _$ A8 D! X B.ever& c+ B( b- L( P* ?' [ C.already* V/ Y9 e( i, Q0 ] D.just4 @9 T$ h+ F/ P- ^ ) O1 c# Z! e
I% ] 【小题10】9 b% M2 P: B6 c/ ^* W2 K9 H A.difficult5 F3 d" J# U- U7 [3 B B.interesting8 j, b- P- W0 ] C. _4 ], C% N+ P, `/ K' C D.exciting+ H/ F# ?1 Y- O. \2 M " D, U
J6 g' ]7 b: O4 S During my second year of middle school, our teacher gave us a test. I studied hard and ___ well in all the subjects, so the questions were not difficult for me. ____I stopped when I read the last one: “What is the _____ of the woman that cleans the school?”Of course this was a joke. I saw the cleaning woman every day. She was short and about 60 years old. She had dark hair. But _____ would I know her name? I had never talked with her before. In fact, I had never even thought _____ talking to her. I started to feel rather guilty. Finally, I _____ my paper, without finishing the last question.Before the class ended, one student asked, “Will the last question count toward _____ grade?” “ Of course,” the teacher said. “ In your life, you will meet many people. All are important. They deserve(值得) your attention and care, even if you just _____ and say hello to them.”I’ve _____ forgotten that lesson. I should get to know all of the people who work and live around me. That was, perhaps, the most ____ lesson of my life. Later, I learned that the cleaning woman’s name was Dorothy.【小题1】8 c9 j: S3 Y- `/ U$ X" W A.became! c! i# V- F. B B.made# R: U! g) E
P8 W# B, W8 K) G C.got& `7 D+ M" d, _% R D.did" h4 \; Q3 E6 @
E0 `( f* F! P # B" ?) N3 R) d/ `
J& a0 @$ ] 【小题2】3 ^) Y2 Y; F$ i9 g/ X7 I% L% D A.So3 a* T+ O7 _- Q$ E+ f B.But0 ?7 \7 I+ b4 J# d9 ^: L0 P+ G C.Or; Y" M9 K/ _: e* N D.And; d' B/ K" \0 R; L% V$ C" T+ J ) ^0 V9 B' a0 ]. T( H6 R 【小题3】) `3 \4 U5 S$ J% L
e% E A.address; T- F8 i4 M. F2 f B.number
W1 e- a( X& X" W C.name$ O0 Z2 \6 Y$ e) b# F/ i/ F D.hobby+ Y1 X3 O# I
S$ i( j ! e: U4 e& K" a+ Z- F 【小题4】4 a( U4 H# O9 G, M. [! d A.where) Q# _# b& K& Y" \ B.how, V3 \6 M* K
P' T* b C.what) R/ I" G+ I6 M' h) Y" K( H9 W) E- L
g D.when- A4 U) O; R, E( N8 c
N 7 A7 O2 H/ M$ `# H+ X& K 【小题5】! b: f" `8 c# M1 S" h2 M A.about) C8 f( H5 c! V; U) G7 W: ?9 f B.over. i/ [( K) S5 Q2 C4 P; R, e C.for" N7 E0 B- D. c D.back& F( j' e$ T% ]1 L; `/ j % J& G1 \2 B) U, [" W" Z, Z% \ 【小题6】! D) G4 M/ ?4 d A.gave away7 K; _* g& G" g B.took away6 a+ b/ E/ C$ c! ]
M C.handed in8 N
^$ d3 I( C4 _ D.handed out' R
N; K, O* i5 F0 g. F' Q 4 \* N- Q, H" @! [( B 【小题7】9 @8 F/ Y
V& @4 D6 ]) W0 Y) I7 I A.we6 @% O: j4 K: H) ? B.us# U8 j- G9 C6 V, I, E+ Z; F C.ours; ^5 c2 Q# ]* B/ V D.our+ ^7 @2 T, O4 I, N) N & ]/ a' Z' N5 G- V
?. ` 【小题8】4 D# [7 `" C# Z9 c2 X4 V A.shout$ B! V6 W. ?& B* ] B.smile2 @) ?( \) Z1 X" L$ H' ^ C.cry( T! X" N0 h& \/ X; J" b D.laugh2 J" g) F3 B% R7 M- I , c8 S+ U$ U$ `4 f7 E5 J 【小题9】- G6 h" h" F) T, R( P. g, _ A.never" ?: M- _$ A8 D! X B.ever& c+ B( b- L( P* ?' [ C.already* V/ Y9 e( i, Q0 ] D.just4 @9 T$ h+ F/ P- ^ ) O1 c# Z! e
I% ] 【小题10】9 b% M2 P: B6 c/ ^* W2 K9 H A.difficult5 F3 d" J# U- U7 [3 B B.interesting8 j, b- P- W0 ] C.important; _4 ], C% N+ P, `/ K' C D.exciting+ H/ F# ?1 Y- O. \2 M " D, U
J6 g' ]7 b: O4 S 科目:难易度:最佳答案【小题1】D【小题2】B【小题3】D【小题4】B【小题5】A【小题6】C【小题7】D【小题8】B【小题9】A【小题10】C解析试题分析:我是一名优秀的学生,学习努力刻苦,并且每一学科都是优秀的。但是,在一次测试中,面对最后一道题,我停下了笔,题目是你知道学校打扫卫生的妇女的爱好是什么?也就是这个题目,给我上了很重要的一课,以后要多了解我周围的人。【小题1】考查动词及语境的理解。A. became变成;B. made制作;C. got得到;D. did做。联系原文:我学习努力并且所有学科都做得很好,因此,考试的问题对我来讲不难。分析:考查固定短语do well in在某方面做得好。时态体现为一般过去时,因此填写did.故选D【小题2】考查连词及语境的理解。A. So因此;B. But但是;C. Or或者;D. And并且。联系原文:但是,当我读到最后一题,我停下了:“打扫学校的这位妇女的习惯是什么?”通过短文介绍体现为停下。故选B【小题3】考查名词及语境的理解。A. address地址;B. number号码;C. name名字;D. hobby爱好。联系原文:但是,当我读到最后一题,我停下了:“打扫学校的这位妇女的爱好是什么?”联系下文,体现为爱好之意。因此选择hobby.故选D【小题4】考查疑问词及语境的理解。A. where在哪;B. how如何;C. what什么;D. when什么时候。联系句意:我对她很熟悉,但是,我如何知道她的名字呢?之前,我从前没有与她交谈过。因此选择how.故选B【小题5】考查介词及语境的理解。A. about大约;B. over在……之上;C. for为;D. back后面。 联系句意:事实上,我从来没有考虑过与她交流。我开始感觉到相当内疚。分析:考查固定短语think about 考虑。故选A【小题6】考查词组及语境的理解。A . gave away分发;B. took away带走;C. handed in上交;D. handed out分发。 联系句意:事实上,我从来没有考虑过与她交流。我开始感觉到相当内疚。最后,我没有写出答案就上交我的试卷。分析:考查固定短语hand in 上交。故选C【小题7】考查代词及语境的理解。A. we我们(主格);B. us我们(宾格);C. ours我们的(名词性物主代词);D. our我们的(形容词性物主代词)。 联系句意:考试课结束了,一名学生问:“最后一道题计入我们的总成绩吗?”老师回答:“当然算了。”通过联系实际为我们的成绩,在名词前用形容词性物主代词。故选D【小题8】考查动词及语境的理解。A. shout喊;B. smile微笑;C. cry哭;D. laugh笑。联系教师说的内容:在你的一生中,你将遇到很多人。他们都是重要的。他们值得你的关注和关心,即使,你只是一个微笑并且打个招呼。结合选项为微笑之意。故选B【小题9】考查副词及语境的理解。A. never从没有;B. ever曾经;C. already已经;D. just刚刚。 联系句意:我从没有忘记那个课。我应该了解我周围所有的人。那是我人生中重要的一课。不久,我知道了这位妇女的名字。分析:表示从没有忘记。故选A【小题10】考查形容词及语境的理解。A. difficult困难的;B. interesting有趣的;C. important重要的;D. exciting令人兴奋的。 联系句意:我从没有忘记那个课。我应该了解我周围所有的人。那是我人生中重要的一课。不久,我知道了这位妇女的名字。联系实际一定是人生重要的一课,重要的important.故选C考点:人生哲理类短文阅读。知识点:&&基础试题拔高试题热门知识点最新试题


