Tire outtire是什么意思思?

是tire sb out还是tired sb out_作业帮
是tire sb out还是tired sb out
是tire sb out还是tired sb out
这要看句子的需要,首先 tire sb out 指“使某人精疲力尽”,如果需要用动词原形则用前者,如果是过去式或过去分词形式,则用后者,例如:It tires me out to work from morning till night.The tiring work tired me out.
tire sb out, children tire me out 孩子们把我累坏了exhaust、tire out、use up、completely的区别_作业帮
exhaust、tire out、use up、completely的区别
exhaust、tire out、use up、completely的区别
exhaust1)使之枯竭,用于非生物.例:We've exhausted the fuel:我们让能源枯竭了.(跟任何正常动词一样用)2)累坏,用于人类等生物.例:I feel exhausted.我累坏了.(这个其实起的是形容词的作用,只能用exhausted,可以在前面加其他动词,如feel、seem等,或是to be的各种形态,但描述人的时候绝对不可以变成现在时exhaust.)tire out累坏,一般用于人或动物等生物,或当作拟人手法例:I am tired out.(我累坏了:跟I'm exhausted 的意思和用法完全一样)例2:I don't want to tire out my cows.(我不想让我的牛累坏.)use up completely使之枯竭(直译:用光),只能用于非生物例:He always uses up my patience completely.(他总是令我的耐心枯竭.--一般都有宾语,也就是被用光的东西,总是写在up跟completely之间)您的位置: &
tire out,wear out,give out辨析
摘 要:这是一组由动词+副词构成的动词短语,都有"疲劳"、"力竭"、"劳累"等意思,但在具体运用时,它们又具有相同和不同之处,有时还比较难以掌握。本文拟从语法功能和结构成分两方面对其作一小结。
优质期刊推荐Gut bacteria tire out T cells | EurekAlert! Science News
Public Release:&15-Sep-2014
Gut bacteria tire out T cells
Rockefeller University Press
Leaky intestines may cripple bacteria-fighting immune cells in patients with a rare hereditary disease, according to a study by researchers in Lausanne, Switzerland. The study, published in
on September 15, may explain why these patients suffer from recurrent bacterial infections.
Patients with a disease called common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) suffer from recurrent bacterial infections as a result of faulty immune cells. But despite these immune defects, CVID patients rarely contract viral infections. New data from Matthieu Perreau and colleagues in Lausanne now show that bacteria-fighting T cells in the blood of these patients showed signs of exhaustion (evident by their expression of an inhibitory protein called PD-1), but virus-fighting T cells were unscathed.
T cell exhaustion in the patients was associated with increased gut bacteria in the bloodstream, possibly due to the lack of protective antibodies that normally clear these wayward bugs. As a result, bacteria-specific T cells may be repetitively stimulated, a scenario known to trigger exhaustion. Indeed, the tired T cells from CVID patients could be rejuvenated by blocking PD-1. And in patients who received infusions of antibodies ("IVIG" therapy), often used to treat symptoms of CVID, PD-1 expression on T cells waned along with the levels of bacteria in the blood.
The data suggest that "immunotherapy" strategies aimed at perking up T cells--already in use in cancer patients--may protect CVID patients against recurrent bacterial infection. ###
Perreau, M., et al. 2014. J. Exp. Med.
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