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扫描下载二维码Signs Your House Is Haunted And What To Do About It. Plus A Great Ghost Story.Updated on June 28, 2014
Do You Know If Your House Is Haunted?
Is your house haunted? Do you have paranormal activity going on or is just squirrels in the attic.
Another Real Haunted House In This Photo
The Old Beam House. The Scene Of A Horrific Double Murder And One Of The Most Haunted Houses In North Carolina. A Woman's Head Rolls Down The Steps.
Check Out This great Video On How To Tell If Your House Is Haunted. Everything You Need Is In This Video.
Signs Your House Is Haunted And What To Do About ItHow do you know if your house is haunted and what do you do about it. All my life I have had experiences with ghosts and the paranormal. I truly believe that there are people who can see ghosts and other things and people who can't. Maybe its because some of us are more open minded than others but I don't think so. I have been in the room of a house where some people saw something paranormal happen or go on in the room while some people in the room saw nothing. So it has to be that some people can see paranormal activity while other people can not.
Some People See Ghosts While Other People Do Not
I come from a family that can see paranormal activity and ghosts. My Mother recently passed away back on January 6th of 2010 and all her life she saw ghosts and paranormal activity. We both saw things in the room with other people while some of the people in the room saw or heard nothing. My late mother had one of the most unique paranormal experiences ever and if you like you can watch and listen to my mothers story.
Is Your House Haunted?
This Hub Page is all about how to tell if your house is haunted. If you suspect that your house is haunted you should keep a journal of what paranormal experiences you are experiencing in your house. If something happens write it down. And be sure you do your own investigation to see if there is a logical explanation for what you are seeing or hearing. Quite often water pipes can and do make knocking sounds and even moans and screeches that you would swear are paranormal but they are not. Squirrels or other animals getting into peoples attics have scared some people so bad they have abandoned their home. I once knew of a pair of chipmunks in the walls of a house that had the people living in the home convinced that their house was haunted. So if you hear or are hearing strange noises look for the source. If your seeing something strange look for the source. I once knew of a woman that was being scared to death by a cars lights on a street behind her house shining in a new mirror she had recently had her grandson hang up. So always be sure to rule out anything causing the sound or anything causing you to see something your sure is paranormal.
Are You Hearing Paranormal Activity Going On
But if your hearing footsteps upstairs when no one living is upstairs or the footsteps are going up and down your stairs then there is the possibility that there is something paranormal going on in your house. But know that field rats can run through an attic space and the resulting sound will sound just like children running. A raccoon loose in your attic can make it sound like a whole army of ghosts are loose in your attic.
Do You Have Items Vanish And Then Reappear?
Some things to watch out for in a real haunting is for commonly used items to disappear and reappear. If something is gone search around and make sure that the item or items are really vanishing and that you aren't just misplacing things.
Do You Smell Strange Smells In Your House?
If you smell a smell of perfume or flowers where the smell should not be then its quite possible that you have something paranormal going on.
Have You Checked Your House For High EMF Readings?
If you're in a house that you suspect of being haunted and you feel the hair stand up on your arms and on the back of your neck then yes you may have something paranormal going on in your house. But you also want to make sure you don't have high emf from
going on. If you have something like this going on in your house you may want to get an
and check your house or you may want to get someone like an
to come in and check out your house with a emf meter.
Do You Know There Are Two Forms Of Hauntings?
Its important here that you know that there are two distinct forms of haunting's. Those are an intelligent haunting where the ghost may interact with you or a residual haunting where the same scene out of time is played over and over and the ghosts or ghosts involved in the haunting probably have no ideal you are even there.
If you live in a new house then there is probably not a haunting going on in your house. I'm not saying it can't happen I'm just saying that its not as likely to happen in a new house as it is to happen in a house where people have lived and died. You will find that houses or buildings where people have lived for a long time and people have actually died there that you will have a much higher chance of paranormal activity going on.
It's Important To Know The History Of The Area Around You
Paranormal activity can go on in new houses that were constructed where something bad has happened or where another house may have existed in the past. In certain parts of the United States new housing developments have been built on top of old grave yards and that resulted in paranormal activity.
My late mothers house was built on top of an old American Indian graveyard and it resulted in their being a high level of paranormal activity going on in and around my mom's house. My mom passed away back on January 6th 2010 and her house is still a hot bed of paranormal activity.
Almost everyone who would spend the night at my late mothers house would see an old man walking in front of the dresser in my mom's bedroom. The entity looked like an old man wearing brown britches and yes he knew you were there.
Have You Ever Read About The Winchester Mystery House
Mrs Winchester kept building her house for 38 years to keep the ghosts entertained. Click the below link to read all about it.
Before Its News
Here is a great photo of part of the cemetery on Boundary Street in Newberry S.C. | Source
21 Signs Your House Is Haunted1. If your downstairs and you hear heavy footsteps walking around upstairs or walking up and down the steps then you should investigate further. Is there anything that could be causing the sounds you are hearing.
2. If you just remodeled an old house and strange things start happening then you may indeed have a ghost. Try taking photos in the direction of where your hearing the noise with a digital camera. If you have a digital recorder try asking questions of the ghost you suspect may be living in your house. Listen to the recording after you make it because you may not hear anything when you ask the questions. So be sure to listen to the recording.
3. If you hear unexplained knockings, raps, scratches or etc try to search for a logical explanation for the sounds. If there is no logical explanation then you may have a ghosts. Always check attics and crawl spaces for animal droppings. If you suspect animals sprinkle flour over the floor area and check it out later for animal footprints.
Who Killed Three People In This House On Halloween Night 1961
On Halloween Night 1961 This House Was The Scene Of A Horrific Triple Murder. Two Peoples Heads Were Cut Off And Rolled Down The Steps. A 94 year old woman's body was never found.
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1961 Triple Murder Creates Horrific Haunted HouseOn the morning of November 1, 1961 a housekeeper named Nellie Snyder went to work only to discover one of the most horrific murder scenes ever seen in the United States. When Nellie Snyder went to work that morning she found the front door to the house where she worked standing open. Just inside the front door at the foot of the steps she found the heads of Harvey and Eunice Barris the couple she worked for. She ran down the street screaming and ran into the front door of a local service station.
When the people running the store finally got Nellie calmed down enough to talk she told the store owner that the heads of the Barris couple she worked for were cut off and laying just inside the front door of the house where she usually worked as a housekeeper. The county police were called and when they arrived the housekeeper Nellie Snyder refused to return to the house.State police also became involved in the triple murder investigation.
When the police searched the house they did indeed find the heads of Harvey and Eunice Barris at the foot of the steps and the couples bodies were upstairs in their bedroom. Eunice had been stabbed 94 times and her insides had been cut out and thrown around the room. Her head had been cut off and thrown down the steps where it was found laying at the foot of the steps.
Harvey's body had been beaten with the claws of a hammer and he had been stabbed 63 times. His head had been cut off and thrown down the steps. His heart and lungs were missing and were never found. His blood and parts of his body were found scattered throughout the house.
The mother of Eunice , Sherry Crammer age 94 was never found though there was a huge amount of blood in her bedroom and blood was found all over her ceiling. Her eyeballs were removed from her eye sockets and they were in a glass of water beside her bed. Police searched the house and the area all around the house but the body of the 94 year old woman was never found. No blood was ever found outside the house. It was clear the 94 year old woman had been beaten and stabbed to death in her bed but why was her body never found. Why her eyes were removed and put in the water glass has never been discovered.
No weapons were ever found in or around the house where the murders took place. And sadly no one was ever arrested for the horrific murders. State police and county police worked for years trying to find out who had committed the horrific triple murder. But no one was ever arrested. After the housekeeper and her son were cleared their was never another serious suspect. No one saw or reported seeing anything or hearing anything at the Barris home on Halloween night 1961. Police did discover that Barris kept huge sums of money at the home and he may have had over $100,000 at the home on the night the murders occurred. Police found over $4000 of blood soaked $20 bills in the office of Harvey Barris on November 1 , 1961.
Police found blood and human intestines from the couple in the office of Harvey Barris downstairs in the couples home. Why did someone commit such a horrific murder was never discovered. No one was ever arrested for the triple murder and the body of 94 year old Sherry Crammer was never found. It was later revealed that at least $100,000 or more was taken by who ever committed the triple murder. A few bloody $20 bills were left in the office. It was later revealed by the police that who ever committed the triple murder played in the blood of their victims and they smeared it in various locations around the house.
To this day the case is still open and has never been solved. It is interesting to note that no one was ever arrested for the murders. No murder weapon was ever found. The person or persons who committed the murders on Halloween night 1961 played in their victims blood and parts of the Barris Couples bodies were taken. The body of 94 year old Sherry Barris was taken and was never found. Why was the old woman's body removed from the crime scene and why was she never found. Who would have committed this horrific triple murder. And why was this crime never solved.
The son of Nellie Snyder who was 23 at the time was questioned several times about the murders but he was not arrested. It was reported at the time that Harvey Barris had told Nellie Snyder several times to keep her son away from the Barris home. It was reported that the Snyder boy was retarded and simple minded. Nellie Snyder had worked for the Barris family for 14 years and he set a fire on the Barris property a few years before and burned down a garden shed and Nellie Snyder had been told to keep her boy away from the Barris property. It is not known who else the police may have questioned about the murders. It was reported at the time of the murders that the Snyder boy could not drive and his hands and arms were examined but he had no cuts or scratches on his body the day after the murders. After Mrs Barris' fingernails were examined blood and tissue were found under her fingernails. It was clear she had put up a fight. She had deep cuts on her arms where she had tried to hold up her arms to protect herself from who ever was attacking her that Halloween night. Eventually the police decided the Snyder boy was not a suspect in the triple murder. Nellie Snyder was also examined and found not to have any marks, cuts, or scratches on her either.
Almost At Once People Began Saying The Barris House Was Haunted
It was being reported in early 1962 that strange things were going on in the Barris house. The horrific murders that took place in the Barris house would have been enough to have made many people nervous. But by the end of 1962 many people were reporting strange things going on at the Barris house.
Police Were Called To The Barris House Many Times In Early 1962
But in the first few months of 1962 police were called to the Barris house many times because people said they heard horrific screams coming from the house. Some police arriving on the scene called for back up because they heard screams when they drove up in the yard of the house. However when the house was checked no one was ever in the house.
People Living Near By Reported Screams And Lights Going On.
People living near the house reported the same screams and they reported the lights being turned on in a house where there was no power on. The local police even reported seeing lights on in the house even when the power meter had been removed from the property. Exactly how lights could be on when there was no power on has never been explained.
People Who Bought House Were Ran Off By Paranormal Activity
Many people over the years who bought the old Barris house reported they could not stay in the Barris house because of various forms of paranormal activity. And this included the heads of the Barris couple laying at the foot of the steps. I know for a fact that I would have left the property myself if I had seen heads rolling down steps as some people had reported.
Barris House Is Most Likely Haunted
Anywhere that you have multiple murders you most likely have ghosts and paranormal activity. Many people are convinced that the Barris House is haunted. What do you think? I myself believe that the Barris house is haunted. I've been in the Barris House and saw what I am convinced was real paranormal activity. I plan to check out the old Barris house out further and I'll be sure to let you know what I find out. I will be back and post more each time I visit the old Barris house.
The Location Of This House
I am sorry but the current owners of this house have asked that it's exact location remain a secret. They do not plan on remodeling the property but they also do not want people trespassing on their property. Never go ghost hunting on anyone's property with out permission. . It is illegal to trespass on other peoples property.
Have You Ever Read About The Winchester Mystery House
Mrs Winchester kept building her house for 38 years to keep the ghosts entertained. Click the below link to read all about it.
The bedroom of 94 year old Sherry Crammer. She was beaten and stabbed to death in this bedroom but her body was never found. What happened to the body of the 94 year old woman.
The office of Harvey Barris where over $4000 in bloody $20 bills was found. As much as $100,000 may have been in the desk of Harvey Barris
in this room.
What Happened To Us In Newberry South CarolinaI and a friend lived in Newberry South Carolina in 2001 and we soon discovered that we were living in one of the most haunted places we had ever been. Just down the street from where we lived is one of the many old cemeteries located in Newberry South Carolina. If you're into ghosts and paranormal activity then you just have to check out this bizarre paranormal story. If you would like to read about haunted Newberry South Carolina and our experience there then just
A Collection Of Spooky Halloween Photos To Enjoy. You Can Get Some Great Halloween Ideals From These PhotosClick thumbnail to view full-sizeJack O' Lanterns carved from Granny Smith Apples And Made Into A Delicious Apple SoupBlack Cats And Pumpkins Go Together Don't They.A Collection Of Spooky Jack O' Lanterns.Check Out This Spooky Toothy Jack O' Lantern.
This guy is such a cool Jack O' LanternCotton Candy With A Spider. Buy bags of cotton candy and add your own plastic spiders. Jack O' Lantern Mouse House. Put a light on the inside and put plastic mice and rats coming out the holes. Cute Halloween Photo. I think this one is so cute. Skeletons Walking Out Of A Graveyard. I'm going to do this next year in my yard. Skull Wearing A Top HatSpooky Spiders In Stockings Hanging From Ceiling
Haunted Alaska, Ghost Stories From The Far North.
One Of The Old Above Ground Tombs In Newberry South Carolina
Part of the cemetery in Newberry South Carolina that has one of the highest levels of paranormal activity that I have ever seen.
So You Think That Your House Is HauntedIf you suspect that your house is haunted check out the below list to see if any of these things are going on in your house.
1. Items appearing or disappearing. Especially if you have items that you know are there vanishing and then coming back later either there or in another location. If you want to you can install a nanny cam in a room and see what you catch on video tape.
2. Do you have doors , cabinets , drawers etc that are opening or closing on their own. Here you should check out if an air conditioner or a heater could be closing a door when it goes on or off. If a bedroom door closes every time the air conditioner comes on then it is probably not paranormal. Always look for the logical reason for why something is happening before you jump to the conclusion that it had to be a ghost or other paranormal activity.
3. If you have lights going off or on then you may have something paranormal going on but again look around for natural causes. If it's a touch lamp there are all kinds of things that can make that light go off and on. If you have a touch lamp going off and on at will I suggest first you ask questions if you dare asking if the suspected spirit can turn on or turn off the lamp when you ask. If not replace the lamp with a regular lamp and see what happens. I have actually been in a room where the spirit or entity would turn the light off or on when asked to.
4. Unexplained noises. But again ask yourself and be true with yourself is it footsteps or is it an animal or animals making the noise. Is their a logical explanation for the noise you are hearing. Is there something that could be causing the noise you are hearing.
5. Strange animal behavior is a sure sign you may have paranormal activity going on. I once lived in a house where my cats would not go in a basement room. A murder had took place many years before in that basement room and the cats would not go into the room. The older mother cat would look down into the room and her hair would stand up like she was seeing something sinister. If you tried to carry her down the steps she would scratch and fight you.
6. Do you encounter unexplained smells. If you smell perfume or flowers look for the source. Candles can quite often be the source for unexplained smells. If you smell roses in a room make double sure that there is nothing in the area that could be causing that smell.
7. Are you seeing shadow people. Do you catch a glimpse of a shadow appearing or disappearing. Do you see a shadow person dart across the end of a hall or do you catch the glimpse of a shadow person in an attic or a basement. I did a Hub Page on Shadow People and you can check it all out by .
If you suspect you have a haunting keep a journal and every time something happens write it down. If you have a digital camera take photos if you see something. If you suspect you have a haunting and need help email me through Hub Pages with your contact information and I will contact you and try to help. I am very interested in ghosts and any and all forms of paranormal activity.
Thanks for taking the time to read my Hub Page on how to tell if your house is haunted. If you have comments or questions please post them below now.
Email Me With Paranormal Or Ghost Questions If You Want To
You can email me at thomasbyers
with "Paranormal " in the subject line and I will try to help you with any paranormal or ghost question.
(C) September 2010 by Thomas Byers aka Crazyhorsesghost | Source
(C) 2010 Thomas Byers
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