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Property valuation of Woodlawn Boulevard, Austin, TX: , , ,
(tax assessments)
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Listed properties vs overall distribution of properties in Austin, TX:
2305 Woodlawn Boulevard
Property type: Real
Property tax division code: A1 - Single Family Residence
Appraisal or Tax Year: 2013
Total market land value: $701,250
Total market building value: $2,202,204 (it was $1,922,848 in 2009)
Total market value for property: $2,903,454 (it was $1,922,848 in 2009)
Land size: 24,665 square feet
Land frontage: 133 feet
Land depth: 176 feet
Property improvements: 1st floor, 2nd floor, Bathroom, Deck uncovred, Fence mason fv, Finished basement, Fireplace, Garage attached 1st floor, Heating ventilation and air conditioning residential, Pool res conc, Porch open 1st floor, Porch open 2nd floor, Sketch only, Storage attached, Storage detached, Terrace uncoverd
Roof Style: Gable
Roof Covering: Metal
Foundation: Pier And Beam
2306 Woodlawn Boulevard
Property type: Real
Property tax division code: A1 - Single Family Residence
Appraisal or Tax Year: 2013
Total market land value: $595,000
Total market building value: $683,778 (it was $1,424,294 in 2009)
Total market value for property: $1,278,778 (it was $1,424,294 in 2009)
Land size: 18,637 square feet
Property improvements: 1st floor, 2nd floor, Bathroom, Deck uncovred, Fireplace, Heating ventilation and air conditioning residential, Pool res conc, Porch open 1st floor, Storage attached, Terrace covered, Terrace uncoverd
Roof Style: Gable
Roof Covering: Composition
Foundation: Pier And Beam
2307 Woodlawn Boulevard
Property type: Real
Property tax division code: A1 - Single Family Residence
Appraisal or Tax Year: 2013
Total market land value: $850,000
Total market building value: $2,011,907 (it was $2,594,129 in 2009)
Total market value for property: $2,861,907 (it was $2,594,129 in 2009)
Land size: 32,132 square feet
Property improvements: 1st floor, 2nd floor, Bathroom, Deck uncovred, Elevator res, Fence mason sf, Fireplace, Garage attached 1st floor, Heating ventilation and air conditioning residential, Porch clos unfin, Porch open 1st floor, Porch open 2nd floor, Storage attached
Roof Style: Gable
Roof Covering: Composition
Foundation: Pier And Beam
2308 Woodlawn Boulevard
Property type: Real
Property tax division code: A1 - Single Family Residence
Appraisal or Tax Year: 2013
Total market land value: $850,000
Total market building value: $2,414,320 (it was $3,500,000 in 2009)
Total market value for property: $3,264,320 (it was $3,500,000 in 2009)
Land size: 28,815 square feet
Land frontage: 189 feet
Land depth: 155 feet
Property improvements: 1st floor, 2nd floor, Bathroom, Elevator res, Fireplace, Garage attached 1st floor, Heating ventilation and air conditioning residential, Porch open 1st floor, Porch open 2nd floor, Residence below, Storage attached
Roof Style: Gable
Roof Covering: Composition
Foundation: Pier And Beam
2311 Woodlawn Boulevard
Property type: Real
Property tax division code: A1 - Single Family Residence
Appraisal or Tax Year: 2013
Total market land value: $531,250
Total market building value: $585,755 (it was $1,136,854 in 2009)
Total market value for property: $1,117,005 (it was $1,136,854 in 2009)
Land size: 17,678 square feet
Property improvements: 1st floor, 2nd floor, Bathroom, Fireplace, Garage attached 1st floor, Half floor, Heating ventilation and air conditioning residential, Obs driveway, Obs fence, Pool res conc, Porch open 1st floor, Sketch only, Terrace uncoverd
Roof Style: Gable
Roof Covering: Composition
Foundation: Pier And Beam
2312 Woodlawn Boulevard
Property type: Real
Property tax division code: A1 - Single Family Residence
Appraisal or Tax Year: 2013
Total market land value: $552,500
Total market building value: $710,145 (it was $1,365,939 in 2009)
Total market value for property: $1,262,645 (it was $1,365,939 in 2009)
Land size: 15,673 square feet
Land frontage: 102 feet
Land depth: 155 feet
Property improvements: 1st floor, 2nd floor, Bathroom, Fireplace, Garage detached 1st floor, Heating ventilation and air conditioning residential, Obs driveway, Obs fence, Porch open 1st floor, Terrace uncoverd
Roof Style: Gable
Roof Covering: Metal
Foundation: Pier And Beam
2313 Woodlawn Boulevard
Property type: Real
Property tax division code: A1 - Single Family Residence
Appraisal or Tax Year: 2013
Total market land value: $631,125
Total market building value: $872,027 (it was $1,629,992 in 2009)
Total market value for property: $1,503,152 (it was $1,629,992 in 2009)
Land size: 26,310 square feet
Property improvements: 1st floor, 2nd floor, Bathroom, Fence mason lf, Finished basement, Fireplace, Garage attached basmt, Heating ventilation and air conditioning residential, Masonry trim sf, Pool res conc, Porch open 1st floor, Sketch only, Terrace uncoverd, Unfinished basement
Roof Style: Gable
Roof Covering: Wood Shingle
Foundation: Pier And Beam
2314 Woodlawn Boulevard
Property type: Real
Property tax division code: A1 - Single Family Residence
Appraisal or Tax Year: 2013
Total market land value: $497,250
Total market building value: $288,484 (it was $731,300 in 2009)
Total market value for property: $785,734 (it was $731,300 in 2009)
Land size: 16,839 square feet
Property improvements: 1st floor, 2nd floor, Bathroom, Fireplace, Garage detached 1st floor, Heating ventilation and air conditioning residential, Porch open 1st floor
Roof Style: Gable
Roof Covering: Composition
Foundation: Pier And Beam
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Data:Median household income ($)
Median household income (% change since 2000)
Races - White alone (%)
Races - White alone (% change since 2000)
Races - Black alone (%)
Races - Black alone (% change since 2000)
Races - American Indian alone (%)
Races - American Indian alone (% change since 2000)
Races - Asian alone (%)
Races - Asian alone (% change since 2000)
Races - Hispanic (%)
Races - Hispanic (% change since 2000)
Races - Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone (%)
Races - Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone (% change since 2000)
Races - Two or more races (%)
Races - Two or more races (% change since 2000)
Races - Other race alone (%)
Races - Other race alone (% change since 2000)
Racial diversity
Unemployment (%)
Unemployment (% change since 2000)
Industry diversity
Occupation diversity
Population density (people per square mile)
Likely homosexual households (%)
Likely homosexual households (% change since 2000)
Likely homosexual households - Lesbian couples (%)
Likely homosexual households - Lesbian couples (% change since 2000)
Likely homosexual households - Gay men (%)
Likely homosexual households - Gay men (% change since 2000)
Cost of living index
Median house or condo value ($)
Median house or condo value ($ change since 2000)
Median resident age
Resident age diversity
Commute - mean travel time to work (minutes)
Marital status - Never married (%)
Marital status - Now married (%)
Marital status - Separated (%)
Marital status - Widowed (%)
Marital status - Divorced (%)
crime index
Crime - Violent crime index
Crime - Property crime index
Crime - Murders per 100,000 population
Crime - Rapes per 100,000 population
Crime - Robberies per 100,000 population
Crime - Assaults per 100,000 population
Crime - Burglaries per 100,000 population
Crime - Thefts per 100,000 population
Crime - Auto thefts per 100,000 population
Crime - Arson per 100,000 population
Air pollution - Air Quality Index (AQI) level
Air pollution - Carbon Monoxide (CO) [ppm] level
Air pollution - Lead (Pb) [ug/m3] level
Air pollution - Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) [ppb] level
Air pollution - Ozone [ppb] level
Air pollution - Particulate Matter (PM2.5) [ug/m3] level
Air pollution - Particulate Matter (PM10) [ug/m3] level
Air pollution -
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2])[ppb] level
Owner occupied housing units (%)
Renter occupied housing units (%)
Household income diversity
Ratio of average income to average house value (%)
Ratio of average income to average rent
Median gross rent ($)
Median contract rent ($)
Median monthly housing costs ($)
Population - Males (%)
Population - Females (%)
Median family income ($)
Median family income (% change since 2000)
Median non-family income ($)
Median non-family income (% change since 2000)
Median per capita income ($)
Median per capita income (% change since 2000)
Year house built - Built 2005 or later (%)
Year house built - Built 2000 to 2004 (%)
Year house built - Built 1990 to 1999 (%)
Year house built - Built 1980 to 1989 (%)
Year house built - Built 1970 to 1979 (%)
Year house built - Built 1960 to 1969 (%)
Year house built - Built 1950 to 1959 (%)
Year house built - Built 1940 to 1949 (%)
Year house built - Built 1939 or earlier (%)
Average household size
Vacancy status - For rent (%)
Vacancy status - For sale only (%)
Vacancy status - Rented or sold, not occupied (%)
Vacancy status - For seasonal, recreational, or occasional use (%)
Vacancy status - For migrant workers (%)
Vacancy status - Other vacant (%)
Mean house or condo value by units in structure - 1, detached ($)
Mean house or condo value by units in structure - 1, attached ($)
Mean house or condo value by units in structure - 2 ($)
Mean house or condo value by units in structure by units in structure - 3 or 4 ($)
Mean house or condo value by units in structure - 5 or more ($)
Mean house or condo value by units in structure - Boat, RV, van, etc. ($)
Mean house or condo value by units in structure - Mobile home ($)
Household density (households per square mile)
Residents with income below the poverty level (%)
Residents with income below 50% of the poverty level (%)
Children below poverty level (%)
Poor families by family type - Married-couple family (%)
Poor families by family type - Male, no wife present (%)
Poor families by family type - Female, no husband present (%)
Poverty status for native-born residents (%)
Poverty status for foreign-born residents (%)
Poverty among high school graduates not in families (%)
Poverty among people who did not graduate high school not in families (%)
1996 Presidential Elections Results - Democratic Party (Clinton)
1996 Presidential Elections Results - Republican Party (Dole)
1996 Presidential Elections Results - Other
2000 Presidential Elections Results - Democratic Party (Gore)
2000 Presidential Elections Results - Republican Party (Bush)
2000 Presidential Elections Results - Other
2004 Presidential Elections Results - Democratic Party (Kerry)
2004 Presidential Elections Results - Republican Party (Bush)
2004 Presidential Elections Results - Other
2008 Presidential Elections Results - Democratic Party (Obama)
2008 Presidential Elections Results - Republican Party (McCain)
2008 Presidential Elections Results - Other
2012 Presidential Elections Results - Democratic Party (Obama)
2012 Presidential Elections Results - Republican Party (Romney)
2012 Presidential Elections Results - Other
Ancestries Reported - Arab (%)
Ancestries Reported - Czech (%)
Ancestries Reported - Danish (%)
Ancestries Reported - Dutch (%)
Ancestries Reported - English (%)
Ancestries Reported - French (%)
Ancestries Reported - French Canadian (%)
Ancestries Reported - German (%)
Ancestries Reported - Greek (%)
Ancestries Reported - Hungarian (%)
Ancestries Reported - Irish (%)
Ancestries Reported - Italian (%)
Ancestries Reported - Lithuanian (%)
Ancestries Reported - Norwegian (%)
Ancestries Reported - Polish (%)
Ancestries Reported - Portuguese (%)
Ancestries Reported - Russian (%)
Ancestries Reported - Scotch-Irish (%)
Ancestries Reported - Scottish (%)
Ancestries Reported - Slovak (%)
Ancestries Reported - Subsaharan African (%)
Ancestries Reported - Swedish (%)
Ancestries Reported - Swiss (%)
Ancestries Reported - Ukrainian (%)
Ancestries Reported - United States (%)
Ancestries Reported - Welsh (%)
Ancestries Reported - West Indian (%)
Ancestries Reported - Other (%)
Educational Attainment - No schooling completed (%)
Educational Attainment - Less than high school (%)
Educational Attainment - High school or equivalent (%)
Educational Attainment - Less than 1 year of college (%)
Educational Attainment - 1 or more years of college (%)
Educational Attainment - Associate degree (%)
Educational Attainment - Bachelor's degree (%)
Educational Attainment - Master's degree (%)
Educational Attainment - Professional school degree (%)
Educational Attainment - Doctorate degree (%)
School Enrollment - Nursery, preschool (%)
School Enrollment - Kindergarten (%)
School Enrollment - Grade 1 to 4 (%)
School Enrollment - Grade 5 to 8 (%)
School Enrollment - Grade 9 to 12 (%)
School Enrollment - College undergrad (%)
School Enrollment - Graduate or professional (%)
School Enrollment - Not enrolled in school (%)
School enrollment - Public schools (%)
School enrollment - Private schools (%)
School enrollment - Not enrolled (%)
Houses owner occupied (%)
Houses renter occupied (%)
Houses occupied (%)
Median year house/condo built
Median year apartment built
House/condo owner moved in on average (years ago)
Renter moved in on average (years ago)
Median number of rooms in houses and condos
Median number of rooms in apartments
Mortgage status - with mortgage (%)
Mortgage status - with second mortgage (%)
Mortgage status - with home equity loan (%)
Mortgage status - with both second mortgage and home equity loan (%)
Mortgage status - without a mortgage (%)
Housing units lacking complete plumbing facilities (%)
Housing units lacking complete kitchen facilities (%)
Median number of bedrooms in owner occupied houses
Mean number of bedrooms in owner occupied houses
Median number of bedrooms in renter occupied houses
Mean number of bedrooms in renter occupied houses
Median number of vehichles in owner occupied houses
Mean number of vehichles in owner occupied houses
Median number of vehichles in renter occupied houses
Mean number of vehichles in renter occupied houses
Average family size
Households with people 60 years and over (%)
Households with people 65 years and over (%)
Households with people 75 years and over (%)
Households with one or more nonrelatives (%)
Households with no nonrelatives (%)
Population in households (%)
Occupied housing units (%)
Vacant housing units (%)
Family households (%)
Nonfamily households (%)
Population in families (%)
Family households with own children (%)
Geographical mobility - Same house 1 year ago (%)
Geographical mobility - Moved within same county (%)
Geographical mobility - Moved from different county within same state (%)
Geographical mobility - Moved from different state (%)
Geographical mobility - Moved from abroad (%)
Place of birth - Born in state of residence (%)
Place of birth - Born in other state (%)
Place of birth - Native, outside of US (%)
Place of birth - Foreign born (%)
Housing units in structures - 1, detached (%)
Housing units in structures - 1, attached (%)
Housing units in structures - 2 (%)
Housing units in structures - 3 or 4 (%)
Housing units in structures - 5 to 9 (%)
Housing units in structures - 10 to 19 (%)
Housing units in structures - 20 to 49 (%)
Housing units in structures - 50 or more (%)
Housing units in structures - Mobile home (%)
Housing units in structures - Boat, RV, van, etc. (%)
Year householder moved into unit - Moved in 1999 to March 2000 (%)
Year householder moved into unit - Moved in 1995 to 1998 (%)
Year householder moved into unit - Moved in 1990 to 1994 (%)
Year householder moved into unit - Moved in 1980 to 1989 (%)
Year householder moved into unit - Moved in 1970 to 1979 (%)
Year householder moved into unit - Moved in 1969 or earlier (%)
Means of transportation to work - Drove car alone (%)
Means of transportation to work - Carpooled (%)
Means of transportation to work - Public transportation (%)
Means of transportation to work - Bus or trolley bus (%)
Means of transportation to work - Streetcar or trolley car (%)
Means of transportation to work - Subway or elevated (%)
Means of transportation to work - Railroad (%)
Means of transportation to work - Ferryboat (%)
Means of transportation to work - Taxicab (%)
Means of transportation to work - Motorcycle (%)
Means of transportation to work - Bicycle (%)
Means of transportation to work - Walked (%)
Means of transportation to work - Other means (%)
Working at home (%)
Industry diversity
Common Industries - Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining (%)
Common Industries - Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting (%)
Common Industries - Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction (%)
Common Industries - Construction (%)
Common Industries - Manufacturing (%)
Common Industries - Wholesale trade (%)
Common Industries - Retail trade (%)
Common Industries - Transportation and warehousing, and utilities (%)
Common Industries - Transportation and warehousing (%)
Common Industries - Utilities (%)
Common Industries - Information (%)
Common Industries - Finance and insurance, and real estate and rental and leasing (%)
Common Industries - Finance and insurance (%)
Common Industries - Real estate and rental and leasing (%)
Common Industries - Professional, scientific, and management, and administrative and waste management services (%)
Common Industries - Professional, scientific, and technical services (%)
Common Industries - Management of companies and enterprises (%)
Common Industries - Administrative and support and waste management services (%)
Common Industries - Educational services, and health care and social assistance (%)
Common Industries - Educational services (%)
Common Industries - Health care and social assistance (%)
Common Industries - Arts, entertainment, and recreation, and accommodation and food services (%)
Common Industries - Arts, entertainment, and recreation (%)
Common Industries - Accommodation and food services (%)
Common Industries - Other services, except public administration (%)
Common Industries - Public administration (%)
Occupation diversity
Common Occupations - Management, professional, and related occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Management, business, and financial occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Management occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Business and financial operations occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Professional and related occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Computer and mathematical occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Architecture and engineering occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Life, physical, and social science occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Community and social services occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Legal occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Education, training, and library occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Healthcare practitioner and technical occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Health diagnosing and treating practitioners and other technical occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Health technologists and technicians (%)
Common Occupations - Service occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Healthcare support occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Protective service occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Fire fighting and prevention, and other protective service workers(%)
Common Occupations - Law enforcement workers including supervisors (%)
Common Occupations - Food preparation and serving related occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Personal care and service occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Sales and office occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Sales and related occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Office and administrative support occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Construction, extraction, maintenance, and repair occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Construction and extraction occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Production, transportation, and material moving occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Production occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Transportation and material moving occupations (%)
Common Occupations - Supervisors, transportation and material moving workers(%)
Common Occupations - Motor vehicle operators (%)
Common Occupations - Material moving workers (%)
People in Group quarters - Institutionalized population (%)
People in Group quarters - Correctional institutions (%)
People in Group quarters - Federal prisons and detention centers (%)
People in Group quarters - Halfway houses (%)
People in Group quarters - Local jails and other confinement facilities (including police lockups) (%)
People in Group quarters - Military disciplinary barracks (%)
People in Group quarters - State prisons (%)
People in Group quarters - Other types of correctional institutions (%)
People in Group quarters - Nursing homes (%)
People in Group quarters - Hospitals/wards, hospices, and schools for the handicapped (%)
People in Group quarters - Hospitals/wards and hospices for chronically ill (%)
People in Group quarters - Hospices or homes for chronically ill (%)
People in Group quarters - Military hospitals or wards for chronically ill (%)
People in Group quarters - Other hospitals or wards for chronically ill (%)
People in Group quarters - Hospitals or wards for drug/alcohol abuse (%)
People in Group quarters - Mental (Psychiatric) hospitals or wards (%)
People in Group quarters - Schools, hospitals, or wards for the mentally retarded (%)
People in Group quarters - Schools, hospitals, or wards for the physically handicapped (%)
People in Group quarters - Institutions for the deaf (%)
People in Group quarters - Institutions for the blind (%)
People in Group quarters - Orthopedic wards and institutions for the physically handicapped (%)
People in Group quarters - Wards in general hospitals for patients who have no usual home elsewhere (%)
People in Group quarters - Wards in military hospitals for patients who have no usual home elsewhere (%)
People in Group quarters - Juvenile institutions (%)
People in Group quarters - Long-term care (%)
People in Group quarters - Homes for abused, dependent, and neglected children (%)
People in Group quarters - Residential treatment centers for emotionally disturbed children (%)
People in Group quarters - Training schools for juvenile delinquents (%)
People in Group quarters - Short-term care, detention or diagnostic centers for delinquent children (%)
People in Group quarters - Type of juvenile institution unknown (%)
People in Group quarters - Noninstitutionalized population (%)
People in Group quarters - College dormitories (includes college quarters off campus) (%)
People in Group quarters - Military quarters (%)
People in Group quarters - On base (%)
People in Group quarters - Barracks, unaccompanied personnel housing (UPH), (Enlisted/Officer) (%)
People in Group quarters - Transient quarters for temporary residents (%)
People in Group quarters - Military ships (%)
People in Group quarters - Group homes (%)
People in Group quarters - Homes or halfway houses for drug/alcohol abuse (%)
People in Group quarters - Homes for the mentally ill (%)
People in Group quarters - Homes for the mentally retarded (%)
People in Group quarters - Homes for the physically handicapped (%)
People in Group quarters - Other group homes (%)
People in Group quarters - Religious group quarters (%)
People in Group quarters - Dormitories (%)
People in Group quarters - Agriculture workers' dormitories on farms (%)
People in Group quarters - Job Corps and vocational training facilities (%)
People in Group quarters - Other workers' dormitories (%)
People in Group quarters - Crews of maritime vessels (%)
People in Group quarters - Other nonhousehold living situations (%)
People in Group quarters - Other noninstitutional group quarters (%)
Urban houses (%)
Rural houses (%)
Residents speaking English at home (%)
Residents speaking English at home - Born in the United States (%)
Residents speaking English at home - Native, born elsewhere (%)
Residents speaking English at home - Foreign born (%)
Residents speaking Spanish at home (%)
Residents speaking Spanish at home - Born in the United States (%)
Residents speaking Spanish at home - Native, born elsewhere (%)
Residents speaking Spanish at home - Foreign born (%)
Residents speaking other language at home (%)
Residents speaking other language at home - Born in the United States (%)
Residents speaking other language at home - Native, born elsewhere (%)
Residents speaking other language at home - Foreign born (%)
Class of Workers - Employee of private company (%)
Class of Workers - Self-employed in own incorporated business (%)
Class of Workers - Private not-for-profit wage and salary workers (%)
Class of Workers - Local government workers (%)
Class of Workers - State government workers (%)
Class of Workers - Federal government workers (%)
Class of Workers - Self-employed workers in own not incorporated business and Unpaid family workers (%)
House heating fuel used in houses and condos - Utility gas (%)
House heating fuel used in houses and condos - Bottled, tank, or LP gas (%)
House heating fuel used in houses and condos - Electricity (%)
House heating fuel used in houses and condos - Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. (%)
House heating fuel used in houses and condos - Coal or coke (%)
House heating fuel used in houses and condos - Wood (%)
House heating fuel used in houses and condos - Solar energy (%)
House heating fuel used in houses and condos - Other fuel (%)
House heating fuel used in houses and condos - No fuel used (%)
House heating fuel used in apartments - Utility gas (%)
House heating fuel used in apartments - Bottled, tank, or LP gas (%)
House heating fuel used in apartments - Electricity (%)
House heating fuel used in apartments - Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. (%)
House heating fuel used in apartments - Coal or coke (%)
House heating fuel used in apartments - Wood (%)
House heating fuel used in apartments - Solar energy (%)
House heating fuel used in apartments - Other fuel (%)
House heating fuel used in apartments - No fuel used (%)
Median household income ($) - White
Median household income ($) - Black or African American
Median household income ($) - Asian
Median household income ($) - Hispanic or Latino
Median household income ($) - American Indian and Alaska Native
Median household income ($) - Multirace
Median household income ($) - Other Race
Median family income ($) - White
Median family income ($) - Black or African American
Median family income ($) - Asian
Median family income ($) - Hispanic or Latino
Median family income ($) - American Indian and Alaska Native
Median family income ($) - Multirace
Median family income ($) - Other Race
Unemployment (%) - White
Unemployment (%) - Black or African American
Unemployment (%) - Asian
Unemployment (%) - Hispanic or Latino
Unemployment (%) - American Indian and Alaska Native
Unemployment (%) - Multirace
Unemployment (%) - Other Race
Median house or condo value ($) - White
Median house or condo value ($) - Black or African American
Median house or condo value ($) - Asian
Median house or condo value ($) - Hispanic or Latino
Median house or condo value ($) - American Indian and Alaska Native
Median house or condo value ($) - Multirace
Median house or condo value ($) - Other Race
Population - Males (%) - White
Population - Males (%) - Black or African American
Population - Males (%) - Asian
Population - Males (%) - Hispanic or Latino
Population - Males (%) - American Indian and Alaska Native
Population - Males (%) - Multirace
Population - Males (%) - Other Race
Population - Females (%) - White
Population - Females (%) - Black or African American
Population - Females (%) - Asian
Population - Females (%) - Hispanic or Latino
Population - Females (%) - American Indian and Alaska Native
Population - Females (%) - Multirace
Population - Females (%) - Other Race
Armed forces status - In Armed Forces (%)
Armed forces status - Civilian (%)
Armed forces status - Civilian - Veteran (%)
Armed forces status - Civilian - Nonveteran (%)
Median household income for houses/condos with a mortgage ($)
Median household income for apartments without a mortgage ($)
Residents with income below the poverty level (%) - White
Residents with income below the poverty level (%) - Black or African American
Residents with income below the poverty level (%) - Asian
Residents with income below the poverty level (%) - Hispanic or Latino
Residents with income below the poverty level (%) - American Indian and Alaska Native
Residents with income below the poverty level (%) - Multirace
Residents with income below the poverty level (%) - Other Race
Median resident age - Males
Median resident age - Females
Median resident age - White
Median resident age - Black or African American
Median resident age - Asian
Median resident age - Hispanic or Latino
Median resident age - American Indian and Alaska Native
Median resident age - Multirace
Median resident age - Other Race
Median resident age - Males - White
Median resident age - Males - Black or African American
Median resident age - Males - Asian
Median resident age - Males - Hispanic or Latino
Median resident age - Males - American Indian and Alaska Native
Median resident age - Males - Multirace
Median resident age - Males - Other Race
Median resident age - Females - White
Median resident age - Females - Black or African American
Median resident age - Females - Asian
Median resident age - Females - Hispanic or Latino
Median resident age - Females - American Indian and Alaska Native
Median resident age - Females - Multirace
Median resident age - Females - Other Race
Average household size - White
Average household size - Black or African American
Average household size - Asian
Average household size - Hispanic or Latino
Average household size - American Indian and Alaska Native
Average household size - Multirace
Average household size - Other Race
Average family size - White
Average family size - Black or African American
Average family size - Asian
Average family size - Hispanic or Latino
Average family size - American Indian and Alaska Native
Average family size - Multirace
Average family size - Other Race
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