The jailer was aboubaidu...

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on March 25, 2013
People who have recently visited the foodcourt in Chiang Rai’s Night Bazaar might have noticed a change in the entertainment program. Since August 2012 a relatively new artist called Bua Ban, which translates as Blossoming Lotus, is stealing the show. Bua Ban (Real name: Witchapon Wongtong), aged 22, has a mixed program of stand-up comedy and [...]
on February 26, 2013
Many visitors to Thailand love the easygoing local atmosphere and notice that they get much more pleasure and value for money than at home. For me it took five years of dreaming to take bold decision to move over here. I remember back home I frequently visited the
to check if I would be able to [...]
on November 28, 2012
Welcome to the pagan Walhalla,
welcome to Thailand! Men are enjoying their days on the beach, drinking beer and having sex with any local they can get their hands on, whenever they feel like. Eventhough the stereotype of sextourism and sexpats in connection to the beautiful country persists, it is far from a catch-all phrase for [...]
on August 25, 2012
I know this has been done before, but over the last months I have compiled a list of things that I regard as more or less typical for contemporary Thai culture and expats living here. 20. You explicitely order HOT coffee, but are used to being asked later: “Hot or cold?” 19. Foreigners stop assuming [...]
on August 19, 2012
This bottle I bought in a nearby restaurant the other day. I love the name. It bears a striking resemblance to the famous McIlhenny Tabasco. Probably out of precaution the label now has been altered a bit, see the product catalog below. I always find it interesting to learn about ways how people are making a living [...]
on August 6, 2012
Here’s how to fix a breakfast in the comfort of your own room Stuff needed from left to right: Prerequisites (Immersion) water boiler After a run to the shop Knife, fork or spoon (7/11) A Bowl* (7/11) Microwave proof plastic bag (7/11) Sauce/pepper/salt (7/11) Sausage (7/11) or any other things you like in the mix Eggs [...]
on July 16, 2012
Last week Polly and I were visiting a Thai couple. During dinner a friend who was a lawyer dropped in. I had not met a Thai lawyer in his private time before, so after a few drinks I asked if it would be alright to ask a few questions about Thai law. One of my [...]
on July 11, 2012
Today Hillary Clinton is in Laos for a one day visit. This event will mark the first time in 58 years for a high ranking US official to do so. What do we actually know about Laos? Reports often start to state that Laos is one of the poorest countries in Asia or in the [...]
on July 2, 2012
A three way plug commonly available in Thailand Any self-reliant person will usually consider the possibility to fix minor problems in and around the house themselves first. Once on holiday however this idea seems alien. Besides the fact that during this time one isn’t supposed to work at all, it’s a perfect opportunity to exercise [...]
on June 26, 2012
Tangun mausoleum near Pyongyang (NK) Tangun, a mythology about the father of the Korean people and founder of the first Korean kingdom, is mentioned in a number of sources and is believed to have some actual historical understructure. It gives some clues in understanding the unique traditional self-conception of Korean’s. See below a manga version from North [...]The differences begin when fetuses(胎儿)are about nine weeks old,which can be seen in the action_作业帮
The differences begin when fetuses(胎儿)are about nine weeks old,which can be seen in the action
The differences begin when fetuses(胎儿)are about nine weeks old,which can be seen in the action


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