
Moreover, our findings corroborate the view that the lodicules of grasses are homologous to eudicot petals.
This paper reports the SEM(Scanning Electron Microscope) studies on the petals of medicinal species of Swertia and Halenia in China, viz.
The tiny plant, whose lily pads can be as small as 1cm across, is known as the 'thermal water lily' because it was discovered growing in the muddy edges of a freshwater hot spring.
The petals of plant essence of slurry, relieve skin antioxidant content, let double lip is more delicate.
The outer series of perianth in the irises and related plants.
The present status and prospect of studies on specific genes for development of androecium, pistil and petals of higher plants are reviewed in this paper.
It is known as a "shell ginger'" because the bright red and yellow flowers emerge from shiny, waxy sheaths which protect the petals until the flower is ready to be pollenated.
The former are considered to be homologous with the sepals of Ranunculus.
A perennial plant of the genus Sanguisorba, having pinnately compound leaves and apetalous flowers. The young leaves are sometimes added to salads as a garnish.
如果环境温度上升5~10℃ 番红花 属植物会迅速开花,因为花瓣内侧的生长将快于外侧。
For example, Crocus flowers open rapidly if the temperature increases by 5 to 10℃, as the inner side of the petals grows faster than the outer side.
A perennial plant of the genus Sanguisorba, having pinnately compound leaves and apetalous flowers. The young leaves are sometimes added to salads as a garnish.
Look up today, O parched plant, and open thy leaves and flowers for a heavenly watering.
It's made completely from lotus petal extract and pure soybean collagen without any impurity. Lotus flower is abundant with polysaccharide, amino acid, various micro elements and vitamins.
Earthworms drag withered leaves, grass and flowers into their burrows. When this plant litter decays, it makes the soil more fertile.
It also studied the effect of sugar concentration, light source and various of plant growth regulators on the anthers and petals of Paeonia Suffruticosa'Luo Yang Hong'for callus induction.
Plants deserve respect, a group of Swiss experts said Monday, arguing that killing them arbitrarily was morally wrong -- except when it comes to saving humans or maybe picking the petals off a daisy.
Inferior Below. In botany , the term is generally applied to the position of the OVARY of a flower in which the sepals, petals, and stamens arise above it.
A nourishing mix of honey and fresh milk will refresh and soften your whole body. A sprinkle of rose petals into the water just before you step in adds to the overall sense of indulgence.
Bright petals mark the hibiscus, a flowering plant found in much of the world.
The plants are rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, and people have consumed the petals, stamens, leaves, seeds, and roots for thousands of years.
Extract plant flower colors. Light pink color, make your lips ruddy and soft as roses by simple application.
So now people who like talking to their plants can now enjoy a musical accompaniment, thanks to a Japanese invention that turns petals and leaves into amplifiers.
Based on an illustration found in a Victorian-era botanical encyclopedia, the surrealist imagery features a dancing bird-like figure emerging from a lush backdrop of red and gold flower petals.
The reproductive portion of the plant, consisting of stamens, pistils, or both, and usually including a perianth of sepals or both sepals and petals.
Objective: To study the toxicity, anti-inflammatory and immune enhancing properties of Flos Gossipium Flavonoid (FGF) in Xinjiang and contribute to full exploitation of medicinal herbs in Xinjiang.
Objective: To study the toxicity, anti-inflammatory and immune enhancing properties of Flos Gossipium Flavonoid (FGF) in Xinjiang and contribute to full exploitation of medicinal herbs in Xinjiang.
- 来自原声例句


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