求一篇初二初二下册英语作文文,题目为:“ Gro...

Last winter holiday,I went to Harbin with my mother.It's very cold in winter.There is snow and ice everywhere and you are always in a white world.You must wear warm clothes.The most exciting thing is playing with snow.Skating is also very interesting there.I will' always remember Harbin,for the snow,the ice and all the beautiful things.I love Harbin.去年寒假,我去哈尔滨与我的母亲.这是非常寒冷的冬季.有雪和冰都和你总是在一个白色的世界.您必须穿上暖和的衣服.最令人兴奋的事情是玩雪.滑冰也是非常有趣的.当前位置: >
& 我的梦想英语作文80 初二我的梦想英语作文80字
我的梦想英语作文80 初二我的梦想英语作文80字
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My Dream I have a dream that I am always young. Then I will have enough energy to do everything whenever I want. Moreove。
My Dream Everybody both has a dream . Do you know what I want to be in the future? I want to be a singer. Because I love。我的梦想英语作文80字三年级
I have had a dream since my boyhood. I want very much to be a doctor. I want to be a doctor because doctors can cure patients and thus make people healthy and happy. Doctors can offer their help to the poor people so that more people can get medical help. If I were a doctor, the more patients I cured, the happier I will feel. That is the very reason I want to become a doctor. I will study hard so that my dream can come true in the future。我的梦想为题 写一篇英语作文 80字左右。 My Dream Everyone has his dream. My dream is to be a famous doctor in the future. I like to help patients and let them healthy. The doctors work will be busy but interesting. My teacher said I was good at biology. But I still nees to improve my English, too, then I can read medical knowledges in English. So the patients from all over the world can get my helps.。我的梦想英语作文80词
I have a dream, is to be able to grow up to be a scientist, to develop a special clothes. This is because my mothers body is not too good, when we wear a sweater, mother had to wear cotton padded jacket. In the winter, my mother put on thick clothes, but still feel cold. Air conditioning and she could not stand. So I want to grow up quickly, to the mother, a piece that can change as her body temperature clothes, let mother can also feel the spring brings the happiness like us.
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“Everyone has his own dreams. My dream is to be a computer programmer. I think its very interesting and exciting for me。我的梦想假日英语作文 80字~100My dreamed holidayI am so busy about my studies these days, if I get a chance to take a short holiday, then I would like to have a good plan. Here is my thoughts. I would spend these holidays closely with my family, firstly take a visit to grand parents as they are older and older, I should care about them on healthy.Then have a picnic with all, go outside for enjoy nature views, leisure talking and have nice food,etc.This is a simple plan, but I think I will very enjoy it and study more hard since I know family is the biggest trigger for my future.
On-line Learning Nowadays,because of internet and computer,our life becomes more convenient,which affact many flied of our life,for example,study.Students can make full use of internet to get more knowlegde.The following advice could make us learn better on line. First,Finding the useful website,we can the current affairs,the news report from all over the world,thus we can broaden our eyesight. Second.Here are many english website for us to practise our oral English and listening ablity,such as VOA, BBC,,etc. Third,Don`t stay online for a long ti。我的梦想 英语作文80词
Im longing to be a teacher, to share all my love, knowledge with my students. Ill treat them as my dearest friends and precious treasure in my life. Ill try all my best to make this dream come true
我的梦想 尽管它让我显得微不足道 可我知道那是一个能实现的梦。我的梦想当空姐英语作文80字数I can makefriends with foreigners and I can also communicate with them very often.If Is dangerous for me to become a hostess because of the plane accidents.I will also give passengers some delicious food and smile a lot if I become a hostess.But sometimes itMy dreamWhen I grow up,I want to be a hostess。
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初二英语作文带翻译 运动会作文初二的
最近有网友提出“初二英语作文带翻译 运动会作文初二的”等问题,小小知识站提取了各大知名网站有关“初二英语作文带翻译 运动会作文初二的”的部分信息,请注意,文中的内容不代表本站的观点,不要相信任何联系方式。下文是关于“初二英语作文带翻译 运动会作文初二的”的一些信息:
回答:...二的) ?0?2 运动会上的牛人作文600字初二作文 急!!!谁有关于运动会的作文。初二水平。 初二英语作文 关于运动会的作文(六年级~初二水平) 运动会的英语作文(初二)
问题:每一种说法都要回答:Don t throw rubbishlitter abouthere and there 类似问题:求一篇关于去野生动物园不要乱扔垃圾的英语作文(初二) 问:请不要随地吐痰.请不要乱扔垃圾.英文是? “不用一次性物品,多种树,不乱扔垃圾”英文翻译 不要乱扔垃圾 跪求不要乱扔垃圾英语对话,字数稍微多点。等。... 问题:我要一篇关于暑假生活的英语作文要有中文翻译
回答:...,可爱的动物和善良的人们。在那儿我花了两个礼拜帮助我的爷爷做一些农活, 类似问题:五篇英语作文 五篇英语作文小学五年级水平50~100个单词就行 五年级水平英语作文五十个单词写英语的。急需!!! 用My summer holiday写一篇少于50个单词的英语作文,五年 我想要三篇五年级水平的英语作文,要写暑假趣事的,50个 五年级下册关于我的一天的英语作文,小学五年级水平,用上 五年级...
回答:There is no doubt that life is very great。 类似问题:英语必修二第四单元课文翻译&HOW 急求一篇以&我的故事&为题的英文演讲稿可否给 谁能帮我找一于&贸易中的意绿色壁垒&quot 求英语演讲小短文(要有中文翻译) 求翻译!!!
回答:...fallenleavesonbothsidesoftheground. Attimestheautumnrainkeepsfall 类似问题:你最喜欢的季节是什么,为什么?用英语回答 怎么用三十个英语单词来描写你喜欢的季节? 你最喜欢的季节是什么?为什么?在这个季节里,你喜欢做什 你喜欢的季节 有关你最喜欢的季节的英语作文60字 描写家一年气候和你喜欢的季节,英语翻译 你最喜欢的季节是什么英文 你最喜欢的季节是夏天吗英语翻译 请以你喜欢的...
问题:五年级英语作文回答:日。。。小学五年级英语作文我的书包MyBackpack。。。。上一篇:小学生优秀英语作文——我的理想。下一篇:小学生 五年级英语作文: 类似问题:苏教版五年级英语下册期末试卷 苏教版五年级下册数学、英语、语文所有试卷!(满意给100 苏教版五年级上册小学生英语课文翻译 五年级英语作文 苏教版五年级下学期英语暑假作业... 问题:英语IcanreadasyouAtwiceasfastBas
回答:...uticanreadmanybooksinthe啥意思 谁会翻译这段英文? ???仯 磺ngd ???仯??лл
60个结构不同的英语问答句子(小学五年级) 初中英语作文关于书,CD,电影的 请回答以下英语IQ题, 谁帮忙写一篇英语作文?题目我的生活 翻译下列短文 帮忙翻译这些短文,不要用电脑翻译,谢谢!
问题:汉语求翻译成英语 如果有一天你走累了,请记得回头,因为在你起回答:If one day, When you feel tired after walking ,remember to turn around ,because someone waiting for you where you start 。全部手打 满意请采纳 有问题请追问 类似问题:汉语求翻译成英语 汉语求翻译成英语 按我写的中文写一篇英语作文,懂的才来,不可以用电脑翻译. 等下面这段英文的中文译文!!!如果懂电脑,最 电脑蓝屏出...... 问题:6年级下册英语课本翻译怎样读回答:The sixth grade book1&book 2 English textbooks 类似问题:六年级下册英语课本人教版35课课文翻译 六年级下册英语课本54、55页的文章怎么写?要急急急急 六年级下册英语课本所有啊 六年级下册英语课本单词 六年级下册英语课本 六年级下册英语课本9页的 谁有六年级下册英语课本PEP听力原文,做题目的,或者 六年级下册英语课本P54页3b这个写成...... 问题:而在中发现英语很重要.我不要考什么等级,我只要能听懂别人回答:对你这种情况,我想最有效的办法是:看你非常想看的书(能让你入迷,一旦拿起来就不想放下,说晚上一直疯狂的看,不想睡觉),书是英文的并有翻译;这种书即使是书,只要你能疯狂的看,让你的这种疯狂和对英文的渴望混在一起。 提醒:1 书的难易程度。看了翻译后 ,再看英文时,知道在讲些什就行,慢慢地你就...... 问题:英语作文我去过哪些地方回答:我去过 Ihavebeentomanyinterestingplaces.ButIloveShanghaibest.Lastsummer,IwenttoShanghaiforvacation.Shanghaiisaverybeautifulcity.Therearemanytallbuildings,cars,amusementparksandpeopleinShanghai.Ihadbeentoabigamusementpark,itwasveryinteresting!AndIhadagoodtimeintheamusementpark.Ihadbeentoaspacemuseum,itwasverygreat.AndIalsowentshoppinginShanghai.IwouldliketogotoShanghaiagain. 我已经去了多有趣的地方。但是我最爱的是。去年...... 问题:gotothepark英语作文用过去式写,急急急急急急急
回答:went to the park 类似问题:will you go to the park写答语
in the park 英語作文
题目是{go go to the park英语作文要60个词,要翻译 初一英语作文go
问题:...晚回答:whatkindofanimaldoyoulike? 你喜欢哪种动物、 财富值不知道啦。 类似问题:你喜欢什么动物用英语如何说 你最喜欢当什么动物英语作文. 你喜欢什么动物用英语咋说 你喜欢什么动物用英语怎么翻译? 你喜欢什么动物和不喜欢的动物的作文英语 你喜欢什么动物?用英语写 你喜欢什么动物,用英语怎么说? 你最喜欢什么动物?翻译成英语 你还喜欢别的什么动物... 问题:她也很烦恼的英文翻译
回答:She is also very troubled 类似问题:我朋友现在专升本英语对她来说很是苦恼,我想帮她买本英语 英语翻译句子1.让她感到苦恼得是不知道怎样改进教学。 英语口语的句子为什么跟翻译的很不同 她的孩子得了感冒,这使她很烦恼。 班里来了个新的同学叫英,数学跟不上班里的同学,她很 英语作文:你的好朋友丽丽在英语学上有些问题,她很苦 安妮的妹妹玛戈因为她们不得不搬家...
也许你感兴趣求一篇英语作文初二水平六十词以上,题目是write about your town and the best places/things there明天就要交求求啊各位学霸_百度作业帮
求一篇英语作文初二水平六十词以上,题目是write about your town and the best places/things there明天就要交求求啊各位学霸
求一篇英语作文初二水平六十词以上,题目是write about your town and the best places/things there明天就要交求求啊各位学霸
My home is in a town.It lies in the east of Zhejiang near the East SeA.It has a population of fifty thousand.Our town is in the south of our county.The Ease Sea is to the east of the town.To the south is flat land.Mountains are on the west.And a river runs from north to south in the west of my town.The weather here is good.It is not so cold in winter or so hot in summer.So the sea near my town is full of all sorts of fish.The fishermen of my home town are all living a happy life
 My hometown is beautiful place It stands near a wide river at the foot of low green hills. It has many tall buildings and wide streets. There are trees and flowers everywhere.  But it has not always been like that. In the old days, it was a sad dirty little town. Landlords and merchants lived in the few good houses. For the working people there were only dark, unhealthy rooms in old buildings and huts in narrow muddy streets. Nearly everyone was poor and many had no work.  Everything has changed since liberation. The people, led by the Party, have got rid of the mud and dirt. They have put up schools, theaters, shops and flats. They have an assembly hall and a hospital. Along the river they have built offices, hotels and parks. A lot of factories have sprung up. On the river, streamers and boats come and go busily, day and night. They carry the products of our industries to all parts of the country.  I love my hometown, and I love its people. They also have changed. Healthy and happy, they are going all out to build socialism.
Welcome to my hometown! Haimen is my hometown. It is a modern and busy town. It has a long history. There are many big supermarkets, beautiful gardens and good factories here. It is very easy to go shopping. You can see green hills, big trees and nice flowers. There are many restaurants in Haimen. You can enjoy Haimen goat. It tastes very delicious. Many visitors come here to enjoy it.
There are many good places to visit. There is a park and a big Shopping Mall. You can see films in Renmin Theatre. My school is one of the best schools in my hometown. It is on Changjiang Road. It is very beautiful. I hope you can come and visit soon.


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