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《绝地学院三部曲》与埃克萨·库恩(Exar Kun)结局的流水账_星球大战吧_百度贴吧
《绝地学院三部曲》与埃克萨·库恩(Exar Kun)结局的流水账收藏
之前曾想尝试着以读书笔记、恶搞吐槽、丧尸想法混合体的四不象方式,写个可以篇和南方的《遇战疯人战争简史》配合的《新绝地武士团》介绍。 但是因为内容太长,我这种扒法容易遗忘细节,写起来太累……所以写完《主向量》就坑了。 这次决定换个简单点的,写个恩……说是《绝地学院》系列的读书笔记,因为我那种扒小说法细节实在不靠谱,而且我写这文的目的其实是想介绍埃克萨·库恩(Exar Kun)的结局,所以并不是严格的《绝地学院三部曲》系列读书笔记。 应该算……是“《绝地学院》系列的读书笔记 / 《绝地学院》系列的剧情介绍 / 埃克萨·库恩(Exar Kun)的结局”流水账四不像吧。 (这叙事的不同角色视角的时间线,可能跟书里顺序不同。) 因为创作人员与剧情的关系,我认为: 《绝地学院三部曲》小说跟《黑暗帝国》漫画、《绝地传奇》漫画这三系列作品是一脉相承的。 《黑暗帝国》漫画催生了千年史诗《绝地传奇》,而《绝地学院三部曲》小说则是《绝地传奇》这部千年史诗与旧绝地武士团的真正落幕——与新绝地武士团的真正开篇。
恩,埃克萨·库恩(Exar Kun)出现的英文介绍: But as the battle for a planet rages, an even greater danger arises at Luke Skywalker's Jedi academy. A brilliant student delves dangerously into the dark side of the Force and unleashes the spirit of an ancient master of the evil order that warped Darth Vader himself. Working together, they may become an enemy greater than any the New Republic has ever fought… more powerful than even a Jedi Master can face. 个人当年在某荐书贴里,模仿南方对《绝地传奇》的无良介绍: “………… 曾经有一个古老而富有的国度,该国度某对兄妹为了获取财富,而进行自己国度通往其他世界新的商业航道探险,结果遭遇了某个被遗忘的邪恶文明。 这个邪恶文明的首领,悍然发起对兄妹国度的侵略,结果“强一奸不成反被日”,被古老而富有的国度的反击给打得报头鼠窜。躺进自己坟墓前,还痴人说梦大喊自己要东山再起。 千年后(其间后经历该首领传人造成的动乱)终于出现了一个人,继承了这邪恶文明的首领和其传人与先辈的遗产,发起再一次对古老而富有的国度的征服,造成了巨大破坏。 最后面对古老而富有的国度的保卫者与大批战士士兵的包围,邪恶的继承者发动古老的邪恶魔法将自己转化成千年不灭的邪恶幽魂,被封印在自己陵墓里对古老而富有的国度诅咒千年。 …………” 哦,好吧正经一点: 在埃克萨·库恩(Exar Kun)被数千绝地联手以“光明之墙”封印于雅文4号卫星大西斯战争的四千年之后,旧绝地武士团在66号命令下没落于黄昏大约三十年后,恩多战役的7年之后,《黑暗帝国》里帕尔帕廷阴魂附身自己克隆体重生——并最终灰飞烟灭形神俱灭不久…… 这时莱娅与汉早已喜结连理,他们的三个孩子,杰娜·索洛、杰森·索洛、阿纳金·索洛已经全部出生。 在《黑暗帝国》里,能够光剑格斗中击败武力比电影时期大为增强的复活版帕尔帕廷的卢克,也已经是一名非常强大的绝地大师(至少单在战斗与武力方面来说是如此) 帝国则已遭遇重创…… 《绝地学院三部曲》小说开始了。
本书开篇: 汉·索洛和丘巴卡前往科舍尔(Kessel)执行外交任务,科舍尔在EP4电影里有被提及,索洛船长在电影里对卢克吹嘘自己12个秒差距就能完成“科舍尔航程”。 “科舍尔航程”指在科舍尔走私香料货物的渠道与方法,虽然卢卡斯本来创造这段的只是想表现索洛船长在吹牛而已。 星球大战论坛 Star Wars Forum里,绿熊翻译的官网对科舍尔走私香料货物的介绍: “…… A lumpy asteroidal mass that can barely be considered a planet, Kessel's claim to infamy lies in the precious strands of glitterstim spice that striates the otherwise unremarkable rock of the frigid world. 科舍尔是一个表面凸凹不平的小天体,勉强算一颗行星。科舍尔的恶名源于一条条宝贵的“灵光激现”香料,它们呈条纹状分布于这颗外表反而毫不起眼的寒冷岩石星球。 The Outer Rim planet is too small to hold an atmosphere of its own, so its surface is marked by massive air-producing factories that belch out breathable air. Despite these measures, the air is still too thin to breathe without oxygen masks, and the factory's output eventually bleeds away into space, leaving a vaporous trail behind Kessel as it orbits its bleak and distant sun. 这颗外环行星太小,没法保持自身的大气层,所以其表面分布着大型空气制造厂,用来喷出可呼吸的气体。尽管如此,空气仍然十分稀薄,不戴氧气面罩无法呼吸。制造厂的空气成品最后会流入太空,导致科舍尔环绕其遥远黯淡的恒星运行时,会在后面留下一道蒸汽尾迹。 The term "spice" has come to describe a wide variety of stimulants mined or processed from a number of worlds, but the glitterstim found on Kessel is easily the most valuable. Not only a euphoric psychotropic drug beneficial in therapeutic uses, the photoactive fibrous strands imbue a user with a temporary increase in latent telepathy. This, combined with the rarity of the substance, makes it incredibly valuable --- valuable enough to kill and die for. “香料”这个术语用来描述一大类从各个世界开采或加工的兴奋剂,但科舍尔的“灵光激现”无疑是最值钱的。这些光敏纤维不仅是一种有益于治疗的欣快精神药剂,还能暂时增强服用者的潜在心灵感应能力。这些优点加上这种物质的稀有,使它变得难以置信地珍贵——珍贵到足以促使人们为之杀人或献身。 When the Empire rose to power, it took control of the spice mining operations, cutting into the profits of a number of underworld enterprises. The Empire constructed a correctional facility on Kessel's blighted surface where criminals and political prisoners were forced to toil in freezing underground caves to extract the spice. Since the spice would be activated by any light whatsoever, the indentured miners had to work in absolute darkness as they harvested the precious strands. 帝国掌权时,控制了香料开采业,打扰了许多黑社会企业获利。帝国在科舍尔的荒芜地表建了一座劳改营,刑事犯和政治犯被迫在那里的寒冷地洞内艰辛地开采香料。由于只要有一丝光线,香料就会被激活,因此这些没有人身自由的矿工不得不在绝对黑暗中收割珍贵的香料丝线。 Faulty breathmasks, malfunctioning heating gear, sudden cave-ins and wrong turns were not the only threats an unfortunate miner could face. It was discovered that the source of the spice was a species of voracious energy spider that spun the spice strands as a form of web. A hapless miner that wandered too deep into a cave bearing a spice vein could find himself impaled by a spider, and have his life energy completely sucked out in mere moments. 损坏的呼吸面罩、失灵的加热装置、突发的洞穴塌方和错误在转弯方向并非不幸矿工所面临的仅有威胁。人们发现这种香料来源于一种贪吃的能量蜘蛛,它们能把香料丝线织成蛛网。一个倒霉的矿工如果过于深入富含香料矿脉的洞穴,就会被蜘蛛刺穿,其生命能量会在瞬间被吸干。 When not in the darkness of the mines, a criminal could find little hope in looking to the stars above Kessel. Not only was the system adequately guarded, but the skies were dominated by the startling display of the Maw Cluster, an unlikely conglomeration of black holes that would forever remind any souls on Kessel of their inescapable mortality. 即使不在黑暗的矿坑,罪犯也没什么希望逃入科舍尔上空的群星。这不仅因为该星系戒备森严,还因为天空被“无底洞”黑洞团的惊人景象所占据。这个难以想象的黑洞群无时无刻不在提醒科舍尔上的所有灵魂,他们难逃一死。 The criminal underworld still found ways to profit from the Imperial spice trade. Corrupt officials could easily be bribed to let portions of glitterstim cargoes go "missing," only to show up on Black Sun or Hutt freighters. Foolhardy smugglers looking to risk their lives for incredible profit would risk Imperial patrols near Kessel. 罪犯间的黑社会仍有办法从帝国香料贸易中获利。腐败官员被轻易买通后,会让一部分灵光激现货物“失踪”,然后在黑日或赫特人的货船上出现。为获取高额利润而不惜铤而走险的鲁莽走私者会威胁到科舍尔附近的帝国巡逻队。 ………… ”
新共和国派遣汉·索洛和丘巴卡前往因为在索龙回归与重生皇帝攻势中采取的中立态度的科舍尔。结果索洛船长和丘仔的运气很不好,因为这时科舍尔的掌权者是莫鲁思·杜尔(Moruth Doole)一名之前科舍尔的监狱官员,也是索洛船长的一位“老友”。 莫鲁思·杜尔在误判形式之下怀疑新共和国想要夺取自己对科舍尔的控制,下令舰队围攻并最终捉获两人。随后他使用“灵光激现”香料审问汉·索洛的目的,结果发现自己做了傻事……索洛船长和丘仔是来进行外交任务的。 汉表示自己可以对新共和国把这事报误会,要莫鲁思·杜尔放了俩人算完。但莫鲁思·杜尔却不愿意这么做,原因么……就得扯上电影里索洛船长为逃避帝国军,而丢弃贾巴的香料货物一事了。因为这批货物的走私跟杜尔也有关,所以贾巴派人追杀莫鲁思,虽然最终莫鲁思·杜尔保了一命,但却付出一只眼睛的代价。 莫鲁思·杜尔图:
这时在科洛桑,卢克在跟新共和国高层要求支持自己重建绝地武士团。因为那时新共和国军政两界高层大都在对卢克在对帝国战争中的作用非常肯定,特别是莫思玛和鱼头上将俩还都在其位。因此虽然有个别人对阿纳金·天行者的堕落成罪行累累的屠夫达斯·维德这事颇有疑虑,但在卢克的重建绝地武士团利大于弊分析下,新共和国高层还是决定全面支持卢克重建绝地武士团。 不过得到了新共和国高层的支持的卢克,现在却要面对自己老妹的问题。 此时莱娅利用共和国政事,刻意拖延自己的绝地训练,在卢克询问下她承认自己对父亲的堕落感到害怕。这时的莱娅已经不再是那个声称“也许维德作为一个英雄死去,但十分钟的悔过不能补偿他多年的罪行”并当面把来求和解的老爹灵魂给骂跑的莱娅,已经谅解并原谅了父亲——至少是接受了做为阿纳金的父亲(她跟卢克不同,倾向于把阿纳金跟维德分开看待)。 此时卢克与莱娅还不知道索洛和丘巴卡的惨状。 而帝国残余势力中,卡里达的特使富尔甘(Furgan)——也是位能力出众受帕尔帕廷赏识非人类,对帕尔帕廷非常忠诚,则在极为无理的态度下同意前来科洛桑进行外交活动。不过他自己的声称是,自己是来帕尔帕廷的旧所在朝圣。富尔甘
索洛和丘仔在当奴隶般的矿工时,在完全无法视物的黑暗中遇到一名叫基普·达伦(Kyp Durron)的人,并对两人提供在矿坑生存指导与帮助,汉则告知消息蔽塞的对方皇帝已死新共和国建立的消息开始。汉在黑暗错判了对方的年龄,后来发现对方非常年轻。 这位基普·达伦的父母,是反对帝国暴行的的政治活动家。他的父母与全家后来被冲锋队逮捕,哥哥充了卡里达的帝国军——索洛船长当年就是卡里达帝国军校高才生,还没成年的他跟父母被扔到科舍尔的香料矿做苦工,后来其父母死于一次监狱暴动。 基普·达伦是名潜力强大的原力敏感者,并曾经历过维玛-达-博达(Vima-Da-Boda)的初步原力使用训练。维玛-达-博达是何许人,看过《黑暗帝国》的都知道,“骑太阳的糯米”——哦不、说错,是:《绝地传奇》里诺米·驭日者的后裔。 这仨人一相遇,越狱行动是必然会发生的。 星球大战论坛 Star Wars Forum的潜水鸟翻译的官网资料: “ ………… Durron was born to outspoken political activists in the Deyer colony of the barren Anoat system. When their views bordered on treason, Imperial stormtroopers raided the Durron home and rounded up the dissidents. Kyp and his parents were sentenced to hard labor at the Kessel spice mines while his older brother Zeth was drafted into the Imperial military at Carida. 达伦生于德耶殖民地,那里位于荒芜的阿诺特星系内。他的父母是直言不讳的政治活动家。当他们的观点近乎叛国时,帝国冲锋队突袭达伦家,拘捕了这些异议分子。基普及其父母被判处到科舍尔的香料矿做苦工,而他的哥哥泽思则被充入卡里达的帝国军。 A year into his sentence, Kyp's parents were killed in a prison revolt. The orphan toiled away in pitch darkness, extracting precious glitterstim for refinement in the processing centers of Kessel. During his time there, his path crossed that of a mysterious old woman named Vima-Da-Boda, who told him of the Force and helped nurture his nascent talents. But even that contact was denied him as Vima was transferred elsewhere. 服刑一年后,基普的父母死于一次监狱暴动。这名孤儿在伸手不见五指的黑暗中服苦役,在科舍尔的加工中心提取珍贵的“灵光激现”用于精炼。这期间,他在那里邂逅一个名叫维玛-达-博达的神秘老太。维玛向他提及原力,帮助培养他初现的天赋。但即使这样的接触也随着维玛被转移至别处而中断。 For eight years Durron slaved away with little hope of liberty, until New Republic representative Han Solo and Chewbacca were incarcerated by the corrupt Kessel government. Solo and Chewbacca shared a work detail with Kyp, and the seasoned youngster provided valuable survival tips to the Republic heroes. 达伦几乎丧失对自由的希望,每天拼命劳作,直到八年后新共和国代表汉·索洛和丘巴卡被腐败的科舍尔政府投入监狱为止。索洛和丘巴卡跟基普一起劳作,这位老练的年轻人向两位共和国英雄传授了重要的求生技巧。 ………… ”年轻的基普·达伦
而卢克在新共和国的支持下,正通过查找旧资料,满世界寻找合格的原力敏感者当学徒。 在《绝地学院》第一部里,他找到的最有潜力学徒是甘托里斯(Gantoris),而他与甘托里斯见面后对方的反应大出卢克意料: Warton stepped up beside Luke. "I saw him walk out of the geyser field. All the geysers went off at once, and he just strode out of the steam." Warton blinked in awe as he looked at Luke. "He says he has come for you, Gantoris." "Yes--I know," Gantoris muttered to himself. Luke met the other man's eyes. "I am Luke Skywalker, a Jedi Knight. The Empire has fallen, and a New Republic has taken its place." He drew a deep breath. "If you are Gantoris and if you have the ability, I have come to teach you how to use the Force." Several of the others walked up, bearing the broken, rag-doll body of the dead boy. The man carrying the boy let his stony expression flicker for just an instant. The look on Gantoris's face seemed a frightening mixture of horror and eagerness. "I have dreamed of you. A dark man who offers me incredible secrets, then destroys me. I am lost if I go with you." Gantoris straightened. "You are a demon." Surprised, especially after his efforts to save the two children, Luke tried to placate him. "No, that isn't it." 甘托里斯声称卢克是“黑暗中的人”,这词被最终证实是指《绝地学院三部曲》的大BOSS,传奇古代西斯尊主埃克萨·库恩(Exar Kun) 。 我不清楚这是甘托里斯通过原力幻视未来,然后把卢克错当成幻视中的埃克萨·库恩? 还是埃克萨·库恩跨越万千光年,给他制造出了这一幕的幻像? 从剧情看,埃克萨·库恩的表现出物理原力影响最远范围,是从雅文四号卫星以原力作用雅文气态巨星核心,取回被发射到雅文气态巨星核心的灭日者。 而精神影响虽然对基普·达伦是跨越万千光年的,不过那是库恩一度附身基普·达伦,虐过卢克之后的事。俩人已经有特殊精神联系,在没跟甘托里斯建立精神联系的前提下,埃克萨·库恩能跨越万千光年精确定位制造幻像么?
而在收甘托里斯做徒弟那幕,如果卢克的老爹阿纳金看到恐怕要气死。 自己当年十岁不到想进绝地,可谓是求爷爷告奶奶,最后托魁刚关系+温杜力压反对意见开后门才成功的。 如今甘托里斯这小子,被卢克收徒弟,居然还要考验卢克够不够资格…… 当然在看到卢克表现出的原力后,甘托里斯很快同意当徒弟(有点后来《哈利·波特6》里,少年老伏看到老邓展示魔法后的感觉……)接着卢克收斯特林(Streen)做学徒时,他测试对方是否原力敏感的方法比电影时代快得多,但是……有点不雅——摸摸对方头:
话说索洛船长不在家的日子,证明了他家庭妇男工作干得很好。 莱娅在照顾杰娜杰森这对早熟双胞胎姐弟时可谓头痛至极,给俩人洗澡俩人也不听话的反抗泼水玩,而C-3PO则证明自己毫无照顾婴儿的天赋……当然可能是这姐弟俩太早熟了。 杰娜你3岁就管阿纳金叫Baby么……还揪杰森的耳朵玩 莱娅曾去过科舍尔找索洛和丘巴卡,莫鲁思·杜尔伪造信息谎称俩人在无底洞黑洞团出了事,不过莱娅产生了怀疑。
索洛和丘仔和基普·达伦抢了架帝国穿梭机逃离。 不过在无底洞黑洞团周围越狱,危险程度实现蛮高,他们被卷进黑洞团。虽然靠着基普强大的原力潜能,他们设法安全地导航,但却遭遇“无底洞”漩涡黑洞团内的一小块稳定空间中的帝国军基地的帝国军,而基地的最高指挥官正是——我们“战无不胜”的达拉上将。 因为帝国军界歧视女性,达拉姐姐虽早年在帝国军界成绩斐然,但因为性别歧视始终不得晋升。后来她伪造虚假的数据身份,在模拟战斗中击败了多名高阶优秀军官,吸引了塔金的注意。在通过技术手段查找到达拉身份后,塔金对她进行庇护,并将其当成学生培养。 在塔金的庇护与培养下,达拉得以绕开帝国军界性别歧视,步步高升直至上将之位。 南方翻译的官网资料: “ ………… Tarkin entrusted the protection of a top-secret military think-tank installation to Daala. Maw Installation, as it was called, was a weapons research facility like no other, sunken into a stable patch of space amidst the churning black holes of the Maw Cluster. In this remote base, some of the Empire's brightest scientific minds created designs for new Imperial weaponry, including the first in a series of Death Stars. 塔金委托达拉保护一个极机密的军事智囊团基地。所谓的“无底洞”基地是一处与众不同的武器研究设施,深处在“无底洞”漩涡黑洞团内的一小块稳定空间中。在这个偏僻的基地里,一些帝国最聪明的科学头脑为帝国新武器创造蓝图,其中就包括一系列死星中的第一颗。 Daala was given express orders to never abandon her post, to stay at Maw Installation, and to maintain communication silence until Tarkin returned. Tarkin never returned, having died in the explosion that consumed the Death Star. 达拉被明确下令留守“无底洞”基地,永远不得擅离职守,在塔金返回前保持通讯静默。塔金再也没有回来,他和死星在爆炸中同归于尽。 ………… ” 而在科洛桑,帝国残余特使富尔甘在外交招待会上言词无理,并将饮料泼到蒙·莫思玛的身上——饮料里实际藏有纳米工程的病毒,能把莫思马的细胞逐个分解。 之后莫思马病中打算让莱娅接替自己
在无底洞黑洞团,达拉姐姐审问索洛船长,索洛船长骂对方去亲吻赫特人——索洛船长你喜欢看美女与扶她?结果被SM,最终达拉姐姐通过对索洛的审问得知,皇帝与维德、塔金已死、索帅陨落、帝国已如风中之烛等情况。 此时她决定动用在“无底洞”黑洞团基地里隐藏的超级武器,击败新共和国。 其中达拉最看重的一件武器就是Sun Crusher,这玩意可谓是星战里非原力武器中简单粗暴的极限——惊奇那半正史半黑历史S级漫画中,号称能灭宇宙的某武器我就54了。 攻击力:一炮可以用特殊振动鱼类把一颗恒星变超新星引爆,灭掉一恒星系。 防御力:恒星内部的压力都无法破坏灭日者的外表,后来新共和国曾把它发射到雅文气态巨星核心想一了百了,结果被得到埃克萨·库恩原力协助的基普·达伦从雅文核心取回。
结果此时么,这些超级武器的一名研究者——天然呆萌妹子Qwi Xux遇到了汉等人。 被帝国和塔金蜀黍拐了的萌妹子说出那些超级武器的用途: Kyp vowed that if he did manage to get away, he would find someone to teach him how to use these mysterious powers. He never wanted to be left so helpless again. Looking at the delicate, birdlike Qwi Xux, Han somehow could not imagine her as the developer of the Death Star. But she worked willingly in the Maw Installation, and she had admitted her role in a matter-of-fact way. "What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?" he finally said. "This is what I do. This is what I'm best at." Qwi nodded her head absently, as if considering her answer. "Here I have a chance to grapple with the greatest mysteries of the cosmos, to solve problems that others have claimed are unsolvable. To see my wild ideas take shape. It's very thrilling." Han still could not understand. "But how did this happen to you? Why are you here?" "Oh, that!" Qwi said, as if suddenly understanding the question. "My home planet was Omwat, in the Outer Rim. Moff Tarkin took ten young Omwati children from various cities. He placed us in intense forced-education camps, trying to mold us into great designers and problem solvers. I was the best. I was the only one who made it through all the training. I was his prize, and he sent me here as a reward. "At first I worked with Bevel Lemelisk to bring the Death Star to fruition. When we had the blueprints completed, Tarkin took Bevel away, leaving me to create newer and better concepts." "Okay," Han said, "so I'll ask you again, why do you do this stuff?" Qwi looked at him as if he had suddenly grown stupid. "It's the most interesting thing I can imagine. I have my pick of the challenges, and I'm usually successful. What more could I want?" Han knew he wasn't getting through. "How can you enjoy working on things like this? It's horrible!" Qwi took another step backward, looking baffled and hurt. "What do you mean by that? It's fascinating work, if you think about it. One of our concepts was to modify existing molecular furnace devices into autonomous "World Devastators" that could strip raw materials from a planet's surface, feed it into huge automated onboard factories, and produce useful machines. We're quite proud of that idea. We transmitted the proposal off to Tarkin shortly after he took Bevel with him." Her voice trailed off. "I wonder what ever happened to that idea." Han blinked in astonishment. The terrifying fleet of World Devastators had attacked Admiral Ackbar's home planet, laying waste part of the beautiful water world before the juggernauts were destroyed. "The World Devastators have already been built," Han mumbled, "and put to very efficient use." Qwi's face lit up. "Oh, that's wonderful!" "No, it isn't!" he shouted into her face. She sprang back. "Don't you know what your inventions are used for? Do you have any idea?" Qwi backed off, straightening up again defensively. "Yes, of course. The Death Star was to be used to break up dead planets to allow direct mining of the heavy metals trapped in the core. The World Devastators would be autonomous factories combing asteroids or sterile worlds to produce a wide range of items without polluting inhabited planets." Han snorted and rolled his eyes. "If you believe that, you'll believe anything. Listen to their names! Death Star, World Devastator--that doesn't sound like something for peacetime economic development, does it?" Qwi scowled and turned her back on it. "Oh, what difference does it make?" "The Death Star's first target was the planet Alderaan--my wife's home world! It murdered billions of innocent people. The World Devastators were turned loose on the inhabited world of Calamari. Hundreds of thousands of people died. Those efficient factories of yours manufactured TIE fighters and other weapons of destruction, nothing else." "I don't believe you." Her voice did not sound confident. "I was there! I flew through the rubble of Alderaan, I saw the devastation on Calamari. Didn't you read about it in my interrogation report? Admiral Daala pressed me over and over again for those details." Qwi crossed her slender bluish arms over her chest. "No, that wasn't in your debriefing summary, which you so melodramatically call an "interrogation."" 我说KJA大叔……你是参与的《沙丘》系列创作的著名科幻作者啊,你真好意思学那些轻小说级别作品卖萌,创造这种天然呆妹子? 虽然是萌得够可爱了。 而很显然,达拉姐姐没有塔金蜀黍会拐天然呆妹子 居然直接告诉妹子要用灭日者对付新共和国,于是本来对汉的话将信将疑的妹子反水了…… Qwi Xux协助释放了4人,四人开上“灭日者”——这玩意防御太高,让几人出逃顺利不少——逃出“无底洞”黑洞团。 达拉面对失败在自责,想塔金活着会怎么骂自己。 此时亲自来找妹夫的卢克等人与索洛相遇,优秀的家庭妇男汉老爸终于被接回家了。 而卢克也见到了潜力巨大的基普·达伦
卢克也终于组建了新绝地武士团在雅文4的绝地学院如今卢克这批新学徒很复杂。 按前传时期旧绝地武士团的标准说,年龄普遍偏大。而且这批学徒中,多人通过自己摸索或受过非绝地原力训练——比如这些人里有来自达索米尔的女巫,掌握了很强的原力使用能力。也有某曾经是旧绝地武士团绝地,后来一度堕落成为黑暗绝地,又最终被卢克唤回光明面的绝地。已经成为虽然不够完善全面,但却可能比某些正式绝地更加强大的原力使用者。 强大而不完善,正是这批学徒的特征——不过话说那时的卢克本人似乎也有这倾向吧? 第一部结局: EPILOGUE Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master, stood atop the Great Temple on the fourth moon of Yavin. Below his feet lay the empty throne room and grand audience chamber with skylights open to the sun. Garbed in a new Jedi cloak, wearing his lightsaber at his side, Luke felt warmth bathing him. Spicy, lingering scents rose as steam from the lush rain forest below. The ancient ruins left behind by the vanished Massassi race sprawled out in great geometrical edifices, now overgrown by voracious jungles. Luke stood on top of the ziggurat that had once been a towering lookout station when the Rebel base had been housed on Yavin 4. In the sky a swollen sphere of pale orange filled most of his view, the looming planet Yavin. The bloated gas giant had been a shield for the Rebel base as the first Death Star orbited into position to fire with its planet-destroying superlaser. The Yavin base had been abandoned by the Rebels years before. But many of the broken stone structures were still serviceable. With the unleashed might of the Maw fleet, and the expected depredations of Admiral Daala, the New Republic desperately needed a strong force beyond pure military might, a group of guardians to maintain order in the galaxy. Luke intended to bring together everyone he could, immediately--not just Gantoris and Streen, but also Kyp Durron, Mara Jade, several of the witches of Dathomir, Kam Solusar, and others he had encountered since the Battle of Endor. And the search for new people with Jedi potential would have to be intensified. He needed candidates, as many as possible. The top levels of some of the flat-roofed Massassi structures had been clear enough for Luke to land his ship. On the broad courtyard once used as a launching pad by the Alliance, Luke's old X-wing fighter lay cooling in the rising mists from the Yavin jungles. When Mon Mothma and Leia had offered Luke the abandoned Rebel base, he had jumped at the chance. To begin his actual training, Luke tried to recreate all the exercises Yoda had taught him on Dagobah, as well as the practice sessions Obi-Wan Kenobi had begun. Luke also had the ancient Jedi Holocron, the visual historical database Leia had taken from the resurrected Emperor's stronghold. He had studied the information from the hidden repository of Jedi knowledge on Dathomir. He had many tools, and his students carried inside themselves doorways to great power. But again Luke worried. If one of his trainees--or more than one! --fell to the dark side, would he himself have the power to bring him back? And who was this "dark man" who haunted Gantoris's dreams with prophesies of destruction? As Luke looked across the sweeping vista of dense wilderness, he saw wide burned scars where fires had ravaged the rain forests. But the ecology of the moon struck back with a vengeance, healing itself. Dense clusters of sharp-smelling blueleaf shrubs, Massassi trees, and climbing ferns clogged the ground in an impenetrable mesh that stretched as far as he could see, broken only by scattered temple ruins poking through the greensward. The alien constructions left behind by the Massassi seemed filled with secrets and knowledge of their own. Luke blinked his eyes and felt the power of the place around him, the wonder, the mystery of it all. He could not wait to begin bringing his students here. It was the perfect place to train a new order of Jedi Knights. (以上基本是《绝地学院》第一部剧情,虽然也加了点后面内容追述)
第二部里,埃克萨·库恩的不死阴魂再现。 达斯·西迪厄斯的四千年之前、达斯·贝恩的三千年之前、“真正的西斯”回归已知银河的数百年前,曾有一位在古老的西斯预言中早有提及西斯尊主——埃克萨·库恩,将一场名为大西斯战争的战火烧遍旧共和国,在银河系里投下了恐怖和毁灭的阴影。为了阻止这股黑暗面的洪流,共和国和绝地的古老军队团结一致,终结了库恩的统治。 这个故事被记载在千年史诗漫画《绝地传奇》之中 星球大战论坛 Star Wars Forum的潜水鸟翻译的官网资料: “ ………… Before Vader, before Maul, before Sidious... there was a Dark Lord of the Sith that cast a shadow of terror and destruction across the galaxy. The ancient forces of the Republic and the Jedi banded together to stop the torrent of the dark side, and bring an end to Exar Kun's rule. 在维德、摩尔、西迪厄斯……之前,曾有一名西斯尊主在整个银河系里投下了恐怖和毁灭的阴影。为了阻止这股黑暗面的洪流,共和国和绝地的古老军队团结一致,终结了埃克萨·库恩的统治。 He began as a simple student, studying under the revered Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas. Like the dark apprentices that would follow throughout history, a basic impatience undermined all of Kun's training. His pride did not have the boundaries that his instruction did. Eager to ascend beyond his Jedi abilities, Kun abandoned his master and journeyed to the strife-torn world of Onderon. There, he encountered the spirit of Freedon Nadd, an ancient Sith who gave him further instruction. 埃克萨·库恩起初只是一个平凡的学生,师从于可敬的绝地大师沃多-西奥斯克·巴斯。跟后来那些黑暗的学徒一样,本能的急躁破坏了库恩的所有训练。他接受了有限的教导,却拥有无限的妄自尊大。出于对超越自己绝地能力的渴望,库恩背弃他的师父,来到因战火而千疮百孔的翁德伦。在那里,他遭遇弗里登·纳德的阴魂——这个古老的西斯给了他更深入的黑暗面指导。 Through Nadd's disembodied commands, Kun voyaged to the Sith mausoleum world of Korriban. There, ancient Sith spirits tried Kun's resolve. His body was crushed in a cave-in of tons of rocks, and Kun could not call upon the Force to help himself. Yet, the dark side offered what the Force couldn't. By giving into his fear and rage, Kun was able to heal himself and clear the obstacles. He emerged from the caverns transformed, fueled by the dark side of the Force. 通过纳德阴魂的引导,库恩飞往了西斯陵墓星球科里班。那里的古西斯阴魂们测试了库恩的决心。他的身体被成吨的巨石压在下面,库恩无法召唤原力来帮助自己。但是,黑暗面给予了库恩原力所无法给予的东西。在全身心投入恐惧和愤怒后,库恩得以治疗创伤,清除障碍。从洞穴中出来的他蜕变了,原力黑暗面浸染全身。 Following examples of ancient Sith Lords that preceded him, Kun came to the long forgotten Sith temples of Yavin 4. In Sith tradition, he took on an apprentice, the fallen Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma, and the two unleashed a scourge that would forever scar a galaxy. In the ages before Darth Bane's restrictions, Kun and Qel-Droma were able to recruit more Jedi into their ranks. Many young Jedi turned against their masters and slew them. Kun himself extinguished the life of Master Baas Baas in the halls of Coruscant's Senate chambers. It was a dark time indeed. 跟随先前那些古西斯尊主的足迹,库恩来到雅文4号卫星上被长期遗忘的西斯神殿里。按照西斯的传统,他收了堕落的绝地尤利克·凯尔-德罗马为徒。他们两人的暴行给银河系带来了难以磨灭的伤痕。在那个没有达斯·贝恩限制的年代,库恩和凯尔-德罗马招募了更多的绝地加入他们的队伍。许多年轻的绝地背叛并杀害了他们的师父。库恩本人在科洛桑议会大厅夺去了巴斯大师的生命。那确实是一个黑暗的年代。 Kun was fixated in unleashing pure, unbridled power through ancient Sith means. He practiced Sith magic and alchemy, crafting horrific creatures on the moon of Yavin 4. He brandished a Sith lightsaber with twin blades that increased the potent weapon's lethality. His followers triggered ancient technologies that detonated the stars of the Cron Cluster, wiping out entire worlds and searing the surface of Ossus. 库恩专注于通过古老的西斯手段释放纯粹而剧烈的力量。他修习西斯魔法和炼金术,在雅文4号卫星上创造恐怖的生物。他挥舞着一把有双头剑刃的西斯光剑,双头剑刃能增强这种强大武器的杀伤力。他的追随者触发古老的科技,引爆克伦星团的多颗恒星,毁灭了很多星球,烧焦了奥苏斯星球的表面。 Finally, a joint Republic and Jedi taskforce came to Yavin 4 to capture Exar Kun. He knew he could not survive the attack, so he summoned his dark side energies and trapped his consciousness into the temples his Massassi warriors had built for him. 最后,共和国和绝地的联合特遣队奔赴雅文4号卫星抓捕埃克萨·库恩。他知道不可能在这场进攻中幸存,于是召唤其黑暗面能量,将他的意识封印在马萨西战士们为他建造的神庙中。 …………” 埃克萨·库恩是作品出版时间里,最早使用双刃光剑的角色。可以说没有他,就不会有后来电影里摩尔的双刃光剑。
做为《绝地传奇》系列最后一个大BOOS,在共和国军队绝地舰队包围雅文4号卫星时。面对数千绝地与大批旧共和国军队。自知没有胜算的埃克萨·库恩发动古老的西斯魔法仪式,献祭自己的全部马萨西军团,吸收它们的生命力转化为不死阴魂。 对此数千绝地联手释放了“光明之墙(Wall of Light)”技能——类似于《黑暗帝国》里卢克与莱娅联合阿纳金的胎儿释放的“原力和谐”技能。不过属于相比原力河蟹,光明之墙属于在质上有所下降,但在量上显著提高的类型。 (如果能即保有原力河蟹的质,又拥有光明之墙的量,也许埃克萨·库恩会直接被消灭也说不定?) 光明面力量墙扫荡整颗卫星,清除卫星上的黑暗面,并一度将埃克萨·库恩的不死阴魂封印于自己的神殿内。 注: 埃克萨·库恩这种阴魂跟死亡后产生的阴魂差别很大,不同于会随着维持存在力量,随着时间推移力量明显逐渐减退的死后正常产生,最后终将无力维持存在而消逝的阴魂。 这种不死阴魂被包括达斯·普雷格斯在内的很多角色,认定为是可以永久的。除了拥有阴魂本身的弱点——这种阴魂弱点多大程度上是因为那个光明之墙的限制还很难说,埃克萨·库恩这种阴魂应该是不会(或者几乎不会)随时间流逝而力量下降的。 在《绝地学院》中,随着卢克等十几名原力使用者的到来,埃克萨·库恩的阴魂已经在沉眠中苏醒了。 随着时间的推移,当年光明之墙的封印效果在逐渐减退,此时埃克萨·库恩的阴魂已经能够几乎不受限制的影响出现在雅文4号卫星各地,并能够影响在精神与物理两方面的世界。
开篇的卢克: The huge orange sphere of the gas planet Yavin heaved itself over the horizon of its fourth mood. Soft, misty light shone across the ever-stirring jungles and the ancient stone temples. Luke Skywalker used a Jedi refreshing technique to remove weariness from his body. He had slept soundly--but the future of the New Republic and the fate of the galaxy weighed heavily upon him. Luke stood atop the squared pyramid of the Great Temple that had been abandoned millennia before by the lost Massassi race. During the Alliance's early struggles against the Empire, they had built a secret base in the ruins, from which they had launched their desperate attack against the first Death Star. Now, eleven years after the Rebels' departure, Luke had returned to the fourth moon of Yavin. Now he was a Jedi. A Jedi Master. He would be the first of a new generation, like those who had protected the Republic for a thousand generations. The old Jedi Knights had been respected and powerful, until Darth Vader and the Emperor had hunted and slaughtered virtually all of them. Luke had received support from Mon Mothma, the New Republic's Chief of State, to seek others who had a potential to use the Force--trainees who might become part of a new order of Jedi. Luke had managed to bring a dozen students to his "academy" on Yavin 4, but he felt uncertain about the best way to train them. 卢克开篇时在雅文4,这个当年由西斯的下属建造了大量神殿等巨型建筑群,后来却出现了颇有讽刺意味的一幕——巨型建筑群却被反抗军用来反抗西斯领导下的银河帝国的丛林卫星上,在郁郁葱葱的丛林对面思考回忆着旧绝地武士团的过去与新绝地武士团的未来。 他有着对父亲堕落事件重演的担忧,也有着对重建新绝地的规划。并颇为欣喜得感受着雅文的磅礴生命力 随后斯特林和甘托里斯跑来报告,他们发现了一座新的马萨西神殿——这座神殿就是埃克萨·库恩被完全封印的千年之中,其阴魂所在。 正在这时韦奇·安蒂列斯到来,卢克高兴的迎接对方的同时问起基普·达伦——这么急着要学徒? 然后卢克表示要老妹莱娅和杰娜杰森姐弟来雅文4号卫星,可以连渡假修养兼被自己教授绝地技能。恩,让老妹和三四岁的外甥外甥女到埃克萨·库恩苏醒活动的雅文来渡假,天行者家族如此喜欢刺激的生活么? 在交谈中,韦奇提到自己如今在负责保护Qwi Xux的安全——泡天然呆萌妹子才是真的吧? 而此时汉老爸在老婆与鱼头上将执行外交使命的情况下,拉着年轻的基普·达伦在玩滑雪。并鼓动基普·达伦,能开着飞船绕过黑洞,滑雪有啥好怕? 俩人的惊险滑雪玩得正开心,突然接到鱼头上将阿克巴的个人星际战斗机出事的消息,汉闻讯中断休假。 此时C-3PO继续苦不堪言的给杰娜杰森姐弟当保姆,现实世界里这个年龄端的孩子其实正是及其胡闹的年龄,不过因为活动能力有限胡闹程度也不至于太大。但这俩小家伙特别早熟,而且颇有原力天赋与运动才能(比如扔雪球砸C-3PO的运动),还喜欢胡闹捉弄人,……幸好这时汉表示休假中断。 此时达拉姐姐在失去灭日者后扔决定进攻新共和国,同时很不屑于那些如今残存只知内斗的帝国军阀。
卢克继续着对绝地的训练:话说那时卢克所提供的正规绝地系训练,除了继承发展自尤达与欧比万之外,其他主要都是通过《黑暗帝国》里获得的《绝地传奇》中保存下那批古代绝地全息仪的复古化训练。 卢克启动沃多-西奥斯克·巴斯(Vodo-Siosk Baas)——埃克萨·库恩的绝地师父——的全息仪,由看门人对大家讲述知识。其间看门人提到大西斯战争与堕落的库恩,以及古代西斯的相关,并提醒卢克小心自己的学徒被黑暗面诱惑。其后卢克在担忧思考着当年的绝地堕落事件,如果在自己学徒身上重演的后果。 沃多-西奥斯克·巴斯大师VS埃克萨·库恩(这里巴斯大师使用原力技能Force Weapon强化手中木杖,使木杖抵挡库恩光剑的攻击)随后甘托里斯在着手自己动手打造光剑,如同之前所说卢克这批绝地学徒的特点是强大而不完善。 做为在基普·达伦到来前卢克潜力最强大的学徒,而且之前就对原力颇有自我摸索甚至似乎能够幻视到埃克萨·库恩的甘托里斯,在很多地方已经明显超过普通正式绝地——从曾经是绝地,后来成为帕尔帕廷手下黑暗绝地,又被卢克唤回光明面成为卢克学徒的Kam Solusar跟他的对比可以看出。 但是,之前没有受过完善绝地训练的甘托里斯,又有很多明显缺陷。比如他还不会——制造光剑,卢克也没急着教这玩意。 而颇为羡慕玩光剑的绝地,想早点玩把光剑又为人自负的甘托里斯,想不通过卢克自己摸索着做一把。 此时埃克萨·库恩的阴魂影响甘托里斯,教授他制作光剑的知识。结果甘托里斯依靠埃克萨·库恩的传授做出了一把很特别的光剑,这把光剑的剑刃能够在战斗中根据需要变化伸长缩短。 此时科洛桑: 因为阿克巴上将个人星际战斗机遭遇由帝国残余的富尔甘所指使的破坏,导致在沃尔特克斯星球发生可怕的事故,许多无辜的沃尔人为此丧命。虽然鱼头上将与莱娅都没有因此死亡,但鱼头上将悲伤之下辞职提前退休,回到蒙卡拉马里。
此时甘托里斯在一次训练中亮出自己制造的光剑,在卢克震惊中提出对卢克的挑战。 卢克震惊疑惑又发现甘托里斯有滑向黑暗面的趋势,面对甘托里斯的连续连续攻击只守不攻: "Fight me, Master Skywalker," Gantoris said. He removed his robe to display the padded captain's uniform he had worn as the leader of his people on Eol Sha. "Where did you get a lightsaber?" Luke asked cautiously, his mind whirling. None of his students should have been able to master the technology or the discipline yet. Gantoris fingered the controls on the handle, andwitha loud spitting sound the glowing blade extended, a white incandescent core of energy fringed with deep violet. He moved his wrist, flicking the blade back and forth, testing it. A bone-vibrating hum scalded the air. "Isn't it the test of a Jedi to build his own lightsaber?" Luke proceeded carefully. "The lightsaber may seem the simplest of weapons, but it is difficult to master. An unpracticed wielder is as likely to injure himself as his opponent. You aren't ready for this, Gantoris." But Gantoris stood like a weathered Massassi colossus, holding the blazing edge of his lightsaber vertically in front of his face. "If you don't ignite your lightsaber and fight me, I will cut you down right here." He paused with a smirk. "That would be a rather embarrassing fate for a Jedi Master, wouldn't it?" 甘托里斯问卢克,闲杂自己是否是绝地: "Am I a Jedi now?" 卢克回答是: "Training requires diligence and commitment. And control. A Jedi needs to know more than how to build a lightsaber. He must also learn how and when to use it!" "The lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi Knight, but a true Jedi rarely uses it to settle a dispute. It is better to outthink and outmaneuver your opponent. But when forced, a Jedi strikes quickly and decisively!" 甘托里斯攻击中怒而启动光剑伸长功能,光剑突然伸长一位,损毁了卢克的衣服。 卢克再度吃惊下,并感到甘托里斯的情况,类似自己狂怒下砍老爹手的情况——你是在占甘托里斯辈分上的便易么?
接着卢克隔空用原力关闭了甘托里斯的光剑剑刃,并隔空将甘托里斯的光剑夺到自己手中——我有点怀疑《莫蒂斯三部曲》里,儿子隔空关欧比万阿纳金阿索卡光剑,并夺取光剑的场景是不是直接出自这一幕 (因为儿子梦中调戏阿纳金那幕,很像库恩在梦中对卢克喊“我是你爸爸”的场景):
新共和国在辩论中,决定不能使用灭日者这种过于残暴的武器: Chewie blatted a quiet but definite negative. Wedge shushed them both so he could hear Qwi as she spoke. Her musical voice didn't falter, and Wedge felt a warm pride spreading in his chest. "The Sun Crusher is the most formidable weapon ever devised," Qwi said. "I know this better than anyone, because I designed it. It is an order of magnitude more dangerous than even the Death Star. It is no longer in the clutches of Imperial powers--but I'm concerned about what the New Republic intends. I have refused to divulge its workings for a reason, but you have kept it locked in your research bays for weeks, tinkering with it, studying it, trying to unlock its secrets. It will do you no good." She paused to take a long breath, and Wedge worried that she might lose her nerve. But Qwi straightened her slender form and spoke again. "I urge you to destroy the Sun Crusher. A weapon of such power should not be trusted in the hands of any government." Mon Mothma looked weak and weary as she gazed down at Qwi. Below and to her left, old General Jan Dodonna spoke up. "Dr. Xux, according to reports from our engineers, this weapon cannot be destroyed. The quantum armor makes it impossible for us even to dismantle it." "Then you must find some other way to dispose of the Sun Crusher," Qwi said. Sounding flustered, Senator Garm Bel-Iblis, Mon Mothma's old nemesis, rose to his feet. "We cannot allow a weapon of such power to slip out of our grasp," he said. "With the Sun Crusher, we have a tactical advantage available to none of our Imperial enemies." "Enough," Mon Mothma said in a quavering voice. Her cheeks were flushed, which served to highlight the pallor of her skin. "We have debated this many times," she said, "and my opinion stands unchanged. A weapon of such hideous destructive power is a brutal and inhuman device. The Emperor might have been monster enough to consider using it, but under no circumstances will the New Republic be party to such barbarism. We have no need for such a weapon, and its presence only serves to divide us. I shall veto any attempts to study the Sun Crusher further, and I will fight to my last breath any of you who suggest using it against any foe, Imperial or otherwise." She looked at her military commanders, and Wedge felt intimidated by the anger and sheer conviction in her voice. The vacant seat of Admiral Ackbar, who was normally a voice of sanity and moderation, remained empty and hollow like a deep wound. Wedge silently urged Qwi to speak up again, to tell her idea. As if on cue, she said in her melodious voice, "Excuse me, but might I make a suggestion? Since the Sun Crusher cannot be destroyed by any normal means, we should use the automatic pilot to send it into the heart of a sun, or at least to the core of a gas-giant planet, where it will be impossible to recover." General Crix Madine spoke up. "A gas-giant planet would be sufficient. The pressures at the core are far beyond what even our most sophisticated vessels can withstand. The Sun Crusher would be out of reach for all time." Bel-Iblis looked around, his dark eyes flashing. As if sensing defeat and realizing that a gas planet was marginally more acceptable than the blinding fury of a star, he said, "All right, dump it into a gas giant then, for whatever good it will do."
最后决定发到雅文气态巨星核心里 此时达拉上将攻击丹图因 这时在雅文,埃克萨·库恩的阴魂侵入在卢克的梦境中,对卢克干了颇有后来(从剧情时间说是当年)《莫蒂斯三部曲》里阿贝洛思的儿子调戏阿纳金的一幕 埃克萨·库恩变成爵爷的模样,意图犹使卢克堕落爵爷的灵魂知道这幕估计会大骂: 你他妹要想当我的爷爷的爷爷的爷爷的爷爷……年龄都嫌太大了! A voice called him across a misty blank dreamscape. "Luke, Luke my son. You must hear me!" A shadowy form rose out of the mists even as the surroundings began to sharpen. Luke saw himself in his pale-gray flightsuit, stained with sweat, grime, and pain--as he had looked when he took his father's body from the second Death Star. The features on the spectral silhouette shimmered with a pale aura. Luke saw the firm face of Anakin Skywalker, restored from the ravages Darth Vader's evil had worked on his body. "Father!" Luke called. His own voice had an odd, echoing quality, as if it bounced off the mists. "Luke," the image of Anakin said. Luke felt tingling amazement surge through him. It was another sending, just like his last contact from Obi-Wan Kenobi. But Obi-Wan had bid him farewell, claiming that he could never contact Luke again. "Father, why are you here?" Anakin stood taller. His robes rippled in a rising wind that drove back the mists. Suddenly the world surrounding them was no longer featureless. Luke recognized that he and the image of his father stood atop the Great Temple on Yavin 4. The orange gas giant hung overhead, and the timeless jungles below looked unchanged. But the stones of the temple were white and new with bright scars from fresh quarrying. A sketchy framework of scaffolding laced one wall of the ziggurat. Far below, Luke heard mumbling and chanting, incantations from suffering slaves. He saw people of the vanished Massassi race laboring together, straining to haul enormous stone blocks along roads they had chopped through the jungle. The grayish-green Massassi were humanoid, smooth-skinned, with large lanternlike eyes. Anakin Skywalker stood on the highest point of the temple, as if directing the work gangs below. "Do not be deceived, Luke. Do not trust everything you think to be the truth." Anakin's words carried an odd, distant lilt, like the faint accent of an ancient race. "Obi-Wan lied to you, more than once." Luke felt uneasiness well up within him. No matter how much he loved Obi-Wan Kenobi, he knew the old man had not always been completely forthcoming with him. "Yes, I know he hid the truth from me. He told me Darth Vader had killed you, when you had really become Vader." Anakin turned from the illusory Massassi laborers below. He met Luke's gaze with eyes as bottomless as the universe itself. "Was that the only lie Obi-Wan told you?" "No. He hid other things from me." Luke looked off into the jungled distance, toward the moon's foreshortened horizon to see another clearing, another tall temple being erected. "And Obi-Wan rationalized it as being for your own protection. Did you ask for such protection, Luke?" "No." Luke tried to fight back his uneasiness. "Obi-Wan wanted you to be his student, but he wouldn't allow you the freedom to make your own decisions. Did he trust you so little? Did you always agree with his "certain point of view"?" "No," Luke said, feeling the words swallowed up in doubt. Anakin's voice became tinged with anger. "Obi-Wan fought against the complex Sith teachings I had uncovered. He did not understand them himself, but he forbade me to study them--though he always insisted that I must learn for myself and choose my own path. I rebelled against him for his narrow-mindedness, and I insisted on unlocking secrets for which I was not ready. In the end it consumed me--I fell to the dark side, and I became the Dark Lord of the Sith." Anakin looked at Luke with an anguished, apologetic expression. "But if Obi-Wan had let me learn the teachings at my own pace, I would have grown stronger. I would have remained uncorrupted. He never understood that." Anakin's image shook his head. "If you are going to teach other Jedi, Luke, you must understand the consequences of what they may learn. You, too, must study the ancient heritage of the Sith. It is a part of your Jedi training." Luke swallowed. "I'm afraid to believe you, Father. I have already felt the power of the dark side." Below, Massassi labor crews hummed and sang in stuporous unison, far beyond exhaustion, as they hauled an enormous block up a mud-covered ramp made of stripped logs. Atop the dream temple, the wavering image of Anakin Skywalker spoke more forcefully. "Yes, but the ways of the Sith can lead you to a stronger grasp of your own power. You can wipe out the last vestiges of the pitiful Empire that continues to harass your New Republic. You can become more than a mere servant to a frail and corrupt government. You can administer the galaxy yourself as a benevolent ruler. "You deserve it more than any other person, Luke. You can control everything, if you use the Force as your tool, instead of allowing yourself to become its servant." Luke stiffened, unable to believe what his father was saying. Then he noticed that with the rising passion in his voice, the image of Anakin Skywalker became less distinct, wavering, until it transformed into only a black outline, an engulfing hooded form that sucked energy from the air. Slowly, Luke realized the truth. "You are not my father!" he shouted as the illusion began to crumble. "My father was a good man in the end, healed by the light side." Streaks of brilliant light flashed across the dreamscape sky of ancient Yavin 4. Below, Massassi slaves fled into the jungles in terror as the monumental temples crumbled under a barrage of laser blasts from orbit. Old Republic battleships had arrived, immolating the moon's surface. "Who are you?" Luke shouted at the figure through the roar of sudden blazing devastation around him. "Who?" Instead, the hollow shadow laughed and laughed, ignoring the destruction that erupted from the construction sites--or amused by it. The Massassi temples exploded. The thick rain forests burst into flame. The dark man's silhouette grew larger and larger, swallowing up the sky. Luke backed away from it, but his dream feet reached the edge of the imposing temple, and he stumbled backward, falling away, falling....
侵入到梦里诱惑卢克不成后,库恩的阴魂转而去诱惑不远处的甘托里斯 没想到甘托里斯虽然被拉得接近黑暗面,却最终停止了脚步,拒绝投入黑暗并攻击库恩 结果下场是被库恩给烧成灰了: Luke heard a disturbance coming down the hall: clumsy footsteps slapping on the stone floor, panicked shouts. He looked up, ready to scold one of his students for such blatant lack of control, when the cloned alien Dorsk 81 rushed into the control center. "Master Skywalker! You must come immediately!" Luke sensed waves of horror and misery spilling from his candidate. "What is it?" he asked. "Use the calming technique I showed you." But Dorsk 81 grabbed his arm. "This way!" The yellow-olive alien urged him out of the cluttered control room. Luke sensed widening ripples of alarm traveling like an earthquake through the solid stone of the temple. They ran along the flagstoned corridors, up the turbolift, and into the section of living quarters where the trainees made their homes. A sour, smoky stench filled the air, and Luke felt an icy lump in his stomach as he pushed cautiously forward. Hard-bitten Kam Solusar and addled Streen both stood outside the open doorway to Gantoris's quarters, looking pasty and ill. Luke hesitated for a fraction of a second, then moved through the doorway. Inside the small stone chamber, he saw what was left of Gantoris. The body lay crisped and blackened on the floor, burned from the inside out. Singed stains on the flagstones showed where he had thrashed about in the conflagration. Gantoris's skin flaked in black, peeling ashes over his powdery bones. Rising wisps of steam curled from the remaining fabric of his Jedi robe. On the floor the newly constructed lightsaber lay where Gantoris had dropped it, as if he had tried to fight something--and lost. Luke leaned against the cool stone wall to catch his balance. His vision blurred, but he could not tear his gaze from his dead student sprawled in front of him. By now the other eleven trainees had gathered. Luke grasped the worn stone bricks at the edge of the door until even the rounded corners bruised his fingers. He applied a Jedi calming technique three times before he felt confident enough to trust his voice. The words tasted like wet ash in his mouth, as Yoda had told him so long ago. "Beware the dark side," he said. 我说库恩你也太无良了吧?前面还胡扯你不能接触物理世界,后面就直接用物理伤害秒人?
而汉老爸则继续证明自己是个合格的家庭妇男: 结果莱娅来了不久,几人就触发了一帝国旧探测机器人。机器人将数据传给达拉,里面显示其出数个对新共和海军极为重要的蒙卡拉马里造船厂的位置。 达拉根据这一情报最终做出进攻蒙卡拉马里的决定。但是却很衰:她使用塔金的一个早期战术,但是却被曾为塔金奴仆的鱼头上将快速识破。结果被鱼头上将拿一艘已半摧毁的蒙卡拉马里战舰撞击,损失一主力舰。达拉炸了些蒙卡拉马里非军用目标发泄后,在新共和国援军抵达前撤退。
此时卢克展开对基普·达伦的训练,基普很快就脱颖而出,他并感到天行者的训练进度太慢。 不耐烦之下,库恩找到了合适的诱惑目标: Even in the deepest hours of the night, Kyp did not sleep. He had eaten a bland but filling meal by himself, then retired to his cool quarters to meditate and practice the skills he had already learned. As he concentrated, with only a small glowlamp in the corner, he sent his mind out to feel between the cracks of all the stone blocks in the Great Temple. He followed the life cycles of the strands of moss. He tracked tiny arachnids skittering through the corridors and vanishing into dark spaces, where his delicate touch could follow them through the blackness into theirthe hidden homes. Kyp felt as if he had plugged into a network of living things that expanded his mind and made him feel both insignificant and infinite at the same time. As Kyp thought and dabbled with his fledgling abilities, he felt a great cold rip in the Force, like a black gash opening the structure of the universe. He snapped himself back to the present. Kyp whirled and saw behind him the looming shadow of a tall cloaked figure. Even in the dim room the dark man's silhouette seemed intensely black, a hole that swallowed up all glimmers of light. Kyp said nothing, but as he continued to gaze, he saw the tiny starpoints of distant suns within the outline of his mysterious visitor. "The Force is strong in you, Kyp Durron," the shadowy figure said. Kyp looked up, feeling no fear. He had been imprisoned and sentenced to death by the Empire. He had lived in the pitch-dark spice mines of Kessel for over a decade. He had fought against a predatory energy spider. And he had flown through a black-hole cluster. As he looked at the imposing liquid-black outline, though, he felt awe and curiosity. "Who are you?" Kyp asked. "I could be your teacher," the dark shape said. "I could show you many things that even your Master Skywalker does not comprehend." Kyp felt a thrill rush through him. "What things?" "I could show you techniques that were lost thousands of years ago, secret rites and hidden doorways of power that no weak Jedi Master like Skywalker dares to touch. But you are strong, Kyp Durron. Do you dare to learn?" Kyp felt reckless, but he trusted his instincts. They had served him well in the past. "I'm not afraid to learn," he said, "but you have to tell me your name. I won't learn from a man who is afraid to identify himself." Kyp felt foolish even as he said it. The shadowy form seemed to ripple as if with silent laughter. His voice boomed out again, full of pride. "I was the greatest Dark Lord of the Sith. I am Exar Kun." (我说库恩,难怪卢克把你跟帕尔帕廷相提并论。你俩连给自己自吹自擂的语气都这么像……)
达伦被诱惑来到库恩阴魂所在神殿: 库恩对达伦表示,成为西斯可以帮他消灭帝国。 雅文这里的西斯遗留,总是有意无意跟银河帝国作对这点还真讽刺……
此时在科洛桑,三岁的杰娜杰森姐弟启动废弃电梯,在丘巴卡与C-3PO跟前溜走,到科洛桑危险的底层玩去了…… 在雅文,卢克等人正在通过古代全息仪学习骑太阳的糯米阿姨和相对不太古老的尤达年轻时相关时(我说绝地全息仪还收录诗歌这玩意么?) With Ackbar's refusal to return to Coruscant, and with Mon Mothma growing Daylight shone through the rectangular skylights of the Great Temple. Kyp sat on an uncomfortable stone bench in the grand audience chamber, listening to Master Skywalker. He pretended to pay attention, though it became more and more difficult as his opinion of Skywalker's knowledge dwindled. The other Jedi trainees sat in rapt attention as Master Skywalker placed the small white Holocron on its pedestal. It told yet another story of the ancient Jedi Knights, extolling their heroic adventures, their battles against the dark side--all ultimately ineffectual, because the Emperor and Darth Vader had been stronger than the Jedi Knights, squashing them. Skywalker refused to learn from that failure. If he meant to bring the new Jedi Knights to greater power, he would have to recognize new abilities, make his Order of Jedi Knights powerful enough to resist a purge like Vader's. Exar Kun had shown Kyp the ways of the Sith. But Master Skywalker would never adopt those teachings. Kyp wondered why he bothered to keep listening to Skywalker. He seemed so weak, so indecisive. The other students were a potential wellspring of strength. They had learned how to tap the Force, but they had gone no further than a novice level, mere magicians, playacting in a role that was too big for any of them. They refused to peek behind the do but Kyp was not afraid. He could handle the responsibility. Another holographic gatekeeper of the Holocron appeared and began telling the story of how young Yoda had become a Jedi. Kyp stifled a yawn, unable to understand why they had to keep watching these trivial histories. He craned his neck to look at the walls of the enormous stone temple. In his mind he tried to imagine the great Sith War four thousand years ago. He thought of the damp-skinned Massassi race enslaved by Exar Kun, used by him as tools to build the temples that he had reconstructed from even more ancient and forgotten Sith records. Kun had revitalized the dark teachings, granting himself the title of Dark Lord of the Sith, a tradition passed down all the way to Darth Vader, who had been the last Sith Lord. Exar Kun's temples had been erected across Yavin 4--the last archaeological resting place of the incredibly ancient Sith race--as focal points for his power. Kun had ruled here on the jungle moon, controlling forces that had nearly defeated the Old Republic. But the warlord Jedi Ulic Qel-Dr and all the united Jedi had swept down in a final battle on Yavin 4, exterminating the Massassi natives, leveling most of the Sith temples, razing most of the rain forest in a holocaust from the skies. But Exar Kun had managed to encyst his spirit here, waiting four thousand years until other Jedi came to awaken him.... Kyp fidgeted and pretended to pay attention. The temple chamber seemed extremely hot. The Holocron droned on and on. Luke listened with a beatific smile, and the other students continued to observe the images. Kyp gazed at the walls and wondered why he was there.
As half night fell across the jungles of Yavin 4, Luke Skywalker sat back and allowed himself to relax in one of the meeting halls. Smaller than the grand audience chamber, the hall had arched stone ceilings and polished tables, along with serviceable furniture left behind by the Rebel occupation. Bright glowlamps hung in old torch sconces. Luke felt bone weariness seeping through his body and hunger gnawing in his stomach. For now the students relaxed, recharging their mental energy. All day long Luke had supervised them through Force exercises, levitation training, visualizing battles and conflicts, sensing other animals and creatures in the forest, learning Jedi history from the Holocron. He was pleased with how
though the death of Gantoris still felt like an open wound, he saw that his other students were making great progress. He felt confident in being able to bring back the Jedi Knights. One of the trainees, Tionne, sat in the corner preparing to play a stringed musical instrument: two hollow resonating boxes separated by a shaft strung with tonal cords. "This is the ballad of Nomi Sunrider," she said, "one of the historical Jedi Knights." She smiled. Long silvery hair streamed past her shoulders, hanging down to her chest and splitting like a white-capped river down her back. Her eyes were small and close set, glinting with a mother-of-pearl sheen. Her nose was small, her jaw squarish. Luke thought she looked more exotic than beautiful. Tionne had a great passion for the old Jedi legends and ballads and histories. Even before Luke found her, she had dedicated her life to resurrecting the old stories, digging them out of the archives and popularizing them. Luke had tested Tionne's Jedi talent, and while her potential was perhaps less than the other students', she made up for it with absolute devotion and enthusiasm. The others found chairs, benches, or just a smooth spot on the floor to hear Tionne sing. She laid the instrument in her lap, and as the trainees listened, she plucked the strings with both hands, setting up an echoing music that fed and subtracted from her lyrics as she sang. Luke closed his eyes and heard her tale about young Nomi Sunrider, who, after her husband's murder, attended the Jedi training that had been meant for him. Nomi had become a pivotal character in the devastating Sith War that pitted Jedi against Jedi in the ancient days of the Old Republic.
Luke smiled as he heard the music, the resonating notes, Tionne's soft and watery voice as she sang with passion. From the far side of the room, Luke heard a restless stirring and turned to see Kyp Durron, his face stormy with a scowl. The young man sighed, scowled again, and finally stood up, interrupting Tionne's song. "I wish you wouldn't perpetuate that ridiculous story," Kyp said. "Nomi Sunrider was a victim. She fought in the Sith Wars without ever understanding what the battles were about. She listened blindly to her Jedi Masters, who were afraid because Exar Kun had discovered a way for the Jedi to increase their power." Tionne set her musical instrument on the flagstones and gripped her knees through the fabric of her robe. Her face looked stricken, her small eyes glinting with confusion. "What are you talking about?" Her voice was thick with discouragement. "I've spent weeks reconstructing that legend. Everyone here knew what I was doing. If you had other information, Kyp, why didn't you share it with me?" "Where did you learn all this history, Kyp?" Luke said, standing up. He put his hands on his hips, trying to stare Kyp down. The young man had become more and more volatile as he acquired Jedi knowledge. Calm, you must be calm, Yoda had said, but Luke didn't know how to make Kyp calm. Kyp flashed his glance across the trainees, who looked at him in astonishment. "If the Sith War had turned out differently," he said, "perhaps the Jedi Knights would have learned how to defend themselves when Darth Vader came hunting, and they wouldn't all have been slaughtered. The Jedi would never have fallen, and we wouldn't be here, taught by someone who doesn't know any more than we do." Luke remained adamant. "Kyp, tell me where you learned all this." Kyp pushed his lips together and narrowed his eyes. He drew several deep breaths, and Luke could sense the turmoil inside him, as if his mind were working rapidly to come up with an answer. "I can use the Holocron too," he said. "As Master Skywalker keeps telling us, we are all obligated to learn everything we can." Luke didn't quite believe the young man's words, but before he could ask another question, Artoo trundled in, warbling and chittering in alarm. Luke deciphered some of the electronic language. "No idea who it is?" he said. Artoo whistled a descending hooting negative. 被库恩教导的达伦听不下去了……
正疑惑间玛拉·杰德来到,本来Kevin J. Anderson还打算把兰多和玛拉凑CP,不过被官方否了。 于是兰多在这系列里各种大献殷勤外加自我感觉良好——被汉强烈吐槽——的白日梦。不过这系列里玛拉跟卢克间的JQ描写确实不够 此时达伦借机偷开玛拉的飞船,去找维德盔甲的火葬地,想验证下库恩的西斯能消灭帝国贯彻正义的理论…… 而此时富尔甘则打算绑架阿纳金·索洛,他认为维德的外孙有助于确立自己在帝国的领导地位……富尔甘你脑抽么? 杰娜杰森俩小家伙被Onibald Daykim送回给父母


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