mean to have donee anythi...

动作,或未来的可能性或假设。All you have to do is (to) finish the job quickly. 你要干的事就是尽快把这项工作干完。
3)不定式作宾语 ① Fred didn't have any money, so he decided to look for a job. 弗雷德没有钱了,因此他决定找份工作。② He promised not to tell anyone about it. 他 答应不把这事告诉任何人。
【注意】以下动词只能跟不定式作宾语: afford,agree,ask,decide,demand,expect,fail,help,hope,manage,offer,plan,prepare,pretend,promise,refuse,seem,wish等。
4) 不定式作定语 ① Do you have anything to say? 你有什么要说的吗? ② There are a lot of TV sets to choose from. 有许多电视机可供挑选。③ We found a house to live in. 我们找到了一所房子住。
(1) 当谓语是一些特定的动词,如find,give,get,have,need,want等,它们后面的名词 (宾语或表语) 可以用不定式修饰。如: ① They gave us a week to think the problem over. 他们给我们一周的时间来仔细考虑这个问题。② Plants need room to spread their roots to get water and to spread their leaves to get sunlight. 植物需要空间来伸展它们的根系,以便获得水分,伸展它们的叶子,以便获得阳光。
(2) 当名词有特定的定语,如 first,last,next,only 等序数词以及形容词的最高级修饰时,其后用不定式修饰。① Betty was the first (girl) to come. 蓓蒂是第一个来的(姑娘)。② He is the only person to know the truth. 他是惟一了解真相的人。③ Frequently, the cheapest place to borrow money in the US is a credit union. 一般地说,在美国借钱,利息最低的地方是信贷会。
(3) 一些要求不定式作宾语的动词转化为名词后,仍可带一个不定式作定语。如agreement,
attempt, decision, promise, wish, plan行。如: ① She has a great wish to travel around the world. 她有一个周游世界的强烈愿望。② He must keep the promise to pay within a month. 他必须遵守在一个月之内偿付的允诺。
(1)不定式作目的状语 ① I must leave now to get there on time. 为了按时到达,我必须现在动身。② To see distant objects clear, many people have to wear glasses. 为了能看清远处的物体,许多人不得不戴眼镜。
【注意】作目的状语的不定式前,常加上in order或so as,但so as不能位于句首。He spoke loudly so as to be heard. 他高声说话,以便让人听见。
(2)不定式作结果状语 常用如下结构:so + 形容词/副词 + as to do 如此??以致; such (+形容词) + 名词 + as to do 如此?以致; enough + 名词 + to do 足够??; 名词/形容词/副词 + enough + to do
足够?; too + 形容词/副词 + to do 太?迟到不能?
① He is not so stupid as to do that. 他还没有蠢到做那种事。② I'm not such a fool as to believe that. 我还没有傻到会相信这种事。③ The boy is old enough to go to school. 这孩子到了上学年龄了。④ I'm too tired to walk any further tonight. 今晚我太累了,再也不能往前走啦。
【注意】不定式短语表示结果时,常与only连用,暗示一种“意外的结果”。He went to the seaside only to be drowned. 他去了海滨,结果却溺死在那里。
(3)不定式作原因状语 ① They jumped with joy to hear the news. 听到这个消息,他们高兴得跳了起来。② The children felt happy to be with their parents. 孩子们和父母在一起感到高兴。
(4)不定式作方式状语 (常与as if,as though连用) He raised his hand as if to take off his hat. 他举起手来,像是要把帽子摘掉。
(5)不定式修饰作表语或宾语补足语的形容词。① I'm very glad to see you again. 很高兴又见到你了。② They thought you unwilling to tell the truth. 他们认为你不愿说实施。
【注意】有时不定式可与主语存在动宾关系。如: ① English is not so difficult to learn. 英语并不那么难学。② She is easy to get on with. 她很容易相处。
(1) 动词 + 宾语 + 带to的动词不定式具有这种用法的动词有:advise,allow,ask,beg,cause,challenge,drive,encourage,expect,forbid,force,hire,intend,invite,order,permit,persuade,remind,require,teach,tell,want,warn等。① She asked me to stay there. 她要我留在那里。② Allow me to introduce Mr. White to you.请允许我向你介绍怀特先生。
(2) 表示见解、看法的动词 + 宾语 + 带to的动词不定式具有这种用法的动词有:believe,consider,declare,discover,feel (认为),find,imagine,judge,suppose,think,understand等。① We found the rumor to be true. 我们发现这个传闻是真的。② I consider him to have done wrong. 我认为他做错了。
【注意】这类动词后用作宾补的不定式通常是to be或to have done。
(3) 知觉动词 + 宾语 + 不带to的不定式 具有这种用法的动词有:see,notice,watch,look at,observe,hear,listen to,feel等。① I heard the clock tick. 我可以听得到时钟滴滴答答地走着。② I like to listen to the birds sing when I get up early in the morning. 当我清晨早早起来时,我喜欢听鸟儿歌唱。
【注意】被动语态中不定式必须带to。The children were seen to run down the street. 有人看到孩子们沿着街跑了。
(4) 使役动词 + 宾语 + 不带to的不定式具有这种用法的动词有:make,have,1et。① Don't make the children do such heavy work. 别让孩子们干这么重的活。② Shall I have him come here? 我要他到这儿来吗?
【注意】在被动结构中不定式必须带to,但 have一般不用被动。
总是带to。I got Mary to lend me some money. 我让玛丽
(5)表示好恶的动词 + 宾语 + 带to的不定式具有这种用法的动词有:dislike,like,prefer,hate,love,want等。① I like people to tell the truth. 我喜欢人们说实话。② Do you prefer me to do the work by myself? 你更愿意我独自做这项工作吗?
(6) 动词短语 + 宾语 + 带to的不定式 具有这种用法的词组有:arrange for,ask for,call on,count on,depend on,long for,rely on,wait for等。① I'm waiting for you to reply. 我等着你回答。② You can depend on Jack to help you. 你可以依靠杰克帮你忙。
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