
hello,everyone,i am on duty today .i would like to share a funny joke with you,hope you like it,and have a nice day!A Girl Just Like Mother No matter which girl he brought home,the young man found disapproval(不满) from his mother. A friend gave him advice(建议). “Find a girl just like your mother—then she's bound to(一定会) like her. So the young man searched and searched(寻找),and finally found the girl.He told his friend:“Just like you said,I found a girl who looked,talked,dressed,and even cooked like mother.And just as you said,mother liked her” “So,”asked the friend,“what happened?” “Nothing,”said the young man.“My father hates her!”第二篇Hello,everyone!I'm on duty today.Everyone is here excetp Li Ming.Maybe he is ill at home.This morning when I came into the classroom,I saw many students were copying homework.I thought that they did that because the homework was too difficult.I hope that our teachers would tell us to do less homework,so we would have more time to relax.That's all.Thank you.
No.1We Are Wondering 学无止境 When the weather is hot, you go to a lake or an ocean.Why?The sun makes the earth hot ,but it cannot make the water very hot. Although the air over the earth goes u...
Good afternoon everyone,Today is Monday,March the 17th.It is my pleasure to give you the duty report.TodayI want to say something about the environment.The environment which is necessary
for us ...
提前说明:全是本人手打的。。给个辛苦分 We Are Wondering 学无止境 When the weather is hot, you go to a lake or an ocean.Why?The sun makes the earth hot ,but it cannot make the water very hot. Although the air over ...
Played full count from the end of term examinations have less than a week to each class of Investigation is nearing completion of the report. As the saying goes, lead tail, like Duty end of the report...
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  My First English Duty Report
  I still remember the day when I did my first English duty report a year ago. I was then a student of Senior I. One day, the English teacher told us that from then on we would make a duty report in English. Someone made faces and many cried out, “Oh! What an idea!”
  “Why, you are so afraid of it!”the teacher was surprised.
  “Our English is so poor!”some of us shouted. We are afraid we can'tdo it well.
  “That is a good chance to practise your spoken English. Don't worry about it. Have a try,”the teacher said encouragingly. We became silent at once.
  The day came when it was my turn to make a duty report. The girl who sat beside me kidded① me, “Are you afraid? Oh, you look a little nervous.”I nudged② at her, then slowly got up from my seat and went to the front of the classroom. As a shy girl, not accustomed to speak in public, I felt my heart beat fast.
  Now I was standing on the platform . I took a look at my classmates and then plucked up③ my courage to speak up. The teacher stood beside me, smiling. I wanted to tell an English joke but I was so nervous that I forgot to begin with“It's my turn to give you a duty report.”I didn't dare to look straight at my classmates, but kept looking at the wall or the ceiling. I felt that they were staring at me.
  Suddenly I found I had made some mistakes, which made me forget what the next sentence should be . But the classmates were still listening to me attentively④。They seemed not to have noticed the mistakes. They were all waiting for me to go on with my report . The teacher looked at me calmly. From his kind face I could see that he was encouraging me to go on. Having stood in silence for a few seconds, I found the next sentence. I continued. My heart was beating faster now and my face turning red. The joke was not long, but it took me quite some time before I could finish it.As soon as I finished speaking, I ran to my seat and dropped my head on the desk. I could not hear what the teacher said. But I clearly heard some boys and girls whispering, “What did she say?”
  That was my first duty report. When I recall it, I can't help laughing. I will never forget it.
  ①kid [kid] v.嘲笑;戏弄
  ②nudge [n)DN] v.用肘轻推
  ③pluck [pl)k] up 鼓起;振作(精神)
  ④attentively [+'tentivli] ad.注意地;聚精会神地
  本文作者用平铺直叙的手法写了自己一次难忘的经历。文章从自己的表现、同学的反应、老师的神情,把事情的经过写得具体生动、活灵活现。具体生动的例子有“Someone made faces and many cried out,'Oh! What an idea!'”,“The girl who sat beside me kidded me,'Are you afraid? Oh, you look a little nervous.’”,“The teacher stood beside me, smiling.”等等。
  1、凡本网注明 &来源:外语教育网&的所有作品,版权均属外语教育网所有,未经本网授权不得转载、链接、转贴或以其他方式使用;已经本网授权的,应在授权范围内使用,且必须注明&来源:外语教育网&。违反上述声明者,本网将追究其法律责任。
How exciting it is.That’s all. He Li alone donated 500 yuan. Showing our love is the most important, Everyone. I think that as a student, has kept practicing spoken English hard with the teacher’s help, we needn’t care how much we should give. On Wednesday afternoon. Yesterday! Here are two important activities that happened this week. That’s good, our classmate. These days, 50 backpacks and 4200 yuan for the students in Sichuan, the most of all, Li Jia, we donated 200 books, she won the first prize in the English speech contest! We should learn from her, thank youHello
所以我现在必须如努力, 我在这学期会有所提高, I feel at that time me am how ignorant 在今后, playing games, I almost many relaxs again, I study now although not very good, suit sport 今天是我做值日报告 Today is I do an on duty for the day report 在这漫长的英语学习生活中, don&#39,适合运动 Clear weather, so I have to now such as effort,将来,并不懂得珍惜时间大家早上好 Everyone is early best 天气晴朗,多看新闻, reading book more,我会努力学英语。Here the endless English study live medium. 在过去的暑假中,相信我成绩会所提高,多出去走走At aftertime,很凉爽, believing a my result club building of office exaltation,多看书,我几乎多只再放松, I believe, I will have an exaltatt know to cherish time,玩游戏, read news more,但我相信,我现在学习虽然不大好, go out to walk much 我想成为一名警察, will do contribution for the society in the future, very cool,我觉得当时我是多么愚昧In the past summer vacation, I will make great effort to learn English。 I like to be a police,为社会做贡献


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