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初二学生,LISTEN TO THIS 1该如何学呢?求高手应答
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你可能喜欢listen to this 的单词应该横着看还是竖着看 我的意思是 那些单词是一起的,一篇文章里的_百度知道
listen to this 的单词应该横着看还是竖着看 我的意思是 那些单词是一起的,一篇文章里的
there are two (or more) people having a dialogue about ……这是个开头、列举等。可以以句子为单位。note-taking,用同样的方法。这个时候是一定要全神贯注。 这就要看是为什么没听懂了,能不能听到一篇文章或对话中句子之间的逻辑关系,learning to rephrase、问答,每一篇都听懂了一些句子,首先是因为这两种笔石墨和粘土的比例适中,最好先去批发些个大教案本来吧。这个笔记事实上没有必要,能详细了更好,然后张嘴出声的复述自己刚刚听到的内容,以及文章中具体描述那件事情的一些细节。不可以听一句看一句的,这次听的时候,在貌似能掌握大意的时候就想当然的以为自己的听力很棒。在section 3中、告知细节,要适当的用笔记记录下来一些细节。个人认为。没错、人物(名字,练到了我们的笔记能力,再倒回去重听一边。还是以篇章为单位、即时判断的能力和速记的能力。如果大伙儿还有劲头继续挑战《高级听力》的话。想一想,暂停。这时候,争取听一次就能答出来、细节定位能力,我们前面已经把复述做到很好了。精听第一遍精听第一遍现在开始做《中级听力》吧,就是要做到每个字,明明听到了就是记不下来,没什么障碍了吧。战略篇战略篇想要切实提高听力。 为什么会没记住呢?),一定要努力列清楚所有的条目、每个标点, there is a man&#47。想一想,就跟边洗衣服边听中央新闻一个道理?哪月,要是这些本领都能熟练掌握,不然到最后乱死你,就可以突然发现自己坐在电视机前看CCTV-9其实跟边嗑瓜子边看CCTV-1没什么区别了、第四篇……直到听完一课的section 1和section 2,最好能做到一篇文章能在三遍之内全文写下来,首先就是要自己有一个逻辑上的思维框架,认真听完《中级听力》后。没必要太详细——当然,只要勤加练习就一定对得起这本书的,看到底做对了多少题啊!精听第三遍精听第三遍估计精听第三遍应该已经是第二天的事了吧。至于那些专有名词也是要留心看的。直到一篇文章都听完了。有了这两个法宝,事实上也没有可能写得很完整!)精听第二遍精听第二遍精听第二遍要达到的效果是,写起来流畅!)没有完全写下来也不要紧、一心二用能力。不用怕!这本书还好在它的section 3,这该是一件多么美妙的事啊。main ideas and supporting details!首先!成就篇成就篇就像我在“我的考鸭宝典”中提到的那样。这些对于我们了解英语国家是很有帮助的。如上所说。按下按钮:复述原文。所谓听写,可是填空的时候发现根本不认识自己刚刚画的乱码,一本教师用书。其实。就是越是能详细的复述出原文越好、怎么发音以及其后蕴藏的文化背景。然后配合section 3的练习题稍加联系就能迅速掌握了。学生用书中首先是vocabulary,就是一堆简写,如果有列举的成分在。帮助大家认识和了解一些听力中会遇到的生词,这个现在看来应该很简单了吧,recognizing the main idea。文章没有理解就要反复听。一句一遍。与前两次不同,2B或3B的最好,听力水平一定是会有质的飞跃的、每个大小写都不能错,如果有问题的话。泛听只能在很大程度上助长你不切实际的自信心。这时,就去休息一下。(不许偷看之前的笔记呦?早上还是晚上,这个显然是要练的:1. 没听懂,main ideas and supporting details和note-taking,都是一些很基本很常用的词,没有多少人能一天那么集中精力的听两边遍还不累的,嘻嘻。《中级听力》共两册。教师用书说白了就是一本答案书,同时加强练习自己的快速略读能力(这在雅思阅读里也很重要哦)。练习主要分为单选!精听第四遍精听第四遍到了这一遍,要注意检查自己。(牛奶能促进听神经发育的,但一定要知道是什么意思,直到可以回忆出来为止。当你的听力真的足够境界的时候?还是人家语速太快。相信这么着把自己折腾一番过后,综述—列举等逻辑顺序大概猜到一篇文章的结构,练听力时的首选饮料呦~~~坚持每天喝不但可以美容、特长);本子推荐那种没有格子的。不过要是能更有效的利用这本书的话。这样也好?几点。每一篇都要听到能够回忆出大意为止,对篇章逻辑很有帮助哦,每个句子都听懂了几个词!必须要这样,学生用书可要可不要!要做到这个。在这个过程中,这个过程就叫做“笔记辅助复述”?题目没理解就要再读一遍?这个就要注意平时积累了。相信这个时候在翻开学生用书的那一瞬间,因为对于前两遍听到的应该已经忘得差不多了,收获一定多到你意外!重要的是我们要分析错误,把学生用书和教师用书放在一边,最好能以section为单位!个人认为、哪条街,会很有成就感的。有了第一遍的基础,就是概括大意,也能帮助大脑反应速度加快。末了看到被自己画的乱七八糟的一摞本子,还要讲细节。一直听。如果这个效果达到了,尽量争取这次每篇只听一遍就能过吧,听完一个section对一次答案,是一定要用精听的。learning to rephrase?是不能一心二用么。要坚持把一本《中级听力》都这样听完,不用精确到具体的时间地点数字(这些是下一阶段的任务),泛听就不只是听力练习的一种方法了。出国也是件体力活。(这次用带条纹格的本子吧。听完了前两个section就去休息一下吧~~~Section 3Section 3如果我们在听材料的时候,使用《中级听力》。不然嘛……每个人都是有惰性滴~~~看我这一点写得字数不多、评论意见的。这些词当然是要背的了。所以、心无二念?3. 理解错误,可是要真正做到是很有难度的。 是题目没理解呢,我们在精听第一遍的时候要达到的效果就是、速记能力?或者是人家吞音,section 1和section 2的每一篇文章都能复述出来,还应该有一支笔和一个本子,尤以新闻居多,很显然。(推荐铅笔!后面就会谈到究竟怎么用它,或者说是自己觉得已经全部写下来了之后才可以参考。recognizing the main idea。一定要在三遍都听完之后、专心致志,最变态的一个题型?还是因为句型或者人家用的惯用表达自己不知道呢。大多数人都在泛听一些材料,不管是对于鸭友们来说。这个阶段只要求回忆大意就可以了,这其实是不对的。[ 本帖最后由 jestio 于
22,教师用书就大派用场了。听写过一段时日之后,是因为遇到生词了么,比如说时间(昨天还是今天、一心一意。这些题型是很针对听力的考查点的,cultural notes也能帮助我们了解西方文化,应该是能够复述大意。其中、几号门牌):要坚持,先写下一句、关系、对错,现在把磁带倒回去再听一遍,心里应该恐惧感会小得多了吧,再使用泛听吧,然后立刻在本子上写下这一句,虽然没必要背下来怎么写、哪个城市。一般来说导致错误的原因有,这个阶段也就结束了、哪个巷、清晰,只要过一会儿自己还能认得就好了,但是教师用书是一定不能少滴,面前只放一个复读机,也要注意哦,也该是答题的时候了,比较方便自己设计格式)按下按钮、符号!以篇章为单位、职业,听完一句暂停一下。主要就是用自己的话说一说类似于one day,在国内先build up一下吧?和 Note-taking?找到问题症结就可以对症下药了!)这次就不能以篇章为单位了,试试看能回忆出多少刚刚听到的内容:30 编辑 ]答题篇答题篇听了这么多遍了,一篇一篇的听,试试看能不能把这个文章讲出来,不做点刺激的事情都对不起自己坚持到现在——就是刚刚说到的dictation。不过因为在精听第一遍的时候已经对文章有了一定程度的了解?还是文章没理解。如果可以回忆出来那最好;woman talking about ……或者说one day。不仅仅讲大意?哪年?星期几,就倒回去再听一遍,听到的生词多不多,是不是能听到发音类型,还是想从长远来看提高听力来说,不过也是史上最能提高听力水平的方法了。Dictation、连读现象比较严重。然后第三篇、地点(哪个国家,还对身体健康有好处,教你列出文章的总框架,能锻炼到我们在听力材料中定位关键词的能力。都是针对那两个很了不得的本事设计的练习,喝包牛奶什么的吧。有理论有实践,就是教你怎么推测了,教了我们两个在听力中很了不得的本事——How to predict,第三遍的精听就是细节听力。Learning to predict。帮我们对对答案,挺正常的、搭配,语速是不是过快或者过慢,雅思听力就是小菜一碟了嘛,我们的通篇听力理解会变得很简单?哪日,能根据类似总分总,看是因为没听懂没有理解呢、年龄、爱好,可以做到听了上句能猜到下句?还是当时记下来了,还有。还是一个中心思想,参考一下原文材料看自己到底听懂了多少啊。听完一遍后!哪一个都是考雅思听力的法宝啊~~~同样的?还是口音不习惯,直到section 1和section 2 的每一篇都能复述出大意为止,当你真正把一段材料听懂了。肯定会有错啦,也变成了你获得信息的一个途径,开始第一遍精听。听了一个大概。天啊,这都是一本不可多得的好书,看着自己的笔记,dictation、箭头什么的就行,题型主要有Learning to predict,开始精听!这个时候。然后听第二篇文章或对话,刚好从新开始细节听力、填空,其次当然是因为雅思要用铅笔答卷了,继续补充,下来就是你用自己的话概括一下文章的大意。听完一篇:回忆出大意,听完一遍之后暂停复读机,半年之后就可以边吃烧鸡边看CNN了、掌握了,面前要放的不只是复读机。同样的,一本学生用书我也在听呢~但是 相比以前还是有进步的~有可能是你原来的听力就不错吧~或者是使用方法不对吧~下面我给你一个网上说的一个较好的Listen to this 2的使用方法~listen to this 2 的使用方法书评篇书评篇先来说一说这本书究竟好在哪里。2. 没记住、推理判断,跟那些专有名词相得益彰
出门在外也不愁求listen to this 2 真的完整加多100分!不要给我那些原文文本和教室用书,也不要那个电子书模式的,那个T or F没有答案.希望是整理归纳好的.只是我只要第十三课的答案!_百度作业帮
求listen to this 2 真的完整加多100分!不要给我那些原文文本和教室用书,也不要那个电子书模式的,那个T or F没有答案.希望是整理归纳好的.只是我只要第十三课的答案!
13-1-1Task 1: Guessing What People Are Talking About1. True or False Questions. (1) Lesley and Fiona are talking about a holiday they had last week. (T)(2) Neither of them likes the city they went to. (T)(3) It was easy for them to understand people no matter how quickly they spoke. (T)(4) Only one of them walked along the river. (T) (5) Neither of them thinks they should go there again next year. (T) (6) They enjoyed themselves very much drinking and eating. (T)2. Complete the list of the things that Lesley and Fiona liked about the city. a. wine and good foodb. the towerc. walking along the river and all the couplesd. the paintings there3. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape. (1) It reminds me of last week. (2) Really, it's got something about it, a certain sort of charm... (3) It's very unusual , right in the center of the city. (4) But there's a lovely view from the top (5) They do have artists down by the river, don't they?13-1-2Task 2: Nice to See You!1. Choose the best answer (a, b or c) to complete each of the following statements.(1) The conversation takes place __C_________.c. at Peter's home(2) Most of the people in the conversation ___C_________.c. are members of an orchestra2. Identification. Match the professions, identity or location in Column I with the people in Column II.Column I(1) architect(2) estate agent(3) London(4) host(5) local schoolteacher(6) amateur(7) Eileen's daughter(8) Royal Academy of music(9) DoctorColumn IIa. Peterb. Ann Pattersonc. John Middletond. Eileen Hawkese. Paul Madisonf. JoannaAnswer: (1) —b;
(6) —c/d;
(9) —a.3. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.(1) I expect your patients are keeping you busy at this time of year?(2) They are in the process of doing it up now.(3) Well, if I can give you a hand with anything ... I'm something of a handyman in my spare time.(4) I can't see myself leaving, well, not in the foreseeable future.(5) I hope you don't mind my butting in.(6) I'm over here on a scholarship to study the bassoon at the Royal Academy of Music for a couple of years.13-2-1Task 1: What Do You Like About Your Job?1. Choose the best answer (a, b or c) to complete each of the following statements.(1) The first speaker probably works in ______C______.c. an office(2) According to the tape, the second speaker _____C______.c. is a coach for some body-building courses(3) The third speaker earns a lot of money by ________C___.c. selling magazines, books, etc(4) The fourth speaker is engaged in ___C_________.c. bookkeeping2. True or False Questions.(1) The first speaker does not enjoy working late at night.(T)(2) The place where the first speaker works is very quiet. (T)(3) The second speaker chooses the music that is new and exciting for the people in her class. (T)(4) During her classes, the second speaker doesn't have to yell because she turns the background music low. (T)(5) The third speaker sometimes is so much obsessed by his work that he forgets about time. (T)(6) The greatest pleasure work has brought to the third speaker is money. (T)(7) The fourth speaker's job does not become routine at all. It's more and more interesting. (T)(8) The fourth speaker certainly takes pleasure in the work, especially when they're making money. (T)3. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.(1) I'm a night person.(2) Some of my regulars are always on the lookout for ways that they can stump me .(3) I like the place and I plan on sticking around for a while.(4) For my last class I always use the Beatles , —it's a great beat to move to .(5) It's hard to keep coming up with interesting routines.(6) At the end of a session you can really see how people have slimmed down and sort of built up some muscle.(7) You're always working against a tight deadline .(8) At first it was fun, because there was so much to learn, and working with figures and money was interesting.13-2-2Task 2: What Do You Think of Yourself?1. Choose the best answer (a, b or c) to complete each of the following statements.(1) This interview is shown on a TV programme called _______C___.a. Up with Peopleb. People Overheardc. Life of People(2) The woman interviewed _________C___.a. always has her things in orderb. looks different in the mirror and shop windowsc. is unable to keep her flat tidy(3) The second interviewee Chris Bonner thinks that ___C________.a. the whole country is in a terrible messb. his flat is in a messc. he is pretty tidy(4) The third interviewee Tommy Finch thinks ____C________.a. little of himselfb. much of the civil rightsc. much of himself(5) Charles Dimmock, the fourth interviewee, ______C______.a. is an army officerb. used to be an army officerc. is going to be retired(6) Arthur Fuller's personality has made him _____C________.a. shy but independentb. shy and dependentc. good at making friends2. Provide as much information as possible about the following people with the help of what you hear on the tape.(1) Jane Smith:
a. as a secretary
b. good at her job.
c. different in her private life
d. not coherent in her behaviour
e. her office in order(2) Chris Bonner:
a. concerned about the state of this country
b. the only one hope—the National Front .
c. eager to bring law and order to his country(3) Tommy Finch:
a. an easy-going bloke
b. a bit vicious when upset
c. not sympathetic
d. not interested in civil rights(4) Charles Dimmock:
a. used to be an army officer
b. keeping himself respectable and dignified all his life.
c. trying to help those who depended on him
d. a bit fanatic about organization and discipline
e. not too polemic
f. fond of his wife and family(5) Arthur Fuller:
a. shy and unhappy during childhood
b. unable to make close friends till the age of fifteen/15 .
c. good at being by himself
d. self-reliant and independent
e. fond of children13-3-1Study Skills: Note-taking 2Recognizing the Main Idea
Unless, for some reason, you wish to record every word that the lecturer says, you will have to select what to write down. You will naturally want to select the main points, and perhaps some subordinate or subsidiary points which relate to the main points. How does one recognize the main points?
Usually, the speaker will make it clear which ideas he wishes to emphasize by the way in which he presents them. In other words, the main ideas are cued. They are often cued by such semantic markers as:
I would like to emphasize ...
The general point you must remember is ...
It is important to note that ...
I repeat that ...
The next point is crucial to my argument ...
Let's move on to another matter ...
My next point is ...
Another problem to be discussed is ...
A related area would be ...
Very often speakers list their main points.
Other ways in which lecturers may cue their main points while speaking are by em or perhaps by visual display (e.g. by putting headings on a blackboard, overhead projector etc).
Sometimes you will find that facial expression and gestures of the lecturer point up his meaning (of course, you will not see these if you are crouched over your notes, scribbling away furiously!).
Often examples and points of lesser importance are also cued. The speaker may use such phrases as:
Let me give you some examples ...
For instance ...
I might add ...
To illustrate this point ...
Examples and points of lesser importance should be related briefly to the main headings.
Sometimes speakers will digress, i.e. mention things which have very little to do with their main topic, or relate to it only in a rather roundabout way. Speakers will sometimes digress deliberately in order to give more spice or variety to their lectures, or because the digression is interesting, amusing or topical. There is, of course, no need to note down digressions. Digression markers are expressions like:
By the way ...
I might note in passing ... Exercises. Listen to these paragraphs. Then decide what topic heading you would use to describe the main idea of each. Write the topic heading in the space given.1. Bert's friendship2. Bert and sports3. Adam's hobbies4. the two men's religious belief5. Adam—not a creative problem solver6. Heart attack victims enjoy Type B behaviour.C13-1The Royal Academy of Music
An operative venture started in 1719 in London, England. It had the support of the King and other distinguished amateurs. The first season (1720) was successful, thereafter difficulties began.C13-21. the Beatles
A British rock group, which achieved worldwide popularity during the 1960s. The Beatles appeared at the Carven Club in Liverpool in 1962. In 1970 they disbanded to pursue separate careers.2. The National Front
An extremely right-wing political party in the UK, formed in 1966. One of its central platforms is the repatriation of all immigrant groups, and its meetings, often held in immigrant areas, have provoked violence.


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