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中国工业的大规模发展,是在1949年解放以后才开始的。在此之前,只有很小一部分人口从事工业,而当时的工业大都是一些家庭式或者手工业式的小工业。“很小部分人口”是否翻译为 a faction of population。
1 : a party or group (as within a government) that is often contentious or self-seeking 组织中的小派别
There are various factions within the party.
2 : party spirit especially when marked by dissension
根据英文含义,faction含有派别,摩擦之意,与文中所述“很小部分人口”不符,故翻译为 a faction of population不合适。
1 a : a part of a whole expressed in hundredths &a high percentage of students attended&
&&b : the result obtained by multiplying a number by a percent &the percentage equals the rate times the base&
2 a : a share of winnings or profits
&&b : advantage, profit &no percentage in going around looking like an old sack of laundry — Wallace Stegner&
3 : an indeterminate part : proportion
4 a : probability
&&b : favorable odds
&a percentage of the population& google 6,100,000词条
&a portion of the population& google 19,700,000词条
The large-scale development of industry in China datyes only from liberation in 1949. Prior to this time, but a very small percentage of the population was engaged in industry, most of which was of the domestic or craft type.
大规模发展large-scale development
解放以后才开始的date from liberation/began after liberation
在此之前prior to this time(书面用语)
Did you mean ' a fraction of the population', as opposed to 'faction'?
In which case, yes, 'a fraction of the population' would be an acceptable translation for &很小部分人口& in this context.
& & 谢谢,了解了
&&Thank you. I have seen someone use &faction of population&, but now it proves to be wrong.
Ha ha, come to think of it, I do see 'faction population' in relation to World of Warcraft and Warhammer a lot!
Oh noes, the worgens are coming!
China's industry begun to develop rapidly (or: significantly) after national liberation in1949. Before that, very few
people worked in industry
, most of which (or: ,for the most part,) are cottage or handicraft industry . [ 1]从《牛津学生英语搭配词典》中查到,与development搭配的形容词(表示大发展、快发展的)有rapid, remarkable, significant. 大规模发展,其实就是大发展、快速发展。
[ 2]You use few to indicate that you are talking about a small number of people or things. You can use `so', `too', and `very' in front of few.(Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner's English Dictionary,其他词典的解释大致相同)也就是说,few就能表示很比很小部分(small number of),若要强调,可用very few。
[ 3]“从事”,我想,用work in industry 达意,却表达简单明了。而且在Collins COBUILD V3查询industry,所提供的语料库里也有这样的用法。在这一行业工作的,不管是工人,还是管理人员或者是政府人员,都是work。就像,政府人员可以翻译称government worker一样。
[ 4] A cottage industry is a small business that is run from someone's home, especially one that involves a craft such as knitting or pottery. (Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner's English Dictionary). 由这两个industries可以直接就知道这些都是小工业。因此,“小工业”不需要翻译出来。
即:China's industry begun to develop significantly after national liberation in1949. Before that, very few people worked in industry, most of which are cottage or handicraft industry.
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rockvivian 中国工业的大规模发展,是在1949年解放以后才开始的。在此之前,只有很小一部分人口从事工业,而当时的工业大都是一些家庭式或者手工业式的小工业。
The large-scale development of industry in China datyes only from liberation in 1949. Prior to this time, but a very small percentage of the population was engaged in industry, most of which was of the domestic or craft type.
China's industry begun to develop significantly after national liberation in1949. Before that, very few people worked in industry, most of which are cottage or handicraft industry. 1. began是begin的过去式,而begun是begin的过去分词
2. in1949应改为in 1949
3. 关于few
1) &You use few to indicate that you are talking about a small number of people or things. &
朗文词典对于few第一种的解释:a small number of things or people
这里指的是a few这种用法,表示一些
I have to buy a few things at the supermarket.
Pam called to say she’s going to be a few minutes late.
I’ve read a few of her books.
There are only a very few (= not many ) exceptions.
2)&very few people&
属于朗文词典对于few第三种解释: not many or hardly any people or things OPP many 几乎没有
low-paid jobs that few people want 几乎没有人想要低收入的工作
Many people expressed concern, but few were willing to help. 许多人表示关心,但没什么人愿意提供帮助。
Very few of the staff come from the local area.
如果要用few表示很小一部分人,应该用very a few people,但在这里文中的意思是相对于整体而言,“小部分”人口,用percentage一词,可以表示出份额。
4. most of which are
5. cottage or handicraft industry,前面已经提到industry,为避免重复,这里用type替代industry可能更好些。
对于笔译而言,be of the...type是一个比较严谨的英语结构。
1 an activity such as sewing or making baskets, in which you use your hands in a skilful way to make things
2 something that someone has made in a skilful way using their hands :
a shop selling handicrafts
a job or activity in which you make things with your hands, and that you usually need skill to do (=handicraft )
traditional rural crafts
& & 【begun编辑错误/笔误】 【in 1949 编辑错误/笔误】 【关于few,在Collins
和 Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary (2nd edition published 2005)
都有表示a small number of 或 not many 的意思。再看看英汉词典,《现代英汉综合大辞典》、《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》等词典的解释,除了“几乎没有”,还有就是“不多”、“很少”。足以表达“很小部分人口”。Very可要可不要。之所以不用a XXX of 这种结构,是为了表达简练,即在表达文意的基础上,尽量做到简洁。附:《柯林斯高阶英语词典》:You use few to indicate that you are talking about a small number of people or things. You can use `so', `too', and `very' in front of few. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary:small number, not many or not enough】 【改为:worked in industries, most of which were】 【type:这里若觉得繁琐,用type 或one代替。对于type of, of和中文的“的”一样,尽量不要连续着用,不要“的”到底或者 “of”到底。还有,不知道这里应该用type,还是sector,继续求证。】 【至于handicraft与craft若是是一样,无需继续讨论。】 【对于目前英语写作和翻译的style可以参考欧盟关于英文写作和翻译的小册子(Fight the FOG等,这个比较简短。)以及其他关于Plain English的文章。 翻译和写作一样,尽量做到简洁明了。做到理解文意后,把作者的意思表达清楚即可,无需受到原文束缚。 当然,文学翻译又有另外一种“更为严格”的标准。我们大多数人还做不到。做到通顺、达意即可。】 仅供参考 欢迎拍砖
维基百科关于cottage industry的解释:Cottage industries were very common in the time when a large proportion of the population was engaged in agriculture...()
type, form, sector似乎都可以
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