IMBoosterto setup是什么意思啥意思?

Februar 17th, 2011
Ein Tool zum Auslesen s?mtlicher Informationen der Grafikkarte aus dem NVIDIA Treiber und zum ?bertakten.
Eigentlich sollte es nur ein Tool werden um noch detailliertere Dumps von NVIDIA Grafikkarten zu erm?glichen und damit das
Gadget zu verbessern .
Es ist nun aber doch noch einiges mehr dazu gekommen, so dass ich es euch auch als eigenst?ndiges Tool zur Verfügung stellen m?chte.
Alle Daten und Funktionen kommen nahezu 1:1 vom NVIDIA Treiber.
Sollte also irgendetwas nicht funktionieren ist dies auch zu 99% eine Limitierung des NVIDIA Treibers an der ich nichts ?ndern kann.
Funktionen die über die M?glichkeiten des NVIDIA Treibers hinaus gehen wird es mit diesem Tool nicht geben. Es wird also keine “echte” Voltage-Anzeige durch Sensorauswertung über I2C o.?. kommen.
Neben der Grafikkarten-Informationen bietet das Tool auch die M?glichkeit des ?bertaktens an. Es sei an dieser Stelle deutlich darauf hingewiesen dass durch ?bertakten die Hardware physikalisch zerst?rt werden kann. Dafür übernehme ich selbstverst?ndlich keinerlei Haftung. Die Nutzung erfolgt ausschliesslich auf eigene Gefahr!
Ebenfalls ist es m?glich bei der neuen Grafikkarten Generation von NVIDIA (Fermi) die GPU Spannung für das 3D-Profil anzupassen. Dies ist ausschliesslich für diese Karten von NVIDIA im Treiber vorgesehen.
Zudem l?sst sich auch der Grafikkarten Lüfter bei vielen NVIDIA Grafikkarten manuell selbst steuern. Dies kann bei ?bertaktungs-versuchen hilfreich sein um eine konstante Kühlung zu forcieren.
Mit der neuen 256er Treibergeneration wurde das Profilsystem um eine entsprechende API erweitert. Dadurch ist es nun bei installierten 256+ Treibern auch m?glich mit dem NVIDIA Inspector die Spiele Profil Einstellungen des NVIDIA Treibers anzupassen.
Es k?nnen neue Profile erstellt, vorhandene bearbeitet oder gel?scht werden. Profile k?nnen auch importiert und exportiert werden. Man kann s?mtliche verfügbaren Einstellungen anpassen auch wenn diese über das treibereigene “Control Panel” nicht zur Verfügung stehen.
Seit der Version 1.95 steht nun eine Funktion zu Verfügung den Verlauf der Hardware Sensoren zu verfolgen. Dies ist für alle im System vorhandenen NVIDIA Grafikkarten gleichzeitig in einem Fenster gesammelt m?glich.
Zudem k?nnen die gesammelten Daten aufgezeichnet und als CSV abgespeichert werden.
Energie sparen bei Verwendung von mehreren Monitoren
Seit bei NVIDIA Grafikkarten GDDR5 als Videospeicher eingesetzt wird, gibt es eine Einschr?nkung bei den Energiesparfunktionen. Sollte mehr als ein einzelnes Display mit unterschiedlichen Aufl?sungen/Timings an die Grafikkarte angeschlossen sein, so verhindert der Treiber dass automatisch herunterschalten in  energiesparende “Performance States” (P-States).
Der Grund dafür liegt laut NVIDIA in einer Hardware Limitierung bei Verwendung von GDDR5 Speicher, die beim Wechsel der P-States zu Flackern führen kann. Dieses Problem ist somit auch nicht auf NVIDIA Grafikkarten beschr?nkt.
Leider bietet der Treiber dem Benutzer keine Wahl das Flackern in Kauf zu nehmen um stattdessen Strom zu sparen. Diesem Umstand widmet sich nun ein neues Feature “Multi Display Power Saver”.
Der Treiber wird dazu gezwungen in den niedrigesten P-State zu wechseln. Nun kann man Applikationen konfigurieren die als Ausnahme in einen h?heren P-State wechseln dürfen. Eine Aussteuerung anhand der aktuellen Auslastung ist ebenfalls m?glich.
Diese Funktion erfordert eine NVIDIA Grafikkarte die mindestens über die drei folgenden P-States verfügt: P0, P8 und P12. Die aktuellsten Treiber werden ebenfalls vorausgesetzt.
Benutzer Dokumentation:
Ein ausführlicher Report zu diesem Tool wurde freundlicherweise auf
zur Verfügung gestellt.
Erg?nzungen zu den neuen Features von Version 1.95
Downloads:博客访问: 306415
博文数量: 232
博客积分: 4309
博客等级: 中校
技术积分: 2085
If you don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t wanna do it, you find an EXCUSE; if you do, you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ll find a WAY :-)
分类: BSD
官方简体中文安装手册:官方en_US安装手册:官方简体中文安装手册 下载:&1: 使用 USB 安装 FreeBSD(设备编号自行修改)# dd if=9.1-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img of=/dev/da1 bs=10240 conv=syncTips: Windows环境下如何将 *.img 写入USB ?&Image Writer for Windows:&&安装source 和 ports等待重启完成 ...# vi /boot/loader.confloader_logo="beastie"
(boot menu logo)autoboot_delay="3"
(boot delay):wq# vi /etc/rc.confblanktime="600"saver="daemon"hald_enable="YES"dbus_enable="YES"powerd_enable="YES"powerd_flags="-a adaptive -b adaptive -n adaptive"&&# 保持温度不会过高就是了:wq# kldload coretemp# sysctl -a |grep temperhw.acpi.thermal.tz0.temperature: 60.0Cdev.cpu.0.temperature: 59.0Cdev.cpu.1.temperature: 59.0Cdev.cpu.2.temperature: 59.0Cdev.cpu.3.temperature: 59.0Cdev.cpu.4.temperature: 61.0Cdev.cpu.5.temperature: 62.0Cdev.cpu.6.temperature: 59.0Cdev.cpu.7.temperature: 59.0C检查一下硬件信息# dmesg | grep attached (列出没有被驱动的硬件)&# pciconf -lv
(更加详细) & /var/run/dmesg.boot (see also)
(找到声卡 和 显卡加载相应驱动)声卡 驱动# kldload snd_driver (加载所有声卡驱动自动匹配)# cat /dev/sndstat (查看声卡驱动信息)# dmesg | grep hdac# cat filename > /dev/dsp (测试声卡,filename为任意文件产生噪音说明正常工作)# vi /boot/device.hintshint.pcm.0.vol="50" (pcm Module加载时,音量默认为50):wq# Microphone & & (话筒)# mixer# sysctl sysctl dev.pcm.0.rec.vchans=4
(&虚拟声道(Virtual Sound Channels)<font class="Apple-style-span" color="#个音源能够同时播放)# sysctl hw.snd.maxautovchans=4&# less /boot/defaults/loader.conf&/snd
(找到所有声卡驱动支持项)&# pciconf -lv | egrep -i -A3 -B5 'audio|multimedia' (查看device 类型)&# vi /boot/loader.conf&snd_hda_load="YES" (启动时加载 声卡驱动/添加自己的声卡驱动):wq2: 时间校准 (很重要)# tzsetup (时区设置 CST)# ntpdate (校准)# vi /etc/rc.confntpd_enable="YES"
(配置开机启动 ntpd)ntpd_sync_on_start="YES":wq# /etc/rc.d/ntpd start# vi /etc/ntp.conf.pool.ntp.orgserver (配置time server):wq# /etc/rc.d/ntpd restart3:更新 source 和 doc# cp /usr/share/examples/cvsup/standard-supfile /etc# cd /etc/; vi standard-supfile*default (修改此项)*default base=/var/db*default prefix=/usr*default release=cvs tag=RELENG_9_0*default delete use-rel-suffix*default compresssrc-alldoc-all tag=. & (添加此项):wq&# csup /etc/standard-supfile4:ports 和 package 文件下载地址设置# vi /etc/make.conf
(根据情况调整,起到优化作用:me -> i7)# sysctl hw.model (more&/usr/share/example/etc/make.conf)# dmidecode
(DMI table decoder)INSTALL=install -C (比对已安装文件与最新文件 版本号,低于新版本才安装):wqtcsh/csh:# vi ~/.cshrcsetenv& & & & PACKAGEROOT& & & & & & & PKG_TMPDIR& & & & /var/garbage& & & & (package安装后来这里看看:/var/db/pkg):wq# exit& && && && &(注销生效)sh/bash:$ vi ~/.profileexport PACKAGEROOT= PKG_TMPDIR=/var/garbage:wq# exit& && && && &(注销生效)&#&# pkg_add -r vim
(使用远程服务器安装)&# pkg_version -v &(list outdated ports that have a newer version available in the Ports)&# pkg_version -v |grep vim (首先查出版本号)&# pkg_delete vim-7.3.81&或者:&# pkg_delete /var/db/pkg/vim-7.3.81&# pkg_delete xchat\*
(使用通配符)&# pkg_info |grep -i vim (首先查出版本号)&# pkg_info -L vim-7.3.81 |less (显示这个软件包安装的所有文件)&# pkg_info vim-7.3.81&查看CPU支持指令集合:# grep -i features /var/run/dmesg.boot
&&AMD Features=0x
&&AMD Features2=0x1查看当前操作系统开启的指令集合:# cd /usr/share/mk# make -V CPUTYPE
ssse3 sse3 amd64 sse2 sse mmx5: 更新 ports ( portmaster)# portsnap fetch extract & (首次更新port使用此命令)#&portsnap fetch update
(日后更新port使用此命令)vi /etc/crontab0 5 * * * root /usr/sbin/portsnap cron update &(自动更新port):wq安装 portmaster 用于更新 软件包:# cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portmaster && make install clean---------------------------------------------------------------------# ls /usr/local/etc/portmaster.rc.sample# vim /usr/local/etc/portmaster.rc# Do not create temporary backup packages before pkg_delete (-B)NO_BACKUP=Bopt# Always delete stale distfiles without prompting (-d)ALWAYS_SCRUB_DISTFILES=dopt# Do not run 'make config' for ports that need updating (-G)PM_NO_MAKE_CONFIG=Gopt# Be verbose (-v)PM_VERBOSE=vopt# Save copies of old shared libraries (recommended) (-w)SAVE_SHARED=wopt:wq----------------------------------------------------------------------# /usr/local/sbin/portmaster -L > portmaster.out (列出可更新的软件)===>>> linux_base-fc-4_8===>>> New version available: linux_base-fc-4_9#&/usr/local/sbin/portmaster linux_base-fc-4_8
(更新 某软件)#&/usr/local/sbin/portmaster -e (卸载某软件与其依赖)## portmaster -a
(升级所有已安装的 ports)# portmaster -af
(always rebuild ports overrides -i)# portmaster -aG -x ? --no-confirm# portmaster -r[-R] -r name/glob of port directory in /var/db/pkg& & & & &rebuild the specified port, and all ports that depend on it. &The& & & & &list of dependent ports is built according to origin (i.e.,& & & & &category/portname) not by the version number of the installed port.& & & & &So if you do portmaster -r fooport-1.23 and it is necessary to& & & & &restart using -R but the newly installed port is now fooport-1.24 you& & & & &can do portmaster -R -r fooport-1.24 and it should pick up where you& & & & &left off. &The -r option can be specified more than once.# cd /usr/ports/sysutils/bsdadminscripts/ && make install clean> pkg_libchk & & & & & & & & & (检查缺失的动态库,找出有问题的 ports)Thunar-1.3.0: /usr/local/lib/thunarx-2/ misses /usr/local/lib/thunarx-2/ misses /usr/local/lib/thunarx-2/ misses /usr/local/lib/thunarx-2/ misses /usr/local/lib/thunarx-2/ misses /usr/local/lib/thunarx-2/ misses /usr/local/lib/thunarx-2/ misses /usr/local/lib/thunarx-2/ misses /usr/local/lib/thunarx-2/ misses /usr/local/lib/xfce4/panel/plugins/ misses /usr/local/lib/xfce4/panel/plugins/ misses /usr/local/lib/xfce4/panel/plugins/ misses替换升级法(以perl为例):> more /usr/ports/UPDATINGAFFECTS: users of lang/perl*
lang/perl5.16 is out. If you want to switch to it from, for example
lang/perl5.12, that is:
Portupgrade users:
0) Fix pkgdb.db (for safety):
1) Reinstall new version of Perl (5.16):
env DISABLE_CONFLICTS=1 portupgrade -o lang/perl5.16 -f perl-5.12.\*
2) Reinstall everything that depends on Perl:
portupgrade -fr perl
Portmaster users:
portmaster -o lang/perl5.16 lang/perl5.12
portmaster p5-
Comprehensive (but perhaps overkill):
portmaster -r perl-
Note: If the "perl-" glob matches more than one port you will need to
specify the name of the Perl directory in /var/db/pkg explicitly.
The default version for Perl has also been changed from 5.12 to 5.14.另一种更新 软件包 的方法:# make deinstall && make install clean (前提是你的ports 已经更新!)下面方法多用于 测试不同版本软件:# make install
(注意没有:clean ,保留下载的源码!)# make deinstall && make reinstall
(前提是下载的源码没有被清理!)# make PREFIX=/usr/pkg install clean
(Changing the Install Path)Cleaning Up Ports:# make install clean (clean a port immediately upon install)You might also want to remove the original distfiles, stored in&/usr/ports/distfiles.# make distclean
(removes the distfiles for&the current port and all dependencies)OR:# portmaster --clean-distfilesTo clean the entire ports tree# make clean -DNOCLEANDEPENDS
(&&run&directly&under /usr/ports)Building Packages#&make packageThis installs the&program on the local machine and creates a package in the port’s directory.Simply copy this package to other systems and run pkg_add(1) to install it.If you create the directory /usr/ports/packages, the Ports Collection willcreate a packages tree in that location. Instead of placing the new packagein the port’s directory, the port will place the package in the appropriatecategory under /usr/ports/packages.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOCAL PACKAGE REPOSITORIESRemember the PACKAGESITE environment variable? Set that to a path on your localanonymous FTP server (Chapter 17) or an NFS share (Chapter 8) and put your custompackages there. You can then use pkg_add -r on your other machines, and they willautomatically grab packages from your local repository.6:Binary Updates (&only provides patches to the GENERIC kernel)# freebsd-update fetch
(download the latest updates to your errata branch)
( files stored in /var/db/freebsd-update)
# freebsd-update install (install the downloaded files)
# vi /etc/crontab
0 5 * * * root /usr/sbin/freebsd-update cron
(自动更新至 errata-branch)
Reboot your system ..7:安装 Vim# cd /usr/ports/editors/vim/# make WITHOUT_X11=yes install clean# exit (注销)# vim ~/.vimrcset nomodeline
(这个一定要写,目前有这个安装漏洞)set nocpset hls isset icset autoindentset backspace=2syntax on"set bg=dark
(更改背景色调/默认为light, " 为注释!):wq
(详情:vimtutor)# vim ~/.cshrcsetenv EDITOR vim:wq8:使用本地化语言方法一:Class Definitions# vim /etc/login.confchinese:Chinese Users Account:\ :charset=UTF-8:\ :lang=zh_CN.UTF-8:\ :tc=default::wq# cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf (rebuilds the database file /etc/login.conf.db)# pw usermod jacky -L chinese (修改 jacky 的 语言环境)# pw useradd jacky -L chinese (添加 jacky 并使用中文)# pw usershow&jackyjacky:*::chinese:0:0:jacky:/home/jacky:/bin/tcsh# su - jacky> localeLANG=zh_CN.UTF-8LC_CTYPE="zh_CN.UTF-8"LC_COLLATE="zh_CN.UTF-8"LC_TIME="zh_CN.UTF-8"LC_NUMERIC="zh_CN.UTF-8"LC_MONETARY="zh_CN.UTF-8"LC_MESSAGES="zh_CN.UTF-8"LC_ALL=&方法二:User Definitions# vim ~/.login_confme:\ :lang=zh_CN.UTF-8:\ :setenv=LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.UTF-8:\
(字符类型) :setenv=LC_COLLATE=zh_CN.UTF-8:\ (字符对比规则) :setenv=LC_TIME=zh_CN.UTF-8:\
(时间类型) :setenv=LC_NUMERIC=zh_CN.UTF-8:\ (数字类型) :setenv=LC_MONETARY=zh_CN.UTF-8:\ (货币类型) :setenv=LC_MESSAGES=zh_CN.UTF-8:\ (消息/提示类型) :setenv=LC_ALL=zh_CN.UTF-8:\ :charset=UTF-8::wq&PS: 自定义 prompt 和 alias&方法一:全局设置vim /etc/csh.cshrc
set prompt = "%B%n@%m [%/] $ " (详情:man csh /%m)
set autolist
(TAB命令补全功能)&方法二:自定义设置&vim ~/.cshrc&set prompt = "%B%n@%m [%/] # " (注意空格)&set autolist
(TAB 命令补全功能)&alias cl clear&alias vi vim &alias df df -h&&History:
(默认记录文件:~/.history)&# history -c
(清理当前历史记录)&# history -S
(保存当前历史记录)&9:&Axel / Aria2下载大文件利器 (MP3、影片、软件等) &&wget# cd /usr/ports/ftp/axel && make install clean# axel -a -n 3& (详情:man axel)# axel -S4
(自动寻找 4 个最快mirror进行下载)通常我用 wget 下网站 (找到资料就下吧!说不准那天站点没了,还是弄下来方便!)#&wget -r -np -p -k --level=2
(wget默认安装)Aria2 :多链接下载,轻量,平均4-9MB内存使用量,BitTorrent下载速度2.8MiB/s时CPU占用约6%# cd /usr/ports/www/aria2 && make install clean(详情:man aria2c)# aria2c ""
(直接下载)# aria2c "http://host/" "ftp://host2/" (同时从 2 个不同源下载 某文件)# aria2c -x2 -k1M "http://host/"
(-x2:一个server只建立 2 个连接 -k1M:man很详细)#&aria2c&-s4 http://host/
(-s:总共启用多少个连接)# aria2c
(BT 下载)# aria2c 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:248D0A1CDD5C1ED359BB46717D8C'& (BT Magent URI)#&aria2c
(Metalink)#&aria2c -i files.txt&-j2
(Download URIs found in text file -j:同时进行任务数)Resuming Download:Usually, you can resume transfer by just issuing same command (aria2c URI)&if the previous transfer is made by aria2.&If the previous transfer is made by a browser or wget like sequential download manager,&then use -c option to continue the transfer (aria2c -c URI)BitTorrent Download:# aria2c --follow-torrent=mem "http://host/file.torrent" (download files from remote BT file)# aria2c --max-upload-limit=40k file.torrent
(download using a local torrent file)Using Proxy:For HTTParia2c --http-proxy="http://proxy:8080" "http://host/file"aria2c --http-proxy="http://proxy:8080" \--no-proxy="localhost,," "http://host/file"For FTParia2c --ftp-proxy="http://proxy:8080" "ftp://host/file"Proxy with Authorizationaria2c --http-proxy="http://username:password@proxy:8080" "http://host/file"aria2c --http-proxy="http://proxy:8080" \--http-proxy-user="username" --http-proxy-passwd="password" "http://host/file-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------也可以应用到ports下载中!(非必需,一般来说FreeBSD的 fetch够用了)# vim /etc/make.confFETCH_CMD=/usr/local/bin/axel -a -S4
(-a:显示每个线程状态信息 &-n:连接数)DISABLE_SIZE=yes
(开启 此功能!):wq穿越模式:FETCH_ENV=http_proxy=ur addressFETCH_ENV=ftp_proxy=ur&address或者 使用其他工具: (proxychains / runsocks)FETCH_CMD=proxychains axelFETCH_CMD=runsocks axelPS:wget &axel aria2 配置均一样!FETCH_CMD=/usr/local/bin/wget -c -t 3
(-c:继续以前的下载 &-t:默认tries =20)DISABLE_SIZE=yes
(开启 此功能!)FETCH_CMD=/usr/local/bin/aria2c -s 4
(-s:开启4 个连接)DISABLE_SIZE=yes
(开启 此功能!)(在Aria2速度不行的时候,我发现Axel速度确实可以!正常情况匹敌!)&10:Scim-pinyin (fcitx-sunpinyin) (ibus-pinyin)输入法# cd /usr/ports/chinese/scim-pinyin && make install clean> vim ~/.cshrc# set scim as the XIM &input serversetenv XMODIFIERS @im=SCIM:wq# xfce环境下,支持中文默认用英文情况下(Terminal内右键 Input Methods -SCIM)#&cd /usr/ports/chinese/fcitx-sunpinyin && make install clean# cd /usr/ports/chinese/fcitx-configtool && make install clean> vim ~/.cshrcsetenv XMODIFIERS @im=fcitxsetenv GTK_IM_MODULE ximsetenv QT_IM_MODULE xim:wq> vim ~/.xinitrc&#!/bin/sh/usr/local/bin/fcitx & & &# 确保比xfce提前运行!/usr/local/bin/startxfce4:wq# cd&/usr/ports/chinese/ibus-pinyin&&&&make install clean#&more /usr/ports/textproc/ibus/pkg-message-------------------------------------------------------------------ibus installation finished. To use ibus, please do the following:If you are using bash, please add following lines to your $HOME/.bashrc:export XIM=ibusexport GTK_IM_MODULE=ibusexport QT_IM_MODULE=ximexport XMODIFIERS=@im=ibusexport XIM_PROGRAM="ibus-daemon"export XIM_ARGS="--daemonize --xim"If you are using tcsh, please add following lines to your $HOME/.cshrc:setenv XIM ibussetenv GTK_IM_MODULE ibussetenv QT_IM_MODULE ximsetenv XMODIFIERS @im=ibussetenv XIM_PROGRAM ibus-daemonsetenv XIM_ARGS "--daemonize --xim"If you are using KDE4, you may create a shell script in $HOME/.kde4/env,&and add following lines:#!/bin/shexport XIM=ibusexport GTK_IM_MODULE=ibusexport QT_IM_MODULE=ximexport XMODIFIERS=@im=ibusexport XIM_PROGRAM="ibus-daemon"export XIM_ARGS="--daemonize --xim"Following input methods/engines are available in ports:chinese/ibus-chewing & & & & & &Chewing engine for IBuschinese/ibus-pinyin & & & & & & The PinYin input methodjapanese/ibus-anthy & & & & & & Anthy engine for IBusjapanese/ibus-mozc & & & & & & &Mozc engine for IBusjapanese/ibus-skk & & & & & & & SKK engine for IBuskorean/ibus-hangul & & & & & & &Hangul engine for IBustextproc/ibus-kmfl & & & & & & &KMFL IMEngine for IBus frameworktextproc/ibus-m17n & & & & & & &The m17n IMEngine for IBus frameworktextproc/ibus-table & & & & & & Table based IM framework for IBusand QT4 input method module, textproc/ibus-qt.If ibus cannot start or the panel does not appear, please ensurethat you are using up-to-date python.There's a bug in python 2.5, which may prevent the panel from appearing.-------------------------------------------------------------------# vim ~/.xinitrc#!/bin/sh/usr/local/bin/ibus-daemon --xim -d & &# 确保比xfce提前运行!/usr/local/bin/startxfce4:wq# vim ~/.cshrcsetenv XIM ibussetenv GTK_IM_MODULE ibussetenv QT_IM_MODULE ximsetenv XMODIFIERS @im=ibussetenv XIM_PROGRAM ibus-daemonsetenv XIM_ARGS "--daemonize --xim":wq11:Xorg 和 WQY 字库# cd /usr/ports/x11/xorg && make BATCH=YES install clean (BATCH=YES: 启用默认配置选项, 不会出现对话框来烦你!)# Xorg -configure# mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf (生成 xorg 配置文件)# vim /etc/rc.conf (使用 HAL 自动检测键盘和鼠标)hald_enable="YES" dbus_enable="YES":wq# cd /usr/ports/x11-fonts/wqy && make install clean# vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf&Section "Files"&& FontPath "/usr/local/lib/X11/fonts/wqy" (添加 wqy 路径支持)&EndSection&Section "Monitor" Identifier "Monitor0" VendorName "Monitor Vendor" ModelName "Monitor Modle" HorizSync 30-107
(水平刷新频率) VertRefresh 48-120
(垂直刷新频率) Option
(能源之星/EnergyStar)&EndSection&Section "Screen" Identifier "Screen0" Device
"Card0" Monitor
"Monitor0" DefaultDepth 24 SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 24&&&&&&&&&&&&& Modes ""&&&&&&&&&&&&& Virtual&&
EndSubsection&EndSection:wqPS: 使用 GTF 命令输出刷新频率 如下! 一定要安装 nvidia-settings 否则分辨率永远是 50Hz!# gtf #
@ 60.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 47.70 kHz; pclk: 85.86 MHzModeline ".00"& 85.86& 84 9 772 795& -HSync +Vsyncection "Monitor" Identifier "Monitor0" VendorName "Monitor Vendor" ModelName "Monitor Modle"# HorizSync 30-107
VertRefresh 48-120
(垂直刷新频率)&&&& #&
@ 60.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 47.70 kHz; pclk: 85.86 MHz&&&& &&
Modeline ".00"& 85.86& 84 9 772 795& -HSync +Vsync Option
(能源之星/EnergyStar)&EndSection&Section "Screen" Identifier "Screen0" Device
"Card0" Monitor
"Monitor0" DefaultDepth 24 SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 24&&&&&&&&&&&&& Modes ""&&&&&&&&&&&&& Virtual&&
EndSubsection&EndSection:wqPS:启用 ctrl+alt+backspace 退出 Xorg (默认已关闭该功能)方法一:# setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp方法二:# vim /usr/local/etc/hal/fdi/policy/x11-input.fdi (hald 会读取该文件)& & & & & & terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp& & & # &vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf Section "ServerLayout"
Option "DontZap" "off" EndSection:wq方法三:使用 Xfce4-session-logout# vim ~/.cshrcalias logout xfce4-session-logout --logoutalias&& lock&&& xflock4:wq# source ~/.cshrc12:Nvidia&驱动# cd /usr/ports/x11/nvidia-driver && make BATCH=YES install clean# vim /boot/loader.confnvidia_load="YES"
(启动时加载 driver)linux_enable="YES":wq# cd /usr/ports/x11/nvidia-xconfig/ && make install clean# rehash方法一:不开启 compiz-fusion&# nvidia-xconfig (自动替换/etc/X11/xorg.conf 并备份原文件为:org.conf.backup)方法二:开启 compiz-fusion#&nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals (Enable OpenGL)#&nvidia-xconfig --composite
(Enable Composite X extension)#&nvidia-xconfig --depth=24显卡信息查看 和 分辨率 刷新频率 查看与修改!(Xorg 内 配置无法起作用,只能通过nvidia-settings来调整!)# cd /usr/ports/x11/nvidia-settings && make install clean# rehash#&nvidia-settings13:xfce4# cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/xfce4 && make BATCH=YES install clean# vim /usr/local/etc/PolicyKit/PolicyLit.conf
(允许用户在 xfce4模式下 reboot 和 shutdown)& <match action="org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.reboot">& &
<match action="org.freedesktop.hal.power-management.shutdown">&
& 还需要进行如下操作:# vim /usr/local/etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/.pkla[Restart]Identity=unix-group:wheelAction=org.freedesktop.consolekit.system.restartResultAny=yesResultInactive=yesResultActive=yes[Shutdown]Identity=unix-group:wheelAction=org.freedesktop.consolekit.system.stopResultAny=yesResultInactive=yesResultActive=yes% vim ~/.xinitrc
(告诉X 下次启动时执行 Xfce4)#!/bin/sh/usr/local/bin/startxfce4#exec startxfce4 (也可这样写):wq&PS: 如果使用了 XDM% vim ~/.xsession#!/bin/sh/usr/local/bin/startxfce4:wq% chmod +x ~/.xsession---------------------------------------------------Xfce4 回收站地址:&~/.local/share/Trash/filesXfce4 注销命令:# vim ~/.cshrcalias logout xfce4-session-logout --logoutalias&& lock&&& xflock4:wq# source ~/.cshrc---------------------------------------------------Xfce 4 Setting ManagerThemes/Shortcuts/: &Window ManagerBackground/Icons/display: Desktop&DisplayFile Manager:Display-dateStyle: Appearance -xfce dustDesktop Panel SetupTerminal PreferencesAppearance - Font - Background(Transparent)滚动 滑轮 - 收起(打开)终端窗口----------------------------------------------------------------How to install new themes:& Plugins:安装 Ristretto (微型图片查看工具)# cd /usr/ports/graphics/ristretto && make install clean安装 Task (图形任务管理器)# cd /usr/ports/x11/xfce4-taskmanager && make install clean安装 Power (电源管理)# cd /usr/ports/sysutils/xfce4-power-manager && make install clean# cd /usr/ports/sysutils/xfce4-battery-plugin && make install clean安装 Notes (便签)# cd /usr/ports/deskutils/xfce4-notes-plugin && make install clean安装 Netload& (网络负载)# cd /usr/ports/sysutils/xfce4-netload-plugin && make install clean安装 Weather (天气预报)# cd /usr/ports/misc/xfce4-weather-plugin && make install clean安装 Wavelan (无线上网)# cd /usr/ports/sysutils/xfce4-wavelan-plugin && make install cleanPS: 将以上项目在 panel上右键 添加 new item 才可以显示出来!!# cd /usr/ports/&# make&quicksearch&name=xfce4-screenshooter-plugin# cd /usr/ports/x11/xfce4-screenshooter-plugin&&& make install clean#&touch ~/.config/xfce4/xfce4-screenshooter
(没有他工作不了!)#&进入 keyboard 设置 shotcut (PrtScr) 或 从菜单栏点击程序安装 Xfburn (CD/DVD 刻录工具)# cd /usr/ports/sysutils/xfburn && make install clean强大的 命令行刻录工具:
(建议使用)# cd /usr/ports/sysutils/dvd+rw-tools && make install clean#&growisofs&-dvd-compat -Z /dev/cd0 -J -R /path/to/data (刻录 数据DVD)#&growisofs&-dvd-compat -Z /dev/cd0=imagefile.iso (刻录 映像文件)14:Mplayer/Office/Reader/Gimp/Ristretto/Galculator/Thunderbird/Pidgin/VirtualBox/unix2dos# cd /usr/ports/editors/libreoffice (安装libreoffice)# make LOCALIZED_LANG=zh-CN install clean
(添加中文支持)# cd /usr/ports && make search key=adobe|less
(安装AdobeReader)# cd /usr/ports/chinese/acroread8-zh_CN && make install clean# cd /usr/ports/graphics/mupdf && make install clean & &(安装mupdf)# cd /usr/ports/graphics/epdfview&&& make install clean & &(安装epdfview)# cd /usr/ports/graphics/gimp-help && make config (保留:EN 和 ZH_CN)# cd /usr/ports/graphics/gimp && make BATCH=YES install clean& (安装图像处理)# cd /usr/ports/graphics/gimp-manual-pdf && make install clean# cd /usr/ports/graphics/ristretto && make install clean (安装微型图片查看工具)# cd /usr/ports/math/galculator && make install clean (安装图形计算器)# cd /usr/ports/mail/thunderbird && make BATCH=YES install clean&(安装雷鸟)# cd /usr/ports/mail/thunderbird-i18n && make install clean# cd /usr/ports/net-im/pidgin/ && make install clean (IM Client 注意端口用8001)# 成功登陆IRC(之后:/cs register #ChannelName Password &ChannelDescription &(注册自己的Channel)&# cd&/usr/ports/converters/unix2dos && make install clean & (unix2dos and dos2unix)unix2dos and dos2unix are utilities that convertASCII files from the DOS cr/lf format to the UNIXlf format..VirtualBox:# cd&/usr/ports/emulators/virtualbox-ose && make install clean# kldload vboxdrvor# echo 'vboxdrv_load="YES"'>>/boot/loader.conf# pw groupmod vboxusers -m yourusername% VirtualBox &=====================================VirtualBox was installed.You need to load the vboxdrv kernel module via /boot/loader.conf:vboxdrv_load="YES"You also have to add all users to your vboxusers group in order to use vbox.% pw groupmod vboxusers -m jerryReboot the machine to load the needed kernel modules.Bridging Support:=================For bridged networking please add the following line to your /etc/rc.conf:vboxnet_enable="YES"USB Support:============For USB support your user needs to be in the operator group and needs readand write permissions to the USB device.% pw groupmod operator -m jerryAdd the following to /etc/devfs.rules (create if it doesn't exist):[system=10]add path 'usb/*' mode 0660 group operatorTo load these new rule add the following to /etc/rc.conf:devfs_system_ruleset="system"Then restart devfs to load the new rules:% /etc/rc.d/devfs restart========================================Qemu:# cd /usr/ports/emulators/qemu && make install clean (add kqemu option)# kldload&{kqemu,if_bridge,if_tap,aio} &(必备module)# kldstatCreate a 10GB qcow2 image to install Windows XP# qemu-img create -f qcow2&winxp.img&20GInstalling Windows XP ...#&qemu -m 1024 -hda winxp.img -cdrom&xp_sp3_vol_x86.iso&-boot d -localtimeBoot Windows XP ...#&qemu-system-x86_64 &-m 1500 -hda winxp.img&-cdrom xp_sp3_vol_x86.iso \-localtime -M pc -smp 2 -soundhw es1370&-usb -enable-kqemu -kernel-kqemu &-name winxpPS: Windows XP 占用CPU 100% 很无奈,所以还是模拟 Windows2000吧(这个速度是最快的!)或者 用 VirtualBox 安装 Windows XP ...Qemu 模拟 Win2000#&qemu-img create -f qcow2&win2000.img&10G#&qemu -m 1024 -hda win2000.img -cdrom&win2000.iso&-boot d&-win2k-hack#&qemu-system-x86_64 &-m 1500 -hda win2000.img&-cdrom win2000.iso \-localtime -M pc -smp 2 -soundhw es1370&-usb -enable-kqemu -kernel-kqemu &-name win2000Mplayer 具体使用:1. xdpyinfo (获得使用您的显卡的X服务器所支持的扩展列表)&常见图像接口列表:X11: 一般性的使用共享内存的X11输出。XVideo: 一种X11接口扩展,支持任何X11图像的可拖拉。SDL: 简单直接媒体层。DGA: 直接图片存取。SVGAlib: 低层次掌控图片层。XVideo (X11扩展接口,用于提高&画面质量)# xvinfoX-Video Extension version 2.2screen #0no adapters presnet
(表示显卡不支持 XVideo)2. 安装# cd /usr/ports/multimedia/mplayer
(安装mplayer)# make WITH_LANG=zh_CN install clean (选中vdpau显卡加速等需要的选项!)3. 第一次启动前% cd /usr/ports/multimedia/mplayer% make install-user
(自动建立: ~/.mplayer)要播放一个文件,如 testfile.avi, 可以通过各种视频接口当中的某一个去设置 -vo 选项:% mplayer -vo xv testfile.avi% mplayer -vo sdl testfile.avi% mplayer -vo x11 testfile.avi# mplayer -vo dga testfile.avi# mplayer -vo 'sdl:dga' testfile.avi
(详情:man mplayer /-vo)# mplayer -gui -vo x11 testfile.avi (图形界面, 我保证你不会用)常用命令:# mplayer -fs -zoom -vo xv,x11 testfile.avi (全屏模式,不支持xv 则使用x11,你会不支持xv?)# mplayer -ontop -vo xv testfile.avi
(置顶播放)# mplayer -vf screenshot -vo xv testfile.avi (屏幕截图,截图保存到当前目录,按键:s)# mplayer -ss 01:33:00 -vo xv testfile.avi (选择播放起始位置)#&mplayer&-osdlevel 3 testfile.avi
(音量 + 搜索 + 计时器 + 百分比 + 总时间)# mplayer -cache 4096 testfile.avi
(设定缓冲区:KBytes)#&cd ~/audio/;ls |cut -d' ' -f1 > music.lst (制作文件列表,文件名不要留空格)# mplayer -loop 0 -playlist ~/audio/music.lst (无限循环播放列表)# mplayer \//A3C42BFC4C75FAC143DC3DDBEF3D821D/\Special_42001.mp3
(Stream From HTTP)# mplayer 不支持 SWF,建议拖到 浏览器里播放!KeyBoard Control:up and down (Seek forward/backward 1 minute)pgup and pgdown (Seek forward/backward <font class="Apple-style-span" color="# minutes)[ and ]
(Decrease/Increase current playback speed by 10%){ and }
(Halve/Double current playback speed)BACKSPACE (Reset playback speed to normal)Playlist:
(Go backward/forward in the playlist)ENTER
(Go forward in the playlist, even over the end)p / SPACE (Pause, pressing agin unpauses)q / ESC
(Stop playing and quit)Sound:<font class="Apple-style-span" color="# and 0
(Decrease/Increase volume)( and )& (Adjust audio balance in favor of left/right channel)m
(Mute sound)OSD States:o
(Toggle OSD states: none/ seek/ seek+ timer/seek+ timer+ total time)# mplayer -osdlevel 3 testfile.avi设定开始的OSD模式.0只有字幕1音量 + 搜索(默认)2音量 + 搜索 + 计时器 + 百分比3音量 + 搜索 + 计时器 + 百分比 + 总时间Subtitle:v
(Toggle subtitle visibility)j
(Cycle through the available subtitles)y and g
(Step forward/backward in the subtile list)F
(Toggle displaying "forced subtitles")a
(Toggle subtitle alignment: top/ middle/ bottom)r and t
(Move subtitles up/ down)ScreenShot:s
(-vf screenshot only)S
(-vf screentshot only, Start/ Stop taking screenshots)I
(Show filename on the OSD)P
(show progression bar, elapsed time and total duration on the OSD)FullScreen & Stay-On-Top :f
(Toggle fullscreen, also see -fs -zoom)T
(Toggle stay-on-top, also see -ontop)-------------------------------------------------------------为了让 mplayer 的命令行不是太长,使用者可以通过建立一个文件 &来设定如下默认选项:# vim ~/.mplayer/configvo=vdpau # 使用 vdpau 输出设备播放fs=yes
# 全屏ontop=yes # 置顶zoom=yes # 允许改变窗口大小noaspect=yes # 缩放时保持高宽比osdlevel=3 # 显示 当前播放时间 和 总时间:wq-------------------------------------------------------------要播放 DVD, 需要把 testfile.avi 改为 dvd://N -dvd-device DEVICE。&这里 N 是要播放的节目编号, 而 DEVICE 则是 DVD-ROM 的设备节点。例如,要播放 /dev/dvd 的第三个节目# mplayer -vo xv dvd://3 -dvd-device /dev/dvd注意: 可以在编译 MPlayer 时, 通过 WITH_DVD_DEVICE 来指定默认的 DVD 设备。&系统内定的默认设备是 /dev/acd0。 更多细节, 请参考 port 的 Makefile。最后,mplayer 可以把DVD题目(title)抓取成为 .vob 文件。为了从DVD中导出第二个题目,请输入:# mplayer -dumpstream -dumpfile out.vob dvd://2 -dvd-device /dev/dvd  输出文件 out.vob 将是 MPEG 并且可以被这部份描述的其它 “包” 利用。--------------------------------------------------------------------文件:/etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf
用户设置~/.mplayer/input.conf 输入绑定(完整按键列表参见’mplayer &#8722;input keylist’的输出)~/.mplayer/gui.conf GUI配置文件~/.mplayer/
GUI播放列表~/.mplayer/font/ 字体目录(里面必须有一个font.desc文件和.RAW后缀的文件)~/.mplayer/DVDkeys/ 破解的CSS密钥字幕文件按以下顺序搜索(比如播放/mnt/movie/movie.avi文件):/mnt/cdrom/movie.sub~/.mplayer/sub/movie.sub~/.mplayer/default.sub15:Using Linux Mode (MacromediaFlash插件没有FBSD版,用Linux wrapper运行其flash版本)# kldload linux
(加载进来一会用)# cd /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-f10 && make BATCH=YES install distclean# vim /etc/rc.conflinux_enable="YES":wq16:Firefox 和 MacromediaFlash 和 Add-ons &and Chromium# cd /usr/ports/www/firefox/ && make BATCH=YES install cleanvim /boot/loader.confsem_load="YES"
(加载module):wq# cd /usr/ports/www/firefox-i18n/ && make install clean (中文支持)# cd /usr/ports/www/nspluginwrapper && make install clean (提供flash支持)# cd /usr/ports/www/linux-f10-flashplugin10 && make install clean (安装flash插件)# 安装版本11的话不需要&挂载 linproc , 我安装的11 ..# cd /usr/ports/www/linux-f10-flashplugin11 && make install clean (安装flash插件)&# &ln -s /usr/local/lib/npapi/linux-f10-flashplugin/ \/usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/ (做个symbolic Link,官方文档:browser_plugins是个目录,没有的话要创建)
(目录不行:请直接连接,我就是 直接链接的!)# rehash
(Updates FreeBSD's path environment variables)<For instance when you have installed software you may not be able&to run the executables without specifying the path.rehash solves your problem most of the times>% nspluginwrapper -v -a -i
(插件必须由每个用户运行&nspluginwrapper&安装)# 安装版本11(linux-f10-flashplugin11)的话不需要 进行下面的操作 挂载 linproc , 我安装的11 ..实现播放flash 动画效果:# mount &-t linprocfs linproc /usr/compat/linux/proc (挂载 linproc ,事实上 procfs存在安全问题FBSD早就废弃了)# vim /etc/fstablinproc
/usr/compat/linux/proc linprocfs
rw 0 0 (开机自动挂载):wqAdd-ons:firefox - Edit - Preferences - Manage Add-ons -&SearchEase Link:
(转换迅雷、QQ旋风、快车专用链接)Adblock Plus:
(屏蔽广告)Adblock Plus Preferences - Filters -Add filter subscription - Update all subscriptionsNetVideoHunter Video Downloader:
(视频地址检测)NetVideoHunter Options - Show in statusbar - Enable the capturing of SWF filesPS:&npviewer.bin 该进程为flash进程,当关闭flash后不会自动结束,sockstat |grep&npviewer.bin 会看到N多 占用内存超多我的办法是:# echo 'alias killflash killall&npviewer.bin'>>~/.cshrcChromium# cd&/usr/ports/www/chromium/ && make install cleanecho 'alias chrome chrome --incognito'>>~/.cshrc17:compiz-fusion (3D效果)# cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/compiz-fusion && make BATCH=YES install clean% vim start-compiz#!/bin/shcompiz --replace --sm-disable --ignore-desktop-hints ccp &emerald --replace &:wq% chmod +x start-compiz% echo "start-compiz" >> ~/.xinitrcPS: 如果使用了 XDM% echo "start-compiz" >> ~/.xsession% startx&简单设置:&在CompizConfig设置管理器>首选项>在后端选择GConf Configuration Backed (开启即时生效)&&接着> 启用 最小化效果、窗口装饰、震颤窗口、移动窗口、调整窗口大小、应用程序切换条,基本的3D桌面竣工!18:Security监视ports所有软件包安全:# cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/portaudit && make all install clean (portaudit)# portaudit -Fda
(更新数据库, periodic每天自动更新!)# portaudit -a
(开始检查)输出如下:Affected package: cups-base- of problem: cups-base -- HPGL buffer overflow vulnerability.Reference: 1 problem(s) in your installed packages found.You are advised to update or deinstall the affected package(s) immediately.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# cd /usr/ports/ports-mgmt/pkg_cleanup && make install clean & & &&(关于删除冗余ports&)FROM: cd /usr/ports/security/rkhunter && make install clean
(rkhunter&)Sudo:# cd /usr/ports/security/sudo && make install clean# visudoko ALL=(root) !/usr/bin/passwd, /usr/bin/passwd [A-Za-z]*, !/usr/bin/passwd root, /usr/bin/su -Integrity:# cd /usr/ports/security/aide && make install clean
(aide&)# cd /usr/ports/security/tripwire && make install clean
(tripwire&)可用 mtree检查完整性:#&mtree&-x&-ic&-K&cksum&-K&md5digest&-K&sha256digest&-p&/ \-X&/home/mwlucas/mtree-exclude&>&/tmp/mtree.savedspec(Use&-X&&to&specify&a&file&containing&a&list&of&paths&not&to&match)#&mtree&-f&savedspec&-f&newspec&>&mtree.differencesAntiVirus:# cd /usr/ports/security/clamav && make install clean
(clamav&)# cd /usr/ports/security/squidclamav && make install clean (squidclamav&)Monitor:# cd /usr/ports/net-mgmt/cacti && make install clean
(cacti)# cd /usr/ports/net-mgmt/nagios&&& make install clean
(nagios)# cd&/usr/ports/security/nessus && make install clean
(nessus)# cd&/usr/ports/sysutils/lsof && make install clean
(lsof)# cd&/usr/ports/sysutils/pidof&&& make install clean
(pidof)# cd /usr/ports/security/nmap && make install clean
(nmap)# cd /usr/ports/net/wireshark && make install clean
(wireshark)# cd /usr/ports/net/tcpdump && make install clean
(tcpdump: 系统自带)Unix Password Cracker:# cd /usr/ports/security/crack && make install clean
(/usr/local/crack/Crack)Rar Zip 7Z Password Cracker:# cd /usr/ports/security/rarcrack && make install clean
(rarcrack&)Ciphertext Cracker:# cd /usr/ports/security/rainbowcrack && make install clean (rainbowcrack&)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tweaking&User&Security# vim /etc/login.access
(Rules are checked on&a first-fit basis)-:ALL&EXCEPT&wheel:console
-:ALL&EXCEPT&wheel&dns&webmasters:ALL# vim /etc/login.conf
(md5 or &blf):minpasswordlen=28:\
(Password length Limits):mixpasswordcase=true:\
(Password case Limits):wqIf&present,&FreeBSD&complains&if&the&user&changes&his&password&to&an&all lowercase word.# cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf (rebuilds the database file&/etc/login.conf.db)PS:in&fact,&/etc/hosts.equiv&and&its&related&services&have&bitten&eventop-notch&security&experts&who&thought&they&could&use&it&safely.&I&suggestleaving&this&file&empty&and&perhaps&even&making&it&immutable !19:SSHClient:&ssh&user@host
(需要密码&,远程主机信息保存在:~/.ssh/known_hosts)scp&filename&user@host:~/sftp&user@host#&ssh-keygen&-lf&/etc/ssh/ (检查SSH&主机&PubKey&的&fingerprint,Client端会自动下载并比对)用户密码被强制到28位怎么记得住啊?
(为本机 生成 一对密匙)scp&.ssh/
(把PubKey 发到Server 用户家目录)Server:cd&~&mkdir&.ssh
(Server 把Client端 PubKey添加到 授权文件内)Client:ssh&user@host
(现在可以无密码登录喽!)20:Insecure Console (Single-user mode)When you boot FreeBSD in single-user mode, you get a root commandprompt. This is fine for your laptop and works nicely for servers in yourcorporate datacenter, but what about machines in untrusted facilities?# vim /etc/ttysconsole none
unknown off secureTo make the console require a root login when booted into single-usermode,&change the secure to insecure.# vim /etc/ttysconsole none&
unknown off&insecure:wq& 开源赛车Vdrift&Heroes of Newerth 是一款类似于“魔兽争霸3”中 DotA 场景的游戏,支持 Windows,Linux,Mac 操作系统。HON 提供了比 Warcraft III DotA 场景更好的图形效果,并且支持 VoIP。Heroes of Newerth 游戏特点:# 平衡球 Neverball () 支持Windows/Linux/BSD/Mac# cd /usr/ports/games/neverball && make install clean#配置文件一览:# ~/.cshrc# added by ko BEGIN
chrome --incognito
killall npviewer.bin# ps axo pid,comm,pcpu,pmem
# history -c
(clear history)
# wget -r -np -p -k --level=2
# added by ko END有意思的命令,或许阁下用得上哦! ^_^N:MLDonkey(电驴、BT )# cd /usr/ports/net-p2p/mldonkey
# make WITHOUT_GUI=yes WITHOUT_X11="YES" WITHOUT_TK="YES" install clean
%ln -s ~/.mldonkey/incoming ~
在/etc/rc.conf加入mlnet_enable=“YES” 和 mlnet_user=“用户名非root“
%/usr/local/etc/rc.d/mlnet start (注意是%)
1.%telnet 4000
2.>auth admin ""
3.>passwd 键入你想设置的密码
4.>set allowed_ips "" (根据你自己的情况设置)
max_hard_download_rate默认是50 (全局最大下载,根据自己情况设置)
mldonkey有两组两组带宽控制模式,通过点击Bandwidth toggle来更改带宽控制模式。
先删除原先的服务器列表下载地址。点击Options>Web infos找到server.met行然后点击前面的Remove
然后点击Add Url输入“server.met”(不包括引号,放心都是安全服务器列表。)再点击前面的DL也就是DownLoad。
点击Options>Web infos>Add Url输入nodes.gzip
=添加firefox for mldonkey插件=
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