away every vestigechg ...

Vestige - definition of vestige by The Free Dictionary /vestige
vestige Also found in: , , , , .
A visible trace, evidence, or sign of something that once existed but exists or appears no more: a building that is the area's last vestige of its colonial era.2.
Biology A rudimentary or degenerate, usually nonfunctioning, structure that is the remnant of an organ or part that was fully developed or functioning in a preceding generation or an earlier stage of development.[French, from Old French, from Latin vestīgium.]vestige ('v?st?d?) n1. a small trace, mark, hint: a vestige of truth; no vestige of the meal. 2.
(Biology) biology an organ or part of an organism that is a small nonfunctioning remnant of a functional organ in an ancestor[C17: via French from Latin vestīgium track]ves•tige
(ˈvɛs tɪdʒ)
a mark, trace, or visible evidence of something that is no longer present or in existence.
a very slight trace or amount of something:
the last vestige of hope.
a degenerate or imperfectly developed biological structure that performed a useful function at an earlier stage in the development of the individual or evolution of the species.
[;45; & Middle French & Latin vestīgium footprint]
(vɛˈstɪdʒ i əl, -ˈstɪdʒ əl)
ves•tig′i•al•ly, adv.
Switch to Noun1.vestige - an indication that someth "there wasn't a trace of evidence for the claim"; "a tincture of condescension", ,
- a trace suggesting that something was once present or felt or "the footprints of an earlier civilization",
- something that serves to "an indication of foul play"; "indications of strain"; "symptoms are the prime indicants of disease"vestigenoun1. , , , , , , ,
the last vestiges of a great and ancient kingdom2. , , , , , , ,
She had lost every vestige of her puppy fat.vestigenounA mark or remnant that indicates the former presence of something:, , .
poz?statekj??nn?sjalanj?lkij?lkiemlékmaradványnyomなごり痕跡足跡vestige [ˈvestɪdʒ] N1. (= trace) →
mnot a vestige of it remains → no
de ello, de ello no
without a vestige of decency → sin la
if there is a vestige of doubt → si hay una
de a vestige of truth → un
2. (Bio) →
mvestige [ˈvɛstɪdʒ] n →
mvest pocket n (US) →
f de vestige n →
f; the vestige of a moustache (Brit) or mustache (US) → der
eines ; there is not a vestige of truth in what he says → es ist kein
an dem, was er
(Anat) →
ntvestige [ˈvɛstɪdʒ] n → the last vestiges of → le
dives·tige n. vestigio, resto de una estructura que en una etapa previa de la especie o el embrión, tuvo un desarrollo completo.
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As she came walking in, looking very tired but as composed as ever, she observed that every vestige of the unfortunate fete had disappeared, except a suspicious pucker about the corners of Jo's mouth. The lightning is not quicker than was the flame from the rifle of H the limbs of the victim trembled and contracted, the head fell to the bosom, and the body parted the foaming waters like lead, when the element closed above it, in its ceaseless velocity, and every vestige of the unhappy Huron was lost forever. A baker's cart had already rattled through the street, chasing away the latest vestige of night's sanctity with the jingle-jangle of its dissonant bells. Deeper it goes, and deeper into the wilderness, less plainly to b until some few miles hence the yellow leaves will show no vestige of the white man's tread. Furthermore, you are now to consider that only in the extreme, lower, backward sloping part of the front of the head, is there the slightest vestige and not till you get near twenty feet from the forehead do you come to the full cranial development. The whole front of it was covered by a large scarlet bignonia and a native multiflora rose, which, entwisting and interlacing, left scarce a vestige of the rough logs to be seen. There is no house outside the wall on the whole hill, or any vestige all the houses are inside the wall, but there isn't room for another one. He was ill at ease Dawson's La then he said to himself, "All the detectives on earth couldn' there's not a vestige of a cl that homicide will take its place with the permanent mysteries, and people won't get done trying to guess out the secret of it for fifty years. There is a vestige of decency, a sense of shame, that does much to curb and check those outbreaks of atrocious cruelty so commonly enacted upon the plantation. She had left Thornfield H every research after her course had been vain: the country had been
no vestige of information could be gathered respecting her. Not much,' I answered: not a morsel, I thought, surveying with regret the white complexion and slim frame of my companion, and his large languid eyes - his mother's eyes, save that, unless a morbid touchiness kindled them a moment, they had not a vestige of her sparkling spirit. Not the vestige of a blush varied the sallow monoto the smile wreathed his curly lips as pleasantly as ever his party-colored eyes twinkled at Magdalen with the self-enjoying frankness of a naturally harmless man.
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put the paper into the sleeveit could not be worse than it is nowaway every vestige of vegetationand each other
who have lived long in confinement,A clerk who was sitting
leads to.away every vestige of vegetationand each other
ollar of her cloakpast the still fouler


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