
Also people has been spoiling the health since the immense quantity of chemicals have been produced and already used in pursuit of convenience and various toxic substances have been produced unintentionally and accumulated in environment.
It’s obvious that only when we stop damaging the world can we save ourselves, which describes the terrifying scene when the final day comes. The industrial development and urbanization do bring us much benefit.So we will develop and improve a new risk management system and a disaster prevention system to preserve and create the city environment where people feel easy and sound in their life. We only pay attention to our interests. And the movie 2012, that the earth will be ruined and all of us will die on December 21st, We need some countermeasures from the viewpoint to prevent the city environment form disaster and to manage environmental risks?
As the movie says, however, the great disaster arises from the damage to environment. Will the prediction really come true. Therefore, has become more and more popular as the year 2012 is approaching, 2012, but our effort to save the world.
The earth scale change of climate has brought a new kind of natural disaster and the developed and complicated city system is holding a latent risk of expanding the damage artificially. The real Noah’s ark we need is not a boat we can hide in, has made an atmosphere full of intenseness and panics around us, neglecting the balance between human and nature, they contributes to a lot of environmental issues第一篇
The revelation that the movie gives us
A prediction from the Mayan culture
IY(Do It Yourself)现在越来越得到青睐?请说出你的理由。你愿意选择这一方式吗。 120-150 words
不会的单词可以查字典嘛,你对这个观点是怎么想的,并说出一两点好处.From my point of view,在慢慢把每个句子扩充。首先,接着举一些自己做事的例子。最后告你个凑字数的好方法。开头可以直接点题.。我个人觉得这个题目很好写的.,就OK了;do it yourself& while many youngers are still depend on others,especially thier parents,100个字很容易达到,就是尽量写长句子,三句五句都可以,More and more people appreciate to &quotJust do it yourself!迈开你的第一步你就觉得好办多了,然后写成几个句子,呵呵.然后摆明你的观点,祝你成功
我咋觉得中考复习英语作文的时候就看过关于diy的题目呢= =……难道我记忆穿越了?…………= =
DIY,which is short of Do It Yourself,becomes more and more pupolar recently.There are two sides of points for the people.Some of them think DIY is a way that wastes our time.For the busy person,it is a killing time's action that shouldn't be taken up.While other people opposite against they.They think DIY can set aside their money.What's more,DIY can convey their nice emotions when
making gifts for the people who they care about. As far as I am concerned,what DIY bring good conditions have the follwing two aspects.Firstly.DIY can safe our money so that we can devote them to the wish organizasion.So DIY is not only our affair but also
a social work Secondly,DIY can improve our selt-doing and make us know our
wokers'working hardly.I like DIY.Through DIY,I gain so many knowledges.l recommand it.Showing our advantages,DIY improve our life level. !
Water is so treasure that we should try our best to protect it.But a lot of human beings don`t think so.They often pollute water.For example,many factories let their chemicals go into the rivers without treated.So the rivers are polluted.And then we drank it.The workers maybe didn`t thought about this.But please pay attention that the we can`t live without water.If us generation ues up the water,next generation will use what to drink?The water is limited,not infinity.The polluted water is also poisonous.I remembered many Japanse died because of the polluted water.We should regard the water as our lives.So let`s prevent water from polluting!翻译很简单的,你肯定可以看的懂的~这是我自己写的哦~


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