It’s proposed tohat ...

19 英语答题 谁近来看下 It was proposed that the trip ___.选项:a、postpone(推迟)b、postponedc、be postponedd、was postponed选D 是错误的 谁知道
选 cpropose是“提议”,后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气的(should) be postponed并且是被动语态
因为答案说D是错误的 ..所以D就是错误的。
扫描下载二维码has been proposed that we —— our decision until the next morning.A.delay Bcan delay C.are to delay D.delayed该选哪一个?可以说明理由吗?
A虚拟语气.虚拟10动词之一.三个建议之一的propose,其宾语从句用 should +Vshould 省略的结果.这里是变成了被动语态,则成为主语从句了.
A 省略了should的 虚拟语气。像表示“建议,命令”之类的词,不管动词还是名词或者其他,从句一般都用should +动词原形
后面都接 (should)+动词原形
选A。因为出现了词propose,所以要用should + 动词原形,should 可以省略
虚拟语气,should +动词原形 ,应该选择A
选A,it has been proposed that 表示建议的意思,其引导的句子要求用虚拟语气,即(should) do。在英语句子中,只要有建议、命令、要求、坚持要求,即“建坚要命”的意思时四种名词性从句中都要求用虚拟语气。
虚拟语气,propose that+虚拟
our decision
原文:Three Super Brain Foods That Will Help You Think Better
There’s no doubt that
plays an important role in how you look
and feel as well as your risk of developing disease. Interestingly,
it may also play a critical role in how well you think. A recent
study carried out in Europe showed that the intake of three
different, commonly available foods had a significant impact on
test scores that measured cognitive skills. Could these three brain
healthy foods help to improve your thinking skills?
This study looked at the eating habits of 2,031
older participants in their early seventies. They were specifically
looking at how much they ate of t red wine,
chocolate, and tea. After determining their intake of these foods,
the participants were given a battery of tests to measure their
cognitive ability. It was found that individuals who consumed the
greatest amounts of these three brain healthy foods had the highest
cognitive test scores. They also saw a dose dependent effect,
meaning the more of these foods the subjects consumed, the higher
their test scores. Including all three foods in the diet appeared
to elevate the test scores the most with the most impressive
effects seen with red wine.
Why are These Foods so Special?
What do all of these brain healthy foods have in
common? They’re all an excellent source of flavonoids, natural
plant based biochemicals that have anti-oxidant capabilities.
Several previous studies have shown that flavonoids may be
important in maintaining brain function by helping to protect brain
cells against injury related to oxidative stress. It’s been
proposed that flavonoids can potentially help to prevent the
decline in brain function that occurs with natural aging. By
helping to protect brain cells, these brain healthy foods may help
to improve your thinking skills.
Should you Add These Brain Healthy Foods to Your
All three of these foods have shown some
potential health benefits in humans in addition to their effects on
cognitive function. Green tea and to a lesser extent black tea has
shown a variety of positive benefits ranging from cancer prevention
to protective effects on the heart. Both red wine and chocolate
have shown cardioprotective effects in studies. The drawback to red
wine consumption is that drinking more than a glass a day has been
associated with an increased risk of br and
chocolate if eaten in large quantities could cause weight gain.
Nevertheless, adding moderate amounts of these brain healthy foods
to your diet may be beneficial in a variety of ways, including the
potential to improve your thinking skills.
All in all, adding these three brain healthy
foods to your diet in moderate amounts may be a wise move not only
to improve your thinking skill, but for health in
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。it is proposed that的用法和样例:
It is proposed that heshould be put in prison.
It is proposed that we meet on Thursday.
It is proposed that we should give up the plan.
It is proposed that the meeting be adjourned.
It is proposed that this question be discussed at the next meeting.
It is proposed we go to the station to meet our guest.
it is proposed that的海词问答与网友补充:
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