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本帖子已过去太久远了,不再提供回复功能。David Halen is leading the violins of the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra in Beethoven(7)’s Symphony Number Seven. HALEN: In a string section, often large numbers of people are playing the same material and in order to do that effectively, we have to play it precisely together and what I try to do is to help that happen. Either in what I try to do with my body is try and gesture and demonstrate or signal my colleagues in a constructive, positive manner. Or if I need to talk to a leader of another section, to try to help get things together, I do that.
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张 | 更多
  我来也。。。    DAVID HALEN 在圣路易丝交响乐团演出的贝多芬第七交响曲中主奏小提琴。    海伦(此名HELEN的变体):在弦乐的部分中,常有很多人演奏相同的乐谱,为了使(大合奏)更有效率,我们必须一起精确无误地演奏,而我所做的就是要使之发生。我用积极有建设性的态度方式来摆姿势,示范或者提示我的同事们。如果我需要和另一部分(指乐团的其他部分)的头谈来使事情解决的话,我会这么做。    楼主要这干啥啊?楼主喜欢音乐?  
  IMHO,楼上的版本很像机器翻译。  不过大概意思差不多啦!    string section 弦乐组  leader of another section 其它乐组的领奏者
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As China's WTO commitments in the 21st century, deepening the market openness, foreign mergers and acquisitions the rapid development of international direct investment has become a major mode of a profound impact on the world economic landscape. Although the acquisition of foreign capital has brought a number of Chinese enterprises need capital, technology and advanced management experience, but with the increase in the case of large-scale foreign mergers and acquisitions, especially multinational corporations related to China's strategic industries, mergers and acquisitions, foreign mergers and acquisitions leading to the domestic market dominance and national economic security is increasingly prominent. In order to regulate foreign M & A activity, the relevant departments have been successively adopted a series of relevant laws and regulations. In August 2006, six ministries jointly issued &on the mergers and acquisitions of domestic enterprises, foreign investors, provides that& foreign mergers and acquisitions of domestic enterprises in China's basic legal institutional framework has been formed. Gestation two years of &anti-monopoly law& also on August 1, 2008 came into effect, this is known as &economic constitution,& said the introduction of the law will help curb the monopoly power of transnational corporations in China. In March 2009, the Ministry of Commerce after six months of review, the United States banned the acquisition of China Huiyuan Coca-Cola Company, became the first since the implementation of the Act did not pass case. At present, the domestic and international topics of research on this very rich, but most are urging China's &anti-monopoly law,& the introduction. Now, the legal system is relatively mature, but the lack of uniformity, repeat operation even contradictions exist substantially. Among the legal framework to create, how to more effectively regulate foreign mergers and acquisitions, to better promote China's economic development, is the urgent need to resolve. In this paper, the concept of defining areas of foreign mergers and acquisitions, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of our analysis, review of foreign mergers and acquisitions in China's development process, the existing laws on foreign capital M & A antitrust review of the relevant provisions, and cited the recent merger of Coca-Cola Huiyuan a sensational case, to find out the current foreign acquisition of domestic enterprises exist in antitrust review related issues, which puts forward measures and proposals, hoping that through the topics of research, improve China's &anti-monopoly law& Rather than supporting measures, in order to provide a good system for acquisition by foreign investors security and procedural norms, the better to guide the development of foreign mergers and acquisitions in China. This paper is divided into six parts: the first part, define the content of mergers and acquisitions by foreign investors in China. Second part of the analysis of foreign mergers and acquisitions to the benefits and drawbacks of our country. Part III, expounded China's foreign investment M & A's anti-monopoly review system. The fourth part, recalls the case of Coca-Cola Huiyuan acquisition, through the interpretation of examples reveal problems. Part V, the system summed up China's current laws on foreign capital M & A antitrust regulatory problem. Fifth part, made their recommendations to improve China's foreign investment M & A's anti-monopoly review system to better guide the development of foreign mergers and acquisitions in China.
As China's WTO commitments in the 21st century, deepening the market openness, foreign mergers and acquisitions the rapid development of international direct investment has become a major mode of a profound impact on the world economic landscape. Although the acquisition of foreign capital has brought a number of Chinese enterprises need capital, technology and advanced management experience, but with the increase in the case of large-scale foreign mergers and acquisitions, especially multinational corporations related to China's strategic industries, mergers and acquisitions, foreign mergers and acquisitions leading to the domestic market dominance and national economic security is increasingly prominent. In order to regulate foreign M & A activity, the relevant departments have been successively adopted a series of relevant laws and regulations. In August 2006, six ministries jointly issued &on the mergers and acquisitions of domestic enterprises, foreign investors, provides that& foreign mergers and acquisitions of domestic enterprises in China's basic legal institutional framework has been formed. Gestation two years of &anti-monopoly law& also on August 1, 2008 came into effect, this is known as &economic constitution,& said the introduction of the law will help curb the monopoly power of transnational corporations in China. In March 2009, the Ministry of Commerce after six months of review, the United States banned the acquisition of China Huiyuan Coca-Cola Company, became the first since the implementation of the Act did not pass case. At present, the domestic and international topics of research on this very rich, but most are urging China's &anti-monopoly law,& the introduction. Now, the legal system is relatively mature, but the lack of uniformity, repeat operation even contradictions exist substantially. Among the legal framework to create, how to more effectively regulate foreign mergers and acquisitions, to better promote China's economic development, is the urgent need to resolve. In this paper, the concept of defining areas of foreign mergers and acquisitions, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of our analysis, review of foreign mergers and acquisitions in China's development process, the existing laws on foreign capital M & A antitrust review of the relevant provisions, and cited the recent merger of Coca-Cola Huiyuan a sensational case, to find out the current foreign acquisition of domestic enterprises exist in antitrust review related issues, which puts forward measures and proposals, hoping that through the topics of research, improve China's &anti-monopoly law& Rather than supporting measures, in order to provide a good system for acquisition by foreign investors security and procedural norms, the better to guide foreign mergers and acquisitions in China's development. This paper is divided into six parts: the first part, define the content of mergers and acquisitions by foreign investors in China. Second part of the analysis of foreign mergers and acquisitions to the benefits and drawbacks of our country. Part III, expounded China's foreign investment M & A's anti-monopoly review system. The fourth part, recalls the case of Coca-Cola Huiyuan acquisition, through the interpretation of examples reveal problems. Part V, the system summed up China's current laws on foreign capital M & A antitrust regulatory problem. Fifth part, made their recommendations to improve China's foreign investment M & A's anti-monopoly review system to better guide the development of foreign mergers and acquisitions in China.
是这个么?好像和楼上的重了= =
As China's WTO commitments in the 21st century, deepening the market openness, foreign mergers and acquisitions the rapid development of international direct investment has become a major mode of a profound impact on the world economic landscape. Although the acquisition of foreign capital has brought a number of Chinese enterprises need capital, technology and advanced management experience, but with the increase in the case of large-scale foreign mergers and acquisitions, especially multinational corporations related to China's strategic industries, mergers and acquisitions, foreign mergers and acquisitions leading to the domestic market dominance and national economic security is increasingly prominent. In order to regulate foreign M & A activity, the relevant departments have been successively adopted a series of relevant laws and regulations. In August 2006, six ministries jointly issued &on the mergers and acquisitions of domestic enterprises, foreign investors, provides that& foreign mergers and acquisitions of domestic enterprises in China's basic legal institutional framework has been formed. Gestation two years of &anti-monopoly law& also on August 1, 2008 came into effect, this is known as &economic constitution,& said the introduction of the law will help curb the monopoly power of transnational corporations in China. In March 2009, the Ministry of Commerce after six months of review, the United States banned the acquisition of China Huiyuan Coca-Cola Company, became the first since the implementation of the Act did not pass case. At present, the domestic and international topics of research on this very rich, but most are urging China's &anti-monopoly law,& the introduction. Now, the legal system is relatively mature, but the lack of uniformity, repeat operation even contradictions exist substantially. Among the legal framework to create, how to more effectively regulate foreign mergers and acquisitions, to better promote China's economic development, is the urgent need to resolve.
In this paper, the concept of defining areas of foreign mergers and acquisitions, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of our analysis, review of foreign mergers and acquisitions in China's development process, the existing laws on foreign capital M & A antitrust review of the relevant provisions, and cited the recent merger of Coca-Cola Huiyuan a sensational case, to find out the current foreign acquisition of domestic enterprises exist in antitrust review related issues, which puts forward measures and proposals, hoping that through the topics of research, improve China's &anti-monopoly law& Rather than supporting measures, in order to provide a good system for acquisition by foreign investors security and procedural norms, the better to guide foreign mergers and acquisitions in China's development. This paper is divided into six parts: the first part, define the content of mergers and acquisitions by foreign investors in China. Second part of the analysis of foreign mergers and acquisitions to the benefits and drawbacks of our country. Part III, expounded China's foreign investment M & A's anti-monopoly review system. The fourth part, recalls the case of Coca-Cola Huiyuan acquisition, through the interpretation of examples reveal problems. Part V, the system summed up China's current laws on foreign capital M & A antitrust regulatory problem. Fifth part, made their recommendations to improve China's foreign investment M & A's anti-monopoly review system to better guide the development of foreign mergers and acquisitions in China.
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Safe production is the eternal theme of the enterprise and the constant pursuit
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Safe production is the eternal theme of the enterprise and the same pursuit
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更多精彩尽在 , Enjoy xcar!
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Safe production is the eternal theme of the enterprise and the constant pursuit
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Safe production is the eternal theme of the enterprise and the Changeless pursuit
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非要直译就是:shit is always shit!
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非要直译就是:shit is always shit! swine&&is always&&swine.
A man without a sense of humor
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22:51 编辑 ]


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