I'm not even upset jocelyn pook,...

I'm debating... by EilisAngelos on DeviantArt
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Mar 29, :48 PM
I want to play with makeup and add more pictures. However, the only camera that I have access to at present is on my phone and lighting here isn't that great. So, here's my dilemma: Should I play with makeup and add crummy pictures that I can move to scraps later? I would move them to scraps after I'd re-done the makeup look and used a proper camera.Second option is to just wait until I have access do a decent camera.What do you think?PS I think the second option would drive me crazy. I want to do more makeup SO badly.
Listening to: Skillet-Better Than Drugs
Watching: Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Eating: Nothing... I should eat.
go for it then.
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I'm a dog chasing cars. (:
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Current Residence: a house in a place with the people and the thing..Favourite genre of music: Rock, techno, underground, oldies, motown, anything basicallyMP3 player of choice: iPodFavourite cartoon character: Batman, Birdma Pikachu, Scooby DooPersonal Quote: &That has 'sex' and 'eaten by wolves' written all over it.&
Sep 28, :40 PM
[09 things about yourself]1. i recently began noticing how i pick up habits from other people. like, i make the same face annemarie makes that's all ":/", i've caught myself patting peoples' shoulders as a goodbye like matt does, once i even caught myself adding on unnecissarily to a rebuke like my french teacher.2. if im ever quiet, its usually because i'm either shy, nervous, unhappy, or trying to think of soemthing to say but don't wanna talk for the sake of talking and sound stupid. ...if that makes sense.
also, i move around a LOT when i'm nervous. like, i'll clean my room if i'm on the phone with someone who makes me nervous, or i'll be talking to someone and sorta clean up n stuff.3. I WENT TO MY FIRST CONCERT THIS WEEKEND&3 me, matt, his friend fat tony and tony's dad and brother roman went to see the blink-182 concert this weekend and i saw fall out boy live, which is what i wanted to see for my first concert. also we w of course out of us two beginners matt was a natural, being the freaking genius he is and understanding it in terms of aerodynamics. i just focused on not banging on walls and wasn't as good obviously as i'm kinda bruisedish aroud the extremities, but im smaller and almost went flying again trying to get out of the tunnel once or twice. it was a great first concert&34. i'm a J don't like being classified as 'religious'; christianity is a relationship not a religion to me. but we already knew that didn't we? and don't we sound like a creeper talking in the third person? ;D5. im realllly rational and literal, for lack of a better word, when it comes to important stuff that i'm trying to figure out, like feelings sometimes. i've never really been in love and i feel like im working too much within set guidelines for myself when all i really want it for it to happen naturally. uh, i think? not sure exactly what i just said there6. i try really hard that's like my biggest thing to avoid doing. i just think that with all the crap people have going on in their lives, i really don't have to add to it, so if i can make their day a little easier by not doing something that would piss them off then i wont.7. im still not entirely sure what to study in college. yipes?8. so its been like almsot two or three weeks and some people haven't figured out that matt and i stopped dating. i would call it breaking up but i prefer not to think of it that way as a) we're still super close, like getting to best friend status, so we basically just s i would say not touching as much but yesterday would be a blatant contradiction. he makes a reallly comfy pillow and b) i don't want to sound pathetic.9. i really want to fall in love with my best friend. which leads to a part b of this: im realllly cheesy on the inside and part of me thinks that part is stupid but the cheesy part doesn't care and i'm trying to let that side out more. [08 ways to win your heart]01; trust me. i wanna be with someone i can trust, and i like that we can have secrets. knowing that you told me something that no one else knows makes a person feel special.02; include me, not to sound needy? not like take me everywhere you go, because im lazy and like to hang out at home and have alone time a lot, but if you ask for my opinion or something on somethign that important to you is what im talking about. everyone wants to know that they matter.03; i like/have recently realized i hang out with reallly smart people (aka nerds). example: while hanging out with matt and tony, they were taling aobut how tony wants to name his daughter potassium permagnate because "its the most beautiful shade of purple", and then when matts mom asked what that was matt knew the chemical formula for it right off the top of his head like it was nothing. this coming from two guys who just came from a punk concert. point it, i like being stimu i LIKE learning stuff, provided that i'm understanding it. id like to be with someoen who can teach me new stuff cause thatd be cool04; make me laugh. not too hard usually, but if you can make me laugh REALLY hard, like the kind where my shoulders shake but no noise comes out and i gasp for air still, then youre on your way. (GO CHEESE SIDE :'D)05; being a musician helps. ive always thought band couples were cute. (:06; dont do stuff just because you feel you should. for example, valentines day: don't tell my you love me just because the calendar says so. i'd prefer some crappy second-hand batman action figure you got at the flea market for two bucks on a random tuesday than a really expensive gift on valentines day. do things with me because you WANT i dont want to make someone i like do somethign they dont want to do because thats not how id want to be treated.07; dont be afraid to touch me. i mean, if i'm comfortable with you and we've crossed the touch barrier then go for it. just cause im quiet and reserved doest mea i actually like body language more than verbal sometimes, its just easier to be able to communicate with people if i can touch them too, usually dealing with like feelings and stuff. communications a biggie also.08; like Jesus. i just couldn't date someone who doesn't believe in G no offense to atheists or agnostics, but im convinced that its not going to happen unless God wants to work through me, which would explain what happened with gage, in my mind at least.[07 things that cross your mind a lot]01; i should pratice piano/flute sometime...02; how something relates to any song im listening to03; wihsing i had more time for fandomly activities04; matt (IM A GIRL I CANT HELP IT.)05; what should i do this weekend?06; i'm hungry. (YES AMANDA I FEEL YOUR HUNGER PAIN ): )07; ways to use time efficiently that usually dont happen[06 things you do before you fall asleep]01; read the Bible a bit02; pray03; brush teeth/take out contacts/wash face04; check various networking sites05; watch whatevers on adult swim06; daydream about stuff[05 people who mean a lot:]01; God02; dad/annemarie/john (count as one cause family)03; marlee04; amanda05; matt[04 things you're wearing right now:]01; pants i got IN JAPAN02; button-up black and white and grey checkered shirt from pacsun03; black bra with white skulls04; white boyshorts with black skulls - I LOVE PSUDEOMATCHING UNDERWEAR SETS [03 songs that you listen to often:]01; blink-182 songs lately, currently " the rock show"02; various fall out boy songs03; i gotta feeling - the black-eyed peas[02 things you want to do before you die:]01; fall in love02; learn as many fun things as i can. is it just me or do i suck at answering questions with too-vauge answers? xD[01 confession:] 01; for the 'win my heart' section i basically described matt. i apologize for disgusting anyone with my girliness, the cheesy side's been repressed for a while and its responsible for entetertaining the semi-likely reasons for whats happened between us lately. i really dont like how much that last sentence sounds like a recap of some lame teen drama. but hope runs on the smallest things so... im just gonna stop typing now xD;ILOVEYOUGUYSBTW. i should actually be in bed right now if i dont want to sleep in too much tomorrow but yeah point is i miss talking to you cause of my lack of time IM SORRY ):
Listening to: dear maria - all time low
Reading: the case for faith - lee strobel
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oo...-wipes foam away-I LOVE MY FERAL MANDABEAR :'DDD
I'm your favorite artist? Yeah right.
psssssssssst.... I'm just here to say hi to the Batman sprouting out of your head. *o* He's sexy.
ooooo:for a second I thoguht it was a random stranger commenting on his sexyness. xD;Batman: -shakes what his momma gave him- ;3
I AM A RANDOM STRANGER 0&... sometimes ):e3e *leers at Batman*
Thanks for the fave ^^
Haha, you're welcome. nn You made JD look so cute&3!I'm Back by Alones on DeviantArt
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Jan 11, :56 PM
Listening to: Aveged Sevenfold
Watching: Saint Seiya: the Hades
Playing: Soldat
Eating: Doritos (:3)
Drinking: Pepsi Twist
Looks like I've returned. Thanks to Saint Seiya and my training to become a top spriter.Give it a shot at the Athena Project, just at your left.
Welcome back, dude!
Hey Alones, seja bem vindo devolta (após muito tempo) ao DA.
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