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How Do You Make Paper From a Tree? | Wonderopolis
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How do you make paper from a tree?Can paper be made from plants other than trees?What is pulp?
Today’s Wonder of the Day was inspired by Stacy
, AL. Stacy Wonders, “How are trees made into paper” Thanks for WONDERing with us, Stacy!
Wood (pun intended!) you believe paper is made from trees? It's true! Let's take a look at how trees are turned into all sorts of paper.If you look at a tree, you might have a hard time imagining how something so tall and strong could be turned into something as thin and weak as a sheet of paper. The process begins with the raw wood, which is made up of fibers called "."The
fibers are stuck together with a natural glue called "." When the
is removed and the
fibers are separated and reorganized, paper can be made.It's also possible to make paper from a variety of other types of plant fibers, such as cotton, flax, bamboo and hemp. For example, cotton fibers are often used to make the . The overwhelming
(about 95 percent) of the raw material used to make paper, though, comes from trees.To make paper from trees, the raw wood must first be turned into "." Wood
is a watery “soup" of
wood fibers, , water and the chemicals used during the pulping process.Wood can be turned to
in a couple of different ways.
pulping involves using machines to grind wood chips into .The resulting
retains most of its , though. The short fibers created by grinding leads to weak paper most suitable for , phone books or other types of low-strength papers.The more commonly used method is
pulping, also known as “kraft." Chemicals are used to separate
fibers, leaving a
mixture that can make stronger papers.Depending on what type of paper is desired, the
mixture might need to be bleached to create whiter paper. Papermakers use a variety of chemicals to
to the color they want.Once the
is ready, it is then used to make paper in a process that is quite similar (in the basics) to the process first used by the ancient Chinese more than 1,900 years ago. Because the
mixture is so watery (sometimes as much as 99 percent water!), the
fibers need to be separated from the watery mixture.Huge machines spray the
mixture onto moving mesh screens to make a layered mat. The mat of
then goes through several processes to remove water and dry it out.Finally, the mat is run through heated rollers to squeeze out any remaining water and compress it into one continuous roll of paper that can be up to 30 feet wide.When the paper has the desired thickness, it may be colored or coated with special chemicals to give it a special texture, extra strength or water resistance. As a last step, the paper rolls are cut to size and packaged for shipping to other facilities for additional processing to turn it into all sorts of specialized papers.
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You can learn . All you'll need are a few simple items, such as scrap paper, a blender, white glue, a wire hanger and an old pair of pantyhose.Once you've made your paper, write a note on it and send it to us at Wonderopolis. We'd love to see how it turned out!Wonderopolis HQ 325 West Main Street, Suite 300 Louisville, KY
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for contributing questions about today’s Wonder topic!
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Wonder Words
making paper from trees is a waste of air
Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this Wonder, b! We appreciate you stopping by Wonderopolis! :)
we are wasting trees by making them into paper. it is easier to use paper but it is still wasting it
We appreciate your comment, blank! It's GREAT you're looking out for the environment! :)
We're sorry you didn't like this Wonder, Logan! Luckily, there are many more Wonders you can ! We're sure you will find one you like better! :)
We're sorry you didn't like this Wonder, g. Luckily, there are many more Wonders you can explore on Wonderopolis! We're sure you will find one you like better! :)
I didn't know money is made out of cotton
We're THRILLED you learned something new, Shania! Thanks for WONDERing with us! :)
Hi, nikayla! We're glad you're WONDERing! Sometimes it helps us to read the Wonder again. You can also keep researching the topic at the library and online! :)
Its a good and interesting topic to be dicussed about
Hi, Shiaritza! We're THRILLED you liked this Wonder! It's GREAT when we're learning and having fun, too! :)
It is an interesting topic to be discussed :) <3
We're glad you liked this Wonder, H! Visit again soon! :)
This is the best website ever
Thanks for the KIND words, Sean! We're glad you're having fun exploring Wonderopolis! :)
I used Wonderopolis, tree to paper in my class
Great, Sean! Thanks for stopping back by Wonderopolis! Always keep WONDERing! :)
How long does each stage in the paper-making process take? I would like to work out how long it takes from wood to paper.
We're glad you're still WONDERing, Kelsey! We encourage you to embark on your own Wonder Journey to discover more about this topic, as well! We're sure you can discover all sorts of interesting facts by researching your questions online and at your library! :)
this is the worst website ever.
We're sorry you're not having fun at Wonderopolis, jack! There are more than 1,600 Wonders to explore! We hope you check out some of the other Wonders! :)
it looks like a star is in the tree in my report im going to put this in but i still need the authors name thank u for helping me
Hi, Michael! Thank you for using Wonderopolis and asking how to cite this article!
The following is how you would cite the Wonder of the Day. You may use Wonderopolis as the author and since we do not list the publish date, you can use the date you accessed the article for information. If that was today, then use today's date for your citation.
"How Do You Make Paper From a Tree?" Wonderopolis. Web. 3 February 2016.
Thank you, Wonder Friend! :)
Awesome! How do you guys think of all this stuff? Are there people that work for you guys that just think of all these questions? Its really cool.
Hi, Domenic! There is a whole team here at Wonderopolis, but our Wonder Friends think of the Wonder questions. You can submit question to the
i think that making paper is cool
That sounds interesting, domanic! We will have to give it a try! :)
YAY! Thanks for finally answering my question! (you see my name at the top)
You're welcome, Victoria! Thank you for WONDERing with us! We hope you enjoyed this Wonder of the Day! :)
it is really wonder full actually I want short steps to make paper because I have to learn it for my speech but I am trying to learn this also if any one can do short steps please do and say me.
Thanks for visiting Wonderopolis to find info for your speech! We hope this Wonder was helpful! :)
why did the author want to wright a
article like this and how does he or her know all these things about wood and ask the author to see why they cut down trees to make paper why cant they make paper out of some thing else like the trees bark so then its still
apart of the tree but you dont have to cut the tree down.
The bark is how water and nutrients moves up the tree so cutting off the bark is the same as cutting down the tree without the benifit of having more materials. Cutting off the bark is the same as killing the tree.
Thanks for sharing that information, Niomi! We appreciate you adding to the conversation! :)
We love all the WONDERing you're doing, Sierra Lee! Lots of our Wonder Friends have WONDERed how paper is made, so we decided to research it and then share what we learned! :)
It really helped me. Thanks. :) But sadly i needed to know whose the author for my class report, Thanks .
Hi, Nio! We're glad this Wonder was helpful. Thanks for visiting Wonderopolis for your report. It's always important to cite your sources when doing a report. The official Wonderopolis
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2. Inclusion of the following branding information: “Wonderopolis is brought to life by the National Center for Families Learning.”
Since our Wonders are sometimes updated, the proper way to cite the publishing date is to list the date you consulted our page for your research. Good luck on your report! :)
In the picture, it looked like there was paper coming out of the tree.
Hi, Katelynn! Thanks for exploring this Wonder! We're glad you liked it.
It does look there is paper coming out of the tree. Crazy! We hope you're having a GREAT day! :)
uhmm.. may I ask who is the author of this article?what is the references and date of published? because I kindly need it for my research paper to make a literature review of production of paper, thank you
Welcome, Jaena Manalad! Great question!
Your right in that it's always important to cite your sources when doing a research paper. The official Wonderopolis
Wonderopolis materials may be cited or excerpted in periodicals, books, and educational materials under the following stipulations:
1. A URL of the material referenced is provided so that readers may access it online
2. Inclusion of the following branding information: “Wonderopolis is brought to life by the National Center for Families Learning.”
Since our Wonders are sometimes updated, the proper way to cite the publishing date is to list the date you consulted our page for your research. Good luck on your paper! :)
I am interested in making paper from wood and shrubs like bamboo.
Lawrence I love your idea because then we don't have to cut trees down then we can save the animals but if we use to much bamboo there will be none left for the pandas in the world
That's a good point, sierra lee! We have to be mindful of how much wood we cut down so that animals still have plenty of habitat in which to live. There are ways each of us can indirectly help: reduce the amount of paper we use, reuse paper by using both sides of it and recycle paper once we are finished with it! :)
That sounds WONDERful, Lawrence! Thanks for WONDERing with us today! :)
Hi, Wonderopolis.
The video showed weird handwriting, but I thought that was AWESOME!
Thanks so much for telling us you liked the video, Jordan!
The writing on the video was a special decorative "font" (style of letters) that the people who made the video used to create emphasis!
They wanted to make sure everyone understood all of the fun steps to creating paper at home!
Hello, cookiesaregood! All this talk about cookies is making us hungry! :)
Wonderopolis, I did learn a lot of new facts.
That makes us super happy, Mahima!
Thanks for writing us back!
Have a WONDERful day!
Hi, Wonderopolis. I think the word cellulose is a big word.
It's funny how trees can make paper.
I think it's sad that people cut down trees for paper and other things.
But, I like that they plant new trees.
It is a hard process to make paper from trees, but it is also fascinating how they do it.
I might try making paper when I grow up, but for now, I'll just use paper.
It is interesting that you can make paper from other things too, like cotton, flax, bamboo, and hemp. I like this wonder. This is a great wonder, Wonderopolis. Thank you for making Wonderopolis fun.
Hi, Mahima!
It really makes our day to know that you think Wonderopolis is a fun place to visit!
We're super glad you chose to explore this Wonder about trees and making paper.
From your comment, we can tell that you learned a lot of new facts!
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Joined APSense since, May 23rd, 2012, From Suzhou, China.
Created on Sep 29th . Viewed 130 times.
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