no man can kill metwo thin...

5 Must-Know Flirting Techniques That NO Man Can Resist
| YourTangoTry this little test. A man dressed completely in black is sitting at a bar in a country pub. He is drinking one whisky after another. After three hours, the man in black leaves the pub and walks drunkenly down a small country road. There are no lights, and there is no moon. A car without headlights approaches. The driver notices the man, however, and is able to brake in time to avoid an accident. How could the driver see the man in black? Think about this.The reason we can get stuck with this – and other problems in life—is that we make assumptions. If we assume that the man in black is out for an evening drink, then the problem is a hard one to solve.The dictionary describes an assumption as something we take for granted or suppose to be true. Assumptions are essential to logical thinking and decision-making, but what happens if they are false?Sometimes false assumptions can lead to disaster. On 8 January 1989, a British Midland Airways Boeing took off from Heathrow for Belfast. The number-two (right) engine, which had caused trouble on the previous flight, had been cleared. Twenty minutes after take-off, the plane began to shake violently. The flight recorder later showed what had happened. The captain asked the co-pilot what the problem was. “It’s the f-ing right engine again!” he replied. The captain ordered no.2 engine to be shut down, and the lefthand (no.1) engine to be turned on for an emergency landing. The 737 crashed on the edge of the M1 motorway. The cause of the crash? The captain and copilot made a false assumption and shut down the wrong engine. Of the 118 passengers, 39 died and 74 suffered serious injury. The more risky or the more expensive the decision, the more important it is to check assumptions. There is a nice way to remember the importance of assumption checking. Look at the letters in the word ASSUME, and note that taking things for granted can make an ASS(傻瓜) of U and ME.1. What purpose does Paragraph 1 serve in the passage? A. To provide background information of the topic. B. To attract readers attention to the topic. C. To use an example to support the topic. D. To offer basic knowledge of the topic.2. The main purpose of the passage is to remind the readers _________. A. of the importance of making assumptions B. of the danger of making assumptions C. to make assumptions before dealing with problems D. to check assumptions before dealing with problems3. The best title for this passage may probably be __________. A. Assumptions Lead To Disaster B. Ways of Avoiding False Assumption
C. When Things Are Not as They First Seem D. Assumptions and Decision-making4. The most probable reason that the driver can see the man in black is that
. A. there were bright stars in the sky when the accident happened. B. the driver had very good eyesight. C. the accident happened where the lights were bright. D. the accident happened during the afternoon, in daylight. - 跟谁学
在线咨询下载客户端关注微信公众号&&&分类:Try this little test. A man dressed completely in black is sitting at a bar in a country pub. He is drinking one whisky after another. After three hours, the man in black leaves the pub and walks drunkenly down a small country road. There are no lights, and there is no moon. A car without headlights approaches. The driver notices the man, however, and is able to brake in time to avoid an accident. How could the driver see the man in black? Think about this.The reason we can get stuck with this – and other problems in life—is that we make assumptions. If we assume that the man in black is out for an evening drink, then the problem is a hard one to solve.The dictionary describes an assumption as something we take for granted or suppose to be true. Assumptions are essential to logical thinking and decision-making, but what happens if they are false?Sometimes false assumptions can lead to disaster. On 8 January 1989, a British Midland Airways Boeing took off from Heathrow for Belfast. The number-two (right) engine, which had caused trouble on the previous flight, had been cleared. Twenty minutes after take-off, the plane began to shake violently. The flight recorder later showed what had happened. The captain asked the co-pilot what the problem was. “It’s the f-ing right engine again!” he replied. The captain ordered no.2 engine to be shut down, and the lefthand (no.1) engine to be turned on for an emergency landing. The 737 crashed on the edge of the M1 motorway. The cause of the crash? The captain and copilot made a false assumption and shut down the wrong engine. Of the 118 passengers, 39 died and 74 suffered serious injury. The more risky or the more expensive the decision, the more important it is to check assumptions. There is a nice way to remember the importance of assumption checking. Look at the letters in the word ASSUME, and note that taking things for granted can make an ASS(傻瓜) of U and ME.1. What purpose does Paragraph 1 serve in the passage? A. To provide background information of the topic. B. To attract readers attention to the topic. C. To use an example to support the topic. D. To offer basic knowledge of the topic.2. The main purpose of the passage is to remind the readers _________. A. of the importance of making assumptions B. of the danger of making assumptions C. to make assumptions before dealing with problems D. to check assumptions before dealing with problems3. The best title for this passage may probably be __________. A. Assumptions Lead To Disaster B. Ways of Avoiding False Assumption
C. When Things Are Not as They First Seem D. Assumptions and Decision-making4. The most probable reason that the driver can see the man in black is that
. A. there were bright stars in the sky when the accident happened. B. the driver had very good eyesight. C. the accident happened where the lights were bright. D. the accident happened during the afternoon, in daylight.Try this little test. A man dressed completely in black is sitting at a bar in a country pub. He is drinking one whisky after another. After three hours, the man in black leaves the pub and walks drunkenly down a small country road. There are no lights, and there is no moon. A car without headlights approaches. The driver notices the man, however, and is able to brake in time to avoid an accident. How could the driver see the man in black? Think about this.The reason we can get stuck with this – and other problems in life—is that we make assumptions. If we assume that the man in black is out for an evening drink, then the problem is a hard one to solve.The dictionary describes an assumption as something we take for granted or suppose to be true. Assumptions are essential to logical thinking and decision-making, but what happens if they are false?Sometimes false assumptions can lead to disaster. On 8 January 1989, a British Midland Airways Boeing took off from Heathrow for Belfast. The number-two (right) engine, which had caused trouble on the previous flight, had been cleared. Twenty minutes after take-off, the plane began to shake violently. The flight recorder later showed what had happened. The captain asked the co-pilot what the problem was. “It’s the f-ing right engine again!” he replied. The captain ordered no.2 engine to be shut down, and the lefthand (no.1) engine to be turned on for an emergency landing. The 737 crashed on the edge of the M1 motorway. The cause of the crash? The captain and copilot made a false assumption and shut down the wrong engine. Of the 118 passengers, 39 died and 74 suffered serious injury. The more risky or the more expensive the decision, the more important it is to check assumptions. There is a nice way to remember the importance of assumption checking. Look at the letters in the word ASSUME, and note that taking things for granted can make an ASS(傻瓜) of U and ME.1. What purpose does Paragraph 1 serve in the passage? A. To provide background information of the topic. B. To attract readers attention to the topic. C. To use an example to support the topic. D. To offer basic knowledge of the topic.2. The main purpose of the passage is to remind the readers _________. A. of the importance of making assumptions B. of the danger of making assumptions C. to make assumptions before dealing with problems D. to check assumptions before dealing with problems3. The best title for this passage may probably be __________. A. Assumptions Lead To Disaster B. Ways of Avoiding False Assumption
C. When Things Are Not as They First Seem D. Assumptions and Decision-making4. The most probable reason that the driver can see the man in black is that
. A. there were bright stars in the sky when the accident happened. B. the driver had very good eyesight. C. the accident happened where the lights were bright. D. the accident happened during the afternoon, in daylight.科目:最佳答案小题1:B 小题2:D小题3:C小题4:D解析
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Believe in yourself 相信自己 go your own way 走自己的路 你好。 我猜测H Y S是某个人的名字的三个开头字母吧? 言归正传。 Happiness does noit's to be created by our hands 幸福不是从天上掉下来的,... 没问题,点击满意答案查收链接 Have an aim in life, or your energies will all be wasted.人生应该树立目标,否则你的精神会白白浪费。 --R. Peters(美国法学家彼得斯) 、By doing we learn. 经一事,长一智。...李阳疯狂英语很多励志句,你看看脱口而出第一篇我的誓言,选一个就OK。 1、You never know how strong you really are until being strong is the only choice you have。 不到没有退路之时,你永远不会知道自己有多强大。 2、You cannot change wh... 每个人都是自己命运的主宰 Every man is the master of his own fortune.tenacity& 意思是执着,有种抓住不放的感觉,应该是你要的了。 ps. 老外都用中文纹身了,个人认为中文纹身更有意义(每个字不一样),英语都是字母,写出来都一样... mature deeply to join the popular way of loving you !! 足够成熟来爱你!
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