西班牙语电影 MENINGOCOCO c ...

目的 分析金华广福医院肺结核患者继发脑膜炎败血黄杆菌肺部感染的临床特征及对常用抗生素的耐药性,为临床治疗提供参考.方法 统计分析该院2010年1月至2011年12月,从肺结核患者送检的标本中分离出的78株脑膜炎败血黄杆菌的耐药情况.结果 78株脑膜炎败血黄杆菌对多种抗生素耐药,对头孢哌酮/舒巴坦、哌拉西林/他唑巴坦、环丙沙星、左氧氟沙星和复方新诺明的耐药率较低,分别为17.95% 、26.92% 、28.21%、33.33%和44.87%,其余抗菌药物的耐药率均超过70.0%.结论 脑膜炎败血黄杆菌对多种抗生素表现为高度耐药和多重耐药,对于该菌引发的肺结核患者肺部感染,临床要予以足够重视,应根据病情,参照药敏试验结果,合理选用抗生素.
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Retention of orienting reaction habituation in patients with postmeningoencephalitic epilepsyR. RogozeaInstitute of Neurology and PsychiatryV. Florea-CiocoiuInstitute of Neurology and PsychiatryArticleDOI:
10.1007/BFCite this article as: Rogozea, R. & Florea-Ciocoiu, V. Pav. J. Biol. Sci. (. doi:10.1007/BF
A polygraphic study on habituation of the somatic, autonomic, and EEG components of the orienting reaction elicited by a repetitive auditory stimulus during successive (weekly) sessions was performed in 29 patients with postmeningoencephalic epilepsy (PME) and in 116 control subjects. The study evidenced significant retention disturbances of orienting reaction habituation (i.e., of learning), the “saving” of stimulation, achieved from one session to another to obtain the habituation criterion, being lesser in PME patients than in control subjects. The severity of habituation retention disturbances depended on seizure frequency, electroclinical form, and history, as well as on features of EEG tracings.Chattopadhyay, P., Cooke, E., Toone, B., and Lader, M. Habituation of physiological responses in anxiety.Biological Psychiatry. 1980,15, 711–721.Gastaut, H., Jus, C., Morrell, F.,et al. ?tude topographique des réactions électroencéphalographiques conditionnées chez l’homme (Essai d’interprétation neurophysiologique).Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1957,9, 1–34.Gastaut, H., and Bert, J. Electroencephalographic detection of sleep induced by repetitive sensory stimuli. In G. Wolstenholme, M. O’Connor (Eds.), CIBA Foundation Symposium on the Nature of Sleep. Boston: Little Brown, 1961.Jus, A., and Jus, C. ?tude de l’extinction per répétition de l’expression EEG du réflexe d’orientation et de l’action du frein externe sur les réactions EEG aux différents stimuli chez l’homme.Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1960, (Suppl.)13, 321–333.Kimmel, H. D., and Goldstein, A. J. Retention of habituation of the GSR to visual and auditory stimulation.Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1967,73, 401–404.Lader, M.The Psychophysiology of Mental Illness. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1975.Magoun, H. W.The Waking Brain. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, 1958.Penfield, W., and Erickson, T.Epilepsy and Cerebral Localisation. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, 1941.Penfield, W., and Jasper, H. H.Epilepsy and the Functional Anatomy of the Human Brain. Boston: Little Brown, 1954.Raskin, M. Decreased skin conductance response habituation in chronically anxious patients.Biological Psychology, 1975,2, 309.Roger, A., Voronin, L. G., and Sokolov, E. N. An electroencephalographic investigation of the temporary connexion during extinction of the orienting reflex in man.Pavlovian Journal of Higher Nervous Activity, 1958,8, 1–13.Rogozea, R., and Florea-Ciocoiu, V. The orienting reflex in epilepsy. Electrographic data concerning the intraparoxysmal peculiarities of the orienting reflex in epileptics.European Neurology, 1973,9, 275–286.Rogozea, R., and Florea-Ciocoiu, V. Nervous reactivity disturbances in patients with late post-traumatic encephalic syndromes.Applied Neurophysiology, 1979,42, 224–233.Saarma, J. Autonomic component of the orienting reflex in schizophrenia.Biological Psychiatry, 1974,9, 55–62.Siddle, D. A., Nicol, A. R., and Foggitt, R. H. Habituation and overextinction of the GSR component of the orienting response in antisocial adolescents.British Journal of the Society of Clinical Psychology, 1973,12, 303–321.Sokolov, E. N. Orienting reflex, its structure and mechanism. In:Orienting Reflex and Orienting Explorative Activity. Moscow: University Press, 1958.Sokolov, E. N. Neuronal models and the orienting reflex. InThe Central Nervous System and Behavior. New York: Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, 1959, pp. 187–276.Sokolov, E. N. Higher nervous functions: The orienting reflex.Annual Review of Physiology, 1963a,25, 545–580.Sokolov, E. N.Perception and the Conditioned Reflex. New York: Macmillan, 1963b.Tower, D. B., and Elliott, K. A. C. Activity of acetylcholine system in human epileptogenic focus.Journal of Applied Physiology, 1952,4, 669–676.Tower, D. B.Neurochemistry of Epilepsy. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas, 1960.Venables, P. H. The effect of auditory and visual stimulation on the skin potential response of schizophrenics.Brain, 1960,83, 77–84.
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