tape measuree可数吗

chinese measure wordsWhere can I find a list of all the Chinese measure words (“量词”对吗?) and their usage? (I.e. 一个人,一只猫,一条河,一艘.)
下面是我以前积累的(量词/用法),看够不够你用(你是要英语的么?).数量词词组1)a bit 一点儿 : a bit of luck.一块棉绒;a bit of luck.一点运气2)a few (of) 一些(可数),几个……(people)3)a little 一些(不可数) (water)4)a lot of (lots of) 许多5)a piece of 一张(一片,块)6)a cup of 一茶怀7)a glass of 一玻璃杯8)a pile of (piles and piles of) 一堆(一堆堆的)……9)a box of 一盒10)a copy of 一份,一本11)a bowl of 一碗12)a basket of 一篮13)a plate of 一盘14)a bottle of 一瓶15)a basin of 一脸盆16)a set of 一套17)a kind of 一种18)a type of 一种类型的19)a great deal of 非常多,大量的(不可数名词)20)a large (great) number of 非常多,大量的(可数名词)21)a great many 大量,许多(可数名词)22)a different type of 一种不同型号的23)a group of 一队,一组,一群-------------------------至于楼主说的 “一个人,一只猫,一条河”,因为是可数名词,只要 a ...就行,如/a cat
You have to accumulate them in your daily life.And it would be impossible for you get them once!!!!
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第一章 名词
正确区分可数名词与不可数名词、正确选择可数名词单复数、名词之前的限定词与名词数(单复数)之间的关系以及名词在句子中承担的成分是TOEFL中常考的内容 第一节 可数名词 考点一 ?单复数 可数名词与不可数名词的典型区别在于前者有单数和复数两种形式。 TOEFL考试中经常在不可数名词后面加了s,变为复数形式,其实这是再考你辨别可数名词和不可数名词的能力。TOEFL中还经常考可数名词是采用单数还是复数, 这往往要通过句意或者其他的一些指示词来辨别。 例如:various colors various是各种各样的,后面当然要用复数形式
下面我们会讲一下复数形式。 复数形式简而言之就是在单数词尾加-s,但实际上细分起来还有一些具体的规则: 1.结尾是s, o, x, ch, sh 的词, 加-es, 如:buses, tomatoes, faxes, matches, brushes 2.结尾是“辅音字母+y”的词, 去掉y加-ies, 如: factory-factories 3.结尾是f, fe的词, 去掉f, fe加-ves, 如: half-halves, knife-knives 4.结尾是o, f 的词也有一些加-s, 如: photos, beliefs, chiefs 例题: 1
?Flower have long been cultivated and bred for their beauty and their fragrance. A B C D 答案:A 应改为:Flowers 解释:表泛指时,可数名词可用不定冠词加单数或直接用复数,因谓语是复数,故改为复数 2
?Doctor are discovering that there is a strong psychological component to chronic A B   C D pain. 答案:A 应改为:Doctors 解释:表泛指时,可数名词用冠词加单数或直接用复数,因谓语动词是复数,故名词也用复数 考点二 复数形式特例 这部分主要考察学生对特殊复数形式的记忆,作为考题并不过多的出现,但是在题干中的出现率却非常高,因此熟悉下列一些词的复数形式有助于理解题意 1.单复数词形相同 如
英音 [ 'me?? ] ; 美音 [ 'm??? ] 名词 1.不可数名词:尺寸;分量2.可数名词:度量单位3.不可数名词:度量法4.可数名词:度量器具5.措施;手段;方法6.可数名词:(判断等的)基准,尺度7.不可数名词:程度;限度;分寸8.可数名词:【音】拍子,小节9.可数名词:议案及物动词:1.测量;计量2.打量;估量3.(按量)配给(+out)4.酌量,权衡不及物动词:1.量2.有...长(或阔、高等)
Take measurements
Tape Measure
halfway measures.
Measuring tool
A measure of recognition
landscaping measure
Take temperature
duple time [ measure ]
Quadruple measure [rhythm,time]
measurement of atmospheric ozone
determine the measurements of something or somebody, take measurements of
have certain dimensions
(prosody) the accent in a metrical foot of verse
express as a number or measure or quantity
a statute in draft before it becomes law
musical notation for a repeating pattern of musical beats
any maneuver made as part of progress toward a goal
judge the worth of something
a reference point against which other things can be evaluated
measuring instrument having a sequence of marks
used as a reference in making measurements
测量学; 量测
ad. 可以测定的程度,适度地,可目视地
1. 可测量的;可度量的
2. 显著的;有明显影响的
计算→calculation n.计算 39.universal adj.普遍的;通用的;宇宙的 →universe ...珠宝;宝石 jewel(可数名词)/jewellery(不可数名词) 53.reception n.接待;招待.../4g435ghgg1i7gg00h52gihh4.htmlcalculation 倒三角算子计算 nabla operator 倒三角算子 napier's logarithm 讷代...不可数集 non critical point 非奇点 non denumerable 不可数的 non d.../4hk80.htmlcalculate vt.计算 calculation n.计算 重点句式 6.deal with 处理;安排;对付 ...(2)method 是可数名词,其后接“of+动名词”,不接不定式, 特指有系统的的.../hkj5h9l3l90l1i22.htmlcalculate―calculation clarify---clarification combine---combination compete―...(多作可数名词表&行为&)―action(行为) accelerate―accelerator(加速器)―.../k58lglgh003h5.htmlcalculate―calculation clarify---clarification combine---combination compete―...(多作可数名词表“行为”)―action(行为) accelerate―accelerator(加速器)―.../7961jkl7jg38376hgl1lgk39.html数字:figure/number/amount/statistic(al)/data/demographics/calculation/census 3...:读题 1.题目要求 段落,NB 2.通读 Summary 万能标记 3.预测答案 名词:可数.../i52ii58hj6hkl5.htmlcalculation 倒三角算子计算 nabla operator 倒三角算子 napier's logarithm 讷代...不可数集 non critical point 非奇点 non denumerable 不可数的 non d.../9gi7j33294ij.htmlgroup of + 可数名词复数 a postal code a postal card= a postcard postage...do a calculation calculate v. calculate like eg. The electri Edison was .../4lhlil9g84254h35kklj34l9.html数 , 1 2 o o o 义质 2.1 单调 2.2 可数个可测 2.3 可数个可测 ...fractional-dimension calculus about self-similar fractal measure calculation[J].../7k21gl45g955.html数字:figure/number/amount/statistic(al)/data/demographics/calculation/census ...读题 1.题目要求 段落,NB 2.通读 Summary 万能标记 3.预测答案 名词:可数?.../7gi0g6i390l9.html
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