英国university of ouluWol...

&& &&& 人家真的不是野鸡大学!那些校名太奇葩但很…
出国留学,最怕遇到“野鸡大学”,名字听起来很霸道,但却是徒有其表。但与之相反,有很多国外的知名高校,拥有一个非常奇葩的中文校名,常常被不明真像的学生和家长误解,白白错失了申请的机会;还有很多去这些学校就读的小伙伴,经常被人误解...真是苦不堪言。今天就来聊聊名字“野鸡”但实力出众的海外名校,消除大众的误解,给这些学校翻翻身、正正名!哪家知名大学的名字最“野鸡”? 我们不排名...“卧龙岗大学(Wollongong University)当时听到这个名字一头黑线,是诸葛亮的母校吗?后来得知了校名的来历,才发现是够任性!由于卧龙岗是海边城市,澳洲土著人生活在这边,觉得这里海浪声音有够大,每天发出wol!lon!gong!的海浪声,于是这地儿就叫介个名字了!其实这个学校在澳洲排名不错哦!快送后主去上课!“圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)提这个学校是因为,我到现在看到名字还是不自觉的产生错觉:和宗教有关系吗?……明明是全美top20的牛校。哦,感谢以我命名...“西安大略大学(University of Western Ontario)我们高中班上第一的同学去了这里,我爸一直费解第二名都去了厦门大学,为什么第一名还要去西安读书?而且去西安还是去西安大略大学而不是西安交通大学,其实这是一所来自枫叶国加拿大的高校。去看兵马俑了吗?太远了....“普渡大学(Purdue University)第一次听说的时候以为是佛学院。后来有朋友去了才知道详情,感觉要升天了! But,据说全校WiFi覆盖,就是大门比较小。普渡...升天...“德州农工大学(Texas A&M University)山东德州人都没听说过他们那里还有这么一个学校,德州只有师范和商校好一点。不是这个德州...“宾州州立大学(The Pennsylvania State University)全称宾夕法尼亚州立大学。一半人觉得我们是宾大,一半人觉得我们在山东。by the way,学校还是很好哒!额...放错了地图...“美国罗德岛设计学院(Rhode Island School of Design)听名字像流放犯人的,真相是世界上最好的25所设计学院里面排第一,力压耶鲁,麻省理工,SAIC等王牌学校,同时也是全美排名第一的艺术学。哦,我们是流放犯,但我们没听过那个学校...“纽约州立大学石溪分校SBU(Stony Brook University)满学校贴的都是大写的SB,有一种每天被打脸的感觉。嗯,虽然我们学校不算好,也出过个杨振宁老先生。我代表所有的校友表示无辜...“滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)名字听上去像个失败的战役。我们不在法国,滑铁卢也不在法国。我们在加拿大,滑铁卢在比利时。这场战争管我什么事...“加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)HR:你在美国那个学校留学? 学生:加州大学伯克利分校。 HR:我们是跨国大企业,不招分校的。我们不是这种分校....“卡内基美隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)大部份人听完后总与心灵鸡汤大王卡耐基搞混,并迅速产生继续教育学院的印象。这个学校你知道吗?——马萨诸塞理工学院绝对不是美国的理科二本学院,人家可是大名鼎鼎的“麻省理工”哦,只是这名字……与我无关....无关....“伦敦大学学院(UCL,University College London)这个学校在名字上吃亏举世无双。英国五大名校之一,伦敦金三角之一。世界排名普遍为第20~22名。因为没有商学院(对,从未有也绝不会有)且在中国人喜欢的理工科上没有帝国理工有名,长期被国人忽视。更惨的是,常被国人与伦敦大学(University of London)搞混。频率高到若是有人没有弄错我会心中欢呼一下的悲惨地步。 没见过的人,肯定会以为名字写错了。一个能在世界排名排到第五或者至少也是第二十一的学校,却会被以为名字有语法错误简直可怜到想捂脸。近年的医学诺贝尔获得者就是在该校就职近50年的神经科学教授。国人认知度比较高的校友包括甘地、小泉纯一郎、诺兰(《星际穿越》导演)等等啊 还有国民老公王思聪。还有一些让人捧腹的校名,原本一个好学校就要淹没在人海了……伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟分校 (怎么这么长……这是从哪个村里来的?)北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 (这是什么?教会学校?名字怎么这么饶舌?)纽约大学阿布扎比分校 (怎么听怎么像中东人的学校)华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校 (分校怎么回事?)东北大学 (东北好啊,北大仓)西北大学 (到西部拓荒去了)埃默里大学 ( 翻译出来的汉字太别扭)达特茅斯学院 (这是美国的学校?)伦敦大学亚非学院(人家是一所严肃的研究型高校)最后带你做个小测试!精彩内容推荐(点击文字直接查看)1英镑=9.1515人民币元今日汇率-- ? 点击“阅读原文”,免费申请英国留学 ? --
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This article is about the Knoxville campus. For the statewide system, see . For the Chattanooga campus, see . For the Martin campus, see . For the Health Science Center, see . For other universities that use the initials UT, see .
The University of Tennessee (also referred to as the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, UT Knoxville, UTK, or UT) is an
headquartered in . Founded in 1794, two years before Tennessee entered the Union as the 16th state, it is the flagship institution of the statewide
with nine undergraduate colleges and eleven graduate colleges and hosts almost 28,000 students from all 50 states and more than 100 foreign countries. In its 2014 ranking of universities,
ranked UT 106th among all national universities and 46th among public institutions of higher learning. Seven alumni have been selected as Rhodes S James M. Buchanan, M.S. '41, received the 1986 Nobel Prize in Economics. UT's ties to nearby , established under UT President Andrew Holt and continued under the
partnership, allow for considerable research opportunities for faculty and students.
Also affiliated with the university are the , the , and the , which occupies 250 acres (100 ha) of nearby
and features hundreds of species of plants indigenous to the region. The university is a direct partner of the , which is one of two
in . As a teaching hospital, it has aggressive medical research programs.
The University of Tennessee is the only university in the nation to have three presidential papers editing projects and holds collections of the papers of all three U.S. presidents from Tennessee—, , and . UT is one of the oldest public universities in the United States and the oldest secular institution west of the .
. The University of Tennessee was established in 1794, making it one of the oldest institutions of higher education in the U.S.
On September 10, 1794, two years before Tennessee became a state and at a meeting of the legislature of the
at Knoxville, the University of Tennessee was chartered as Blount College. The new, all-male, non-sectarian institution struggled for 13 years with a small student body and faculty, and in 1807, the school was rechartered as East Tennessee College as a condition of receiving the proceeds from the settlement devised in the Compact of 1806. When , its first president and only faculty member, died in 1809, the school was temporarily closed until 1820. When it reopened, it began experiencing growing pains.
had previously recommended that the college leave its confining single building in the city and relocate to a place it could spread out. Ironically, in the Summer of 1826 (the year that Thomas Jefferson died), the trustees explored "Barbara Hill" (today known simply as The Hill) as a potential site and relocated there by 1828. In 1840, the college was elevated to East Tennessee University (ETU). The school's status as a religiously non-affiliated institution of higher learning was unusual for the period of time in which it was chartered, and the school is generally recognized as the oldest such establishment of its kind west of the Appalachian Divide.
Tennessee was a member of the Confederacy in 1862 when the Morrill Act was passed, providing for endowment funds from the sale of federal land to state agricultural colleges. On February 28, 1867, Congress passed a special Act making the State of Tennessee eligible to participate in the Morrill Act of 1862 program. In January 1869, ETU was designated as Tennessee's recipient of the Land-Grant designation and funds. In accepting the funds, the University would focus upon instructing students in military, agricultural, and mechanical subjects. ETU eventually received $396,000 as its endowment under the program. Trustees soon approved the establishment of a medical program under the auspices of the Nashville School of Medicine and added advanced degree programs. East Tennessee University was renamed the University of Tennessee in 1879 by the state legislature.
During World War II, UT was one of 131 colleges and universities nationally that took part in the
which offered students a path to a Navy commission.
African-American attorney
filed suit against the state of Tennessee in 1968 alleging that its higher education system remained segregated despite a federal mandate ordering desegregation. She claimed that the opening of a University of Tennessee campus at
would lead to the creation of another predominantly white institution that would strip resources from , the only state-funded . The suit was not settled until 2001, when the Geier Consent Decree resulted in the appropriation of $77 million in state funding to increase diversity among student and faculty populations among all Tennessee institutions of higher learning.
The University of Tennessee at Knoxville is the flagship campus of the statewide University of Tennessee system, which is governed by a 26-member
appointed by the . The campus is headed by a Chancellor who functions as the chief executive officer of the campus, responsible for its daily administration and management. The chancellor reports to the president of the university system and is elected annually by the UT Board of Trustees at the recommendation of the system president.
has been Chancellor of the Knoxville campus since February 1, 2009.
has been system president since January 1, 2011. Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Susan D. Martin is responsible for the academic administration of the Knoxville campus and reports directly to the Chancellor.
Campus policing and security is provided by the .
University of Tennessee Knoxville (2015)
Educational and General Total: $578,766,711
Instruction: $263,257,573
Research: $41,848,637
Public Service: $11,287,642
Academic Support: $67,888,051
Student Services: $39,438,427
Institutional Support: $45,015,257
Operation/Maintenance of Physical Plant: $69,694,749
Scholarships and Fellowships: $59,827,375
Total budget: $758,407,168
According to the University's 2009 budget, state appropriations increased 26.4 percent from 2000 to 2009, although this amounts to only a 1.1 percent when adjusted for inflation.
The , administered by University Health Systems and affiliated with the University of Tennessee Graduate School of Medicine, collaborates with the
to attract and train the majority of its medical staff. Many doctors and nurses at UTMC have integrated careers as teachers and healthcare professionals, and the center promotes itself as the area's only academic, or "teaching hospital."
The University Medical Center is the primary referral center for , Western , and Southeastern
and along with Johnson City Medical Center, it is one of two
in the East Tennessee geographic region. Extensive expansion programs were embarked upon the 1990s and 2000s (decade) and saw the construction of two sprawling additions to the hospital's campus, a new Cancer Institute and a Heart Lung Vascular Institute. The new UT Medical Center Heart Hospital received its first patient on April 27, 2010.
Demographics of the UT Knoxville Student body - Fall 2013
Racial/ethnic group
Percent of student body
During the
academic calendar year, the University of Tennessee at Knoxville had a total enrollment of 21,033 undergraduate and 6,138 graduate and professional students. UT hosts students from all 50 U.S. states and more than 100 foreign countries, although the majority of undergraduates hail from the American Southeast states of , , , and , with more than 14,000 from Tennessee alone. Currently 49% of students are female, 50% are male, and 17% of UT students identify themselves as non-caucasian.
The University of Tennessee is ranked tied for 47th among public universities of America and tied for 103rd among all United States universities by U.S. News & World Report in its 2016 rankings.
Specialty rankings are:
1 UT MBA program in alumni value (value for the money) three years after graduation, Financial Times Global Business School Rankings.
2 UT College of Architecture and Design out of Southern Universities according to the journal DesignIntelligence in its publication "America's Best Architecture & Design Schools".
2 The supply chain management/logistics programs as published in .
4 UT School of Art's Graduate Program in Printmaking, 2012 U.S. News & World Report.
5 UT MBA program overall among U.S. Public Universities according to Wall Street Journal 2005.
Graduate Program, 2014 U.S. News & World Report.
5 Best Athletic Facilities according to the .
6 UT's senior executive MBA program, for alumni goal achievement and satisfaction according to the .
7 The supply chain management/logistics programs in the UT College of Business Administration, according to U.S. News & World Report.
8 Best Parties according to
9 UT MBA Program by
9 UT Health Science Center Department of
9 UT's Athletic Program by the 's ranking of Top Collegiate Athletic Programs.
in the UT College of Law by National Jurist magazine.
10 UT College of Law, in the
Best School for the Money ratings, and the clinical training specialty is ranked 19th while the college's overall graduate program is ranked 53rd in the U.S.
14 UT School of Veterinary Medicine
15 UT College of Social Work's Graduate Program, 2012 U.S. News & World Report.
friendly according to the .
17 UT Health Science Center - College of Pharmacy, 2014 U.S. News & World Report.
17 UT College of Information Sciences, 2014 U.S. News & World Report.
Student Body according to the .
23 UT Physician Executive MBA program of the College of Business Administration.
25 Most Attractive Student Body by 's PopCrunch Magazine.
27 UT College of Business Business Administration Undergraduate Program, 2012 U.S. News & World Report.
26 UT College of Social Work, 2012 U.S. News & World Report.
30 UT Libraries, Association of Research Libraries.
32 UT College of Engineering Undergraduate Program, 2012 U.S. News & World Report.
35 UT College of Education, Health and Human Science.
37 UT College of Social Work, 2014 U.S. News & World Report.
45 UT Master of Fine Arts program, U.S. News & World Report.
45 UT School of Art, 2014 U.S. News & World Report.
The University of Tennessee is ranked as a "Best Southeastern College" by the .
The University of Tennessee is listed as one of the "150 Best Value Colleges for 2014" by the .
The Master of Science in Business Analytics program is ranked as a "Big Data Analytics Master's Degrees: 20 Top Programs" by .
The total research endowment of the UT Knoxville campus was $127,983,213 for FY 2006. UT Knoxville boasts several faculty who are among the leading contributors to their fields, including Harry McSween, generally recognized as one of the world's leading experts in the study of
and a member of the science team for
and later a co-investigator for the
projects. The university also hosts Barry T. Rouse, an international award-winning Distinguished Professor of Microbiology who has conducted multiple -funded studies on the herpes simplex virus (HSV) and who is a leading researcher in his field. UT's agricultural research programs are considered to be among the most accomplished in the nation, and the School of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources is home to the East Tennessee Clean Fuels Initiative, recognized by the
as the "best local clean fuels program in America.".
The major hub of research at the University of Tennessee is
(ORNL), one of the largest government laboratories in the United States. ORNL is a major center of civilian and governmental research and features one of the world's most powerful supercomputers.
Looking west along the Pedestrian Walkway
The University of Tennessee is a member of the SEC Academic Consortium. Now renamed the , the initiative was a collaborative endeavor designed to promote research, scholarship and achievement amongst the member universities in the . Along with the , , , and other SEC institutions, SECU formed its mission to serve as a means to bolster collaborative academic endeavors of . Its goals include highlighting the endeavors and achievements of SEC , students and its universities and advancing the academic reputation of SEC universities.
In 2013, the University of Tennessee participated in the SEC Symposium in
which was organized and led by the
and the . The topic of the Symposium was titled, the "Impact of the Southeast in the World's Renewable Energy Future."
The , nicknamed the "", is located near the
(). Founded by Dr.
in 1972, the Body Farm endeavors to increase anthropological and forensic knowledge specifically related to the decomposition of the human body and is one of the leading centers for such research in the United States.
On March 16, 2009, the University broke ground on a 188-acre (76 ha) campus in downtown Knoxville that will feature new, world-class facilities devoted to the pursuit of , neutron science, and , energy and climate studies, , and .
The university has implemented a 25-year () campus master plan that will facilitate a sweeping overhaul of campus design. The plan is designed to make the campus more pedestrian-friendly by establishing large areas of open green space and relegating parking facilities to the periphery of the campus, and to increase the aesthetic appeal of the school by establishing uniform building design codes and by physically remodeling, restoring, and expanding existing academic, athletic, and housing facilities. Centrally located, iconic
is currently undergoing a massive upgrade as part of Phase I of the project, with work expected to be completed around 2011. A new university center is planned, along with substantial new facilities for science, the performing arts, and athletics. An expected 3,000 new parking spaces will be developed along with improved mass transit and walking spaces. The plan calls for the removal of many of the roads that bisect the campus, along with the development of two new quads, one each on the main and agricultural campuses. Restoration and renovations of existing campus buildings are expected to be conducted in concert with historical preservationists when appropriate, according to the 2001 Master Plan document.
at McClung Plaza
International House 
The International House is a popular gathering place for visiting international students and delegations and University of Tennessee students who have previously or are currently interested in studying abroad through the Programs Abroad Office. A full kitchen, meeting rooms, and a library provide support for frequent cultural events ranging from salsa dance lessons and nation-themed culture nights to Peace Corps interest meetings.
Black Cultural Center 
The Black Cultural Center, or BCC, houses the Office of Minority Student Affairs and offers a student computer lab, free Spanish tutoring, and a textbook loan service for economically disadvantaged students. There is a small but well-stocked library featuring numerous works examining religious and minority issues, and the facility offers free use of its meeting rooms to campus organizations and their affiliates.
Central Program Council 
The Central Program Council (CPC) is a student organization with nearly two hundred members that runs the majority of campus events, activities, and programs for the student body. CPC hosts around a hundred events per year and is consistently ranked as one of the best collegiate programming organizations in the nation. Examples include homecoming, lectures, concerts, raves, movies, art exhibitions, and dance performances. CPC runs both traditional events like the comedic skit competition "Carnicus" which is over a hundred years old and single-time events like musical performances.
The University of Tennessee has over 450 registered . These groups cater to a variety of interests and provide options for those interested in service, sports, arts, social activities, government, politics, cultural issues, and Greek societies.
The university operates two radio stations: student-run The Rock (formerly the Torch) ( 90.3 ) and
91.9 MHz. The university's first radio station was on the AM frequency 850 kHz, a donation from Knoxville radio station . , a literary art magazine, is published in the fall and spring
and showcases student artistic creativity.
The Volunteer Channel
The Volunteer Channel (TVC) is the University's student run television station. TVC reaches nearly 7,000 UT students in residence halls and 100,000 residents in surrounding counties on Comcast Digital Channel 194.
The Daily Beacon
The Daily Beacon is the editorially independent student newspaper of UT's campus. It prints 10,000 daily copies, as well as original online content, across campus and the surrounding downtown areas. It began in 1906 as The Orange & White, and has been a staple on the campus landscape ever since. It is also one of the few daily collegiate newspapers in the United States.
The University of Tennessee hosts 22 sororities and 30 fraternities.
Sigma Sigma Rho
Main article:
UT athletics logo
Tennessee competes in the 's (SEC) Eastern Division, along with , , , , , and , and has longstanding
rivalries with all except for Missouri, which did not join the SEC . The only UT team that does not compete in the SEC is the women's
program, which competes as a single-sport member of the .
team has won eight NCAA Division I titles (, , , ); only , with nine titles, has more championships. They are currently led by . She succeeded , the all-time winningest basketball coach in NCAA history. Summitt's 1,000th victory occurred on February 5, 2009, and she boasts a 100 percent graduation rate for all players who finish their career at UT. Women's basketball rivals for Tennessee within the conference include , , and .
UT's best-known athletic facility by far is , home to the football team, which seats over 102,000 people and is one of the country's largest facilities of its type. The stadium is currently undergoing a $200 million renovation with construction expected to last into the 2010s.
In August 2014, University of Tennessee students were given the opportunity to vote for a name for the Neyland Stadium student section. The name "Rocky Top Rowdies" was selected over "General's Quarters," "Smokey's Howl," "Vol Army," and "Big Orange Crew."
On November 10, 2014, as part of a university-wide branding overhaul, the UT athletic department announced that starting with the 2015–16 school year, all UT women's teams except for basketball would drop "Lady" from their nickname and become simply "Volunteers". The rebranding will coincide with UT's switch from
as its uniform supplier.
The university also offers a number of recreational sports, many offering intercollegiate play. Sports include rugby, soccer, , hockey, running, crew, golf and paintball. Teams often join intercollegiate conferences, such as the , or play
and in other rivals on a regular basis.
Charles Moore, president of the university's athletic association, chose orange and white for the school colors on April 12, 1889. His inspiration is said to have come from orange and white
which grew on the Hill. To this day there are still orange and white flowers grown outside the University Center. Although students confirmed the colors at a special meeting in 1892, dissatisfaction caused the colors to be dropped. No other acceptable colors could be agreed on, however, and the original colors were reinstated a day later. The University of Tennessee's official colors are
(Pantone 151), White, and Smokey Gray (Pantone 426).
Main article:
5 min video of the open of a football game
The Pride of the Southland Band (or simply The Pride) is UT's marching band. As one of the oldest institutions at the university, the band partakes in many of the gameday traditions. At every home game, the Pride performs the "March to the Stadium" which includes a parade sequence and climaxes when the band stops at the bottom of The Hill and performs the "Salute to the Hill", an homage to the history and legacy of the university. The band is known for its pregame show at the beginning of every home game, which ends with the football team running onto the field through the "Opening of the T".
Main article:
Tennessee is known as the "Volunteer State" for the large number of Tennesseans who volunteered for duty in the , the , and the . A UT athletic team was dubbed the Volunteers for the first time in 1902 by the
following a football game against the , although the
did not use the name until 1905. By the fall of 1905 both the Journal and the then- were using the nickname.
Unearthed in the 1960s, the Rock probably soon thereafter became a "canvas" for student messages. For years the university sandblasted away the messages but eventually deferred to students' artistic endeavors. The Daily Beacon has editorialized: "Originally a smaller rock, The Rock has grown in prestige and size while thousands of coats of paint have been thrown on its jagged face. Really, its function is as an open forum for students."
Main article:
Wikimedia Commons has media related to .
. University of Tennessee Knoxville. .
. UTM.edu.
. University of Tennessee, Knoxville–Office of Communications & Marketing. October 24, .
Neeley, Jack. Knoxville's Secret History. Knoxville: Scruffy City Publishing, 1995, pp. 81-83. Retrieved
. UTK.edu.
. HyperWar Foundation. .
. Chancellor.utk.edu. .
, University of Tennessee Knoxville website, accessed April 13, 2011
. University of Tennessee. 2015. p. 31 2016.
. University of Tennessee. 2009. p. 7 2016.
University of Tennessee Medical Center
February 28, 2009, at the .
. Shanghai Ranking Consultancy 2015.
. Forbes. July 5, 2016.
. U.S. News & World Report LP 2015.
. Washington Monthly. n.d 2016.
. Shanghai Ranking Consultancy. .
. Quacquarelli Symonds Limited. .
. THE Education Ltd 2015.
. U.S. News & World Report LP 2016.
. U.S. News & World Report 2015.
. Utk.edu. .
September 24, 2008, at the .
. Grad-schools..
. InformationWeek.
. Web.eps.utk.edu.
July 20, 2011, at the .
. UTK.edu. .
(PDF). ORNL Review 37 (2). 2004.   2005.
. SEC 2013.
. SEC Digital Network 2013.
. University of Georgia 2013.
. Tennessee.edu.
. University of Tennessee 2009.
. University of Tennessee - Knoxville.
. University of Tennessee - Knoxville.
. UTK.edu 2009.
(Press release). University of Tennessee Athletics. November 10, .
. Recsports.utk.edu.
. UTK.edu. UTK Office of Communications & Marketing 2013.
. UTK.edu 2007.
. UTK.edu 2011.
has the text of
article about .
summarized by former university historian Milton M. Klein
 "". . 1921.
University of Tennessee
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