
咨询电话:(0571)  报料QQ:
  &太极&的翻译到底是&Tai Ji&还是&Tai Chi&?&路&的翻译到底是&Avenue&、&Road&、&Street&还是汉语拼音&Lu&?近日,有读者向本报反映,武汉的双语标识实在是令人费解。
  文华书城旁的一处标识牌上,&太极广场&翻译为&Tai Ji Plaza&,而几十米开外的另一个标识牌上,这一广场的翻译又变成了&Tai Chi Plaza&。关于&知音广场&的翻译也是如此,有的翻译为&Intimate Plaza&,有的翻译为&Eternal Friends Plaza&。此外,关于&药圣广场&的翻译,有的翻译为&Medicine Master Plaza&,有的翻译为&Medicine Saint Plaza&。
  记者走访发现,友谊大道的标志是&Youyi Ave.&,欢乐大道与此类似,是&Huanle Ave.&。但黄浦大街与建设大道交会口处的路牌上,将黄浦大街翻译为&Huangpu St.&。汉街的名字是&Han Street&,九万方路的标识是&Jiuwanfang Rd.&,可江大路九万方站台附近的一个标识牌上则非常简单直接,写着&Jiangda lu&。关于武汉地标性的交通要道武汉大道的翻译别具一格,是&Boulevard&。
  湖北大学外国语学院副教授李丹认为,&Tai Chi&可能是根据粤语的谐音翻译的,在英语的发音中,没有&ji&这种发音,所以选择近似音,最好用&Tai Chi&。&知音&用&intimate&(密友)和&eternal friends&(永远的朋友)都不太贴切,这个最好跟知音故事的典故翻译保持一致。
  &药圣&的翻译中,&medicine master&似乎不能突出药圣这个称呼的独一无二性,她个人倾向用&saint in Medicine&此外,在同一条街上,最好将同一地点的翻译统一。
  之前,本报报道&九万方路&的路牌上有明显错误,拼音标注为&JIOU WAN FANG LU&,&九&的汉语拼音标错了,正确的应该是&JIU&。记者昨天再次来到原地点,发现路牌已经换为新的,内容也已换为正确表达。
  此外,有武汉媒体报道过的武昌火车站地下通道英语标识上存在多处错误,例如&出租车候车区&翻译成&Taxl Sland&,&地下停车场&翻译为&Basemenl Parking&等。记者昨天再次探访,已改为正确的表达:前者翻译为&Taxi Island&,后者翻译为&Basement Parking&。
天价学费退费难 暗访华尔街英语"洗脑"推销
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[00:05.00]第5课&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 图书馆学会[00:10.00]A What things are there in a libray?[00:15.14]A 图书馆里有什么?[00:20.27]1 a newspaper[00:24.50]报纸[00:28.73]2 a poster[00:32.76]海报[00:36.78]3 a reference book[00:41.21]参考书[00:45.64]4 a storybook[00:50.17]故事书[00:54.70]5 a CD-ROM[00:59.38]唯读光碟[01:04.05]6 a dictionary[01:08.02]字典[01:11.99]There are dictionaries.[01:15.32]这里有字典。[01:18.65]There are storybooks.[01:22.29]这里有故事书。[01:25.92]B The children from the Library Club[01:31.66]are making notes about the things in the library.[01:34.18]B 图书馆学会的成页在写图书馆里物品。[01:36.71]Act the children.[01:46.14]扮演这些小朋友。[01:55.57]There are enough reference books in the library.[02:00.79]图书馆里有足够的参考书。[02:06.01]There aren't enough interesting posters.[02:10.65]这里没有足够多有趣的海报。[02:15.29]There are too many old books.[02:23.01]这里有太多旧书。[02:30.73]C Now the children are making suggestions to the librarian.[02:34.61]C 现在这些小朋友向图书馆管理人员提意见。[02:38.48]Act the children.[02:46.36]扮演他们。[02:54.24]How can we improve the library,children?[02:59.32]小朋友,我们可以怎样改善图书馆?[03:04.40]Let's throw away the old newspapers.[03:08.42]我们可以把旧报纸扔掉。[03:12.44]Let's get more storybooks.[03:16.36]我们可以买多点故事书。[03:20.28]Shall we put up more posters?[03:24.15]我们贴多点海报好不好?[03:28.01]Thank you for your ideas,children.[03:32.40]小朋友,谢谢你们的建议。[03:36.79]D Listen to this poem.Then read it aloud to your friend.[03:44.72]D 听下面这首诗,然后向朋友朗读出来。[03:52.65]Books[03:56.90]I like to read all kinds of books,From off the library shelf.[04:01.03]喜欢看各种从图书馆加子上拿下来的书。[04:05.16]I can learn so very much,And still enjoy myself.[04:08.88]我可以学到很多,同时乐在基中。[04:12.60]I like the books with stories in,About the strangest things,[04:16.84]我喜欢内容是关于最奇怪的东西的故事书,[04:21.07]Like aliens from outer space,And horses born with wings.[04:25.16]例如来自外太空的外星人和有翅膀的马。[04:29.24]I like the books that tell me all That I may want to know.[04:32.93]我喜欢那些能够告知我所有我想知道的事情的书,[04:36.61]Like why a rainbow's in the sky,And how the flowers grow.[04:40.54]例如天空中有为什么有彩虹和花朵是怎样成长的。[04:44.47]I like the books of songs and games.[04:47.15]我喜欢内容是关于歌和游戏的书。[04:49.83]I like the books of rhymes.[04:52.21]我喜欢关于诗歌的书。[04:54.58]I keep some by my bed at night.[04:57.10]晚上我放些书在床上,[04:59.62]And read them lots of times.[05:01.84]反复地看它们。[05:04.07]I like to read all kinds of books,[05:07.20]我喜欢所有种类的书。[05:10.33]For then I can,you see,Be the owner of the key,[05:18.20]That opens minds and sets us free.[05:20.52]你知道,看书使我能够成为开阔思想和挣脱束缚的钥匙的拥有者。[05:22.85]Do you like reading?What kinds of books do you like?[05:29.29]你喜欢看书吗?你喜欢看什么种类的书?[05:35.73]E Answer the questions about the poem.[05:40.86]E 回答关于小诗的问题。[05:45.99]1 Where do we keep books?[05:51.73]1 我们把书放在哪里?[05:57.46]2 Circle the strange thing(s)we can read about in books.[06:05.13]2 圈出我们在书中可以看见的奇怪事物。[06:12.79]3 Which word in verse four means the same as'poems'?[06:21.52]3 在第四段中哪个单词和&POEM&的意思是相似的?[06:30.24]4 What do we open a locked door with?[06:37.13]4 我们用什么来打开锁着的门?[06:44.01]5 What kinds of books does the poet like?[06:50.24]5 诗人喜欢看什么种类型的书?[06:56.47]Read these paragraphs.[06:59.34]看下面几段文字,[07:02.22]Fill in the blanks with one of the books in the boxes.[07:13.04]从下面选择适当的名字填在线上。[07:23.87]1 Kiki went to bed.She dreamed that she was a bookworm.[07:31.55]Kiki上床睡觉。她梦见自己是条虫。[07:39.23]She ate lots of books and became fatter and fatter.[07:44.97]她吃了很多书变得越来越肥。[07:50.70]This comes from a storybook. [07:54.88]这来自于一本故事书。[07:59.06]2 Many people think that bears look sweet but they can be very dangerous.[08:09.13]很多人觉得熊看起来很可爱。但它们也可以很危险。[08:19.20]They live in forests.[08:23.17]它们住在森森里。[08:27.14]They eat fish and small animals.[08:31.43]它们吃鱼和小动物。[08:35.71]This comes from a reference book[08:40.12]这来自于一本参考书。[08:44.54]3 journey(n.)a trip from on e place to another[08:54.13]旅程(名词):从一个地方去另一个地方叫旅程。[09:03.71]joy(n.)&&&&&&&&&& happiness[09:09.79]欢欣(名词):快乐[09:15.86]This comes from a dictonary.[09:19.49]这来自于一本字典[09:23.12]F The children from the Library Club meet again after one week.[09:27.21]F 图书馆学会的成员一个星期之后再开会。[09:31.30]They are helping the librarian to buy some new storybooks for the library.[09:40.32]他们在帮图书馆理员为图书馆买新的故事书。[09:49.35]Now the children are looking at some new books on the Internet.[09:52.71]现在这些小朋友在网上看新书。[09:56.06]Act the children.[10:03.14]扮演他们[10:10.22]Let's buy'Pussy the Cat'.It looks funny.[10:15.44]我们买&小猫咪&吧。看起来很有趣。[10:20.67]No,it has too many pages.It doesn't have enough pictures.[10:32.24]不好,这本书太厚了,里面的图画数目也不够。
确立,英语先是在欧洲,继而在全球开始取得全面的主导地位。 7
Today, the information age has replaced the industrial age and has compressed time and distance. This is transforming world economies from industrial production to information-based goods and services. Ignoring geography and borders, the information revolution is redefining our world. In less than 20 years, information processing, once limited to the printed work, has given way to computers and the Internet. Computer-aided communication is closing the gap between spoken and written English. It encourages more informal conversational language and a tolerance for diversity and individual style.今天,信息时代已经取代了工业时代,并缩短了时间和距离。这一情况正在改变世界经济使其从工业生产转向以信息为基础的产品与服务。信息革命不再受地域与国界的限制,正在重新界定我们的世界。在不到20年的时间内,过去仅限于出版物的信息处理已经让位于计算机和互联网。借助于计算机的通讯交际正在弥合英语口语与书面语之间的距离。它鼓励人们使用更多非正式的会话语言,包容多样性和个人风格。 8
English, like many languages, uses a phonetic alphabet and fairly basic grammar. But most importantly, it has a large and extensive vocabulary, of which about 80% is foreign. It has borrowed and continues to borrow words from Spanish and French, Hebrew and Arabic, Hindi-Urdu and Bengali, Malay and Chinese, as well as languages from West Africa and Polynesia. This language characteristic makes it unique in history.英语像许多语言一样使用语音字母以及比较基本的语法。但最重要的是,它拥有庞大且覆盖面宽广的词汇,其中约有80%是外来词。它从西班牙语和法语、希伯来语和阿拉伯语、印地-乌尔都语和孟加拉语、马来语和汉语,以及西非和波利尼西亚等各种语言中曾经借用过并继续借用各种词汇。这一特点使得它成为历史上独一无二的语言。9
Finally, no English language central authority guards the standards of the language, therefore, many dialects have developed: American, British, Canadian, Indian, and Australian, to name a few. There is no standard pronunciation. But within this diversity is a unity of grammar and one set of core vocabulary. Thus, each country that speaks the language can introduce aspects of its own culture into the usage and vocabulary.最后一点是,由于没有英语语言中央权威机构维护英语标准,因此形成了许多方言:美国英语、英国英语、加拿大英语、印度英语和澳大利亚英语,就是众多的方言中的几种。英语没有标准的发音。但在其多样性里存在一个统一的语法和一套核心词汇。这样,每一个讲英语的国家都能将各自的文化融入英语的用法和词汇中。 10
However, the future is unpredictable. There has never been a language so widely spread or spoken by so many people as English. So, there are no examples to help us predict what happens to a language when it achieves genuine world status.
然而,英语的未来无从预测。从来没有一种语言像英语这样为这么多人如此广泛地传播使用。因此,没有先例来帮助我们预测,当一种语言取得真正的国际性地位之后会发生什么情况。 11
The world is in transition, and the English language will take new forms. The language and how it is used will change, reflecting new patterns of contact with other languages and the changing communication needs of people.世界正处于变革之中,英语将会出现新的形式。英语及其使用将有所变化,将反映出它与其他语言交往的新模式,以及变化中的人际交往需求。12
English is ridding itself of its political and cultural associations as more people realize that English is not the property of only a few countries. Instead, it is a vehicle that is used globally. It belongs to whoever uses it for whatever purpose or need.
英语正在消除其自身的政治和文化的含义,因为越来越多的人认识到,英语不是少数几个国家的财产。相反,它是一种全球通用的媒介。谁使用它,它就属于谁,不管用于何种目的或需要。 13
There is no reason to believe that any one other language will appear within the next 50 years to replace English. However, it is possible that English will not remain unchallenged in the 21st century. Rather, a small number of languages may share in importance -- each with a special area of influence. For example, Spanish is rising because of expanding trade and the increase of the Latino population in the United States. This could create a bilingual English-Spanish region.没有理由相信在未来50年内会出现任何其他一种语言取代英语。然而,英语在21世纪遭遇挑战的可能性不是不存在。少数几种语言倒是有可能与之分庭抗礼――各有其特殊的影响地域。比如,由于贸易的扩展和美国国内拉丁美洲人口的增加,西班牙语的地位正在上升。这可能产生出一个英语和西班牙语共存的双语地区。 14
A language shift, in which individuals change their language loyalties, is another possibility. These shifts are slow and difficult to predict. But within the next 50 years substantial language shifts could occur as economic development affects more countries.改换语言,即人们放弃自己一向使用的语言改用其他语言,是另一种可能。这种改换过程缓慢,难以预测。但在未来50年内,随着经济发展对更多国家产生影响,重大的语言改换可能会发生。 15
Because of these shifts in loyalties, more languages may disappear. Those remaining will rapidly get more native speakers. This includes English.由于语言使用上的这些变动,更多的语言可能会消失。剩下来的语言将迅速为更多的人作为母语使用,其中包括英语。 16
Universities using English as the medium of instruction will expand and rapidly create a generation of middle-class professionals. Economic development will only increase the middle class, a group that is more likely to learn and use English injobs.用英语讲课的大学将会增多,并迅速造就一代中产阶级专业人员。经济发展只会壮大这个中产阶级,这一群体更有可能在工作中学习并使用英语。17
(4)While languages such as English, German, and French have been international languages because of their governments' political power, this is less likely to be the case in the 21st century where economics and shifts in population will have more influence on languages.虽然英语、德语和法语这些语言曾经凭着各自政府的政治力量而成为国际语言,这种情况在经济和人口变化对语言的影响更大的21世纪不太可能发生。18
English has been an international language for only 50 years. If the pattern follows the previous language trends, we still have about 100 years before a new language dominates the world. However, this does not mean that English is replacing or will replace other languages as many fear. Instead, it may supplement or co-exist with languages by allowing strangers to communicate across language boundaries. It may become one tool that opens windows to the world, unlocks doors to opportunities, and expands our minds to new ideas.英语成为国际语言至今仅有50年。如果英语的发展沿袭以往的语言发展模式,那么在一种新的语言主宰世界之前,英语仍可享有100 年左右的主导地位。然而,这并不意味着如许多人所担心的那样,英语正在或将会取代其他语言。相反,它可以作为其他语言的补充,或与其他语言并存,让陌生人跨越语言障碍进行交际。它可能成为人们了解世界、开启机遇大门、扩展思路、接纳新思想的一种工具。 Unit8Protecting nature certainly has benefits, but it has costs as well. How are we to balance the two when deciding how far we should go in caring for the environment?
保护大自然固然裨益良多,但代价也不菲。当我们决定在保护环境方面应该走多远的时候,该如何协调这两者间的关系呢? Saving Nature, but Only for ManCharles Krauthammer1
Environmental sensitivity is now as required an attitude in polite society as is, say, belief in democracy or aversion to nylon. But now that everyone has claims to love Mother Earth, how are we to choose among the dozens of conflicting proposals, restrictions, projects, regulations and laws advanced in the name of the environment? Clearly not everything with an environmental claim is worth doing. How to choose?为了人类自身拯救自然查尔斯?克劳特哈默环境意识,就如同对民主制度的信奉,或是对尼龙的厌恶,已成为当今上流社会一种必备的态度。可是,在人人都有权利热爱地球母亲的情况下,面对以保护环境的名义而提出的许许多多相互冲突的建议、限制、规定、工程和法律,我们该如何选择呢?很显然,并不是每一件声称保护环境的事都值得去做。那我们该如何选择呢? 2
There is a simple way. First, distinguish between environmental luxuries and environmental necessities. Luxuries are those things it would be nice to have if costless. Necessities are those things we must have regardless. Then apply a rule. Call it the fundamental principle of sensible environmentalism: Combating ecological change that directly threatens the health and safety of people is an environmental necessity. All else is luxury.有一种简单的选择方法。首先,要区分是出于对环境的奢侈追求还是出于环境保护之必需。对环境的奢侈追求指的是那些如果不需花费代价则不妨拥有的事物。环境保护之必需指的是无论花多大的代价我们都必须做的事情。然后,再运用一条法则。姑且称之为理智环境保护论的基本原理:遏制直接危害人们健康与安全的生态变化,是环境保护之必需。其他一切均为奢侈追求。 3
For example: preserving the atmosphere, by both protecting the ozone layer and halting the greenhouse effect, is an environmental necessity. In April scientists reported that ozone damage is far worse than previously thought. Ozone reduction not only causes skin cancer and eye cataracts, it also destroys plankton, the beginning of the food chain on top of which we humans sit.例如:通过保护臭氧层和遏止温室效应来保护大气层是环境保护之必需。科学家们在4月份报告说,臭氧层破坏之严重远远超出过去的估计。臭氧的减少不仅导致皮肤癌和白内障,而且摧毁浮游生物,那是我们人类赖以生存的食物链的第一环。 4
The reality of the greenhouse effect is more speculative, though its possible consequences are far deadlier: melting ice caps, flooded coastlines, disturbed climate, dried up plains and, ultimately, empty breadbaskets. The American Midwest feeds the world. Are we prepared to see Iowa acquire Albuquerque's climate? And Siberia acquire Iowa's?温室效应的现实情况是怎样目前难以确定,但可能产生的后果破坏性更大:冰帽融化,海岸线被洪水淹没,气候反常,平原干涸,进而最终粮仓空匮。美国中西部是为全世界提供粮食的地方。我们是否愿意眼看着爱荷华州出现阿尔伯克基的气候,而西伯利亚则出现爱荷华州的气候呢? 5
Ozone reduction and the greenhouse effect are human disasters. They happen to occur in the environment. But they are urgent because they directly threaten man. A sensible environmentalism, the only kind of environmentalism that will win universalpublic support, begins by unashamedly declaring that nature is here to serve man. A sensible environmentalism is entirely man-centered: it calls for man to preserve nature, but on the grounds of self-preservation.
臭氧减少与温室效应都是人类的灾难。两者恰好都属于环境的范围。但这两种情况都很紧迫,因为它们直接威胁着人类。理智的环境保护论,亦即惟一能赢得公众普遍支持的环境保护论首先坦然指出,大自然是为人类服务的。理智的环境保护论完全是以人为本的:它呼吁人类保护自然,但其目的是自我保护。 6
A sensible environmentalism does not sentimentalize the earth. It does not ask people to sacrifice in the name of other creatures. After all, it is hard enough to ask people to sacrifice in the name of other humans. (Think of the public resistance to foreign aid and welfare.) Ask hardworking voters to sacrifice in the name of the snail darter, and, if they are feeling polite, they will give you a shrug.理智的环境保护论对地球不感情用事。它不要求人们为其他生物做出牺牲。毕竟,要人们为他人作牺牲都难而又难。(想一想公众对海外援助和福利救助是何等的抵制。) 如果你要求勤劳的选民为蜗牛鱼做出牺牲,客气一点的,也就对你耸耸肩而已。 7
Of course, this man-centeredness runs against the grain of a contemporary environmentalism that worships the earth to the point of excess. One scientific theory -- Gaia theory -- actually claims that Earth is a living organism. This kind of environmentalism likes to consider itself spiritual. It is nothing more than sentimental. It takes, for example, a highly selective view of the kindliness of nature. My nature worship stops with the May storms that killed more than 125,000 Bengalis and left 10 million homeless.当然,这种以人为本的做法与当前一种过分崇拜地球的环境保护论格格不入。有一种科学理论,即盖亚理论,就声称地球是个有生命的机体。这种环境保护论喜欢自诩为崇高而纯洁。究其实不过是感情用事。比如,它在看待大自然的仁慈时往往好事尽记,坏事皆忘。本人过去也崇拜自然。但自5月风暴夺走了125,000多孟加拉人的生命,留下1,000万人无家可归以后,我的自然崇拜也就不复存在了。 8
A non-sentimental environmentalism is one founded on Protagoras' principle that &Man is the measure of all things.& Such a principle helps us to fight our way through the jungle of environmental argument. Take the current debate raging over oil drilling in a corner of the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge. Environmentalists, fighting against a bill working its way through Congress to permit such exploration, argue that we should be conserving energy instead of drilling for it. This is a false either/or proposition. The country does need a substantial energy tax to reduce consumption. But it needs more production too. Government estimates indicate a nearly fifty-fifty chance that under the ANWR lies one of the five largest oil fields ever discovered in America.非感情用事的环境保护论是建立在普罗泰戈拉的“人是一切事物的尺度”的原则之上的。这一原则能帮助指点迷津,引导我们杀出环境保护的混争。且以包含各类专业文献、外语学习资料、中学教育、行业资料、幼儿教育、小学教育、专业论文、生活休闲娱乐、31全新版大学英语综合教程1-4课文原文及翻译等内容。 
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