lameun fou爱情是什么么意思啊

Guerre de Cent Ans
百年战争(英语:Hundred Years' War,法语:Guerre de Cent Ans)
r. 1325年逝世
r. r. r. r.
纳瓦拉的让娜b. 1312伯贡蒂女伯爵让娜三世b. 1308爱德华三世 (英格兰)b. 1312
查理二世 (纳瓦拉)b. 1332奥弗涅伯爵腓力二世b. 1323
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阿尔及利亚[非洲]常见用法l'Algérie阿尔及利亚la guerre d'Algérie阿尔及利亚战争
版 权 所 有
En Algérie, le mouvement berbère est dans l'impasse.然而在阿尔及利亚,柏柏尔人运动却陷入僵局。Les chinois seraient 50 000 en Algérie, peut-être beaucoup plus nombreux.据不完全统计,在阿尔及利亚的中国人可能有50 000人,甚至更多。Douste-Blazy, Mohamed Bedjaoui avait souligné que la France n'avait "pas le même poids" en Algérie que les Etats-Unis.此间他强调,在阿尔及利亚,法国的重要性根本不能与美国相提并论。Lorsqu'on parle des fran?ais qui ont vécu en Algérie, on les appelle les ''pieds-noirs''.大家说到曾生活在阿尔及利亚的法国人时,都会称其为''pieds-noirs''。Derrière Yasmina Khadra se cache un militaire de carrière qui a vécu la transformation de l’Algérie de l’intérieur.在雅斯米纳.卡德拉背后,隐藏著一个经历了阿尔及利亚内部变革的职业军人。Il y a des écoles et des universités, des lieux, en Algérie, où l'on ne peutplus être dévoilée.在阿尔及利亚的一些地方、在一些学校、一些大学里,女人们不能再不带头巾露面。Au plan diplomatique, l'isolement de l'Algérie était total.至于外交方面,阿尔及利亚被完全孤立。Le Ministère algérien des affaires étrangères a confirmé que la femme et les trois enfants de Mouammar Kadhafi sont arrivés lundi matin en Algérie.阿尔及利亚的外交事务部证实,卡扎菲妻子和三个孩子在周一上午抵达阿尔及利亚。Les contrats économiques passés entre l’Algérie et la Chine vont désormais de concert avec les contrats de mariage sino-algériens.中-阿之间的经济合同,至此将演变成和谐的中-阿联姻。C chinois – ouvrier – de (suivi d’un nom) – travailler – temps – bi – Algérie ; algérien – ouvrier (- plus) – long.中国工人的工作时间比阿尔及利亚工人(更)长。Ce que l’on sait moins en revanche, c’est que certains d’entre eux ont la ferme intention de s’installer définitivement en Algérie.然而鲜为人知的是,在他们之中有些人要义无反顾地在阿尔及利亚定居下来。Mais cette attaque confirme le climat tendu qui règne de nouveau depuis quelques semaines en Algérie.但是这起袭击事件证实了几周以来阿尔及利亚局势的紧张。L’Algérie a bel et bien ouvert les bras à ses voisins et attend l’arrivée des jonctions avec l’autoroute tunisienne et marocaine.阿尔及利亚已经做好了准备,并且向其邻国张开了双臂,等待着突尼斯和摩洛哥的高速公路链接的来临。Nedjma Présentation du réseau et des offres de cet opérateur de téléphonie mobile lancé par Wataniya Télécom Algérie.大管家网上建材超市家庭装潢建材销售网站,产品覆盖地板,卫浴,瓷砖,五金,木材,门窗,工具,电工电料等。Au lendemain d’attaques kamikazes au Maroc, l’Algérie subi une vague d’attentats à la voiture piégée à Alger.继摩洛哥摩洛哥昨日发生自杀性爆炸事件后,阿尔及利亚首都也迎来汽车炸弹恐怖事件的浪潮。En réponse, un porte-parole du Conseil national de transition a qualifié l'acceuil de la famille Kadhafi en Algérie d'acte d'agression, soulignant que le CNT va demander leur extradition.作为回应,全国过渡委员会发言人呼吁接收卡扎菲家人在阿尔及利亚的侵略行为,强调的是NTC将寻求引渡他们。Notes: L’ex-dictateur n’était pas au Mali, au Niger ou en Algérie. Il était chez lui, dans sa ville natale de Syrte, lorsqu’il a été repéré, capturé et tué.备注:这位前独裁者被找到、逮捕及杀死时,并不在马里、尼日尔或阿尔及利亚,而是在他的家乡苏尔特市。法国媒体纷纷开辟特别专栏播出相关节目。Enseignant dans un lycée en Algérie entre 1982 et 1984, il commence à écrire et, en 1985, publie son premier roman, intitulé <>, qui remporte un franc succès.1982年至1984年间他到阿尔及利亚的一间中学任教,1985年开始写作,出版的第一本小说《浴室》轰动了法国文坛。la société à reponsabilité limitée du chargeur de Xiamen en Chine,notre société voudrait chercher l'argent commercial du chargeur en Afrique,en particulière,en Algérie.厦门装载机有限公司,诚招在北非的装载机代理商,特别是在阿尔及利亚。La Société principalement la Russie et l'Ukraine, la région du Moyen-Orient sont les suivants: Palestine, Syrie, Dubai, Koweit. Il ya des domaines en Afrique, tels que l'Algérie, la Libye.本公司主要做俄罗斯乌克兰地区,中东地区主要是:巴勒斯坦,叙利亚迪拜科威特。还有非洲地区的利比亚阿尔及利亚等。
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提供大量法语阅读听力资源的免费法语学习站点10 Iconic Fonts and Why You Should Never Use Them
Feb. 28, 2011
Reading time: 4 minutes
got a lot to thank Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and the computing world&#8217;s
other leaders for. They&#8217;re responsible for some of the greatest leaps
forward in communications and business in the last 30 years-and many of
the biggest innovations in design, too.
Without them, our industry
wouldn&#8217;t be what it is today, and many of the world&#8217;s top designers
wouldn&#8217;t have a platform for their work.
However, there is one reason to resent these giants: their choice of
fonts. In releasing mega-popular suites and catering to a broad,
design-illiterate audience, leading business applications such as
Microsoft Word shocked us with the overused fonts that they include
standard in their latest releases.
This isn&#8217;t a riff on the world&#8217;s worst fonts, but rather an
invitation for amateur designers and business users to stop abusing some
of the world&#8217;s best fonts.
Nothing is particularly wrong with Impact or
Comic Sans as fonts per se, but there is a huge deal wrong with using
them in every situation. The 10 fonts below are overused and patently
annoying, and we give 10 good reasons to stop using all of them.&1. Impact
One of the world&#8217;s most popular header fonts,
does have its
positives. It&#8217;s easy to read, rather striking and great for getting
attention. However, it has been misused so frequently that few good
designers even bother to acknowledge its existence anymore, preferring
to use other high-visibility fonts.
Here&#8217;s why you should not use it: it&#8217;s too thin, too focused and too
amateurish to stand out.
Impact is the standard choice for office
handouts and amateur mailing list items, and it should never be used for
a professional logo or public document. Avoid it, and opt for a wider
font for your headlines.
&2. TheSans Basic
It&#8217;s hard not to like . Perfectly spaced and delicately
styled, it seems like the perfect font for online body content and short
snappy copy.
Unfortunately, it is ruined by the uppercase &#8220;Q,&#8221; which
just isn&#8217;t styled right for such an otherwise generic, versatile and
widely usable typeface.
Creativity in typefaces is fantastic: it makes otherwise boring fonts
interesting, its flourishes can transform bland documents, and it even
allows designers to emphasize certain letters.
But the &#8220;Q&#8221; here just
isn&#8217;t right. It is style for style&#8217;s sake, and it looks a bit silly as
part of a typeface that&#8217;s otherwise fairly standard.
&3. Trajan
, along with the &#8220;laurel leaves&#8221; icon, has become tragically
overused in film posters and other movie marketing material.
fantasy to indie films, marketers have been using this dynamic combo to
establish authenticity for some time, and it&#8217;s beginning to take its
toll on an otherwise pretty font.
Here&#8217;s why: Trajan has shipped with almost every edition of Adobe&#8217;s
Creative Suite, making it one of a handful of fonts available to any
designer. It&#8217;s a great font for occasional titles and small touches, but
as an all-purpose font for entertainment and epics, it&#8217;s getting a
little tired.
Thankfully, Microsoft replaced
as the default font
in Office 2007. Arial was once the standard font in all Windows
applications, making it the go-to font for amateurs and thoughtless
Microsoft originally chose Arial to skirt licensing issues with the
older, slightly more popular Helvetica.
By going with Arial, it avoided
the licensing fees and got a font that was very similar to Helvetica,
with only slight variations, many of which are impossible to spot when
the font is used for body text.
&5. Comic Sans
Few fonts are as reviled as . The whimsical font really
isn&#8217;t that bad when used appropriately. Unfortunately, the entire
corporate world seems to have chosen it for &#8220;Do not enter&#8221; signs,
product announcements and even
Comic Sans is great for children&#8217;s products, party invitations and
(gasp) comic books. It is not suitable for product announcements,
termination notices and funeral invitations.
This is a classic case of a
good font gone bad through overuse, outright misuse and sheer
&6. Franklin Gothic
We get it: you want your website to look like a newspaper.
is an iconic font that has the potential to look good, but it is
all too often misused by amateur designers who want to give their
websites a &#8220;classic&#8221; look or bloggers who are desperate for credibility.
Franklin Gothic is great for headlines, short leading questions and
other minor design elements. It should not be used for an entire
While a truly classic offline font, Franklin Gothic is abused
too often to be a staple of the web.
&7. Helvetica
Not many designers would put
on a list like this. Designed
in 1957 and used by some of the world&#8217;s biggest companies (Apple, NASA
and BMW are all big fans), Helvetica is one of the most visible
sans-serif typefaces in print and advertising.
For most designers, that&#8217;s a testimony to its versatility and value.
But it&#8217;s also a reason not to use it too much.
Helvetica has become so
overused that it has lost its distinction. When you want to grab
attention or emphasize a bit of content, Helvetica is no longer your
answer. That said, the font is still ideal for ordinary body content.
&8. Bradley Hand (and Other &#8220;Handwritten&#8221; Fonts)
The reason that handwritten-style fonts are used is that they convey
personality in a way that Arial and other sans-serif fonts cannot.
reality is that they come off as kitschy and inauthentic, and they end
up saying more about your taste than your content.
is one of the worst offenders: a cheap font that has
been used in too many invitations and personal greetings to slip under
the radar. But other handwritten fonts are just as annoying, as are the
many tacky script-style fonts used in party invitations and gift-shop
&9. Courier and Courier New
makes sense for certain uses: screenplays, code, plain text
documents. But its disproportional lettering and typewriter aesthetic
makes it unsuitable for web designers.
Don&#8217;t bother with Courier as a design element, just don&#8217;t. It&#8217;s
great for text for which readability is paramount, such as code, but on
the web it reeks of a 12-year-old&#8217;s angst-ridden Geocities
website-especially when rendered in neon green.
&10. Papyrus
Papyrus is the king of bad fonts. Equal parts childish, kitschy and
irritating, this ugly piece of typography has found its way into
everything from film posters (, anyone?) to logos for credit unions.
It has become such a universal annoyance that several
have popped up.
As with Comic Sans, avoid this typeface if you want to be taken
seriously. Unlike other reviled typefaces, though, Papyrus isn&#8217;t bad
because it is overused: it&#8217;s bad because it just doesn&#8217;t look good.
Kitschy, cheap and vile, Papyrus has no place in your designs.
Written exclusively for WDD by Mathew Carpenter.
He is an 18-year-old business owner and entrepreneur from Sydney, Australia. Mathew is currently working on , a website that teaches you how to make money online. Follow Mathew on Twitter: . Follow Sofa Moolah on Twitter:
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