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中文翻译POGO =polar orbiting geophysical observatory 极轨道地球物理观测卫星。n.(pl. pogos)1.弹簧单高跷〔一种运动用具,又叫pogo-stick〕:弹簧单高跷游戏。2.(音乐伴奏下的)原地跳跃舞蹈。
例句与用法Looking to get back up on that pogo stick我希望找回儿时的美好回忆Oscar winner renee zellweger as looking like a " painted pumpkin on a pogo stick .奥斯卡得主芮妮-齐薇格如同“一只被涂抹了的南瓜” 。 Pogo t oads讨厌的蟾蜍Hello , sharper lmage . thanks for the combination pogo stickclock radio你好, sharper lmage 。真是感谢能将弹簧单高跷和自动定时开关收音机结合起来Hello , sharper lmage . thanks for the combination pogo stick clock radio你好, sharper lmage 。真是感谢能将弹簧单高跷和自动定时开关收音机结合起来Hello , sharper lmage . thanks for the combination pogo stick / clock radio你好, sharper lmage 。真是感谢能将弹簧单高跷和自动定时开关收音机结合起来It was as if phil jackson could no longer ignore the bouncing pogo stick at the end of the bench禅师好像再也不会忘记板凳席末端那个手舞足蹈的家伙。 No sooner did i hear the voice than a wrinkle faced , six foot tall , white haired pogo stick of a man was greeting us at the door , swooping his big , open hand and strong arm across the doorway , inviting us in话音未落,一位满脸皱纹、 6英尺高、白发瘦长的老人出现在门口欢迎我们,在门道他张开有力的臂膀,伸出大手,请我们进去。 To this end , a group calling itself the partnership for observation of global oceans ( pogo ) , says it wants up to $ 3 billion to set up a proper global marine monitoring system which actually looks at what is going on under the ocean为了达到这个目标,一个自称“全球海洋观察协作体“的组织讲道,他们需要多达3亿美元的资助金来建立起一个完备并能完完全全注视海底动作的全球海洋监控系统。 Blackwell said hotel heiress hilton looks " like yesterday ' s cheesecake , " criticised " desperate housewives " television star eva longoria for " garish taste " and described oscar winner renee zellweger as looking like a " painted pumpkin on a pogo stick .继承人帕丽斯就像是“昨天的酪饼,不新鲜”绝望主妇的女主角伊娃隆格里亚“过分招摇,品味俗气”奥斯卡得主芮妮齐薇格如同“一只被涂抹了的更多例句:&&1&&&&
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pogo stick是什么意思
中文翻译英英解释弹簧高跷杖娃娃跳:&&&&n. (pl. pogos) 1.弹簧单高跷〔一种运动用 ...:&&&& stick2 (stuck) vi. 1.粘 ...
例句与用法Looking to get back up on that pogo stick我希望找回儿时的美好回忆Oscar winner renee zellweger as looking like a " painted pumpkin on a pogo stick .奥斯卡得主芮妮-齐薇格如同“一只被涂抹了的南瓜” 。 Hello , sharper lmage . thanks for the combination pogo stick clock radio你好, sharper lmage 。真是感谢能将弹簧单高跷和自动定时开关收音机结合起来Hello , sharper lmage . thanks for the combination pogo stick / clock radio你好, sharper lmage 。真是感谢能将弹簧单高跷和自动定时开关收音机结合起来It was as if phil jackson could no longer ignore the bouncing pogo stick at the end of the bench禅师好像再也不会忘记板凳席末端那个手舞足蹈的家伙。 No sooner did i hear the voice than a wrinkle faced , six foot tall , white haired pogo stick of a man was greeting us at the door , swooping his big , open hand and strong arm across the doorway , inviting us in话音未落,一位满脸皱纹、 6英尺高、白发瘦长的老人出现在门口欢迎我们,在门道他张开有力的臂膀,伸出大手,请我们进去。 Blackwell said hotel heiress hilton looks " like yesterday ' s cheesecake , " criticised " desperate housewives " television star eva longoria for " garish taste " and described oscar winner renee zellweger as looking like a " painted pumpkin on a pogo stick .继承人帕丽斯就像是“昨天的酪饼,不新鲜”绝望主妇的女主角伊娃隆格里亚“过分招摇,品味俗气”奥斯卡得主芮妮齐薇格如同“一只被涂抹了的In his 46th report , blackwell said that olsen , 19 , who with her twin , ashley olsen , heads a multimillion - dollar entertainment empire appealing to young girls , looked " depressingly decayed " in her " bag lady rags . " he called simpson , 25 , a " cut - rate rapunzel slingin " hash in a vegas diner " and said lohan , 19 , was " drowning in grown - up groaners " that added 30 years to her looks . blackwell said hotel heiress hilton looks " like yesterday ' s cheesecake , " criticised " desperate housewives " television star eva longoria for " garish taste " and described oscar winner renee zellweger as looking like a " painted pumpkin on a pogo stick .布莱克韦尔指出,现年19岁的好莱坞小富姐双胞胎女星之一的玛丽凯特奥尔森邋遢落魄的着装让她看起来像个压抑的乞丐杰西卡辛普森“爱穿二流货” 25岁的美国新一代小天后林赛罗翰老气横秋的打扮让她足足长了30多岁希尔顿酒店继承人帕丽斯就像是“昨天的酪饼,不新鲜”绝望主妇的女主角伊娃隆格里亚“过分招摇,品味俗气”奥斯卡得主芮妮齐薇格如同“一只被涂抹了的南瓜” 。 &&
pogo stick的中文翻译,pogo stick是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译pogo stick,pogo stick的中文意思,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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clock radio是什么意思
中文翻译英英解释定时收音机时钟收音机:&&&&n. 袜子跟部[侧面下方]的织绣花纹。 vt. 织[绣] ...:&&&&n. 1.无线电讯[电报,电话];无线电,射电。 2.无 ...
例句与用法Please don ' t tamper with the clock radio请不要瞎弄那只收音机闹钟。 Manufacturer of digital pll and alarm clock radios , portable and promotional radios-调谐数码收音机数字音频广播接收机制造商。 Hello , sharper lmage . thanks for the combination pogo stick clock radio你好, sharper lmage 。真是感谢能将弹簧单高跷和自动定时开关收音机结合起来Hello , sharper lmage . thanks for the combination pogo stick / clock radio你好, sharper lmage 。真是感谢能将弹簧单高跷和自动定时开关收音机结合起来The ads can say " buy toasters at amazon " , or " buy clock radios at amazon , " and they didn ' t have to pay $ 2 , 000 to create each version of the ad这个广告可以说“在亚马逊买烤面包机” ,或者“在亚马逊买时钟收音机” ,但他们不必去花费2000美金去创建每个版本的广告。 Other items include digital cameras , cellular phones , mp3 players , video game consoles , portable cd players , carrying cases , cordless phones , additional memory for digital cameras , laptops and clock radios其他商品包括:数码相机,手机,游戏控制台, cd播放器,便携箱,无绳电话,数码相机附加内存,笔记本和闹钟收音机。 &&
clock radio的中文翻译,clock radio是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译clock radio,clock radio的中文意思,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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