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- ARTI 'The World's most experienced rescue team and disaster management-mitigation organization.'
American Rescue Team International
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Click on this Quake Alarm and you will link to a doc. from the Office of Energency Services, in C concerning the Quake Alarm.
Thompson Lang
'the 911 monster'
Mesothelioma victims click on the asbestos sign, for help
Duck and Cover is WRONG!
The Triangle Of Life saves lives!Duck and Cover will KILL you!
** July 2010 **.
** June 2010 **.
Sophie, a grade 8 student in Ottawa, Canada contacted Doug Copp, by email, Sophie, told Doug that she wanted to "make a difference". She was taught 'duck and cover', in grade 5. She never liked it. It made her afraid. She researched "the triangle of life' and wanted to 'make a difference'. Sophie wrote an essay which is an inspiration, for all people who want to 'make a difference'. Next September, we will have video, essay competitions and much a way for young people, to make a difference.
Someday, I expect that Sophie may be an investigative journalist. Let's hope that she maintains her sense of truth, decency, courage and desire to 'make a difference' when most people succumb to the 'daily grind'.
** Sophie is an inspiration to youg people and Adults, too! **.
Earthquake Safety, By Sophie
Danger, awareness and doing nothing. This is the situation with schools and earthquakes. The procedure today for earthquakes is to crouch under desks, not facing any windows, covering your head. Well covering your head isn?t safe in the worst situation. Yes, if stuff falls or windows break this is safe. Although, we have to think of the worst scenario, to protect people whose lives are in danger. What if the roof caves in? The desks in schools are not strong enough to hold the roof. People following this procedure would be crushed to death. Doug Copp has found the solution: the triangle of life.
We all learned about the ?Duck and Cover? in earthquake safety. Recent research shows this is WRONG! ?[in collapsing buildings] Duck and cover results in a 98% death rate? says Doug Copp himself. You see, hiding under desks is dangerous in a cave-in. When researchers went into crumbled and collapsed buildings, they found triangles formed against strong objects from roof cave-ins. ?Triangle of life results 90% survival?. If there is a large sturdy counter and the roof falls, the counter won?t be crushed. The roof would rest on top creating a triangle between the counter, floor and the roof would be the hypotenuse of this empty right triangle. If someone were to crouch near the counter before the earthquake, they would most likely be saved. This is the triangle of life.
Many people disagree with the triangle of life, saying that it is more likely to be hurt from falling objects, then a falling roof. But there are some people who agree completely on Copp?s side. ?Alice Walker Blog? says ?Thank you, Doug Copp, wherever you are, know we are grate full for this teaching?. Someone (name not available) on ?Philosophy Recycled? said ?This guy's [Doug Copp] findings is absolutely amazing. I hope we all remember his survival method if we are ever in an earthquake!!!? Also many media sources are being made, for all over the world. ?United Nations TV? has broadcast the triangle of life in Haiti. In Lebanon ?Pan Arab Magazine? had a recent article on Doug Copp and the triangle of life. Even China has widely accepted the triangle of life.
There is a question about the insurance companies. Are they influencing our schools? Schools buy insurance, if there is an earthquake and people die, the insurance won?t have to pay for hospital bills. If children are alive, maybe injured, but alive, they will have to pay. Is this all about money? That is the question we need to ask. Duck and cover is not the safest method, maybe people die, so less money will be spent. H the triangle of life procedure is used in some government buildings in British Colombia, Canada. Why not in schools too? Why not save lives? Questions not easily answered.
If you ask me, I think the triangle of life makes sense. There is proof, videos and good reasoning. I think something needs to be done about the earthquake procedures in schools. Accidents have happened befor why not learn from them to prevent harm to our country? If a student in elementary school is concerned with this matter, I think maybe our government should be too.
** June 19 2010 **.
** Feb 2010 **.
National Public Radio throughout the USA and Canada, Brazilian TV and Newspapers, Latin American Newspapers, TV and Radio all covered the ARTI mission to Hati. We thank them and Time Magazine for helping us to get our message across of co-operation to
more effectively save lives and reduce suffering.
** Time Magazine ** writes about the Triangle of Life Survival Method discovered by Doug Copp!
This is another step in the adoption of Triangle of Life', throughout the world and the end of 'Duck and Cover'.
The United Nations Security, in Geneva, Switzerland, sends a 'triangle of life' power point presentation
to all UN Officials in Latin America
Quote from Time Magazine:
"Meanwhile, U.N. security experts this week sent out a triangle-of-life PowerPoint presentation to staff members in Latin America who are still shaken by the deaths of 100-plus U.N. workers in the organization's Port-au-Prince headquarters, including the head of the mission there."
Tim Padgett, Time Magazine, Senior Editor
March 5, 2010. Title: "Are you prepared?
Next time when the ground beneath your feet trembles, try the ?Triangle of Life?"Read the article in India's Premier Business and Management Magazine: 'Business and Economy'.
"Techniques like
drop, cover and hold-on are
passé. ?Duck and cover results
in a 98% death rate when
buildings collapse. The only
people who survive are those
who do the ?triangle of life?.
This is either intentionally or
as a result of panicking, fleeing,
being knocked to the
floor and somehow finding
themselves in a survivable
void. If the masses followed
the ?triangle of life?, there
would be a major shift from
death to survivability, in
earthquakes,? says Doug
Copp, Professor of Disaster
Mitigation at the International
Institute of Disaster Reduction
Ravi Inder Singh
Business & Economy, 4P's Business and Marketing, and The Sunday Indian (TSI)
April, 2010. Title: "Doug Copp, Triangle of Life"
This magazine has a circulation of 100,000, in the 10 wealthiest arab countries.
It is published for the elite, super-rich of the oil world.
It is a block buster expose of the $ and death behind 'duck and cover.'
We are translating this article into English.
Watch the original 'duck and cover' TV commercial. It shows people dropping to the ground and covering their head with a newspaper to protect themselves from a nuclear explosion.
If you don't watch the English 'T of L' video above, on the right column, then
Watch one of the Spanish language
'Triangle of Life' youtube videos.
The Spanish Power Point Presentation is being watched by millions of Latin Americans.
March 11, 2010. The first video is presented by
the Federal Government of Mexico, Minister Elias Moreno Brizuela,
Ministry of Civil Defense, Mexico.
6 of the MANY different Spanish 'Triangle of Life' videos, appear below.
6 de la mucho Videos de Triangulo de La Vida en Espanol.
Watch the Triangulo de vida in sign language.Great graphics.
Watch the award winning Public Service TV Video created by Doug Copp, Lisa Haywood at . TV Commercial #1 triangle of life.earthquake.
Watch the award winning Public Service TV Video created by Doug Copp, Lisa Haywood at . TV Commercial #2 triangle of life.earthquake.
Watch the award winning Public Service TV Video created by Doug Copp, Lisa Haywood at . TV Commercial #3 triangle of life.earthquake.
Watch the award winning Public Service TV Video created by Doug Copp, Lisa Haywood at . TV Commercial #4 triangle of life.Tsunami
Watch Doug Copp on German TV, rescuing people from the triangle of life.
Read about the triangle of life, in Spanish, at the website for GOER (The Argentinean Rescue team)
This device will give you a warning in advance of an earthquake. Time and time again, it has more effective, at saving lives, than a machine costing $100,000 at any Research University. You can get it for less than $50.
Enough advanced warning to save your life! "It is 'the real deal". doug copp
March 2010. Quake Alarm is the only product endorsed by ARTI. It does for earthquakes what smoke detectors did for fires. It costs $20 -30. It will provide you with enough warning of an earthquake to save your life. ARTI has given them to Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Generals to protect their office and home.
In one instance it saved the lives of an entire school of children, in Mexico. The children were all outside, in lines watching as their school completely collapsed, in front of them. After this event the Governor of this region used 3 Quake Alarms, one for office, one for the bedroom and another for hotel trips.
It works. It saves lives. We recommend it highly. In fact we cannot recommend it enough. It is capable of saving the lives of your entire family has it has repeatedly done, throughout the world.
If there was an award given for the most practicily, useful safety device, in the world. Quake Alarm would win it with a unaminous vote.
Click on the bottom Quake Alarm and you will link to a doc. from the Office of Energency Services, in C concerning the Quake Alarm.
schoolchildren died in collapsed schools because of 'duck and cover'
'Quake Alarm': Watch the video. The Quake Alarm does for earthquakes what smoke detectors do for fires. It costs less than $20 requires a 9 Volt battery, to work and it has ALREADY SAVED AN ENTIRE SCHOOL OF CHILDREN. The children watched from outside, in safety, as their school collapsed, into a complete heap of rubble. Instead of, the usual 2% 100% of the children survived.
ARTI has been giving Quake Alarms as presents, to world leaders, for years. The Quake Alarm protects the Maharao Pragmalji III, in his Palace, in Gujarat, India. It is in the Presidential Compound, in Peru. The General of the Armed Police of China has one. It protects the Ministry of Civil Defense Headquarters, in The People's Republic of China. The Governor of Jalisco, Mexico keeps one in his bedroom, one in his office and another in his suitcase to protect him when travelling.
A litany of USA and Canadian Embassies are protected by Quake Alarm.
The Quake Alarm activates and warns you before earthquake damage takes place. This gives you the time to get yourself into a survivable void or 'triangle of life'.
Quake Alarm plus the 'triangle of life' means survival.
30 Questions and answers that go with the t of l videos:
1) Q : Why is
'it" called the triangle of life?
A: If you look closely at collapsed buildings either in pictures or on TV you will rapidly discover that you see 'triangular spaces' formed throughout collapsed structures. It is as natural and normal as gravity or the 'shape of snowflakes'. They are formed everywhere around objects when buildings collapse.
2) Q: Why has it taken Doug Copp 25 years to eliminate Duck and Cover?
A: If Galileo could come back from the dead he would ask why some people still believe that the earth is the center of the universe, the world is flat, people should be 'bled' to allow demons to escape from the body and man never landed on the moon.
As Schopenhauer, the German Philosopher, said: 'The path of all truth is first to be ridiculed, secondly to be violently opposed and thirdly to be accepted as 'self-evident'.
3) Q: What are the 15 safest places to be in an earthquake? (The places most people survive.)
A: 1) Outside in the middle of a field where nothing can fall on top of you.
2) Outside in the middle of the street where falling glass can't reach you.
3) On a seismic resistant platform such as a boat.
On the top floor of a wooden building.
5) On the top floor of a concrete building
6) in the space between 2 large objects (between twin beds, between 2 cars, between 2 rows of desks).
7) Next to an office bank vault or stack of paper.
8) Next to a squashed vehicle
9) At the foot of a bed
10) In front of a hotel lobby counter or bar counter.
11) In front of a sofa.
12) Next to Kitchen Cabinets
13) Next to a big bulky object like a piece of machinery, fridge, stove.
14) Next to a large carrying beam
In the subterranean exterior perimeter of a building.
4) Q: Where are the 15 deadliest places to be in an earthquake? (The places where most dead victims are recovered from or simply the most lethal.)
1) Under an object that gets squashed (like a desk, car, bed)
2) Inside of an object that gets squashed (like a car)
3) On top of an object that gets squashed (like a bed or sofa)
4) Inside of an elevator
5) On stairs.
6) More than 10 ft away from the outside of a building and on the ground floor
7) In a brick building less than 10 ft from the outside wall.
8) In a doorway of a collapsed building.
10) On the ground floor of any building.
11) Under a carrying beam.
12) Under an object with a high center of gravity that fell over in the earthquake (like a fridge.
13) The middle decks of highway overpasses.
14) Places that catch fire after collapsing.
15) Places with toxins, chemicals and gases that collapse.
5) Q: What is frequency of moment?
A: This convoluted term is meant to explain the resultant third force from 2 objects which are swinging out of synch with each other. If the swinging lasts long enough and the force of the earthquake is strong enough then the smaller object will break into pieces at the joints and collapse( such as, stairs moving out of synch with the rest of the building.)
6) Q: What do I do in a multi-story building?
A: B lay down, in a fetal position next to a bed or sofa. When the earthquake has stopped and the building has not collapsed DO NOT MOVE! DO NOT GO TO THE STAIRS! Wait until all the panicked people have fled down the stairs. If the stairs haven't collapsed under all the combined weight of panicked, fleeing people then you know that they will be safe for you to go on. If you can, then wait for an expert to inspect the stairs before putting weight on them.
7) Q: What do I do in a basement?
A: Basements are relatively safe if you are near the outside perimeter of the subterranean area. The center of the basement area is very unsafe. Typically the walls fall outward and downward until the forces reach the subterranean area. At this point the lateral force is stopped by bedrock and is reflected inward. For example: The outside perimeter under the World trade Center had huge voids where thousands of people
whereas, the center core area was so pulverized that it crushed the subway car to an inch thick. You can see this video at
8) Q: What do I do on a highway?
A: Pull your car to the side of the road. Do NOT stop under an overpass or something that can fall on your car.
9) Q: What about the glass windows in a multi-story building?
A: Typically, glass is NOT a problem for the people inside the building. (It is like bursting a blown-up paper bag.) The glass blows outward as the air pressure inside of the building increases at the same time as the volume of the space decreases. If you are outside of the building then you should run away from the building into the middle of the street.
Q: Where is the deadliest place to be?
A: Most dead people are found squashed under a desk.
11) Q: How dangerous is it to search a collapsed building?
A: According to OSHA: 60% of 'rescuers' are killed going into their first confined
space rescue.
12) Q: What are the 10 most important things that I really need in a safety kit? Which are NOT usually found in a emergency kit.
1) Chlorine to purify drinking water (usually th however, it is contaminated from sewer lines and water lines leaking and mixing together.). or O3 Liquid Oxygen purification and energizing and immune system booster drops.
2) Garbage bags (to use to protect your valuables, to cut out arm holes to make a raincoat, to keep your food safe from the weather and rats.)
3) 50 ft of nylon rope (to use to make a tent and other uses)
4) Plastic tarps (to protect your valuables, and to make a tent)
5) A Swiss Army Knife with lots of tools.
LED flashlight.
7) A hand crank generating radio,
8) Energy bars in sealed bags
9) Baby wipes.
10) Emergen'c' powered multi-vitamin and mineral powders.
13) Q: Where is the best place to put an earthquake kit?
A: 1) On the roof of your house in a safe box.
2) In the trunk of your car
3) In a shipping container in the middle of your corporate workplace parking lot.
14) Q: What about books falling on you?
A: In 23 years I have never heard of a single individual getting killed by a falling book.
15) Q: What about ceiling fixtures falling on you?
A: They typically stay attached to the ceiling and don't fall away.
16) Q: Who will come to save my family in a major disaster?
A: 1) You. You care more for and will do more for your family than anyone else will.
In a major disaster the local 'forces' are overwhelmed. Do you really expect FEMA to save you?
17) Q: How do people get injured after the earthquake?
A: By falling objects. Solution: spend as much time looking up to see what is above you as you do walking over the rubble and looking at your feet.
18) Q: What do I do after a major earthquake stops?
A: Get ready for the next aftershock. Get in a safe place and stay safe.
Never go back inside of a building until 2 weeks-4 weeks after the initial earthquake.
19) Q: What do rescuers do when a major earthquake occurs?
A: 1) Think about their family.
2) Think about their duty to others.
20) Q: What type of structure is immune from earthquake collapse?
21) Q: How come nobody told us to stop going under doorways?
A: If somebody who had been telling you to go under doorways actually told you not
to do it anymore then they would have to admit that they made a mistake and expose themselves to liability.
22) Q: What happens when schools collapse?
A: The legs snap when the ceiling falls on the desks. The ceiling doesn't break up because there are so many points of support. The ceiling stays intact and the weight snaps all the legs. You are left with rows of crushed desks and rows of wide open aisles to be safe in and escape to the outside by crawling through.
23) Q: How do I understand what an earthquake is?
A: Think of an earthquake as 2 extremely large misshapen and rough edged objects sliding past each other.. Sometimes they get 'hooked' or caught up together until the forces pulling one object and pushing the other object make them break free. This built up force that is released is the initial earthquake. The forces which continue until the 'rough' area has been completely cleared are aftershocks. Remember an earthquake is NOT a single seismic event. It is a period of time ( usually less than a month) when you can have hundreds if not thousands of aftershocks. Most of these
however, you can have a larger aftershock than the initial earthquake. Stay outside and safe. Go on vacation.
24) Q: How do I understand the 'force' of an earthquake?
A: There are many hundreds of elements which determine how much force an earthquake will actually bring to your structure. A smaller magnitude earthquake can cause more damage than a larger magnitude earthquake if the smaller earthquake is closer to you or not as deep. Earthquakes under the Ocean have a lot of their energy absorbed by the Ocean itself. The type of soil is very important and the underground formations can cause earthquake energy to be amplified or even deflected from your area. I could write a book on this.
26) Q: What about terrorist explosions?
A: The survivors are found in survivable voids (triangles of life) on the opposite side of the objects as the blast center.
27) Q: What about collapsed buildings in landslides?
A: If the building is collapsed and covered by the dirt or rocks of a landslide then you will survive in the same triangle of life however, you must have air to breath. Plumbing pipes and other conduit can provide Oxygen to the victims trapped ins however, it is much more difficult for the rescuers to locate entry points into the buried ruble. You can see video of Doug Copp searching inside of collapsed buildings buried under a landslide at
28) Q: What is the most important thing for a 'rescuer' to have after a major earthquake?
A: Have piece of mind that your family is safe because you told everyone about the triangle of life and the things you learned from this video, power point presentation and manual. This is necessary in order to do your duty to others than your family.
29) Q: What is the most important thing a survivor or rescuer needs immediately before and after a major earthquake?
Before: Purchase a 'Quake Alarm' device which does for earthquakes what smoke detectors do for fires. It will give you enough warning of an earthquake for you to take action to save your life. It sounds the alarm as a result of the non lethal pre- thereby, warning you before the building starts to collapse.
For less than $20, it
has already saved the lives of an entire school of children.
After: Proper attitude: Be calm, be patient, be focused and pay attention (This is just the beginning of the ordeal.)
30) Q: What is the most important thing that you have learned from your experiences at major disasters throughout the world?
A: All people look the same when they are squashed under a desk.
6 minutes in length .mp4 DVD format
No actual human bodies are crushed only 'dummies'.
Read the following written testimonials of 3 children who survived the very first building that doug copp had searched. The first of 894 and the one that changed his life. As doug went up and down the aisles experiencing the gruesome site of the children squashed to 1/2 inch thick, with only an occassional little hand or foot sticking out into the aisle he was horrified and shocked.
He wondered why the children were told to get under their desks when there was room enough for all of them to have survived, in the aisle.
Doug Copp didn't know that children had been in the aisle and that they had escaped, a few hours before.
These 3 girls have now grown up to be women. They tell their stories of surviving, in the aisle, as they watched their friends being crushed.
The links to these personal testimonials of these 3 children are below. The section referring to Lorena Maribel Leon is here for you to read.
She better than anyone understands the difference between the consequences of 'duck and cover' and the 'triangle of life'
She survived because her torso was in 'the triangle of life' or survivable void , however, her legs were underneath her desk (essentially, in the 'duck and cover' area.) Her legs were crushed under the desk. Her legs were amputated.
Here is an excerpt of her testimonial as conveyed by her pastor:
"Another case that touched me was one about a young girl from our church called Lorena Maribel Leon, a student from CONALEP (Technical School)(young teen agers) and who on that morning of the earthquake, was in one of the classrooms.
Because she was seated at a student desk, she was unable to run away, and was left trapped amongst the furniture (in the aisle), which protected her from the ceiling that was falling on her, preventing her death.
Due to the time that she spent with her legs trapped underneath the student desks before her rescue, the young girl lost her legs.
She had the opportunity to be moved to and assisted at the Loma Linda Adventist Hospital.
A few months later, as a result of rehabilitation, and help of prosthesis, some young persons who helped in her rescue, family, and friends had the privilege of receiving her, making a big human fence at the airport, where she moved those who could see her walk on her own.
Now she can enjoy a normal life with the blessing she received from God to form a Christian home with the support and admiration of those who know her."
ARTI is in the process of contacting these witnesses to videotape their testimonials.
Search the website for many more documents and video concerning Doug Copp's work in Mexico C including saving the life of a newborn baby in a collapsed maternity ward.
August 1, 2008. Atlantic Time, Canada.
Why do they tell such outrageous lies?
Dr Lucy Jones, Seismologist at Cal Tech, representing the 'bureaucratic forces' of 'duck and cover' has publicly lied. ARTI has a copy of the text of her speech. She 'tricked' her audience by telling them that the 'triangle of life' is "based upon fraudulent information because the Mexico City Earthquake happened before the children were in their schools. Doug Copp made it all up."
All ARTI members, would like to see Lucy Jones tell Lorena that she didn't have her legs amputated and she didn't see her friends get crushed because the children were NOt in the schools.
The fact is that Mexico City Schools start at 7 am and open at 6:30. Lucy Jones lied.
Another colleague of Lucy Jones , John Hardcastle, Emergency Services of Palm Springs sent emails to hundreds of people telling them that " Doug Copp is a wanted criminal. He is hiding from the law. There is a warrant for his arrest. That you can't believe in the 'triangle of life' because doug copp is
a criminal."
An ARTI member received a copy.
A communication, to his boss, the Mayor of Palm Springs put an end to Hardcastle spreading that lie.
Doug Copp: "You can see my home address, email and phone number at the bottom of this page. I am NOT hiding and I worked for 5 years as a decorated police officer. There is NO warrrant for my arrest. John Hardcastle is a liar.
Why are they lying? Why have they launched such a vitrolic, hateful and personal attack of lies against Doug Copp? I conclude that they have a
fault in their character and they cannot defend 'duck and cover' by any other means other than lies. Is it NOt bad enough 'to lie to' and 'trick' people concerning the safety of their children? Is it necessary to lie about, disparage and defile the memory of the children who were killed. Personally, they disgust me.
There is No force on this earth strong enough to intimidate me and no amount of harm that can be done, that I will ever abandon my mission, to prevent school children, from suffering the brutal, crushing death of 'duck and cover'." doug copp
Why should attention be given to these people? Why not ignore them?
The answer: Disparaging the dead school children is just going too far.
This is unacceptable. These viscious lies need to stop.
On August 8, 2008, a mere 7 days after ARTI publicly exposed H
Hardcastle sent out emails stating that he is NO longer employed by the
City of Palm Springs.
Now, we will wait and see how Governor Swartzeneggar and Cal Tech respond to Lucy Jones' lies.
6 minutes in length .mp4 DVD format
No actual human bodies are crushed only 'dummies'.
It has come to ARTI's attention that various e-mail messages are circulating which attempt to describe and advocate the Triangle of Life survival method.
ARTI is happy to encourage the circulation of information about the Triangle of Life and the characterization of the method is substantially correct in the messages.
However, the best source of information about the Triangle of Life is this website, and there are two problems with the messages that are being circulated.
First, the messages indicate that ARTI Chief Doug Copp is their author, and he is not.
Doug was not consulted about the messages and does not know their orgin or author.
In addition, the messages indicate that Doug is or has been a member of three international organizations namely UNICEF, ONU and OEA.
In fact, Doug is not a member of any of these organizations, although he has worked cooperatively with them in the past and supports their efforts.
ARTI asks that the author of these messages contact Doug Copp to pursue further cooperation or, in the alternative, that the messages not be written so as to imply ARTI or Doug Copp is the author and that they not characterize ARTI or Doug Copp's background or methodology, but rather rely on direct quotations from and links to this website.
SincerelyAndrew Miller, of Karasik and Associates LLC, New York, New York, USA and Zurich, Switzerland
(representing Doug Copp and ARTI in our $131 million dollar defammation lawsuit, filed on our behalf in the Supreme Court of New York against those who would destroy our life saving work.)
A personal note from doug copp: I am very pleased that emails concerning the triangle of life have circulated to tens of millions of people, throughout the world. My only
request is that the authors of these emails contact me and allow me to edit the email for accuracy before they circulate them, around the world. ARTI is fighting against dark and evil forces. We are very concerned that these evil people will take advantage of any inaccuracy to cause chaos and death.
God Bless and Best Wishes doug copp/ ARTI
A Call for Amnesty Legislation
In the 1950s, the US Department of Defense was alarmed that the people had become panicked and hysterical after the Soviet Union 'got the atomic bomb'.
Archer Productions (a Madison Avenue Advertising Firm, got the 'contract' to create commercials which would calm people.
They created the concept of '?duck and cover?'.
'Duck and Cover' commercials and cartoons taught people that they would be saved from the blast of a nuclear bomb if they dropped to the ground
and covered their head with a newspaper. In these commercials you see a family in a clearing, in the forest. They are having a picnic.
When the liitle boy sees the blast from the nuclear bomb he 'ducks and covers' his head under the picnic blanket.
The father, at the barbecue 'ducks' his head and 'covers' under the newspaper. Then Bert the Safety Turtle sings his 'jingle' that you shouldn't
worry about atomic bombs because you only need to 'duck and cover' like Bert the safety Turtle.
In subsequent commercials they had children 'duck and cover' under their desks. This cartoon propaganda was fully adopted by bureaucracies and
has resulted in a universal survival rate of less than 2%. Millions of people have died as a result of 'duck and cover'. The '?duck and cover?'
program is still perpetuated by Re-Insurance Companies, Insurance Companies and the Governments they insure because they believe that they will be subject to a landslide of wrongful death lawsuits by families of 'duck and cover' victims.
They have also informed us that it is "cheaper and less trouble to deal with dead children (in schools) than survivors who might have injuries."
Conscientous rescuers have fought since, doug copp crawled into his first collapsed school, in 1985, and witnessed that all the children were crushed under their desks except for the 3 schoolgirls
who survived because they were in the aisle ( survivable void..triangle of to a large bulky object').
Furthermore, we believe that the actuarial tables are incorrect when they determine that survivors will reduce the profit for the shareholders because they are based upon serious injuries resulting from the same projections of 'duck and cover' losses.
We believe that most people who follow ' the triangle of life' will actually survive
therefore, the insurance company shareholders will see their profits increase.
We believe that legislation should be 'put into place' to prohibit 'wrongful death lawsuits against schoolboards and other government agencies for the deaths of all the past 'duck and cover' victims.
Also, governmental employees who tried to protect their governmental agencies from lawsuits by promoting 'duck and cover' should be exempt from dismissal or penalty.
They should be given amnesty.
We encourage you to write to your Mayor, Governor, Congressman and Senator to encourage 'duck and cover' amnesty legislation.
It should be noted by the Corporate World that the death of your employees via 'duck and cover' will allow your competitors who preactise 'the triangle of life'
the possibility to take over your market share while you replace your dead employees.
The triangle of life makes good fiscal policy for corporations. We encourage CEO's to 'put pressure' on their insurance carriers to re-analyze their actuarial tables and to
encourage legislation to give amnesty to governmental officials who allowed 'duck and cover' to continue.
Bert the Safety Turtle can be seen on many 'googled' websites. It is no longer in copyright. We include it in our 5 part'Triangle of Life'
DVD found below.
The video link to watch Bert the Safety Turtle ( US Gov't during the Cold War teaching people to duck and cover to protect yourself, from a nuclear explosion, by hiding under a blanket, is here.
Watch it by clicking on the ARC Red Dollar Cross.
Read what Ryan Mc Maken has to say by clicking on the ARC Red Dollar Cross.
At 7:50 PM, July 18, 2008. Atlantic Time, Canada.
The Triangle of Life was boadcasted to an initial audience of 500 (FIVE HUNDRED) million people. CCTV of China (CCTV is the largest TV Network on planet earth with 60 stations and an average audience of 500 million people) sent a film crew to the home of the discoverer of the Triangle of Life
, Doug Copp, to film
because, doug was too sick from his 911 injuries, to travel.
We are grateful to the Chinese Government, CCTV, Jenny Fang (CCTV producer) and the many other individuals who collaborated to prevent 'duck and cover' from killing more people, in the future.
Read the following written testimonials of 3 children who survived the very first building that doug copp had searched. The first of 894 and the one that changed his life. As doug went up and down the aisles experiencing the gruesome site of the children squashed to 1/2 inch thick, with only an occassional little hand or foot sticking out into the aisle he was horrified and shocked.
He wondered why the children were told to get under their desks when there was room enough for all of them to have survived, in the aisle.
Doug Copp didn't know that children had been in the aisle and that they had escaped, a few hours before.
These 3 girls have now grown up to be women. They tell their stories of surviving, in the aisle, as they watched their friends being crushed.
The links to these personal testimonials of these 3 children are below. The section referring to Lorena Maribel Leon is here for you to read.
She better than anyone understands the difference between the consequences of 'duck and cover' and the 'triangle of life'
She survived because her torso was in 'the triangle of life' or survivable void , however, her legs were underneath her desk (essentially, in the 'duck and cover' area.) Her legs were crushed under the desk. Her legs were amputated.
Here is an excerpt of her testimonial as conveyed by her pastor:
"Another case that touched me was one about a young girl from our church called Lorena Maribel Leon, a student from CONALEP (Technical School)(young teen agers) and who on that morning of the earthquake, was in one of the classrooms.
Because she was seated at a student desk, she was unable to run away, and was left trapped amongst the furniture (in the aisle), which protected her from the ceiling that was falling on her, preventing her death.
Due to the time that she spent with her legs trapped underneath the student desks before her rescue, the young girl lost her legs.
She had the opportunity to be moved to and assisted at the Loma Linda Adventist Hospital.
A few months later, as a result of rehabilitation, and help of prosthesis, some young persons who helped in her rescue, family, and friends had the privilege of receiving her, making a big human fence at the airport, where she moved those who could see her walk on her own.
Now she can enjoy a normal life with the blessing she received from God to form a Christian home with the support and admiration of those who know her."
ARTI is in the process of contacting these witnesses to videotape their testimonials.
Search the website for many more documents and video concerning Doug Copp's work in Mexico C including saving the life of a newborn baby in a collapsed maternity ward.
August 1, 2008. Atlantic Time, Canada.
Why do they tell such outrageous lies?
Dr Lucy Jones, Seismologist at Cal Tech, representing the 'bureaucratic forces' of 'duck and cover' has publicly lied. ARTI has a copy of the text of her speech. She 'tricked' her audience by telling them that the 'triangle of life' is "based upon fraudulent information because the Mexico City Earthquake happened before the children were in their schools. Doug Copp made it all up."
All ARTI members, would like to see Lucy Jones tell Lorena that she didn't have her legs amputated and she didn't see her friends get crushed because the children were NOt in the schools.
The fact is that Mexico City Schools start at 7 am and open at 6:30. Lucy Jones lied.
Another colleague of Lucy Jones , John Hardcastle, Emergency Services of Palm Springs sent emails to hundreds of people telling them that " Doug Copp is a wanted criminal. He is hiding from the law. There is a warrant for his arrest. That you can't believe in the 'triangle of life' because doug copp is
a criminal."
An ARTI member received a copy.
A communication, to his boss, the Mayor of Palm Springs put an end to Hardcastle spreading that lie.
Doug Copp: "You can see my home address, email and phone number at the bottom of this page. I am NOT hiding and I worked for 5 years as a decorated police officer. There is NO warrrant for my arrest. John Hardcastle is a liar.
Why are they lying? Why have they launched such a vitrolic, hateful and personal attack of lies against Doug Copp? I conclude that they have a
fault in their character and they cannot defend 'duck and cover' by any other means other than lies. Is it NOt bad enough 'to lie to' and 'trick' people concerning the safety of their children? Is it necessary to lie about, disparage and defile the memory of the children who were killed. Personally, they disgust me.
There is No force on this earth strong enough to intimidate me and no amount of harm that can be done, that I will ever abandon my mission, to prevent school children, from suffering the brutal, crushing death of 'duck and cover'." doug copp
Why should attention be given to these people? Why not ignore them?
The answer: Disparaging the dead school children is just going too far.
This is unacceptable. These viscious lies need to stop.
On August 8, 2008, a mere 7 days after ARTI publicly exposed H
Hardcastle sent out emails stating that he is NO longer employed by the
City of Palm Springs.
Now, we will wait and see how Governor Swartzeneggar and Cal Tech respond to Lucy Jones' lies.
This link will be activated in August of 2008. Available in August of 2008.The world's most prestigious producer of corporate safety videos has combined with the most experienced survival expert, in the world, to produce the most important safety video ever made.
This link will be activated in August of 2008. Available in August of 2008.The world's most prestigious producer of corporate safety videos has combined with the most experienced survival expert, in the world, to produce the most important safety video ever made.
Doug Copp has personally survived searching inside of 894 collapsed buildings and has the experience of personally surviving while inside of a multi-story building which completely collapsed into a pile of
thereby , burying him alive until he rescued himself.
This was filmed by ABC.
Their expertise have collaborated to produce the only video ever made which uses actual video inside of collapsed buildings,
real life experience and demonstrated scientific methods to unilaterally increase building collapse survival by 90%.
You will actually see Copp rescue victims who are buried alive and who survived using the methods you will learn in this video. Who better to teach you how to survive building collapse than the person who has saved more victims buried alive and removed more bodies of the dead than anyone else, in the world? Doug knows the mistakes that killed the 650,000 victims who have died at the disasters he has worked at and knows that the survivors lived because they were located in a survivable void or
a 'triangle of life'.
This video is OSHA compliant and is available exclusively via this link. The video includes a copy of Doug Copp's speech: ' How to Survive Building Collapse' published by the Chinese Government with all the information to survive building collapse at the office, home or school at no extra charge.
Doug Copp, ARTI's chief officer, personally witnessed the potentially tragic effects of its practice in Mexico City in 1985 in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake.
He responded to a public school located on Avenida Reforma and discovered inside the collapsed structure the dead bodies of about thirty students underneath their classroom desks.
Appalled by this tragedy, Copp realized the need to educate society about the risks of hiding under collapsible objects like schoolroom desks, and developed his alternative, which he calls the ?Triangle of Life? strategy. Under this strategy, the students would be advised to crouch between the desks, in areas that will become ?voids? when the ceiling falls, propped up by the collapsed desks.
Trained rescuers always search for ?voids? when they respond to the scene of collapsed structures, since that is where they routinely find survivors.
Thus, the Triangle of Life survival program advises people in their homes to crouch as low as possible next to large bulky non-compressible objects with low centers of gravity (that will not topple over).
There is no reported evidence of the Triangle of Life being properly used during a collapse situation and resulting in injuries that would have been prevented by the use of some other strategy.
This website contains a wealth of information on the testing and use of the Triangle of Life program.
The Evil Forces Against Us: For Every Good Thing We Have Done an Equal To or Stronger Force of Evil Has Risen Up Against Us. We Fight On.
?The Beginning of the Triangle of Life Video?
scroll below to see regular updates:
- Doug Copp
American Rescue Team International
"It is not the earthquake which kills you. Getting crushed under a squashed desk or table kills you.
Misinformation from bureaucrats or phony experts who have never crawled into a collapsed building kills you.
All rescuers agree: You can survive by fleeing the building if you can get out the ground floor or getting into a survivable void, next to a large, bulky object."
57 pages pix & docsHuge Survival INFO PKG! You NEED TO KNOW THIS!!!.
Dec 2005. The professional video 'Triangle of Life', by Eagle's Eye Productions, is completed and available, as a DVD,
The back and front DVD Covers are below.:
To download a computerised ".wmv' version of the full feature , Big Screen, DVD. click on these 5 scenes.
Videos Below require Real Player and/or Windows Media Player
Triangle Of Life part 1
Triangle Of Life part 2
Triangle Of Life part 3
Triangle Of Life part 4
Triangle Of Life part 5
Click on the dvd buttons above for this incredible and life changing video.
The video link to watch Bert the Safety Turtle ( US Gov't during the Cold War teaching people to duck and cover to protect yourself, from a nuclear explosion, by hiding under a blanket, is here. It is a parody on the Civil Defense Film of the 1950's. Watch it by clicking on the ARC Red Dollar Cross.
published in The American Survival Guide Magazine. This article contains 13 pictures illustrating the basic principles of surviving building collapse as discovered by rescue teams while recovering dead bodies and rescuing victims, inside of actual collapsed buildings.
This 6 page article is NOT written by a bureaucrat or phoney safety expert. It is written by someone who has experienced the joy of saving survivors in the 'triangle of life' and removing the corpses of victims who got squashed because of 'duck and cover'.
posted 1997.The Knowledge To Keep You Alive! Don't forget to look under the 'triangle of life button'! and scroll down the main page , for the Chinese lecture, published by the Chinese Government, in English and Chinese and read the 'How to Survive' article from Survival magazine. Protected by this information you can survive an entire city being destroyed.
During Building Collapse most people die unnecessarily!
With this info. You Won't!
A word from our Executive Director, Doug Copp
&This is sure to save a lot of lives. No one who reads this will ever get under a desk again&
Doug Copp is the Executive Director of &The American Rescue Team International& - (ARTI); and Earthquake Preparedness & Rescue of California (EPRC).
The American Rescue Team International provides extensive urban heavy rescue training, worldwide, including more than 60 conferences to date. Doug Copp is the inventor of the Copp Life Locator, an electronic device used exclusively by ARTI in disasters to reduce the
time required to locate victims to minutes.
Surviving in a Collapsed Building.
By Doug Copp, The American Rescue Team International
According to the OSHA-USA published statistics, 2.2 rescuers die per victim in confined space rescues. Doug Copp has beaten that estimation time after time. He has worked more than 79 disaster events and tunneled inside of more than 700 collapsed buildings. Through earthquakes,
tornadoes, landslides, hurricanes and many other emergency responses, Copp's intense understanding of disaster mitigation and complex demolition has kept him alive. This knowledge and skill have taken him allover the world to teach methods to others.
Kaiser Permanente Hospital, Northridge, 1994.
The American Rescue Team International, E.P.R.C. has been at most of the world disasters of our generation. The Team's Rescue Chief has personally crawled through 700+ collapsed buildings searching for life and saving life. We know what happens when a building collapses and what areas
are safe and what areas are not.
A parking garage in Mexico City, 1985.
A little knowledge about how buildings collapse can save your life. When buildings collapse during a disaster like an Earthquake, voids are created, that is, areas that are not completely squashed but rather protected in some way to form a space where life can exist.
If you are in a void when a building collapses, you will survive. The big question is how to spot those areas that will most likely become voids. The American Rescue Team International can help you with that.
Voids are found next to or surrounding big, bulky objects. Large objects don' they leave a space surrounding them. These are the spaces which allow trapped victims to survive. You can survive in these voids.
If you get under objects you become squashed. It is very simple and yet up to 200-300,000 people die, every year by getting under a desk or table and getting squashed when the legs snap.
Like a little girl, in Seattle told her teacher: " How many tons of concrete do you think your 'teacher's desk' can support?" This little girl refused to get under her desk. You can read her letter by scrolling down the right side of the homepage.
A home in Kobe Japan, 1995. Notice the Piano to the right. The piano provided support such that a void was created nearly large enough for Doug to stand upright.
A void may be found in front of your sofa or surrounding your bed. A void may be found next to filing cabinets, next to a floor safe or next to a desk. A void will save your life!
This shot is from the Presidential Compound of El Salvador.
Look closely at the left side of the photo. You will see Doug Copp crawling between the concrete slabs.
Under the concrete slabs, all the people were crushed to death. Most were found underneath their crushed desks! Next to their desks, the aisles remained safe. The crushed desks supported the slab, and provided a safe area for access. That is how Doug was able to tunnel to the victims. The space high enough for Doug to crawl the 80 ft distance to the other side.
&This place convinced me that desks always cause you to be squashed. On prior occasions I have been in schools with lighter desks where all the children were squashed&.
Duck and cover on the other hand will take lives if the building collapses. Duck and cover only makes sense if the building doesn't collapse. If you duck under a desk to take cover, you will be squashed when the ceiling comes down.
Inside of a collapsed train station, Kobe. This is typical of what the Rescue Team crawled through in 4 hour operational shifts.
Another shot from inside the train station in Kobe. Team members crawled in a zigzag pattern through a path about 800 feet long, with about 1 1/2 to 2 feet of head room, looking for survivors. This photo is typical of the voids or spaces in the station.
Just like in this picture, the people inside their cars were squashed. It happens far too often. During the last San Francisco earthquake in 1989 many victims inside their cars were squashed. If they would have got next to their cars they would have survived !
The American Rescue Team International has been there. We have seen it. We can assure you that survival is really that simple!
Good News,
'This text area is being reconstructed.
Regardless, it shows a feeble mind and a feeble logic to go after a fundamental principle of nature like gravity and ' the triangle of life' by attacking the messenger to avoid dealing with the issue or the truth.
This has been the tactic of the 'dark side'; since, Roman times when the expression: " If you can't attack the message then attack the messenger." was first created.
(...I continue writing this email...My response to this email was delayed by 2 hour because my primary care Doctor Tim Smith interrupted my email by telephoning me to provide me medical counsel for the next 3 days.....)
It is what it is. The truth will come out.
Good News,
'This text area is being reconstructed.
, the triangle of life will continue saving lives and 'the longer the hold-out for the 'duck and cover' intransigents' the more that history will know them in an un savoury light.
This is a battle for especially, school children. I tell parents to put as much energy into promoting the triangle of life as you care about the survival of your child.
Good News,
'This text area is being reconstructed.
Oct 18, 2005. Back on a positive note: an email from David Pottier to a Turkish Publication.....After the recent quake in Izmit, MyMerhaba staffers (US Embassey in Turkey) posted an article on Earthquake Preparedness read below and see that they changed it to agree with the 'triangle of life'
One statement in that article really stuck out.
"Get under cover. If you are indoors stay there. Place yourself in an open doorway or under a desk or other strong furniture.
If you are in a high rise, don't use elevators. Use the stairs."
Sadly statements like the above take lives instead of saving them.
I am a Canadian and a member of the international rescue community with the qualified rank of "On Scene Commander".
The old US Department of Defense "Duck and Cover" technique does not work, nor does it save lives. Survivors of earthquakes are found beside heavy objects in a collapsed structure, victims are found under them because the "Ducked For Cover".
Rescuers call this surviver / survival area the "Triangle of Life"
Objects like a refrigerator, a stove, photocopy machine, a counter, heavy desks and the like will usually bear the weight of a collapse.
This "Triangle" creates the void that is used by rescuers when we crawl through collapsed structures.
Secondly, you mention stair wells.
As a favour the next time you are in a stair well, look up.
The bottom of that stair case fits perfectly into the one you are standing on, stair for stair.
Should it collapse it will do an excellent job of
creating a "perfect fit" leaving no void space, hence crushing anything and everything in its path.
Not a safe place to be in an earthquake.
Further information on the "Triangle of Life" can be found on the American Rescue Team's web site and some real insight into "Duck and Cover" from the Bert, the Cold War Turtle, can be seen here. There is only one way to increase your chances of surviving a structural collapse
and that is to be inside a Triangle of Life.
Get one today.
They're Free!
The video link is available by clicking on the Triangle.
For more info:
The American Rescue Team has video clips available on the Triangle of Life and a Scientific Test in Turkey as well as a wealth of information on Earthquake Survival in general.
For group presentations, a Power Point presentation has been made available by the American Rescue Team
Best Regards
David Pottier, President,
T he Environmental Emergency Response S ervice (TEERS-International)
Dear Mr. Pottier,
Thanks for your interest in
and your precious comments on ?earthquake preparedness? article. The article was taken from the American Embassy.
?Get under cover. If you are indoors stay there. Place yourself in an open doorway or beside heavy object. Objects like a refrigerator, a stove, photocopy machine, a counter, heavy desks and the like will usually bear the weight of a collapse.
This "Triangle" creates the void that is used by rescuers when they crawl through collapsed structures.?
?If you are in a high rise, don' use the stairs." In this sentence we replaced ?point? with ?semicolon?, as far as we understand the ?Use the stairs? is not for the ?Triangle?. It is just to emphasize not to use elevators.
Please let me have your comments.
Thanks and regards,
Canan Negüs
operated by ARMAS
Istiklal Caddesi 373/5 Beyoglu
80050 Istanbul
Oct 17, 2005
A series of emails among a group of structural engineers and doug copp's response to them:
Well spoken, Doug Copp.
I agree with you and
the "survival void"/"triangle of life" at the end.
Thanx a lot indeed and best regards.
Syed Faiz A MEngg, MASCE
Senior Structural Engineer
Saudi Oger Ltd
P.O. Box: 1449
Saudi Arabia
Cell: +966-508-169304
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, October 17,
Subject: Re: relation b/w peal ground acceleration and Seismic Zones
In a message dated 10/16/:04 A.M. Atlantic Daylight Time,
Dear Sherman:
I was a little busy and forgot to send
my thanx to you for your help.
Thanx again and best regards.
Syed Faiz A MEngg, MASCE
Senior Structural Engineer
Saudi Oger Ltd
P.O. Box: 1449
Saudi Arabia
Cell: +966-508-169304
-----Original Message-----
From: Sherman, William [mailto:]
Sent: Monday, October 10,
Subject: RE: relation b/w peal ground acceleration and Seismic Zones
This would be my approach to resolve this question:
2.4 to 4.0 m/s^2 = 7.87 to 13.1 ft/s^2 = 0.24g to 0.41g
(where g=32.2 ft/s^2)
If the Soil Factor is 1.0, this would roughly relate to Zones 3 to 4 (Z=0.30 to 0.40).
However, "ZS" should be considered together to determine the ground acceleration for a given site.
If "S" is higher than 1.0 then the related "Z" would be lower.
For ASCE 7 related parameters, Sds is 2.5*ground acceleration, so these values would relate to Sds values in the range 0.61 to 1.02.
Again, these factors would include soil effects (Fa).
(The related MCE value at short period, Ss, would be 1.5*Sds/Fa.)
William C. Sherman, PE
(Bill Sherman)
CDM, Denver, CO
Phone: 303-298-1311
Fax: 303-293-8236
From: Syed Faiz [mailto:]
Sent: Sunday, October 09,
Subject: relation b/w peal ground acceleration and Seismic Zones
I write to you all for a small favor and I am sure some of
you being expert on the subject should be able to provide
that help to me.
Could any of you give me a correlation between Peak Ground
Acceleration (in m/s2) and the Seismic Zoning? For example
what in your opinion should be Zone number for a region having
a predicted Peak Ground Acceleration value of between
2.4 to 4.0 m/s2?
Your help and immediate response shall be appreciated.
Thanks in advance and best regards.
Syed Faiz A MEngg, MASCE
Senior Structural Engineer
Saudi Oger Ltd
P.O. Box: 1449
Saudi Arabia
Cell: +966-508-169304
Dear Syed:
To focus on the matter of real concern is: Will the building collapse and will the people survive.
People who survive are people who find themselves in a void, inside of the rubble, which is large enough to allow their body not to be squashed. These survivable voids (bigger than the body in it)
are found next to large, bulky objects.
force applied to a structure the more likely that it will exceed the critical point and have structural failure:
To determine the amount of force which will be applied to the structure based upon a presumption or 'guesstimate' of peak ground acceleration and a nomenclature of seismic zoning is like looking at a photograph of someone's feet and guessing their weight, height and eye color.
There are so many relevant factors in the equation which will determine force applied to the structure ( magnitude of wave, duration of wave, type of wave, frequency of wave, depth of wave, direction of wave, soil type, surrounding soil type, subterranean rock formations, water content of soil, adjacent interacting structure types, frequency of structures etc etc etc etc) that it becomes little more than a series of probabilities based upon the interaction and combination of another series of probabilities.
Better to make buildings as safe as economically appropriate, put them in areas which are less likely to induce liquefaction and/or intensify wave force, in areas less likely to have earthquakes, and then tell the people to avoid being squashed should the building collapse by getting into a survivable void/'triangle of life' .
It all becomes more important than an intellectual guessing game or parlor game when the net result is smashed bodies.
Oct 5, 2005. A terrific announcement regarding Doug Copp and ARTI's efforts to save lives!
In a message dated 10/4/:54 P.M. Atlantic Daylight Time,
There is a disaster preparedness event planned at Seattle Center Exhibition Hall on October 21 & 22nd. I checked to see what it was going to be about and was shocked to learn that one of their demonstrations will be "Duck & Cover" I just thought you might like to be aware of this. I have also learned that despite your television coverage in this area many are still being taught duck & cover. Maybe it's time to come wake the Seattle area up before it's to late. Many say this area is due for a big earthquake soon.
Thank you,
Rosita Wears
Dear Rosita:
We are making a 90 minute video called the 'Triangle of Life'. The producer is almost finished. I am getting a
first edit tomorrow.
I am profoundly pleased because it uses real footage of myself and my team saving the lives of victims in the 'triangle of life' , actual footage in the disasters, and a fantastic interview with tremendous accompanying and illustrative footage.
Most importantly and with great clarity it shows the utter insanity of 'duck and cover', from it's birth as a series of 'Cold War' propaganda commercials.This propaganda was distributed by the US Government. The commercial we use shows a family at a picnic. When the NUCLEAR FLASH from the Atomic Bomb appears, in the distance.... the singing jingle of 'Bert the Dancing Civil Defense Turtle' starts to sing while the mother, daughter, son and pet dog all 'duck and cover', under the blanket.
Except for the father at the barbecue!
He can't reach the blanket!
He is too far away!
He puts a newspaper over his head and 'duck and covers' under it!!
I am not kidding!
I am serious!
This is how 'duck and cover' started. It absolutely 'blows my mind' . I am left incredulous.
When I think back of all the crushed, especially little children ....and their pools of blood .... I have crawled past and through, in the rubble, emerging with their blood on my body and clothes..... all as a result of this utterly bizarre propaganda campaign getting out of control.... I am left speechless. This is where the policy of 'duck and cover' which has a Universal 98% death rate originated. To understand that
many millions of people have died because of this ludicrous
nonsense is bewildering.
Bloodsuckers and completely immoral, unethical and indeed murderous phony 'experts' have been promoting it ever sense.
Anyone who sees this film will be bewildered, shocked and stunned that they could have possibly been so 'brain washed' as to believe they could have possibly 'duck and covered'. The viewer will feel like he woke up from a trance.
I have spent 10+ years in preparation to make this film. Financial beneficiaries of 'duck and cover' have libeled me, slandered me and done every kind of slimy, deceitful, evil and mean thing to me except 'drag me out and hang me'. Well, this video makes it all worthwhile.
Finally, it all came together with our footage, our script, and our genius producer ( Ed Flemington). I believe this video is a masterpiece and will save millions of lives. This video will finally squash 'duck and cover'.
The following link is something we did not use but it is a parody of 'duck and cover'.
Check this out -
The video link is available by clicking on the ARC Red Dollar Cross.
For more info:
My speech to the Chinese Government, July 2005, starts with:
"An MSN conversation between doug copp, ARTI Chief, and John Mc Intosh, ARTI webmaster about a triangle of life speech, in China:
cybersurfer says:
Duck and cover is valid for snow ball fights, among children, not for building collapse
Doug says:
That is good. I might use that.
cybersurfer says:
Hey use this one, too, duck and cover is useful for locating the children when its all over.. just look under the desks
cybersurfer says:
That wet spot under the desk is "Little Bobbie"
Doug says:
no kidding
Doug says:
I remember
I remembered crawling up and down the aisles of a collapsed school and seeing every child squashed. Only a little hand or foot escaped. This was in Mexico City, in 1985. I learned that
'duck and cover' was death and people survive in spaces next to desks. I discovered the 'triangle of life' or 'it discovered me'. "
To read the English Text (13 pages of information which teach you how to survive while others will die) of my speech to 5 different Government Agencies, of the People's Republic of China (as published by their Government) press on the following link:
I am copying this email and sending it to some interested people.
A response to my email:
At 09:30 10/5/2005, you wrote:
Congratulations on the upcoming film.
I checked the "Bert the Turtle" safety film link and one thing that really stood out was that while little Bert ducked and covered himself in his shell and remained safe, the nearby house was blown completely off its foundations.
From this film,
we all learned one very important lesson, and that is, while an atomic blast has enough force to blow a two story house away it does not have enough force to blow a turtle away.
I think there is a second lesson in that scene - the children had entered the house and ducked and covered for safety.
Seconds later the entire house was blown into oblivion by the outgoing atomic wind.
I was saddened that they did not show the next phase of the atomic wind and that is the return trip as the wind gets sucked back into the blast zone.
Mom and the kids could have waved from the safety of their duck and cover hiding places as the structurally intact house rushed past Bert heading for the intense heat of the atomic blast.
You could almost hear little Johnny say, "Hey Mom, pass the marsh mellows."
I think we both know that FEMA knows what is safe and what kills.
From the recent events in New Orleans, we both know what type of expertise runs FEMA.
I think we both know that tis issue is all about liability.
Imagine the law suits that would spring forth if FEMA ever changed its stand on "Duck and Cover" and admitted they had been wrong for all those years.
Every surviving


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