We should listen to my heart...

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Whenever and wherever we are, keep in mind that we should listen more to others. It’s wrong to expre
Whenever and wherever we are, keep in mind that we should listen more to others. It’s wrong to express ourselves without thinking. Just as we all know, __________.A.a good beginning makes a good endingB.a still tongue makes a wise headC.a great hope makes a great manD.a good husband makes a good wife
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&Be careful who you listen to&
Be careful who you listen to
Foreign people don’t give a damn about calling you fat. Go find any Spanish/Indian/Asian person and ask them if their foreign relatives have ever called them fat.
They will look at you bewildered. “Of course. Every time I visit.”
White people are speechless upon hearing this. But it happens.
When I went to visit India a few years ago, I had moved on from being a skinny Indian dude to actually gaining a little muscle. One of my uncles took one look at me and said, “You have become very fat.”
Another uncle saw me, squeezed my bicep, and said, “Aray! Been working out?”
Here’s the difference: The first uncle who called me fat…is overweight! The second uncle, who knew I’d been working out, is ultra-fit.
Who do you want to listen to?
Everyone has an opinion. One of the keys to
has been choosing who to listen to — and who can be smiled at, then ignored.
Guy calls me “scammy”
Look at this:
This is from a frugality blog. Imagine someone said this about you. In the past, I would read a comment like this over and over, getting depressed, debating whether to respond, and feeling a knot in the pit of my stomach all day. Now, I see it and move on.
Do I really care what a frugalista says about my “expensive” courses?
This power to control my reactions to unpleasant comments has taken years. And in fact, he’s right! My courses ARE expensive! I don’t care about producing $9 ebooks. I don’t play in a $9 sandbox, nor do I create simple material for people who will never read it.
One way I look at it is, I’d rather spend a lot on something that works than get something for free that doesn’t.
Wouldn’t you? Wouldn’t you rather spend $1,000 on something that works than $29 on something that doesn’t?
And I would rather stretch myself to write about all the different facets of living a rich life — careers, entrepreneurship, productivity, and more — instead of writing yet another post about interest rates and lattes. Just kill me.
Why do people criticize?
There are many reasons, but one of the most interesting comes from an example called “”: Basically, if you have a meeting about an atomic reactor, most people won’t speak up, because it’s way too complicated for them to have any meaningful input. But when confronted with a simpler choice — which color should we paint the bikeshed? — EVERYONE has an opinion.
Interestingly, I still get about 15 comments/week about my headshot. “Ramit, you should really change your headshot,” etc. Why? Because they probably can’t comment on my psychological techniques or email funnels…but anyone can say your photo sucks.
So, back to you.
How to handle critics
If there is one thing I’ve learned writing for IWT, it’s that 30% of the people who email me don’t need a tactic or technique. They need therapy. Maybe I’ll get into that in a future post.
I’ve learned you’re ALWAYS going to get unsolicited advice from people. But your reaction to it is what counts. Novices get really frustrated, then try to fight back against it: “Mom, let me do what I WANT to do! I’m a GROWNUP now!”
Life isn’t a Huggies commercial. Top performers plan for feedback. They actively solicit it. Plan for doubters, , and outright skeptics. For example, I’ve been writing this site since 2004 and people are STILL skeptical! They continue to leave comments !
The truth is, some people are determined to be offended, or play the victim role, or be adversarial towards you.
But always ask yourself: Is this person in the position I want to be? Am I getting relationship advice from my girl friend who can’t hold down a relationship more than 3 months? Am I buying a “Make a million dollars” course from some info-product joker who, if I Googled around for 5 minutes, I’d discover he has severe credit-card debt and cashflow issues?
Or am I working on mastering my own psychology, recognizing negative feedback (not simply trying to ignore it), and improving my response to it?
This is why I don’t even bother selling stuff from my blog. If you don’t like what I see, leave. If you do, at some point you’ll join my , where you can see the 8+ master courses I’ve created over the last few years.
But I recommend you remind yourself of this: Opinions are cheap. Everyone will have them, because it’s easy to point out things you’re doing wrong, or ways you “should” think about things.
“Just follow your passion!”
“A Dream Job? You should be lucky to have ANY job in this economy!”
“You need to track your spending”
“Buying a house is the best investment you can ever make”
“Your first step needs to be social media”
All of these sound logical and are well-intended pieces of advice, yet are ultimately useless. Always ask yourself: Is this advice-giver in the situation I want to be in? Are they giving surface-level advice (“social media!!”) or, if I pressed them, would they be able to back it up and give examples?
You don’t have to listen to everyone.
You don’t have to give equal weight to critics.
And that goes for me, too! Question my background. Question what I’m telling you! In fact, you should do your research on me (Google around, or you can find a ) before listening to anything I have to say.
And if you like what you see, check out my newsletter — where I post my best material — for more.
Just remember, everyone has an opinion. Not everyone deserves your full attention.
Now you tell me: What kind of BAD feedback have you gotten — feedback that you ignored? Share your story in the comments.
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People should listen to music for no more than one hour a day to protect their hearing, the World Health Organization (WHO) suggests.It says 1.1 billion teenagers and young adults are at risk of permanently damaging their hearing by listening to “too much, too loudly”.It said audio devices(音频设备), concerts and bars were causing a “serious threat”.WHO figures show 43 million people aged 12-35 have hearing loss and the number is increasing. In that age group, the WHO said, half of the people in rich and middle-income countries were exposed to unsafe sound levels from personal audio devices. Meanwhile 40% were exposed to damaging levels of sound from clubs and bars.The proportion of US teenagers with hearing loss went from 3.5% in 1994 to 5.3% in 2006.“What we’re trying to do is raise awareness of the problem that is not talked about enough, but has the potential to do a lot of damage that can be easily prevented,” said Dr Etienne Krug, the WHO’s director for injury prevention.The full report argued: “While it is important to keep the volume down, limiting the use of personal audio devices to less than one hour a day would do much to reduce noise exposure.”Dr Krug said: “That’s a rough recommendation, it is not by the minute, to give an idea to those spending 10 hours a day listening to an mp3-player. But even an hour can be too much if the volume(音量)is too loud.”1.What might be the main cause of hearing loss according to the passage?A. Listening to music frequently.B. Listening to music at concerts.C. Listening to too much and too loud music.D. Listening to music from poor audio devices.2.How many people aged 12-35 were most likely to suffer from hearing loss according to WHO?A. 3.5%.
D. 50 %.3.Which of the following ideas would Dr Etienne Krug agree with?A. Safe noise exposure is based on the limitation to both volume and time.B. One hour of exposure to loud music a day will do no damage to hearing.C. With proper volume, one can listen to an mp3-player for 10 hours a day.D. It will be OK to be exposed to loud noise from personal audio devices.4.What might be the best title for the passage?A. Away from musicB. How to enjoy musicC. Risk of hearing lossD. Warning of hearing damage 
1.C事实细节题。根据短文It says 1.1 billion teenagers and young adults are at risk of permanently damaging their hearing by listening...
It’s no secret that doing good makes others happy – but did you know it can make you happy as well?According to a study, people participating in meaningful activities were happier and felt that their lives had more purpose than people who only engaged in pleasure-seeking behaviors.Try giving these four things to others to start your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle.1. Your TimeWith a busy life, it can be hard to find any time to give away. However, volunteering your time has great benefits, including making new friends and connections, learning new skills and even advancing your career.According to a paper about the link between health and volunteering, volunteering is connected with lower instances of depression and reduces the risk of dying by 22 percent.2. Your AttentionMost of us think we’re good listeners, but according to psychologist Paul Donoghue, most people are aware that others don’t listen as well as they could. In addition, they’re not fully aware that they themselves aren’t listening.When practicing mindfulness meditation(正念禅修), you focus on what you experience in the moment and let your thoughts and emotions pass through without judgment. Did you know that giving someone your undivided attention helps you also? When done well, active listening strengthens your focus-which is a major part of good meditation.3. Your CompassionThe psychological meaning of compassion is the ability to understand another person’s emotional state. Compassion differs from empathy(移情) in that those who experience compassion not only put themselves in another person’s shoes, but also want to reduce that person’s suffering.A brain-imaging study showed that the brain’s pleasure centers are equally active when we give money to the poor as when we receive money ourselves.4. Your MoneyAccording to an experiment, those who spend money on other people are significantly happier than those who spend the same quantity of money on themselves.Whether or not you can offer other gifts, donating money helps make real change happen. It represents time spent, compassion and careful attention to the needs of others.1.Who is the happiest according to the study mentioned in Paragraph 2?A. Bill, who is often invited to play golf by his wealthy uncle.B. Tom, who is on the way to be the richest man in the world.C. Mike, who is not well-off but often does what he can to those in need.D. John, who is a disabled young man but has married a very beautiful girl.2.What does the underlined word “depression” in Paragraph 5 mean?A. pleasure
B. unhappinessC. connection
D. misunderstanding3.Which of the four gifts matters most according to the author?A. Time.
C. Attention.
D. Compassion.4.What is the purpose of the passage?A. To encourage people to help others.B. To give the meaning of “happiness”.C. To offer a practical way of life.D. To show his kindness. 
A US student has just spent 30 days on an “insect diet ” – eating insects three times a day. Camren Brantley-Rios says traditional meats such as pork and beef are unable to continue and he wanted to try out what many consider the diet of the future.Many people would not like the idea of eating insects distasteful, even if it were not disgusting. Not so long ago Brantley-Rios was among them. But for the last month he has been eating insects for breakfast, lunch and dinner.“I’m mainly sticking to three kinds,” he says.Occasionally he has included different insects. Preparing these he “actually cried”, though he insists they were surprisingly good.Insects consume fewer resources than animals, like pigs and cows, to produce the same amount of protein(蛋白质), Brantley-Rios says – and more than two billion people worldwide include insects in their regular diet, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization.“There’s not really a need to eat insects in America because we have it so nice,” Brantley-Rios says. “We have finer meats and we’re lucky to have that luxury(奢侈), so there’s not much of a pressure to eat insects right now. But what a lot of people are trying to do is make it a little bit more marketable.”He has ordered insects from farms that usually supply zoos, which need them “to feed certain animals”. He has always made sure the insects have been fed on an organic diet, he says, and only bought species he knows are safe to eat.He knows that one person eating insects won’t make much difference. To have a real environmental effect, millions would have to follow his example.1.Why has the US student tried out an “insect diet”?A. To seek for future vegetables.B. To advocate traditional meats.C. To make up for the lack of meat.D. To explore new forms of protein.2.What can we learn about Brantley-Rios from Paragraph 2?A. He is tired of meats like pork and beef.B. He didn’t like the idea of eating insects.C. He had nothing to eat but insects last month.D. He advised people to eat insects though disgusted.3.What does the underlined part “actually cried” in Paragraph 5 mean?A. was scared
B. was pitifulC. was sorry
D. was puzzled4.How does Brantley-Rios guarantee the safety of his insect diet?A. He tests each species before eating it.B. He has insects raised on his own farm.C. He feeds his insects on an organic diet.D. He orders insects for certain zoo animals. 
Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving Day, is a busy shopping day in the United States. Many people have a day off work on that day. Some us others use it to start
for the Christmas season.Many stores have special offers and
their prices on some goods. Some
their opening hours. There can also be traffic jams on roads to
shopping destinations.There are
common theories as to why it is called Black Friday. One is that the wheels of vehicles in heavy traffic on the day left many black markings on the road surface,
the term Black Friday. The other is from an old way of recording business accounts.
were recorded in red ink and profits in black. Many businesses,
small businesses, started making profits before Christmas, so they started to mark in black ink on the day after Thanksgiving.1.A. traveling B. shopping C. visiting
D. cooking2.A. prepare
D. raise3.A. shorten B. enlarge
D. extend4.A. popular
B. outstanding
C. splendid
D. ordinary5.A. many
D. no6.A. leaving for B. leading to C. coming out
D. sticking to7.A. Prices
B. Interests C. Losses
D. Benefits8.A. particularly B. specially C. obviously D. Eventually 
I can still remember every change of intonation whenever I recall what that old lady said to me, “Life may give me up, but I’ll never give up my life.”She was admitted to hospital because of her stroke(中风)for the second time, which also meant that I need to spend a lot of
with her.Honestly, she was a good patient, with no complaint, no
requirements, and she always cooperated with me very well, which I
very much. And she always held an optimistic point of view toward her condition,
I guessed she knew that there wouldn’t be much improvement. I actually asked why in a
way, and she said to me the very sentence. It was not spoken very clearly, since her stroke had
the movement of her tongue. I was not moved then, since after spending a few months in this hospital, I was almost
.And that old lady had
stroke a few days later, which made her unable to speak or move anymore. I thought she would be
as others, lying there, waiting the day, and crying sometimes. But I was wrong. She still held that someday, somehow, she would fully
, though both she and I knew the possibility for that was extremely small.Then, the very sentence she said
to me. A patient with absolute no hope still held the optimistic aspect in her life, regardless how
it was. How could I lead my life in that way? Since then, I’ve tried harder and worked harder. I would not give up my life either.1.A. Chance
D. money2.A. practical
B. unreasonable
C. acceptable D. meaningful3.A. Enjoyed
B. suffered C. appreciated D. congratulated4.A. so
D. though5.A. brave
B. daring C. secret
D. cautious6.A. Affected
B. disturbed C. improved D. increased7.A. Indifferent
B. frightened C. concerned D. anxious8.A. other
B. another C. few
D. little9.A. Silently
B. painfully C. exactly
D. patiently10.A. Operate
B. succeed C. understand D. recover11.A. lived up
B. looked forward C. made sense D. worked out12.A. expected
B. negative C. strange
D. Unlikely 
—Too noisy outside! I just can’t focus on my study.—______. Let’s go outside and play soccer instead.A. I don’t think soB. Same hereC. Please be more patientD. Don’t push me too hard 
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