Hewhat can you dodo many thin...

根据首字母填空Dennis is very f________. He can’t run or j_________. He is always tired. He would like to be a little thin. So he must e__________ a little. He must eat little s________ because too much sugar will make him fat. He must a_______ do exercise every day becau_百度作业帮
根据首字母填空Dennis is very f________. He can’t run or j_________. He is always tired. He would like to be a little thin. So he must e__________ a little. He must eat little s________ because too much sugar will make him fat. He must a_______ do exercise every day becau
Dennis is very f________. He can’t run or j_________. He is always tired. He would like to be a little thin. So he must e__________ a little. He must eat little s________ because too much sugar will make him fat. He must a_______ do exercise every day because it can make him h_________. He will be stronger if he can keep healthy rules for his body.2Today is Sunday. Our family are staying at home. Mother is doing c_________ in the kitchen. On the table I can see some dishes: steamed fish, fried c________ wings baked potatoes and fried c_________. I like these dishes very much. My mother is now cooking tomato and egg soup. That’s my father’s f_________ soup. My father is reading a newspaper in his sofa. He is a fireman . He can put out f__________. He is very brave. I am standing by the window. I am looking at a bird flying in the blue s___________. I would like to fly like a b_________.3My father likes fish very m_________. And he likes c______ fish himself. He often goes to the k_________ to cook some fish for the whole f__________. We really enjoys his cooking fish and eat a lot. My father a_______ likes going f__________at weekends.He is good at fishing. Sometimes he can catch a lot of fish. He likes to give some fish to our r________. He is very k_________to them.
第一篇:1.fat2.jump3.eat4.sugar5.always6.healthy第二篇:1.cooking2.chichen3.chichen4.favourate5.fish6.sky7.bird第三篇1.much2.cooking3.kitchen4.family5.always6.relative7.kind希望能帮到你.壹号国际设计@Richard lived with his mother when he was young.Hw didn't know who his father was.The woman did some washing for the rich and could buy only some bread for her son.So the boy was short and thin.One cold morning there was much snow in the streets.A truck hit the woman and the poli_百度作业帮
Richard lived with his mother when he was young.Hw didn't know who his father was.The woman did some washing for the rich and could buy only some bread for her son.So the boy was short and thin.One cold morning there was much snow in the streets.A truck hit the woman and the poli
One cold morning there was much snow in the streets.A truck hit the woman and the policemen took her to the hospital.Dying,she said to her son,"Your father forsook me before you were born.Here's his name and address."Richard found his father,Mr Cook,in another city.He was a rich shopkeeper and he had to receive his son.From then on the boy lived a happy life.He ate all kinds of nice food and wore beautiful clothes.But people often laughed at his rudeness.One day his father took him to a party.He saw a newspaper lying on the floor and picked it up.He had a look at it and found a car's wheels were upword.He called out,"Oh,dear!An accident happened!"All the people were surprised and began to read the newspaper.But soon they all began to laugh.Do you know why?
里查小时侯和妈妈住在一起.他不知道他的父亲谁.那个女人(他妈)帮一些有钱人洗碗而且只能为儿子买一些干面包.所以男孩又瘦又矮.一天早上街上有很多雪.一辆卡车撞伤了女人警察把她带到了医院.临终前,她对儿子说:你父亲在我生你前抛弃 了我.这是他的名字和地址.里查找到了他父亲,库克先生,在另一个城市.他是个有钱的开商店的人并且他收留了他的儿子.从那后男孩有了一段快乐的生活.他吃尽各种美食并穿了各种好看的衣服.但人们嘲笑他的粗鲁.一天他父亲带他去聚会.他看见地上有一张报纸便拣起它.他看了一下发现上面有一个车轮胎痕迹.他叫出来,“噢,一宗车祸发生了.”所有人都很惊讶并开始读那张报纸.但不久他们开始大笑.你知道为什么吗?.累死我了...
您可能关注的推广小题1:C小题2:B小题3:A小题4:D试题分析:本文通过NBA联盟中的凯尔特人队获得总冠军的经历告诉我们团队合作要远远重于个人英雄主义。小题1:C 主旨大意题。根据文章的主题段第一段When an NBA player is young he thinks he can win the championship by himself. It is only later when he has aged and been through many battles that he learns an important lesson: there is no “I ” in “team”. 和There is no better example of the value of teamwork than the Boston Celtics.说明本文以凯尔特人队为例子告诉我们团队合作的重要性,故C正确。小题2:B 推理题。在文章第二中,皮尔斯,加内特,和雷阿伦他们在自己的队伍中都是超级巨星,但是都没有能够获得总冠军。回来来到凯尔特人队以后运用团队合作,获得了总冠军。正是为了说明团队合作要比个人英雄主义更重要。故B正确。小题3:A 细节题。根据第四段后三行But with the addition of Allen and Garnett he shot less and focused on defense. His selflessness showed the young players that doing what made the team better was the only thing that mattered.可知皮尔斯在雷阿伦和加内特到来以后投篮的数量减少了,而不是成为更好的射手,他集中注意力于防守了。故A项说法错误。小题4:D 推理题。根据文章倒数4段可知得到在比赛中他们相互鼓励,激励,加内特等不断地鼓励年轻人努力取得胜利。故ABC三项说法是正确的,D项内容与文章不符。故D项符合题意。点评:本文通过NBA联盟中的凯尔特人队获得总冠军的经历告诉我们团队合作要远远重于个人英雄主义。本文要求考生在阅读理解整体语篇的基础上,把握文章的真正内涵。要吃透文章的字面意思,从字里行间捕捉有用的提示和线索,这是推理的前提和基础;要对文字的表面信息进行挖掘加工,由表入里,由浅入深,从具体到抽象,从非凡到一般,通过分析、综合、判定等,进行深层处理,符合逻辑地推理。不能就是论事,断章取义,以偏概全。要忠实于原文,以文章提供的事实和线索为依据。
A little boy asked his mother, “Why are you crying?” “Because I’m a woman,” she told him.
“I don’t understand,” he said. His mum just hugged him and said, “You &36&will.” Later the little boy asked his father, “Why does my mother seem to cry for no reason?” “All women cry for no reason,” &37 &so much could his dad say. The little boy grew up and became a man, still &38 &why women cry.& 39 &he gave a call to God, and when God got on the phone, he asked, “God, why do women cry so &40 ?” God said, “When I made the woman she had to be& 41 . I made her shoulders&42&enough to carry the yet, gentle enough to give& 43 .” “I made her &44&childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children. I gave her hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else &45 , and to take care of her family in spite of sickness and fatigue (劳累) without& 46 . I gave her the sensitivity to &47&her children under any and all circumstances, &48 &her child has hurt her very badly. I gave her wisdom to carry her husband through his&49 . I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never& 50&his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him &51 . And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. She can use it whenever it is needed.” “You see, the beauty of a woman is not in the &52&she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she &53&her hair. The& 54&of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart and the place where love& 55 .”小题1:A.surely B.never
C.probably D.seldom小题2:A.only B.even C.almost D.hardly小题3:A.hoping
B.knowing C.wondering D.expecting小题4:A.Actually
B.Generally C.Luckily D.Finally小题5:A.easily B.rarely
C.simply D.excitedly小题6:A.clever B.beautiful C.specialD.ordinary小题7:A.thick B.fat C.wide D.strong小题8:A.sympathy B.comfortC.kindness D.mercy小题9:A.stand B.load C.acceptD.burden小题10:A.gives in
B.gives away C.gives up D.gives out小题11:A.difficulty B.danger C.restD.complaining小题12:A.control B.love C.respectD.satisfy小题13:A.even if B.in case C.so that D.as though小题14:A.disagreementsB.misunderstandingsC.faultsD.quarrels小题15:A.minds B.helpsC.refuses D.hurts小题16:A.nervously B.tiredly C.determinedly D.unselfishly小题17:A.clothes B.smileC.hair D.glasses小题18:A.washes B.dyes C.cuts D.combs小题19:A.figure B.intelligenceC.beauty D.appearance小题20:A.hides B.lives C.stores D.comes
When I was a teenager, I volunteered to give out water at a marathon. Watching the different runners who passed by and grabbed a cup was 36 . The next year I signed up for the race. I did little preparation and my only goal was to finish. On the day of the race, it was 37 &hot. I remember struggling at about the 5th mile, thinking, “I am never doing this again!”Have you ever felt that way about something? You eagerly choose a goal 38 &&&&soon realize it is 39 to achieve than you imagined it would be. That first 10 km race was quite an experience. I jogged, I walked, I jogged and I walked. Then 40 a decisive moment. Near the end, a 70-year-old man ran past me. I felt 41 &that I was younger than him but I couldn’t keep up with him. I felt defeated for a second but then I realized 42 . He was running his race and I was running mine. He had different experience, training and goals and I had mine. 43 &in life do we 44 &ourselves with others and feel disappointed in ourselves when we really shouldn’t? I decided, then, that one day I would be one of those 70-year-olds who were still running. 45 &I crossed the finish line, I was proud of my achievement. Since then I have run several races and run purely for fun.In life we all 46 &compare ourselves with others, which is only natural. But don’t let them weaken you. 47 , you should use them to inspire you and show you what is possible. Then you are a true winner.小题1:A.pleasingB.interestingC.inspiringD.amazing小题2:A.extremelyB.strangelyC.sadlyD.certainly小题3:A.andB.butC.whileD.or小题4:A.easierB.harderC.betterD.worse小题5:A.wentB.flewC.happenedD.came小题6:A.exhaustedB.disappointedC.embarrassedD.annoyed小题7:A.somethingB.anythingC.everythingD.nothing小题8:A.How manyB.How muchC.How oftenD.How old小题9:A.cooperateB.compareC.combineD.compromise小题10:A.WhenB.BecauseC.SinceD.Until小题11:A.hardlyB.sometimesC.alwaysD.never小题12:A.FurthermoreB.ThereforeC.MeanwhileD.Instead
Years ago a farmer possessed vast land along the Atlantic coast. He constantly ___31___ for hired hands. Most people didn’t want to work on farms along the Atlantic. They were ___32___ of the storms that blew across the Atlantic , ___33___ the buildings and crops. So the farmer couldn’t find one good worker. Finally , a short, ___34___ man, well past middle age, visited the ___35___.“Are you a good farmhand?” the farmer asked him.“Well, I can ___36___ _when the wind blows,” answered the little man.Although___37___ _at his answer, the farmer, longing for ___38___, hired him. The little man worked well around the farm and the farmer felt___39___ _with the man’s work.Then one night the big wind blew. Jumping out of bed, the farmer___40___ into the hire hand’s sleeping room. He___41___ the little man and cried, “Get up! A storm is coming! Tie things down___42___ _they are blown away!” The little man rolled over in bed and said___43___, “No, sir. I told you, I can sleep when the storm strikes.”Hearing his response, the farmer wanted to___44___ the man on the spot. Then he hurried outside to make necessary preparations. To his___45___, he discovered that all of the haystacks(干草堆)had been___46___ well. The cows were in the barn(畜棚)and the doors were___47___. Everything was well organized. The farmer then understood what he___48___, and he returned to his bed while the wind blew.When you’re___49___, you have nothing to worry about. Can you sleep with the wind blowing through your life? The worker in the story was able to sleep___50__ _he had prepared the farm well against the storm. We should also prepare ourselves well against the storm in our lives.小题1:A.searched B.advertisedC.hunted D.waited小题2:A.afraidB.tiredC.fondD.certain小题3:A.damagingB.wateringC.destroyingD.hurting小题4:A.heavyB.strongC.kindD.thin小题5:A.farmerB.bossC.masterD.host小题6:A.workB.sleepC.stayD.survive小题7:A.frightenedB.pleasedC.puzzledD.shocked小题8:A.workB.serviceC.supportD.help小题9:A.satisfiedB.excitedC.angryD.disappointed小题10:A.walkedB.steppedC.rushedD.marched小题11:A.shookB.draggedC.pulledD.pushed小题12:A.afterB.beforeC.onceD.while小题13:A.seriouslyB.jokinglyC.impatientlyD.firmly小题14:A.desertB.abandonC.fireD.strike小题15:A.excitementB.disappointmentC.amazementD.shame小题16:A.coveredB.hiddenC.wrappedD.packed小题17:A.closedB.lockedC.openedD.fixed小题18:A.tendedB.promisedC.intendedD.meant小题19:A.preparedB.willingC.carefulD.courageous小题20:A.sinceB.so thatC.because D.in case
Thomas Edison tried two thousand different materials to make the light bulb. When none worked successfully, his assistant __16_, “All our work is in vain. We have learned nothing.” Thomas Edison replied very __17_, “Oh, we have come a long way and we have _18__ a lot. We now know that there are two thousand materials which we cannot _19__ to make a good light bulb.” If you learn from your mistakes, then you are _20__. If you learn from someone else’s mistakes, then you are a genius. Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines __21__ daily and failure is nothing more than a few small __22_ repeated daily. How __23_ the above lines are! Success takes __24_. We’ll make mistakes _25__ we do things in too much of a hurry. When we do not practice disciplines in life, we don’t build enough confidence to __26__ new and challenging tasks which are important and matter in life. Our confidence __27__ what we think of ourselves and whether we believe in ourselves. We are all born with exceptional _28__, but only a few really _29___ their true potentials and make efforts in life and the others just lead a(n) _30__ life. Do you want to be exceptional? Success is a fruit which everyone wants to _31__, but it is not found everywhere and no one can __32_ it without serious efforts.Those who want to suc those who don’t will find a(n) _33__!Success depends on previous __34__, and without it we will end in failure.When you are __35__, please enjoy it and give your hand to others who want to accomplish something.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&小题1:A.celebratedB.complainedC.explainedD.answered小题2:A.confidentlyB.madlyC.carelesslyD.angrily小题3:A.rememberedB.refusedC.learnedD.ordered小题4:A.testB.ignoreC.inventD.use小题5:A.healthy B.enthusiasticC.intelligentD.generous小题6:A.shownB.preventedC.recordedD.practiced小题7:A.errorsB.machinesC.jobsD.steps小题8:A.commonB.strangeC.familiarD.true小题9:A.effectB.timeC.drugsD.roles小题10:A.as thoughB.so thatC.unlessD.if小题11:A.keepB.attemptC.giveD.see小题12:A.depends onB.sets asideC.turns downD.sets up小题13:A.appearanceB.experiencesC.qualitiesD.feelings小题14:A.ownB.realizeC.provideD.research小题15:A.activeB.hardC.richD.average小题16:A.sellB.drawC.eatD.praise小题17:A.achieveB.watchC.offerD.recognize小题18:A.storyB.excuseC.keyD.plan小题19:A.preparationB.influenceC.lifeD.generation小题20:A.powerfulB.wonderfulC.successfulD.hopeful
In our life, we will have a lot of time to feel low. If there’s one thing that ruins us, which &&48&&us from doing what we’re &&49&&capable of and prevents us from achieving our dreams, it is fear of &&50&.Many of us go through our lives never knowing what we could have done and what has often been heard is that if only we hadn’t given up our &&51&.What if you had given up on &&52&&to talk, walk, read, ride a bike, or any other achievements before you were even five years old? How &&53&&would your life have turned out if you’d given up instead of &&&54&&with them?Now, how different has your life been because of the goals you gave up? Because you were afraid that you would fail, how many experiences and opportunities have you &&55&&out on because you couldn’t get past that invisible barrier of fear!?小题1:A.increases B.stopsC.inspiresD.helps小题2:A.trulyB.hardlyC.honestlyD.easily小题3:A.deathB.troubleC.sorrow D.failure小题4:A.plansB.jobsC.dreamsD.lives小题5:A.tryingB.learningC.practicingD.studying小题6:A.strangeB.poor C.successful D.different小题7:A.playingB.coveringC.stickingD.moving小题8:A.missedB.pickedC.takenD.looked
The sun is shining when I get on No. 151 bus. We passengers sit jammed together in heavy clothes. No one speaks. That’s one of the unwritten rules of Chicago commuting. Although we see the same faces every day, we prefer to hide behind our newspapers. The phenomenon is striking: people who sit so close together are using those thin sheets of newsprint to keep their distance.As the bus approaches the Magnificent Mile, a voice suddenly rings out: “Attention! Attention!” Papers rattle (发出细小声). Necks crane (伸长). “This is your driver speaking.”We look at the back of the driver’s head. His voice has authority.“All of you put your papers down.”The papers come down, an inch at a time. The driver waits. The papers are folded and placed on our laps.“Now, turn and face the person next to you. Go ahead.”Amazingly, we all do it. Still, no one smiles. I face an older woman, her head wrapped tightly in a red scarf. I see her nearly every day. Our eyes meet. We wait, unblinking, for the next order from the driver.“Now, repeat after me…” It is a command, delivered in the tones of a drill sergeant (操练军士). “Good morning, neighbor!”Our voices are weak and timid. For many of us, these are the first words we have spoken today. But we say them at the same time, like schoolchildren, to the strangers beside us.We smile and can’t help it. W the barrier has been broken. Good morning, neighbor. It is not so hard after all. Some of us repeat it. Others shake hands. Many laugh.The bus driver says nothing more. He doesn’t need to. Not a single newspaper goes back up. I hear laughter, a warm sound I have never heard before on bus No. 151. This day is starting off better than most.小题1:On hearing the sudden utterance of “Attention!”, the passengers ___________.A.stopped reading and put down their newspapers immediately B.sat still without responseC.looked up from the newspapers to see who was speakingD.were frightened小题2:The underlined word “commuting” in Paragraph 1 most probably means ___________.A.long-distance rideB.daily traveling between home and workC.communication technologyD.behavior patterns小题3:Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.The passengers on the crowded bus were so absorbed in reading their newspapers that no one spoke.B.When the bus driver said nothing more, the passengers picked up and read their newspapers again.C.The passengers didn’t follow the driver’s instruction at first.D.The passengers were physically close together but mentally they kept each other at a terrible distance.小题4:What would be the best title for the text?A.The Warmth of CommunicationB.The Exchange of InformationC.The Power of ObservationD.The Attitude to Loneliness
I’ve often had difficulty remembering names. Proper nouns seldom found easy purchase in my brain unless I consciously repeat them over and over again. Needless to say, when people leave my life their names are often soon forgotten. This can have some embarrassing consequences.Five or six years after high school graduation, I was reading carefully the shelves of a local auto supply shop when I noticed someone familiar enter the store. I knew him. He was in my graduation class and although he was not a good friend of mine, we had shared many classes and knew each other well. I began to feel an increasing sense of foreboding(预感)and quickly hid behind the nearest shelving unit. I should have known his name. How many times had I heard it during class role call? How many conversations had we had in the hallways?I easily remembered his surname, “Ricca”. His was a large, well know family in the town of my childhood. I couldn’t have just acknowledged him using his surname. I might as well have admitted forgetting his name, which was not a choice. One’s name is important to every person’s identity. Not remembering an old acquaintance’s name is similar to forgetting your wife’s favourite flower, an embarrassing mistake of the highest order.I quickly ran through the alphabet (字母表), a strategy I developed for just such an occasion. Abe? No, Adam, Andy, Bob? No, Bill? Yes! Bill sounded right. Of course, his name is Bill. I confidently made my way around the shelves and spoke to him as he was studying some cans of motor oil.“Bill, how are you doing?”, I said offering him my hand which he took with a friendly shake. We talked a bit, some amusing remarks about our college experiences and such. I took his hand again, said how good it was to see him and gave him a happy wave, calling him by name again, as I left.I was so pleased that I avoided yet another awkward encounter(相遇) that I could feel a big smile on my face as I paid the cashier and exited the store. As I marched merrily across the parking lot, an awful thought came into my mind. John, his name is John! Where did Bill come from? Was that one of my brothers? The sudden realization of what I did made me stop in my tracks. My head dropped when I realized my mistake. There was no way Mrs. Ricca would name one of her sons “Bill”. “Billerica” was the name of a town just north of Boston.小题1:Which one can show the charge of the writer’s feelings?a. guilty&& b. anxious&& c. embarrassed&& d. happy&& e sureA.a-d-b-e-cB.d-e-b-a-cC.c-b-e-d-aD.b-c-d-e-小题2:According to the passage, which statement is NOT sure?A.Forgetting your wife’s favourite flower is a very serious mistake.B.It is common to call an old acquaintance his given name.C.The writer was in his twenties when he met John in the store.D.John and the writer studied in the same college.小题3:The underlined word “acknowledge” probably means “&&&&&&” here.A.acceptB.greetC.thankD.admit小题4:We can infer from the passage that _______.A.The writer must have experienced such embarrassment many timesB.The writer had difficulty remembering names because he was getting oldC.Running through the alphabet was always an effective way of remembering an acquaintance’s name for the writerD.Mrs. Ricca would have named one of her sons “Bill” if Billerica was not the name of a town north of Boston
The advertisement appeared in my e-mail—“1-800-Flowers: Mother’s Day Madness —for just $39.99!” I almost clicked on it, forgetting that those services would not be needed this year. My mother, Margaret Feiddman, died at the age of 89, and so this is my first Mother’s Day without my mom.In my childhood, my mom appeared to be a typical suburban housewife of her generation. She sewed many of my sisters’ clothes, including both of their wedding dresses and boy’s suits for me. And on the side, she won several national bridge tournaments(桥牌锦标赛).My mom left many indelible marks on me. The first was to never lose heart and to be independent. My dad died suddenly when I was 19. My mom worked hard for a couple of years. But in1975, I won a scholarship to study in Britain and my mom surprised us all by announcing that she decided to go with me. When I met difficulties, she always said: “You’re a man, so never lose heart, never be knocked down, and try your best to pursue(追求) your dreams.”My mom’s other big influence on me is a sense of optimism. She had taken her knocks. But every time life knocked her down, she got up and kept on marching forward, encouraged by the saying that pessimists(悲观者) are usually right, optimists are usually wrong, but most great changes are made by optimists.How I wish to listen to my mother’s words, and give my best regards on this Mother’s Day, but I have no chance now! My best friends, treasure(珍惜)your mother’s love!小题1:The author mentioned the advertisement to ___.A.show he’s tired of the advertisementsB.explain he missed his mother very much C.make you believe that he was very kindD.urge the readers to buy the present for their mothers小题2:What experience of the author’s mother surprised the author?A.That she volunteered to go to Britain with her son.B.That she gained knowledge all by herself.C.That she did all the housework by herself.D.That she won several national bridge tournaments.小题3:What dose the underlined word “indelible” in the 3rd paragraph probably mean?A.be out of controlB.be easy to rememberC.be destroyed easilyD.be impossible to forget小题4:We can know about the author’s mother that_____.A.She encouraged the author to pursue his dreamsB.she felt very lonely in her late lifeC.She never received a present from her childrenD.she passed away before the author’s father小题5:Which can be the best title for the passage?A.My Great MotherB.Mother and IC.Treasure Mother’s LoveD.Mother’s Day Madness


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