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114网址导航& Podtail 2016
The Lively show is a weekly podcast designed to add a little extra intention to your everyday.
Today on The Lively Show we are speaking with coach and author, Tara Mohr, about the work she does helping women worldwide to &play big& in their lives - based on their own unique Values.
In the show, Tara guides us through a visualization exercise to uncover the wisest course of action for any situations we might be struggling with. And we discuss: the two different types of fear - and how to live more with the &good& fear, unhooking from praise and criticism, and a bit about the findings from my work and worth book research.
This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn how to get clarity on a situation where they might be staying &small& and find a peaceful way to move past those limiting beliefs or circumstances.
[Tweet &&You are alive at this moment.& - Tara Mohr&]
[Tweet &&Playing Big is all about shifting loyalty to your dreams.& - Tara Mohr&]
[Tweet &&Listen to the voice of your inner critic.& - Tara Mohr&]
Tara tells us how her childhood, specifically her mother, guided her to the profession she is in today.
She tells us the external and internal barriers that affect women when &playing small& in their lives.
Tara describes how she started on a journey to understand why women were playing small and what helps us play big, from the inside out.
Tara describe the concept of Playing Bigger and how women can shift their loyalty to their dreams.
Tara works with Jess on applying the &Playing Big& concept in Jess&s life.
She goes over the concept of the inner critic and how to quiet her voice.
Tara talks about the two types of fear people face and how to respond to each fear.
She describes how being &hooked& by both positive and negative feedback limits women&s playing big and how to get rid of that.
She tells about the difference between the should goals and a gift goal.
Tara tells us some&strategies to unhook ourselves when we are caught in&praise or criticism.
Tara tells us about how the inner mentor has the answers many of the biggest challenges within oneself.
Playing Big
The Power of Now
Yes Please
Get a free 2 week trial
PS - Join me for one of my two upcoming free online Intention Setting Workshops to learn how to set Values-based intentions for every area of your life in 2016!
In today&s Lively Show, I&m sharing the career shift I&ve been making over the past 4-6 months that has resulted in some amazing and effective results.
I&m talking about making a shift from the &effort and action& mentality that is commonly spoken about in personal development and entrepreneurship spaces and replacing it with &alignment before action.&
This episode is perfect for anyone who is interested in trying a new approach to work and life that may result in more fun, flow, and effectiveness -- with less stress and burnout.
Why I ask the question, &What if we didn&t have to try so hard in our life to get the same results?&
What if we focus on our flow and alignment with our intuition first before taking action?
Why I spent 80% of my mornings making sure I was aligned so the remaining 20% of my actions were used writing my book.
How meditation in the morning has helped keep my alignment and flow in check.
How writing to my intuition is one of the biggest ways to uncover my alignment in these tougher moments.
How gratitude walks help us find our alignment and make all the actions and effort we take so much more effective.
When we feel frustrated or out of alignment, we should stop working and get ourselves back into a place of good, positive feeling before taking more action.
Meditation Apps
Life with Intention Online
Writing to intuition
Tony Robbins
Alex and Mimi Ikonn Episode
Abraham Hicks
Today&s Lively episode is the first &Adventure& now that I&m back in the US! As I&m here once again, my ego wants to know where I&ll live, or at least when I&ll know where I want to live... ASAP.
But the truth is: I don&t have any intuition about that right now.
As I live in this murky place of uncertainty, I&m sharing the two biggest things I&m focusing on, which also apply to anyone else going through a phase of unknowing in relationships, career, or otherwise.
This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to know what &knowing& feels like, or for anyone who is in a phase of &not knowing& at the moment and wants some direction and clarity for this season of life.
[Tweet &&Practice and all is coming.& - Sri K. Pattabhi Jois&]
[Tweet &&Where we want to go is with the Flow.& - @JessCLively&]
How I&m learning to handle integrating the new experiences I had abroad with the familiar experiences I&ve had before the trip.
My unanswered question of, &When will I know where I should be?&
I&ll talk about what knowing feels like and what to do when you don&t know.
How when we don&t have the knowing, we procrastinate or take fearful inaction, or we lean into another person&s &knowing& instead of using our own intuition.
How using another person&s knowing is actually their ego projecting their personal values, experience, and satisfaction onto you, thus preventing you from living your life from you own Values.
Why collecting the data through real world experience will eventually allow that sense of knowing to come about and be able to move forward confidently.
How data collecting proves what we want and don&t want.
How important to keep the practice and all is coming mentally.
Why we want to grow, be challenged and have fun along the way, which is how we have to experience life.
Why we need to go with the Flow without forcing it or fighting it, rather find the flow that feels natural, ease-filled and fluid.
&Hold On& by Rivvrs
Shri K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute&
Abraham Hicks
This is my first week back in the States!
(Talk about &all the feels.&)
Before leaving in May, I was most curious to know how this trip would &change me& - since so many people said extended international travel would do just that.
Well, today I&m reflecting on the top 10 lessons I&ve learned - and what I think I&m going to do in my life (based on this experience) going forward.
This episode is perfect for anyone looking to learn more about the lessons I&ve learned this summer which apply to us all, near or abroad. &
10. Follow your intuition, even when things feel uncertain.
9. How to use flow to direct my adventures.
8. Internal alignment is greater than external expectations. (following other people&s flow is not going to work for me).
7. Sometimes the Flowing gets tough.
6. Sometimes there&s a dip after a really, really great period.
5. Your skills and values can never be taken away.
4. Pain happens, suffering is optional.
3. We don&t have to own to appreciate.
2. Our emotions do not need to equal our circumstances.
1. How have I changed on this journey?
TLS Vlog - The Big Annoucement
TLS Vlog from NYC
TLS #156: Meditation Retreat
Dhanakosa Buddhist Meditation Retreat Center
Alex + Mimi Ikon Vlog about Climbing Ben Nevins
Ben Nevins&- Scotland
Writing to Your Intuition Course
TLS #152: Getting Answers and the U-Curve Hypothesis
The U-Curve Hyposisthese & Sverre Lysgaard
TLS #157: Appreciation Episode
TLS #159: Emotions&and&Circumstances
It’s time time again for… Questions + Answers... August edition!
We are covering a whole bunch of “bits and bobs” (my new favorite Britishism) today. There are lots of travel questions, intuition writing queries, more international dating stuff, and more. So let’s dive in, shall we?
This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to tap into their intuition more (and might be facing some resistance), wants to learn how I’ve approached this open ended travel (phone bills, etc.), or wants to know what it’s been like to date people from different cultures while traveling.
[Tweet "“I do what brings me joy, and leave the rest." - @JessCLively"]
What kind of cell phone plan do you have while traveling?
How are you going bringing pleasure to your life while traveling without your usual comforts (candles and nice bedding etc) with being out of routine. And what have you found best and worst about traveling solo-ish?
What caused you to follow a strictly gluten and dairy free diet, and how have you navigated in your travels with these dietary restrictions?
Are you worried about reentry? How are you preparing for it? Or are you holding off on thinking about it?
Have you run into any entrepreneurs who are on similar adventures while bringing along a child and partner?
What microphone do you use?
Has this adventure ignited a travel bug in you? Are you already thinking about where you would like to go on an adventure next?
Have you been able to maintain your Personal Victory practice each morning or have you substituted it for something else?
What are your fears/limiting beliefs about living abroad permanently?
What do you do if you are too scared to do what your intuition tells you?
Do you have any suggestions for getting through the initial roadblock while journaling/writing to my intuition?
How do we deal with the ego trying to impersonate the intuition?
Have you found it difficult to date in Europe with the culture differences?
Can you comment on how you traveled abroad with just a passport for the amount of time you did?
Did you apply for a visa? Or were there any other loop holes that you took advantage of that let you stay in Europe for longer than three months?
Have you ever taken a leap because you listened to your intuition and then regretted it or continued to second-guess yourself after making the decision?
How do you cope with decisions that you made and had good reasons for at the time, but now are stuck with and somewhat regret?
Are you into Hamilton at all? Also, do you know what your Myers-Briggs personality type is, and if so, do you put much stock in that system?
Is it too early to ask how this journey has already changed you?
Now that you have had this tremendous opportunity have you felt comfort in this type of travel and incorporated it into what you now enjoy and can see yourself doing?
My daughter and I are going to London in October and would love your top 3 suggestions for things to do!
How do you budget? Do you have a spending limit per day? How else have you incorporated exercise into your travel? Is it just natural since you are likely walking a lot? How have you kept in touch with close family & friends while traveling?
How is your away luggage holding up?
WhatsApp Messaging App
TLS #85 with Alisa Vitti (Flo Living)
Flo Living
Audio-Technica ATR2100-USB Microphone
Writing To Your Intuition Course
Myer’s Briggs
Sketch - London
Farm Girl Cafe
Hyde Park - London
Today&s Lively Show is going into a subject that I&m fascinated by: the connection (or disconnection) between circumstances and emotions.
This is some new territory on TLS, we have touched on emotions briefly in this episode with Brooke Castillo, and today I&m going deeper into how we can chose to positively shift our emotions despite circumstances that would normally &dictate& otherwise. And, how by choosing positive emotions before things happen, situations unfold in better than &expected.&
This episode is perfect for anyone who is looking to have more positive feelings and less emotional reactivity to circumstances (or other people&s emotions) in their lives.
[Tweet &&Our emotions are triggered by our circumstances.& - @JessCLively&]
[Tweet &&We can only be the light, and wait for them to ask how we shine.& - @JessCLively&]
Even though our circumstances can vary, our access to different emotions is relatively limited.
The scale of emotions (see below) and how they relate and range in your life.
How our circumstances do not have to define where we land on this scale.
Why we don&t always need to feel the worst because of the worst circumstances.
Due to the large amount of circumstances and limited amount of emotions, the scale can&help us identify where we and others are on the scale.
We can see what emotions we gravitate to the most, it allows us to have empathy for ourselves and others, we can question whether the emotion we are currently feeling is serving us in the situation or see if we can float to a higher emotion.
Can we choose our emotions before our circumstances?
Why we need to model our behavior for others so they desire what your secret is to adjust their emotion and mood.
We don&t need to attach our own emotional well-being to the moods of others.
Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins
TLS #68 with Hal Elrod&
Today I’ve got a fresh batch of “favorites” to share with you from July!
I’m chatting about some recent jewelry purchases, the prettiest chocolate bars I’ve ever eaten (with inventive flavorings), the spiritual teachings I’ve been listening to all summer, and some favorite spots and cocktails from London and Edinburgh.
This episode is for anyone who wants to hear about some fun new jewelry purchases, spiritual teachings, and floral infused foods and cocktails to try.
Why I love jewelry so much, especially when I travel.
How chocolate from Coco Chocolatier is the best - they have organic chocolates in stunning papers.
How milk chocolate and rose, milk chocolate and lavender, and dark chocolate earl grey tea and bergamot are some of my favorite chocolates.
How Dishoom's Edwina'a Affair has the best description for a drink: “The hush-hush love triangle of gin, rose and cardamom, in a secret garden of fresh mint, strewn with candied rose petals. Light, refreshing, captivating."
That there was a beer in Edinburgh that is described as a “Smooth Scottish beer with hints of toffee, vanilla, and oak.”
How I have been on a quest to study Abraham Hicks in books, audio and video!
TLS Vlog #5: Austin | Jess Lively
Stacking Rings - Goldeluxe
Thistle & Bess
Sparkle Water Ring - 5Octobre
Kelly Diamond Star Ring
Ravi Layered Necklace from Anthropology
Coco Chocolatier from Edinburgh
The Farm Girl
3 Floyds Brewing
The Elephant House Cafe
JK Rowling - Harry Potter Collection
Dishoom’s Edwina’s Affair
Innus & Gunn Original -- Oak Aged
Get your free audio book you’d like /lively
Law of Attraction
The Astonishing Power of Emotions
Ask and It Is Given - The Processes
Abraham Hicks YouTube Channel
Favorite Restaurant: The Dogs in Edinburgh
Favorite Coffee Shop: Chelsea Quarter Cafe
Today&s Lively Show episode is inspired by a moment I had next to a set of crystallized coasters in an Anthropologie in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Inspiration really can come from all sources, eh? &: )
As I stared wistfully at the coasters, vintage inspired glasses, and brass bottle openers, I had a powerful realization about the &blend& of things our lives, the power of imagination, and our limiting beliefs about appreciation and gratitude.
This episode is perfect for anyone who is finding themselves envious of the relationships, homes, families, travel, clothing, etc. of people they know, or the people they follow on social media.
[Tweet &&Sometimes the blend of our lives goes a bit more in one direction than another.& - @jessclively&]
[Tweet &&We do not need to own to appreciate.& - @jessclively&]
[Tweet &&Use your imagination and connect with your intuition.& - @jessclively&]
How drink coasters from Anthropologie&taught me the empowering truth about when you want something that either you can&t or you choose not to have right now.
How Moose Tracks ice cream relates to gratitude and appreciation.
How our consumerism has affected our ability to have a positive emotion and gratitude whether we own something or not.
How I used my imagination to feel the emotions and appreciate the feeling and joy, and let them go, to then follow my intuition for my next steps in life.
How seeking new things in our lives that do not align with our intuition is never worth it.
Why it&s awesome to have so many different experiences and emotions that are positive from those said experiences without actually having to own them in our lives.
Alex Ikonn Vlog
Mimi Ikonn Vlog
TLS#75: &Mimi Ikonn
TLS #113 with Alex&Ikonn
Writing to Your Intuition Course
In today&s Lively Adventure episode I&m sharing what I learned from Dhanakosa, a weeklong Buddhist Meditation Retreat, that I participated in the Scottish Highlands last week.
I&m sharing what the retreat itself was like, what I personally experienced during my self-reflection regarding relationships, and lessons learned from processing physical and emotional pain.
This episode is perfect for anyone interested in learning more about what the meditation retreat was like or those who are looking for a way to process physical or emotional pain.
[Tweet &&It too shall pass.& - @jessclively&]
[Tweet &&Practice and all is coming.& - @jessclively&]
[Tweet &&Suffering comes from the story I assign to the pain, not the pain itself.& - @jessclively&]
The Buddhist meditation retreat&is a week long retreat and included four meditations a day, each about 20-35 min and then long periods of silence.
How it allowed me to be&active while getting to know the people in my group while&sharing and discussing what we were learning together in the retreat.
The&three specific practices in this meditation: mindfulness of breathing, loving kindness and chanting mediations.
How I managed to live with intense migraines while still experiencing extreme&joy during this retreat.
How I believe that the headaches were a sign that I was headed in the right direction towards rebalancing my body and being closer to my Flow.
How focusing on &full ease& allowed me to go through my day much easier and with gratitude, without thinking too much about the pain.
That I believe that one&important&lesson was to show me how to be joyful, even when things are uncomfortable.
How this retreat proved that the&mindset shifts I&ve been making over the last ten years have transformed me into a&&person that can deal with issues (like migraines) and still have a great and joyful experience.
My mindset shifts have been comprised of: living life by my Values, detaching myself from the ego, understanding my choice of emotions before outcomes, using meditation to notice and observe the ego, and having epic empathy for myself.
How seeking the Flow and following the Adventure that comes with it, instead of resisting it, has helped me continue this journey abroad.
Dhanakosa Buddhist Meditation Retreat Center
Vipassana Meditation
Today I&ve got a fun episode covering many questions asked in this July&s Q+A call out.
I&m discussing a variety of subjects including: how I found my coaches, whether I&m feeling freedom (or boredom) from my travel capsule wardrobe, my advice for overcoming vices, things I miss about the US, my &must see& recommendations, and my experiences dating internationally.
This episode is perfect for anyone interested in learning about the subjects I shared above along with my travel approach, intuition + career, and more.
Where are you staying during your travels? Do you figure it out one day at a time?
What do you miss most about the US?
It seems like your coaches have been incredibly helpful and influential during this huge transition period.
I was wondering how you found them and how you knew they were the right fit for you?
I've been loving following along on your adventure! I'd love to know if you're finding any new rituals or routines abroad that you're hoping to incorporate into your life back home & wherever that may be
Today’s Lively Adventure is about the empowering truth behind what happens when what you have in your life, like a job, home, relationship, or wallet is taken away from you - willingly or unwillingly.
I’m sharing the mindset shift that helped me make the decision to peacefully give up what I spent 10 years carefully creating in the span of just a few days, as well as coming to terms with a few other things that have been removed from my life without consent.
This episode is perfect for anyone who has either had something they love taken away from them, or for anyone who is contemplating a change that will require them to release something they love from their lives.
[Tweet "“You're not all or nothing" - @JessCLively"]
Why I took a day off from traveling and just stayed in to be able to reflect inward and take a break from all the sensory overload while traveling.
I tell you the story of when my wallet was stolen and how it applies to my current circumstances and my abilities to continue to live life on my terms.
How selling my house and belongings does not give away the ability to have a home and things in the future.
Why investing in our skills and abilities means we can take bolder, intuitive-led action and face the uncertainties of life.
How the things we give up in our lives, either willingly or unwillingly, are just part of the journey.
Villa Valentina - Cinque Terre
TLS #135: Facing Life-Changing News with Grace & Gratitude with Mariana López González
Writing to your Intuition
Today’s favorites episode covers a wide array of shopping, reading, and watching… from bikinis to Euro cup!
I’ll be sharing the Portuguese swimsuit trend I can’t believe I’ve adopted(!), one of my new favorite clothing lines, a face mask that has helped tame the acne that has cropped up on this trip, and my favorite new scent.
Plus, I’ll be sharing about a new book from a Lively Show guest I had the privilege of reading that is all about masculine + feminine energy and relationships. : )
This episode is perfect for anyone looking for a good book to read, or for anyone who is interested in what I’ve picked up along my travels.
Oysho Bikini #1
Oysho Bikini #2
Diptyque Geranium Odorata Roll-On
Comptoir Des Cotonniers - Black Silk Top
Rituals Foaming Shower Gel!!!!
Obey Your Body Purifying Clay Mask
Bingo Theory
by Mimi Ikonn
TLS #103 with Anna Gardner (Vivianna Does Makeup)
TLS #136: My 5 Favorite Guided Meditation Apps
TLS #113: A huge dose of life, business & relationship inspiration for 2016 with Alex Ikonn
TLS #120: A $250,000 Productivity Habit To get Important Stuff Done With Alex Ikonn
Mimi Ikonn's site
Mimi Ikonn's Vlog
The Euro Cup
This week on TLS I'm sharing the real deal: I had a pretty disorienting week. I'm feeling a bit like a fish out of water - I&m not quite sure where I belong in the world and where I'll end up in the next few weeks, months, or years (as much as my ego would like to start gnawing on these questions and answers now).
In the episode, I'll be sharing what I've learned from this fuzzy period so far, and how we can all approach confusing moments like these in our lives.
This episode is perfect for anyone who is feeling like they want to know the &answers& to aspects of their lives, yet life is telling them it's not yet time to know.
[Tweet &&It&s all ok - the answers will come - you&re right where you need to be - you&re doing a great job!& - @JessCLively&]
[Tweet &&Have faith - find the Flow - and go from that point into the Adventure that will follow& - @JessCLively&]
I&ll tell you about why I&have a feeling of disorientation.
I explain what the U-Curve Hypothesis is and how I'm experiencing the phases of it on this trip.
What the Honeymoon, Crisis, Adaptation, Recovery, and Adjustment&stages reflect during cross-cultural adjustment.
Why I need to listen to my intuition (and less of the Ego) and stick to Adventure and Flow.
Why I don&t need to reach&for the answers which cannot be given to me now.
The U-Curve Hyposisthese - Sverre Lysgaard
Letters to a Young Poet - Rainer Maria Rilke
Abraham Hicks
Today’s Lively Adventure is all about what happens when the flowing in our lives… stops flowing.
After 5 or 6 weeks of being in the flow in my life - and reaping the peaceful, fun, and surprising adventures that came from this way of living - this last week the “flow” slowed to a trickle.
Okay, maybe not even a trickle.
Today, I’m sharing what that experience was like, what helped (and what didn’t help), and what I hope may benefit anyone else feeling this way in their own lives.
This episode is perfect for anyone who is going through some really tough times and feel like finding the flow is just not happening.
How tough the Flow was as my Ego was guiding the Adventure.
How important thought and mindset is in our lives, both now and in general.
Why we don’t need things in order to live a beautiful, content, joyful and creative life.
What I learned to be the most important thing, which is sometimes we just go against the flow, and that's ok.
How writing to my intuition helped me when I was in a negative place.
I What is the universe Flowing to me in the present moment.
Jess Lively – Writing to Your Intuition
Writing To Your Intuition on the Vlog
TLS #148: Adventure and Flow
Today&s Lively Adventure subject is one that is near and very dear to my heart right now: Internal Alignment vs. External Expectations.
This is something that I&ve been practicing in recent weeks and is very important to me as I share with you what I&m going through as it unfolds live. And it&s also a powerful practice that can benefit us all, no matter what our current circumstances may be.
This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to make sure they are following their intuition instead of the expectations of others in their lives.
Why I am focusing on internal alignment on my travels throughout Europe and how my intuition is guiding that process.
The reason I&m not reading and responding to comments on the Blog, Vlog, and Podcast as I usually do.
How I am getting into the Flow for my Adventure.
How do I get out of these traps that the Ego puts us in that steers us into an outcome or relationships that we want them to go for.
The importance of a gratitude walk.
Why we should list the (positive) aspects of our life that are going well, since that redirect helps change your energy.
Why we should have grace and empathy for ourselves, especially when our Ego is struggling.
How using uplifting messages, words, and books can help expand your perspective.
The Lively Show with Alex Ikonn #113
The Lively Show with Alex Ikonn&#120
Abraham-Hicks Publications
The Alchemist&By Paulo Coelho
Jess Lively - Writing to Your Intuition
Today on The Lively Show I&m answering listener questions about all things travel, from how to talk to strangers and make new friends, to the lessons I&ve learned so far, and what European city I can see myself living in later this year.
In addition, I&m also sharing the best advice I&ve ever received (which I still use today), my favorite nail polish, and more.
This episode is perfect for anyone interested in hearing about travel tips I&ve picked up along the way, the value of mentorship, and more.
How are you liking Europe and what are you learning about yourself?
What are your travel essentials? Was there anything you could have left behind that you don&t find yourself using as much as you thought?
Name you top 3 favorite things and experiences so far about your European adventure.
What is the best advice you received and how did it affect your life?
What&s been a high point and what&s been a low point on your adventure?
Which European products do we need more of in the states? What products are you missing?
How valuable mentorship and coaching really is?
What amazing food and tea have you had on your travels? How much are you sticking to your gluten and dairy-free lifestyle?
How will you choose your next home? What are good things to look for and to have in mind for both the house and the location?
What is your typical day like while you are traveling? How are you balancing the planning and life stuff you have to do against sightseeing and other fun things?
Do you have any insights of how I can learn more about my own gifts in a spiritual manner?
What makeup do you use on your eyebrows?
How do you access the those emotions and feelings related to the idea that &...if X happens then I&ll be happy...& without X actually happening? Talk about the process?
How do you have the courage to start conversations with strangers? How do the conversations begin and are they ever awkward?
How did you initially figure out what to do for work?
What nail polish were you wearing on your Home Tour Vlog?
Everlane Raincoat
Fujifilm Instax Mini 8 Instant Camera
Oysho Bikinis
Alisa Viyti Episode of The Lively Show
Farm Girl Cafe - Rose Tea Lattes
Afternoon Tea at Sketch in London
Jess Lively - Writing to Your Intuition
Writing To Your Intuition on the Vlog
Eyebrows done by the Brow Bar in Ann Arbor, Michigan
The Lively Show - Brooke Castillo Episode
Abraham-Hicks Publications
The Lively Show - Alex Iconn Episode
The Lively Show - Matthew Hussey Episode
Smith and Cult & Pillow Pie Nail Polish
This week I&d like to share how I&ve used my two newest Values in my life and travels to give me a sense of direction and clarity over the past month.
Though there are still tons of unknowns in my life, like where I&m going to live, when I&ll come back to the states, or where I&m going to go next 9 days from now... I have been surprisingly peaceful, present, and become even more grounded lately than when I was living in my home in Ann Arbor.
I believe that my focus on these two Values in my Values-based intention are the reason for this, and they are Values that we all can apply to our lives no matter what our living arrangements may be.
This episode is perfect for anyone wanting to learn about a new Values-based intention that can help bring clarity, peace, and groundedness to even the most uncertain of adventures.
[Tweet &&Let Flow lead to the Adventure.& - @JessCLively&]
I talk about my two newest&Values: Adventure and Flow.
Flow is feminine energy and is the balance of Adventure. It is all the synchronicities in life.
Adventure is made up of action and outward activity and is the masculine value.
How I applied my Adventure and Flow Values in my day to day activities.
What Flow is to me and how to find it.
How seeking the path of least resistance can allow your intuition to manage Flow.
That writing to your intuition can be a great way to tap into your intuition.
How Flow connected me to meet&Anna and how she became my companion to the south of France.
Find out how Flow is helping me determine where I&m staying each night (since I&m not planning in advance).
See why I shifted the format of The Lively Show (temporarily) to go with the Flow.
See how finding the Flow can lead to the next Adventure in your life!
How To Hear From Your Intuition
Today&s May Favorites episode includes the fiction book that I can&t stop listening to, the tv show that inspires me every time I watch, and some items I&ve picked on my travels.
In addition, I&m also sharing the popular fashion trends that I&ve noticed from women in France, Portugal, and London.
This episode is perfect for anyone interested in hearing about what I&ve been loving in May as well as anyone who wants to hear a bit about the street fashion I&ve noticed in Europe so far.
The books and&music I've been listening to lately on my travels.
My experience with Facial Reflexology.
How my eating habits has affected my skin.
Why I spent a crazy amount of money on a striped black and white T-shirt.
What stuff people love in France, Portugal and the UK
&Hold One& by Rivvrs
Musician Chris Ayer
TLS #85 with Alisa Vitti
The Blemish Stick with Tea Tree Oil from The Body Shop
The Agony and the Ecstasy&by Irving Stone
Netflix: Chef's Table Series
Adidas Stan Smith Shoes
Welcome to Season 3 of The Lively Show!
Today I am SO pumped to share a big change in my own life that unfolded the week before I left for Europe and the process I applied to making that decision.
In today&s episode, I&ll be sharing what it means to &put out a fleece& in order to make a huge life change. & I&ll be sharing where this idea comes from, how I used it in my own decision, and how you can apply this to your own life choices as well.
This episode is perfect for anyone who is looking to hear about an exciting new development in my life (which felt scary when it first happened) and for anyone looking to learn about a new way to make big decisions with faith and as much clarity as possible.
Also, because of this new and unexpected chapter of my life unfolding in real time, I&m going to be sharing the life experiences, perspectives, and lessons I&m learning as I follow this new path on solo shows each Thursday this summer during this &Lively Adventure.& Traditional Thursday interviews will resume later this summer/fall when I am back in the States.
[Tweet &&Forget safety. ?Live where you fear to live.? Destroy your reputation.? Be notorious.& - Mawlana Jalal-al-Din Rumi&]
[Tweet &&Try to be as present as possible from one moment to the next.& - @JessCLively&]
How did I make this decision to sell my house and furnishings.
Find out the forces in my life that told me why I needed to do this.
How talking and writing to my intuition helped me decide.
How my neighbor&s advice proved the &test& that I needed to complete this life task.
How I'm&loving the idea of flow in my life.
TLS Vlog #10: I Have A BIG Announcement!
Story of Gideon from the Bible: Judges Ch 6:36-40
Today’s All Star episode comes from mid-way through season 1 of TLS, and made a huge splash back when it aired and is definitely worth a second listen -- or a first time listen if you are new to the show. : )
Designer and blogger, Kate Arends, of the very popular Wit and Delight, goes into a wide array of subjects including what minimalism is really about, the perceived pressure she feels to make her home amazing, her past mental health challenges, and she dishes out the most reshared quote in TLS history about authenticity.
This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn more about minimalism, authenticity, thriving with mental health issues, or designing for Target.
[Tweet ""Authenticity is not needing external approval to feel good about your actions." - @witanddelight"]
How homeownership is going for Kate and her husband, and the journey they took to find the home they recently purchased.
Kate's thoughts on how minimalism has been warped in the design world.
Why Kate has devoted herself to "optimal-izing" her struggles with perfectionism and control.
The evolution of Kate's design aesthetic as she creates her new home, and the pressures she can feel from creating a space given she has a new home line out for Target.
The challenges Kate faced with working within the constraints of a launch with Target for Wit and Delight and how she navigated those challenges to create her collection.
How the Target collection has changed Kate's personally and in her career.
How Kate stays grounded during such an upswing in her career.
The struggles Kate has had with mental health issues including anxiety, depression, and ADHD and her wish for others with mental health issues.
Kate shares her (brilliant and easy-to-understand) take on being authentic.
What Kate would tell someone just starting out on this journey.
Design Sponge
Wit & Delight Target collection
Life With Intention Online
Kate's post on minimalism post
Kristoffer Carter Lively Show episode about perfectionism and uncertainty
Chipper Things
The Lively Show with Erin Gates about optimalizing perfectionism
Today&s TLS episode is one of the most listened to episodes of all time -- and this All Star guest has personally influenced my daily habits in more ways than any other guest thus far.
In this interview, hormone specialist, integrative nutritionist, and Flo Living founder, Alisa Vitti, shares some surprising facts and an entirely new way of approaching our lives. For example:
Did you know that today&s traditional nutrition, work schedule, and exercise recommendations are all centered around male hormone patterns?
Did you know things like PMS, cramps, unexplained infertility, low libido, PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, and eczema are improved (or even fixable) by optimizing our hormones?
This episode is perfect for women looking to understand how we can optimize our hormones to improve every aspect of our lives.
[Tweet &&Our hormones and our bodies are not a liability, they&re our power source.& - @FLOliving&]
[Tweet &&Your body is telling you everything you need to know.& - @FLOliving&]
What inspired Alisa to start a period club in the 6th grade with her friends.
The intuitive feeling she had as a young woman that something wasn&t right in her body.
The severe health issues Alisa experienced in her 20&s and how she finally discovered what was the cause of her problems.
Why Alisa decided to find an alternative to her doctor&s recommendations for how to treat her Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
Alisa explains what hormones and the endocrine system are, why they are important, and why now is an especially important time for women to examine their hormonal health.
Why Alisa&s protocol is helpful for any woman, not only women with serious issues like PCOS, fibroids, and endometriosis.
Why I initially experienced resistance to learning about Alisa&s protocol.
Why she believes in eating, exercising, and working differently throughout the month based on where you are in your cycle.
Alisa&s advice to someone who is currently on the pill who would like to get healthy using the FLO protocol.
Alisa&s advice to someone who might get criticized by friends and family about the new changes they are making.
3 baby steps you can take right now to get your health and hormones in balance.
How having balanced hormones has given Alisa energy, focus. and power both during and after her recent pregnancy.
What Alisa would tell someone just starting out on this journey.
Flo Living
Alisa on Dr. Oz
Functional Medicine Directory
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