2X+3Y=31 Y+2Z=25 3X...

What is the x- value of x-2y plus z equals -9 3y-2z equals 4 2x plus y plus 5z equals -5
What is the x- value of x-2y plus z equals -9 3y-2z equals 4 2x plus y plus 5z equals -5?
x-(x-2y)+z=-9 --distribute negative through bracket--& x-x+2y+z=-9
x-x+2y+z=-9 --combine like terms (x)--& 2y+z=-9
2y+z=-9 --isolate z--& z=-9-2y
substitute z into second equation:
3y-2(-9-2y)=4 --multiply -2 through bracket--& 3y+18+4y=4
3y+18+4y=4 --subtract 18 from both sides--& 3y+4y=-14
3y+4y=-14 --combine like terms--& 7y=-14
7y=-14 --divide both sides by 7--& y=-2
Substitute value of y into simplified first equation:
z=-9-2(-2) --multiply through the bracket--& z=-9+4
z=-9+4 --combine like terms--& z=-5
Substitute values of y and z into third equation:
2x+(-2)+5(-5)=-5 --multiply through brackets--& 2x-2-25=-5
2x-2-25=-5 --combine like terms--& 2x-27=-5
2x-27=-5 --add 27 to both sides--& 2x=22
2x=22 --divide both sides by 2--& x=11
x=11, y=-2, z=-5
x-(x-2y)+z=-9 &br /& 3y-2z=4 &br /& 2x+y+5z=-5 &br /&&br /& x-(x-2y)+z=-9 --distribute negative through bracket--& x-x+2y+z=-9 &br /& x-x+2y+z=-9 --combine like terms (x)--& 2y+z=-9 &br /& 2y+z=-9 --isolate z--& z=-9-2y &br /&&br /& substitute z into second equation: &br /& 3y-2(-9-2y)=4 --multiply -2 through bracket--& 3y+18+4y=4 &br /& 3y+18+4y=4 --subtract 18 from both sides--& 3y+4y=-14 &br /& 3y+4y=-14 --combine like terms--& 7y=-14 &br /& 7y=-14 --divide both sides by 7--& y=-2 &br /&&br /& Substitute value of y into simplified first equation: &br /& z=-9-2(-2) --multiply through the bracket--& z=-9+4 &br /& z=-9+4 --combine like terms--& z=-5 &br /&&br /& Substitute values of y and z into third equation: &br /& 2x+(-2)+5(-5)=-5 --multiply through brackets--& 2x-2-25=-5 &br /& 2x-2-25=-5 --combine like terms--& 2x-27=-5 &br /& 2x-27=-5 --add 27 to both sides--& 2x=22 &br /& 2x=22 --divide both sides by 2--& x=11 &br /&&br /& x=11, y=-2, z=-5
Minor edit?
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This Fall, we'll see you in "The Flash" as Eddie Thawne, a confident detective with a secret. How excited are you to be a part of the ever-expanding DC Comics television universe?
 x=3 and y=4.
you multiply x+y=7 by neg. 2
this way you can cancel out the y factors
and get neg. 2x+x=-14+11
neg. x = neg. 3
divide both sides by neg. 1
to g&et x=3.
use substitution to get y=4
Let me see: 
x + y + z = 7
y = 7 - x- z
 2) 2x + 3y- z = -2
 3) -x + 3z = 36
x = 3z -& 36 
 Subst. 3) into 2): 
 2(3z-36)+3y -z = -2 
 Subst 1) into 3): 
 2(3z-36) +3(7-x-z) - z = -2 
 Subst 3) into 2) again: 
 6z-64 + 3(7-(3z-36) - z) -z = -2 
 z= 67/7 
 Subst answer into 3) -x + 3(67/7) = 36 
 x = -51/7 
 Subst answers into 1): 
 -51/7 + y + 67/7 = 7 
 y = 33/7 
 therefore x = -51/7, y = 33/7, z = 67/7
x + 2y = 3 x + y = 1 Subtract second equation from the first to give: 0x + 1y = 2 ie y = 2 Substitute this value of y in the second equation: x + 2 = 1 so that x = -1 The solu&tion is x = -1, y = 2
Algebra is an important subject in high school and even in college. Many people do not really consider it as their favorite subject because of the complexities of algebraic eq&uations that must be solved. However, it is important to learn how to do algebra to graduate from school or to solve basic everyday algebraic problems. To do algebra, you must first know the different axioms in algebra as well as the order of operations. They are basic algebraic principles that you can apply in any problem you would solve.Algebra is a branch of mathematics that uses symbols and letters in formulas and equations. These symbols and letters are also called variables that represent numbers or quantities. In school systems, algebra is considered a higher level of mathematics and is usually taught in secondary schools. Algebra follows several important axioms or guiding principles, as well as the order of operations.Algebra has five basic axioms or principles, which are the reflexive, symmetric, transitive, additive, and multiplicative axioms. The reflexive axiom states that any number is equal to itself. For example, "a" equals "a," or "1" equals "1." The symmetric axiom states that expressions around the equal sign are symmetrical to each other, such that if "x" equals "y," then "y" equals "x." An expression a term may be a single variable, or a single number called a constant, or a variable multiplied by a number called a coefficient. The transitive axiom is best expressed as, if "x" equals "y" and "y" equals "z," then "x" equals "z." For the additive axiom, if there are two sets of quantities that are equal and both are added with equal number or quantity, they will remain to be equal. For example, if "a" equals "b" and "x" equals "y," then "a" plus "x" equals "b" plus "y." Lastly, the multiplicative axiom can be expressed as, if a equals "b" and "x" equals "y," then, "ax" equals "by."The order of operations in algebra refers to the order on which mathematical operations should be computed first when solving problems that involve two or more mathematical operations. The first operations to solve are those within a set of parentheses or other grouping symbols such as brackets. If there are grouping symbols within grouping symbols, work on the innermost group of expression first. When doing any operation, do it in order from left to right, and following the rule of "multiplication then division, followed by addition and subtraction."By applying the different axioms and order of operations in algebra, it is easier to know how to do algebra. In algebra, there are algebraic equations where one or more terms are often represented by a letter that is not known. For example: "1" plus "x" equals "5," where "x" is the unknown figure. To solve this, you can apply the additive axiom to come up with a solution: "1" plus "x" minus "1" equals "5" minus "1," which will eliminate "1" and give you the solution of "x" equals "4." You can check your answer by substituting "4" for the "x" in the original equation: "1" plus "4" equals "5." This same principle applies when subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers in algebra. However, two or more axioms may apply as the equation becomes more complex.If you like to know how to do algebra, it is important that you familiarize yourself first with some of the basic principles that govern this branch of mathematics. You have to fully understand the axioms in algebra and know the order of operations. In basic algebra, you will be solving for an unknown figure often represented by a letter called variable. After getting the unknown figure, you can check if you got the correct answer by substituting the resulting number to the variable in the original equation.When solving an algebraic problem, all the principles that pertain to all mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are still applicable. A good foundation in these basic operations will be very useful when solving equations involving positive and negative numbers, including fractions.
It is no secret that Will Smith loves America and does what he can to support it. In speaking with reporters and other media, Fox News quotes Smith as saying, "I'm very suppor&tive of that idea, I have no problem paying whatever I need to pay to keep my country going."Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, actually met with President Obama. There was a brief discussion regarding tax hikes for the wealthy. In response to the President in regards to raising taxes on the wealthy, Zuckerberg responded with "I am cool with that."Jay-Z interviewed with CNN Money, and in that interview, he commented that that those with "integrity and moral fiber would not have a problem paying more taxes." His comment was down to earth and slightly unexpected given the extravagant lifestyle led by the rapper.Eva Longoria is quoted by Fox News Magazine, when speaking at the Democratic National Convention, saying "The Eva Longoria who worked at Wendy' she needed a tax break. But the Eva Longoria who works on movie sets does not." She says that she should be paying more taxes.A staff member from Associated Press sat down with Chris Rock. To the surprise of many, he has a valid point. He stated, "I look at it this way: I can pay higher taxes and people can have jobs, or I can pay lower taxes and I have my kid's teacher asking me for a loan because she's going to lose her house, which is true, so I am going to lose money no matter what."Stephen King supports paying higher taxes and urges others that are equally or more wealthy to support the same initiative. According to him it is "practical necessity and a moral imperative." He also believes that the wealthy should be taxed in proportion to their income.In a visit to The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Network, Ben Affleck said that he didn't mind paying more taxes and implied that it was no big deal. He hinted support by stating, "I don't spend so much that I can't afford to pay a little bit more in taxes."In an interview with Nicholas Ballasy, Matt Damon clearly stated his support of paying higher taxes. He is quoted as saying, "I really don't mind paying more taxes. I'd rather pay for taxes than cut, like, Reading is Fundamentalm or Head Start, or some of these programs that are really helping kids."Ethan Hawke finds rich people that have a problem paying higher taxes to be revolting. In agreement with President Obama's 2012 proposal to raise taxes on the wealthy, Hawke agrees that it is a long overdue action. He calls paying taxes "one of the greatest luxuries of his life."Another celeb, Arielle Kebbel, gives an indirect answer regarding paying more taxes. Daily Finance quotes her as stating: "I'm a big believer in the energy in which you put intention goes a long way, and I think that will help others find an answer together." She believes it takes a team effort.Celebrities may not be getting taxed what they should be. The fact of the matter is, most do not mind having to pay more. Some flat out want to pay more. A good amount of well-known celebrities believe that by them paying more taxes it will help the national debt problem and the overall national economic situation.Celebrities pay less in taxes than millionaires in other industries. A Chief Executive Officer for a major retailer, such as Apple or Sony, is taxed more than a musician, actor or sports figure.
Beyonce and Jay-Z don't exactly flaunt their love for each other in public. You won't ever really see PDA from these two. Instead, they maintain a private life. Fans know that& they are married and have a daughter, but other details remain out of the spotlight. You won't read celebrity gossip about this couple.Jay-Z and Beyonce don't dabble in each other's business much, what with her maintaining her hugely successful music career and him building music and fashion empires. However, what the couple both share is a strong ambition to succeed. They have no fear of chasing their goals.Despite the fact that they both work in the music field, Beyonce and Jay-Z never let the other become their competition. Instead, they understand what the other does and support each other endlessly. This strengthens their already rock-solid relationship and marriage.A benchmark of any healthy relationship is whether the two members of the couple can let the other do their own thing. Beyonce and Jay-Z have this part of their marriage down pat. The couple has no issues with letting each other go out in the world and succeed independent of each other. This goes back to them maintaining their privacy as a couple too. You can tell that these two feel intensely comfortably flying solo within the marriage.Just because Jay-Z and Beyonce tied the knot and have a child together doesn't mean that they don't have time for a little fun. Even with their immensely busy careers, they still manage to find time to connect and go on a date night every now and again. They also take relaxing and rejuvenating vacations.Long distance relationships can be tough, but Beyonce and Jay-Z find ways to make it work. Their careers often see them veering on different paths far away from each other. Despite that, they trust in one another and find ways to communicate even when they are apart. They maintain a good distance between the time they spend together and the time they spend apart, creating a natural balance.Yes, Beyonce may have a Tumblr account and they both belong to other social media, but they use it respectfully. They certainly don't often share pictures of the two together, shoving their love down everyone's throats. Since they feel so secure in each other, they don't have to post tons of selfies of themselves to the world.Whenever you see a picture of Beyonce and Jay-Z together, whether out and about, watching a basketball game courtside, or attending a lavish event, they always look happy. Most of the time, the paparazzi capture these moments, so you know that they aren't forced. This goes back to their sparse use of social media. There is no need to broadcast their happiness with each other when it is otherwise so clear.In 2013, Jay-Z decided to go on a 22-day vegan challenge and not consume any meat or animal byproducts. Of course, his wife Beyonce was right there with him. She did more tha she also joined in on the challenge as well.A great foundation for any lasting romantic relationship is friendship. Beyonce and Jay-Z know this. In their more casual moments, the two maintain a closeness that couples can only achieve when they let their significant other be more than just a romantic facet in their lives.Beyonce and Jay-Z have become one of the most influential power couples, not just in music, but also in the world. They know many secrets to a happy and lasting relationship, which makes them so successful.At the 2014 Grammy Awards, Beyonce and Jay-Z performed together on stage. These moments are quite rare, but helped make it the performance everyone buzzed about.
Algebra is not always an easy subject to learn. If you are having trouble with algebraic expressions word problems, you are not alone. Solving word problems with algebraic exp&ressions or expressing algebraic equations with words might make you want to panic, but there are some ideas that can help you remember how to solve these word problems.If you don't know what an algebraic expression actually is, then the first thing to do is gain some understanding about the subject. In algebra, an algebraic expression is an equation. It is the way that we write algebra problems without words, using numbers and symbols. For example, one could say that X plus Y equals ten, but that would be explaining the problem to you with words. The proper way to write the equation as an algebraic expression would be x + y = 10.Some students become confused when they are asked to write or solve word problems as algebraic expressions. Identifying the actual algebraic expression within the word problem is the hard part for some, while others have difficulty knowing what to do with the information they have in front of them.The first step in solving a word problem with an algebraic expression is to identify your variable. A variable is a symbol used to express a number within the equation that can vary or change. Variables are usually represented by letters such as x, y, or z. A word problem might say something like "Bob bought ten more race cars than he did yesterday." The number ten is a constant in this problem, but the variable here would be the number of race cars Bob bought yesterday. You can represent the variable here with an x, since you don't know what it is and the number of race cars Bob bought yesterday could vary.The next step in solving algebraic expressions word problems is to identify the keywords which tell you what to do with your variable. In the word problem "Bob bought ten more race cars than he did yesterday," the keyword is 'more.' That tells you that you need to 'add' the number ten to the variable x. To write the words, "Bob bought ten more race cars than he did yesterday," as an algebraic expression, you would need to write 10 + x.Some word problems have more than one variable, and you will have to decide which keywords apply to which variable so you can determine what to do with each variable. For example, "Sam bought five more apples than he did yesterday, and then he bought two more" would require two steps to determine the expression. You would identify the first variable and decide what to do with it and then you would find the next one and decide what to do with it. "Sam bought five more apples than he did yesterday, and then he bought two more" in algebraic expression form would look like (5 + x) + (5 + x + 2).Solving word problems with algebraic expressions can seem daunting at first but when you are able to solve them more regularly you will feel a sense of pride. Learning to work with variables and then understanding the keywords explaining what to do with them is the important part of solving algebraic expressions word problems. Work together with your teacher, tutor, or another algebra student for help if you need it.Practice solving word problems with algebraic expressions worksheets. Many students have problems understanding algebra, so there are plenty of worksheets from which to choose. If you are looking for help with algebraic expressions, there is definitely help available to you because it is a common problem.
A person who lives in the United States has to pay income taxes every year unless he or she is exempt. The person who pays income tax both lives and works within the United St&ates. However, not every American citizen works in America. When someone who is a U.S. resident works in another country, taxes are paid differently. Tax equalization is paying taxes in a way that offsets the difference between the country someone lives in and the country that they work in.Some major corporations have offices and manufacturing in many countries. When locals in the foreign country cannot fill in the department, the corporation might ask some of their managers that live in the United States to take the job. A person who has an overseas assignment would be a scenario in which tax equalization would arise. There are also some companies which are considered multinational corporations, and anyone who works for them would fall into this special tax category. Tax equalization is taxes that people would pay if they live in the United States even if they work in another country. The taxes are supposed to match up with what the same salary would be in the United States. However, sometimes the rate is higher than what the worker would pay if he or she were in the native country. If the person has to pay a rate that is a lot higher than at home, then he or she is entitled to be reimbursed the extra money. This process protects a taxpayer, and gives him or her back the excess taxes they paid. This is called tax protection.All citizens need to pay taxes to their native country. However, people end up paying double taxes in some scenarios. The equalization of taxes can be beneficial to someone working overseas in many ways. The employee is responsible for paying taxes, which may be difficult if they are away from home for long periods. The biggest benefit to the equalization of taxes is a certain amount of money can be taken out of each paycheck to help cover whatever taxes they are going to have to owe that year. To help an employee who is working overseas, some corporations have an equalization for taxes policy. The reason for having a policy is for a corporation to help their employees who are in another country. To make things fairer, the responsibility of the taxes lies with both the employee and the company they work for. The employee will pay what they would normally pay if they were still working at home. However, the company will pay all of the worldwide effective taxes on behalf of their employee. Equalization of taxes can mean something other than taxes for people who work in another country. In some states, the equalization of taxes has to do with property taxes. Two states in the United States that use this term are Nebraska and North Dakota. In these states, the equalization of taxes refers property taxes. If someone does not agree with the assessment of their property's value, or the taxes on the property, then there are special commissions that people can file an appeal with. People have to work to earn a living and sometimes their job takes them out of the country. Income tax time can be confusing as it is without the added confusion of working in another country. Tax equalization is when someone who works overseas is supposed to pay the same amount of taxes as if he or she worked in his or her native country. However, many corporations have a policy to help their employees pay the taxes, and the company then helps their worker by paying the worldwide effective taxes.The policies concerning the equalization of taxes are changing all the time. When it comes time for taxes, there are specialists who handle taxes for people who are working overseas. A qualified expatriate tax advisor knows all about taxes for overseas workers and can help with tax protection.
Superstar Beyonce Knowles was People magazine's World's Most Beautiful Woman in 2012. She is also a spokesperson for L'Oreal cosmetics, and is revered around the world for her& beauty. However, Beyonce is far from her days as one of the "Single Ladies"--she's happily married to Jay-Z, one of the most successful entertainers in rap history. Although Jay-Z is a behemoth in the entertainment world, we have to say that Mrs. Carter really brings it on the red carpet.Though she has an impressive acting resume under her belt, Christina Hendricks is largely known for her beautiful curves and classic style--some even compare the "Mad Men" star to film icons such as Marilyn Monroe. Hendricks' husband, Geoffrey Arend has worked as an actor for over a decade, but his wife definitely is the most beautiful half of the couple!Jennifer Lopez is famous for her beauty, style, and performance abilities. She was named Most Beautiful Woman in the world by People magazine in 2011, and she is the Global Ambassador for L'Oreal Paris. Her current flame is dancer and choreographer Casper Smart. Although he is young and buff, most fans do not view Smart as her physical equal.Kim Kardashian is an attractive woman. According to Star magazine, the businesswoman and reality star puts a great deal of time and money into looking good, and it pays off. Her partner Kanye West is a very successful artist and record producer who is more famous for his style and talent than just his looks alone."The Cable Guy" co-star Jim Carrey allegedly stated that Leslie Mann resembles legendary film beauty Marlene Dietrich, so her beauty is widely acknowledged. Mann is an actress who manages to be girl-next-door beautiful and funny at the same time. Her husband, Judd Apatow, is an award-winning writer, producer, and director. He was named one of The 50 Smartest People in Hollywood by Entertainment Weekly, but it's clear that he's one lucky man when it comes to his wife!Although Salma Hayek stated in a recent interview with InStyle magazine that beauty has never been her first priority in life, she is a beauty icon to many fans. She claimed she primarily wants to look good for her husband, Francois-Henri Pinault, a man who is average in appearance but runs a fashion empire worth billions of dollars.Victoria's Secret model Adriana Lima has landed on too many 'hottest,' and 'most beautiful' lists to count. She has also represented fashion houses such as Guess and Louis Vuitton as well as cosmetics giant Maybelline. Lima married former professional basketball player Marko Jaric, who may not be a looker, but he was good enough to play professional ball in America from 2000 to 2013.Mary Kate and her twin Ashley have grown from cute kids into lovely women. Not only is Mary-Kate a style icon, she is co-owner of multiple successful fashion brands. She is currently romantically linked to successful French banker Olivier Sarkozy. Olivier's looks may not have played a large part in his career, but he has been instrumental in several mergers in the financial arena.Attractive actress Amber Tamblyn could have had practically any man she wanted. She is a fresh-faced beauty with an extensive show business resume, with appearances on "House, M.D" and award-winning films such as "127 Hours." She dated and fell in love with comedian David Cross, a man 20 years her senior. Cross is a writer and actor who admitted to carrying out one of the worst proposals in history when he asked Tamblyn to marry him. They do seem quite happy, though!Lindsay Usich is a photographer and professional model--she's also the current paramour of controversial recording artist Marilyn Manson. Although Manson has unconventional looks, he has managed to date and become engaged to beautiful women like Usich, Dita von Teese, and Rachel Evan Wood.
-z -z x+2y-z-6=0
+6 +6 ---------& x+2y-z=6 3y-2z=7 ---------& 0x+3y-2z=7 4+3x=2y-5z
-3x -3x ---------& -3x+2y-5z=4 Put them into a matrix, for x,y,z and &their answers. Solve for [A]-1[B], and the answer comes to:
x= 1.75, y= 1.5, and z= -1.25
I suppose the full question is:
Given the following system of equations, find the values of x and y.
First, you need to isolate the variable y in the eq&uation x+y=2
You do this by subtracting x from both sides of the equation.
Now you substitute the equation 2-x in the place of y in the equation x + 2y=-10
Like this:
Distribute the two:
Combine like terms:
Subtract 4 from both sides:
Divide both sides by negative one to get rid of the negative sign in front of x:
Plug the value of x (14) into the equation x+y=2:
Subtract 14 from both sides:
Now you are done.
From now on, please pay attention in class.
If you don't even know the basic math skills that this requires then you have no future.
x = -1, y = 2, z = -3.
x - y - z = 03x + y - z = 2x + 2y + z = 0
Adding equation 3 to equations 1 and 2 gives new equations 1 & 2:
2x + y = 04x + 3y = 2
Doubling the [&new] equation 1 and subtracting from the [new] equation 2 gives:
Substituting back into [new] equation 1 gives:
2x + 2 = 0 & x = -1
Substituting back into the original equation 1 gives:
-1 - 2 - z = 0 & z = -3
Check by substituting back into original equations:
3x + y - z = 3(-1) + (2) - (-3) = -3 + 2 + 3 = 2x + 2y + z = (-1) + 2(2) + (-3) = -1 + 4 - 3 = 0
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Answer it!
Answer it!
Answer it!
Answer it!
Answer it!
Answer it!
Answer it!
Answer it!
Answer it!
Answer it!
you only need part of the given piece by piece: 2x+y=3x=2y-1
take 2x+y=3x
now you take the other half
note that x=y, so x=-1 as well
& in conclusion both x=-1, y=-1
x + 2y = 27 2x - y = 19 y = 2x - 19 x + 2(2x - 19) = 27 x + 4x - 38 = 27 5x = 65 x = 13 y = 2(13) - 19 y = 7
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