
你可能喜欢在知乎上见过几句翻译 例如:相聚有时,后会无期:sometimes ever,sometimes never.一见杨过误终身:Young Fault lasts for life.In me the tiger sniffs the rose.余光中先生译:心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇。Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.郑振铎译为“使生如夏花之绚烂,死如秋叶之静美”。以上等等,觉得太棒了!!!PS:那些什么过度翻译的古风体就算了吧....
我有一本86年版的《词百首英译》,作者是国际关系学院的教授徐忠杰老先生。现摘抄几首译作。===========================浪淘沙 李煜窗外雨潺潺,春意阑珊,罗衾不耐五更寒。梦里不知身是客,一晌贪欢。独自莫凭栏,无限江山,别时容易见时难。流水落花春去也,天上人间。LangtaoshaOutside the window, rain seems to moan and sing.This year, slow and weak is the return of spring.I feel badly chilled in the small hours of morn.Silk bed-clothes prove useless against a cold dawn.In my dreams, I forgot my status as 'guest'Of relief for a moment, I was in quest.Alone, I wouldn't rest, on a rail, my hand,To scan what was once my limitless land.Easy to leave one's hearth and come to this nook.Hard to get back to one's home to have a look.Flowing water never returns to its source,My country's and mine is a hopeless, lost cause.Fallen flowers cannot goChips off the mass revert not to the block.One's spring and youth has passed never to return.One's destiny is not of Heaven's concern.===========================水调歌头 苏轼明月几时有?把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒。起舞弄清影,何似在人间!转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠。不应有恨,何事长向别时圆?人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。Shuidiaogetou"How often comes a bright moon?"I asked this of the blue sky.I held up my drinking cup,As I pled for a reply.I wonder, this night of nights -Is of what calendar year,Above and beyond the clouds,In what's the celestial sphere.I'd wish to ride on the wind,To my blessed heavenly home,With its marble halls and floors,And its alabaster dome.That would be magnificent.But the cold I cannot stand.To an earthling that I am,It won't be a happy land.I prefer a cosy place,closer to the human heart,As the shadow, in my dance,Can play its intimate part.There's nothing in paradise,That is of similar worth -To living among mankind,In this so-called mundane earth.Soon moonlight will shift its place -O'er the top of chambers red,Through windows with their curtains,To sleepless people, instead.There shouldn't be love or hatred - Between mankind and the moon,But why should it turn fully - Upon those who're to part soon?The moon has weather that change,F it wax and wane.MankiHappy at reunion again.From the utmost ancient times,Down to our own very days,The imperfection of all things - Has for ever been the case.One can do no more than wish - All people would keep going strong.And though they are far apart,They'd share moonlight well and long.===========================念奴娇 赤壁怀古 苏轼大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。故垒西边,人道是,三国周郎赤壁。乱石崩云,惊涛裂岸,卷起千堆雪。江山如画,一时多少豪杰。遥想公谨当年,小乔初嫁了,雄姿英发。羽扇纶巾,谈笑间,强虏灰飞烟灭。故国神游,多情应笑我,早生华发。人生如梦,一尊还酹江月。NiannujiaoAt the bluffs on the Yangzi: a reminiscenceThis river has e'er swept its way, eastward bound.It leaves, in memory, men with victory crowned.To the west of the old ramparts, people say,Are the Yangzi Bluffs where Zhou Yu won the day.High into the air, rocks, shapeless, jagged, soar.Frightful turbulent waves crash the craggy shore - With such impact on the rocks they themselves throw - That foam appears as a thousand heaps of snow.Picturesque rivers and mountains of our land!How many heroes are involved and how grand!When Zhou married Xiao Qiao, dashing he must have been.Manly, spirited, of a heroic mien.A feather fan on hand, a kerchief on crown.With little effort, he brought the strongest foe down.If mawkish o'er past heroes I prove to be,It is befitting that friends should laugh at me.For his sensibilities, a man must pay:His hair prematurely becomes whitish and gray.Life among mankind, like a dream, passes soon.Let's drink a cup of wine to the river moon.===========================破阵子 为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之 辛弃疾醉里挑灯看剑,梦回吹角连营。八百里分麾下炙,五十弦翻塞外声,沙场秋点兵。马作的卢飞快,弓如霹雳弦惊。了却君王天下事,赢得生前身后名。可怜白发生!PozhenziA word to a friend about to leave for the frontWhile drunk, I trimmed the wick for a brighter flame - To inspect my sword, unconscious of my aim.I was woken up in the mist of a dream.I heard very distinctively a siren's scream.Followed throughout the camp by bugle call,Each wondering what was to befall.Within the radius of a li and a half - All officers and men would have roasted calf.Our army band strChallenge the foe, "Come and fight, if you dare."All the men were ready,Passed in review, marching in a field parade.Our horsemen rushed on,The clatter of their steeds made the same roar.On the foe, our archers' Shower upon them thicker than a summer squall - To gain a name before death and posthumous fame -To fulfill the State's destiny and the King's claim.I wish to be there, in the forefront of the strife.What a regret to be too old for such a life!===========================采桑子 辛弃疾少年不识愁滋味,爱上层楼。爱上层楼,为赋新词强说愁。而今识尽愁滋味,欲说还休。欲说还休,却道天凉好个秋。CaisangziWhile young, I didn't taste of sadness or despair.That I must climb aloft is what I did care.I strained too much after sorrow as the theme,For a young poet to work out in his scheme.Now, I have had my bitter cup to the brim.The sorrow that I have tasted of is grim.I was about to harp on gloom as a rule,I veer and say, "Autumn has been fine and cool."===========================我是学翻译的本科生。这样的水平不知我要过多少年的刻苦修炼才能达到。很敬佩徐老先生。
金岳霖当年翻译《毛泽东选集》,译到“吃一堑,长一智”时,一时下不了手。&br&钱钟书遂支招,译作&br&A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit.&br&译文和中文一样对仗,而且押韵。&br&&br&钱老有个学生叫许渊冲&br&&blockquote&日,现年93岁的北京大学教授、中国当代著名翻译家许渊冲,在柏林举行的第20届世界翻译大会会员代表大会上,荣获国际翻译界最高奖项之一——国际翻译家联盟2014“北极光”杰出文学翻译奖,成为该奖项自1999年设立以来首位获此殊荣的亚洲翻译家。&/blockquote&&img src=&/d75d76e41e833cbc6fae6bbd95722c14_b.png& data-rawwidth=&401& data-rawheight=&270& class=&content_image& width=&401&&许老自称“书销中外六十本,诗译英法惟一人。”他评点自己的翻译水平说到“不是院士胜院士,遗欧赠美千首诗。”很狂吧,还有更狂的,他评价自己法国留学的意义:“假如我也去了美国,那二十世纪就不一定有人能将中国古典诗词译成英法韵文了。”言下之意整个中国就他一个能干这活。99年被提名为诺贝尔文学奖的候选人。诺贝尔文学奖评委会的评委、女诗人Vallquist特地给他写了信,称他的翻译是“伟大的中国传统文学的样本”。然而许老答曰“诺奖一年一个,唐诗宋词流传千年。”&br&这个现代狂叟到底有几分水平?&br&&br&先来一首许老的译作&br&By riverside a pair &br&Of turtledoves are cooing; &br&There’s a good maiden fair &br&Whom a young man is wooing.&br&&br&看不出来哪首吧&br&提示(我承认是从百度抄的)&br&&br&cooing&br&v. (鸽) 咕咕地叫,发出鸽叫般的声音( coo的现在分词 )&br&&br&woo&br&vt. 求爱,求婚; 争取…的支持;vi. 求爱&br&&br&这首就是“关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈窕淑女,君子好逑。”,当年我看到这个的时候由衷的发出了“卧槽”的赞美声。英文直译回来就是“一对斑鸠在河边咕咕叫,美好的姑娘正在被年轻小伙子求爱”,符合主旨,而且读着十分舒服,每行六个音节(我英语在听力上是短板,错了别拍我),一三行和二四行均押韵。当然,cooing和wooing简直妙不可言,意境,形式,音韵三者堪称完美。&br&&br&许老年轻的时候就很屌,我看到有知友提到林肯的of the people,by the people,for thepeople,其实这话许老用过。珍珠港后陈纳德率美国志愿空军援华,西南联大外文系的所有男生被集体征调为飞虎队的翻译,许老就在其中。然而,欢迎陈纳德时,“三民主义”如何翻译给米国盟友难倒了大家,招待会的主持人,国民党高级官员黄仁霖亲自上阵译为:&br&nationality,people 's sovereignty,people's livelihood &br&陈纳德:what the hell?&br&许老站了出来,大嗓门喊到&br&of the people,by the people,for the people.(民有,民治,民享)&br&美国大兵:so easy!&br&萝莉控:excited!&br&&br&再说许老的作品&br&李清照《声声慢》开头的七对叠词“寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。”而且“寻寻,清清,凄凄”属平声,“觅觅,冷冷,惨惨,戚戚”是仄声,平仄交替,除了音韵的美感还有感情的郁结,翻译难度极大。&br&美国翻译家Kenneth Rexroth译为&br&Search. Search. Seek. Seek.&br&Cold. Cold. Clear. Clear.
&br&Sorrow. Sorrow. Pain. Pain.&br&然而英语单词叠加使用并没有起到中文的效果&br&&br&林语堂译为&br&So dim,so dark,&br&So dense,so dull,&br&So damp,so dank,&br&So dead!&br&七个形容词都以d开头,具有极佳的形式美,绝对可称为翻译中的上品了。&br&&br&许渊冲译为&br&I look for what I miss,&br&I know not what it is,&br&I feel so sad,so drear,&br&So lonely,without cheer.&br&押韵完美,意思上有所发挥,不过还是忠实于原文,我更喜欢这个翻译,不仅仅因为我是脑残粉。译文比原文多了一个主人公,I,刻画出了一个愁苦忧郁的人,抑扬间有种独特的悲伤。&br&&br&《大风歌》&br&大风起兮云飞扬。&br&威加海内兮归故乡。&br&安得猛士兮守四方!&br&&br&许渊冲译为 &br&A big wind rises, clouds are driven away. &br&Home am Inow the world is under my sway. &br&Where are brave men to guard the four frontiers today! &br&&br&《大风歌》三句都押尾韵“ang”,而许译三句,均押尾韵“/ei/”,读起来有种爆裂的感觉,倍儿爽。&br&&br&静夜思&br&床前明月光
Abed,I see a silver light,&br&疑是地上霜
I wonder if it's frost a ground.&br&举头望明月
Looking up,I&br&低头思故乡
Bowing,in home sickness I'm drowned.&br&许老译文的二、四两行韵脚相押,而且发音近似“霜”和“乡”,如果不近似,那就是我英语口音的问题了。。。。。。&br&&br&除了诗词,许老翻译水准之高,做人性情之爽,世所罕见。&br&50年代许渊冲在北京教英文和法文,他公开说斯大林肃反杀害好人太多,这就算了;还说“共产主义”翻译错了,原文没有“产”字,吃果果歧视日本人的翻译水平;《共产党宣言》也被他挑刺,“幽灵”不如改为“魔影”,“徘徊”应该改成“经常出现”——因为欧洲各国不会害怕徘徊不前的幽灵。&br&果然后来被批斗了,然后他就一边被批斗一边翻译毛泽东文集&br&&br&山上山下,风卷红旗如画。&br&Below&br&Below&br&The wind unrolls&br&Red flags like scorlls.&br&&br&天高云淡,望断南飞雁。&br&The sky is high &br&The clouds are light&br&The wild geese flying south out of sight.&br&&br&中华人民多奇志,不爱红装爱武装&br&Chinese people prefer to face the powder rather than powder the face.&br&powder the face 为 涂脂抹粉 ,face the powde 面对硝烟,简直绝妙&br&&br&而且许老是在被红卫兵殴打中完成这些翻译的,红卫兵痛恨他的“学霸作风”,这霉倒的。&br&&br&再分享几个许老的译作,实在收不住哇!&br&&br&近水楼台先得月,向阳花木易为春。——俞文豹《清夜录》&br&The poolside bower’s the best placetoenjoymoonbeams,&br&The flowers basking in sunshine maydreamspringdreams.&br&&br&千山鸟飞绝
from hill to hill no bird in flight&br&万径人踪灭
from path to path no man in sight &br&——柳宗元《江雪》&br&&br&清明时节雨纷纷,
A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day,&br&路上行人欲断魂。
The mourners’heart is going to break on his way.&br&借问酒家何处有,
Where can a wineshop be found to drown his sad hours?&br&牧童遥指杏花村。
A cowherd points to a cot amid apri-cotflowers.&br&——杜牧《清明》&br&&br&葡萄美酒夜光杯
With wine of grapes the cups of jade would glow at night,&br&欲饮琵琶马上催
Drinking to pipa songs, we are summoned to fight.&br&醉卧沙场君莫笑
Don’t laugh if we lay drunken on the battleground!&br&古来征战几人回
How many warriors ever came back safe and sound? &br&——王翰《凉州词》&br&&br&道可道,非常道&br&Truth can be known,but it may not be the well-known truth
金岳霖当年翻译《毛泽东选集》,译到“吃一堑,长一智”时,一时下不了手。钱钟书遂支招,译作A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit.译文和中文一样对仗,而且押韵。钱老有个学生叫许渊冲日,现年93岁的北京大学教授、中国当代著名翻译家许渊…
以前北大资源楼有个书店,叫“风入松”,英文:forest song(意译:森林 歌唱),这是我见过最牛逼的。
以前北大资源楼有个书店,叫“风入松”,英文:forest song(意译:森林 歌唱),这是我见过最牛逼的。
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