
帮我翻译成英语白天鹅宾馆座落在广州闹市中的“世外桃源”——榕荫如盖,历史悠久的沙面岛的南边,濒临三江汇聚的白鹅潭.宾馆独特的庭园式设计与周围幽雅的环境融为一体,一条专用引桥把宾馆与市中心联接起来,实为商旅人士下榻的最佳之处. 白天鹅宾馆拥有843间精心设计的客房,无论是标准房、豪华套房还是商务楼层,室内装潢及设计都经过深思熟虑,设备齐全,舒适温馨,处处显示出以客为先的服务风范.从客房您更可饱览广州市容和珠江美景.别具特色的中西食府,为您提供中、法、日等精美菜肴.多功能国际会议中心是举办各类大小型会议、中西式酒会、餐舞会的理想场所.另有健康中心、美容发型中心、商务中心、委托代办、票务中心、豪华车队等配套设施.近年来,白天鹅宾馆把经营管理的发展和高科技成果相结合,使宾馆的服务水平紧跟国际酒店发展的潮流.无论您是商务公干,还是旅游度假,在白天鹅宾馆都能感受到居停方便、舒适、自然. 白天鹅宾馆在实践中把国际先进酒店的管理经验与中国的国情相结合,走出了一条融中西管理模式于一炉的酒店管理之路,不断追求卓越,以严谨、高效的管理和真诚的服务为海内外宾客提供一个温馨的家外之家.
White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou is located in the busy " land of idyllic beauty " -- Yongyin as cover,has a long history of Shamian island in the south,near Sanjiang together baietan.Hotel unique garden design and the surrounding environment of elegant com.,a dedicated approach to downtown hotels and linking,business travel to staying in the best.White Swan Hotel has 843 carefully designed guestrooms,regardless of is the standard room,luxury suite or business floor,interior decorating and design have been over in one's mind,well-equipped,comfortable and warm,everywhere shows that customer first service style.From the room you can enjoy the beauty of the Pearl River and the city of Guangzhou.The unique characteristics of Chinese and Western restaurants,to provide you with exquisite dishes,law,day.Many international conference center is organizing various large and small meetings,the Western reception,dinner dances the ideal place.Another health center,hair beauty center,business center,commissioned by the agency,ticket center,luxury convoys and other facilities.In recent years,White Swan Hotel management to the development and integration of high-tech achievements,the level of service to hotel followed international hotel development trend.Whether you are on business,or tourism resort,White Swan Hotel can feel convenient,comfortable,natural body.White Swan Hotel in practice the advanced international hotel management experience with the combination of China's national conditions,walked out of a western financial management in a furnace of the hotel management of the road,and constantly strive for excellence,to rigorous,efficient management and good service to guests at home and abroad to provide a warm home.
The White Swan Hotel is located in Guangzhou downtown " Xanadu " - Banyan as cover , the south of the historic Shamian Island , to the brink of Sanjiang convergence White Swan Pond . Elegant hotel uni...
The White Swan Hotel is located in Guangzhou downtown " Xanadu " - Banyan as cover , the south of the historic Shamian Island , to the brink of Sanjiang convergence White Swan Pond . Elegant hotel uni...
hao today is?
(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
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display: 'inlay-fix'麻烦可以帮我翻译成英文吗,非常感谢!近年来,全市上下紧紧围绕推进富民强市、建设幸福XX(XX为城市名)奋斗目标,以提高经济增长质量和效益为中心,以招商引资和项目建设为抓手,开拓创新,务实苦干,经济社会发展取得了新成绩
in recent years, all citizens work together for the aim of improving the life of people and building a prosperous and happy XX city. by focusing on the quality and effectiveness of economy growth and with the strategy of attracting investment and constructing projects, we make innovations and work hard to promote the economic and social development.
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