wewe must bothh like math a...

The Pre-Physician Assistant Major: Choose Wisely - Inside PA Training- 2 years ago
Apple is preparing an all-new MacBook Air for 2015 with a radically new design that jettisons standards such as full-sized USB ports, MagSafe connectors, and SD card slots in favor of a markedly thinner and lighter body with a higher-resolution display. Sources within Apple, who have used internal prototype versions of the upcoming computer, have provided in-depth details about the machine, and our exclusive artist renditions of the revamped MacBook Air provide the first close look at Apple’s first major step in mobile Mac computing since the .
The 12-inch MacBook Air will be considerably smaller than the current 13-inch version, yet also slightly narrower than the 11-inch model. The new 12-inch version is approximately a quarter-of-an-inch narrower than the 11-inch version, yet it is also a quarter-of-an-inch taller in order to accommodate the slightly larger display. In order to fit the larger screen into a footprint about the size of the current 11-inch model, the bezels on the display have been reduced on all sides.
Besides a new look for the front of the computer, the entire unibody has been revamped from the keyboard to the trackpad to the speakers. Taking cues from the 12-inch PowerBook introduced by Steve Jobs over a decade ago, the new keyboard sits edge-to-edge across the width of the laptop. In addition to going edge-to-edge, the entire key set has been subtly redesigned so that each key sits noticeably closer together. Apple has squeezed the keys closer in order for the computer to be as narrow as possible, which can be seen in the rendition below:
Apple has also relocated some of the function keys across the top and simplified the arrow key array in order to keep the keyboard as narrow as possible without taking away from overall usability. In addition to the keyboard, the trackpad has been changed. The trackpad is approximately the same width as that on the 11-inch MacBook Air (if not ever-so-slightly wider), but it is apparently slightly taller, nearly touching the bottoms of the keyboard and the frame. In line with earlier rumors, it also appears that the new trackpad does not have the same clicking effect as found on current and earlier MacBook models.
The elimination of physical feedback in the click is part of Apple’s plan to reduce the thickness of the MacBook to a bare minimum. As can be seen in ‘s rendition above, the new 12-inch Air (on the left) is far thinner than the current 11-inch model (on the right). Taking cues from the current Air, the future model has a teardrop-like, tapered design that gets thinner from top to bottom. Above the keyboard are four redesigned speaker grills that actually double as ventilation holes for the fan-less device to keep cool.
The upcoming laptop is so thin that Apple employees are said to refer to the device as the “MacBook Stealth” internally. In order to reach that new level of portability, Apple not only slimmed down the trackpad and tweaked the speakers but the ports as well:
The upcoming 12-inch Air has the fewest amount of ports ever on an Apple computer, as can be seen in the rendition above. On the right side is a standard headphone jack and dual-microphones for input and noise-canceling. On the left side is solely the new USB Type-C port. Yes, Apple is currently planning to ditch standard USB ports, the SD Card slot, and even its Thunderbolt and MagSafe charging standards on this new notebook. We must note that Apple tests several designs of upcoming products, so Apple may choose to ultimately release a new Air that does include the legacy components, though there is very little space on the edges for them.
As , the new USB Type-C connector is smaller, faster, and more capable than the standard USB 2.0 and 3.0 ports on existing computers. The connector is able to replace the Thunderbolt Display port on the current Apple laptops as . Additionally, the latest specifications from the USB foundation indicate that USB Type-C can actually be used to power computers, which makes the standard MagSafe plugs unnecessary on this new device. The connector is also reversible like Lightning on iPads and iPhones, which should make the overall experience a bit more intuitive.
As the new MacBook may only have a single port, it would make sense for Apple to create a hub of some sort for users to be able to plug in multiple devices into the new laptop. Apple already ships all sorts of adapters for its Macs and iOS Devices, so adding yet another attachment to the accessory portfolio would not be unprecedented. With Apple moving to a new “Space Gray” color on its iOS devices and on some Macs (such as with the 2013 Mac Pro), it seems possible that this new MacBook may come in a new gray color, as shown off in some of our renditions.
that the new MacBook Air will ship in mid-2015 (perhaps around WWDC), while other reports have claimed that the new Air is . With Intel
on the Broadwell chipset family at CES this week, the
for pushing the future of mobile computing into the world.
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Submitting a tip constitutes permission to publish and syndicate. Please view ourwe both like math and englishwe both like math and English等于we like both math and English吗?还有主语如果是两个人的都用both ...and连接主语是一个复数的话yongboth在be后行前he both 就比如:they are both boys=both of them are both,那Tom and jane both boys等于both Tom and Jane are 不等于both of tom and jane吧?如果both and做宾语是不是我前面说的那两种?
不是.前一个是强调“我们”两个,后一个强调“英语和数学”不一定要bothtom and jane ”are“ both boys.缺are了对的
both ...and做宾语等于 ...and...吗?
但both and就只能连接两个,and可以连接N多个
We both like math and English.不等于we like both math and English.第一句的both修饰的是主语we,
"we both" 是说“我们两都……”第二句的both修舍的是宾语math and English,
both math and English"
不等于不对Tom and Jane both boys本身就是错的是
both ...and做宾语等于 ...and...吗?
你看你要强调是什么,放在主语上强调主语 “we both like math and English,”强调的是we,“we like both math and English”强调的是math and English。both一般用于两个,all一般用于两个以上。
both ...and做宾语等于 ...and...吗?
扫描下载二维码Because of the way they are misused all over the Web, categories have grown to become something that we regard in a purely user-centric light. We think of them as navigational tools and guides for users, but in reality, categories are a powerful tool that bloggers can use to exercise precise control over content in a dynamic environment.
Unfortunately, the true power of categorized content has been masked by the one size fits all implementation you see everywhere on the Web—the proverbial long, ugly list of category links now appearing on a blog near you.
As luck would have it, that awful category list also turns out to be a very poor presentational strategy for your site…but why?
Why Your Category List Isn’t Doing You Any Favors
By giving users a list of categories to browse on your site, you are creating a psychological conundrum that usually leaves them with a severe case of analysis paralysis. This is a condition where users, when presented with too many options, end up selecting nothing at all.
Being presented with more choices, even good ones, can hinder effective action. In one study, doctors couldn’t make a decision when a second promising drug showed up.
— Fast Company, November 2007
Counter-intuitive? Maybe. Human nature? Absolutely.
Whether you’re selling products, writing copy, or designing interfaces, you can benefit from playing into basic human psychology. And interestingly, with Website categories, accommodating natural human behavior also turns out to be an excellent SEO strategy!
Automated SEO and Content Management with Categories
At first glance, it seems convenient that WordPress automatically creates category pages, tag pages, and just about every other type of page you can imagine. Dig a little deeper, though, and you’ll find that this form of page bloat is a remarkably poor site-building practice—it’s a condition that should be avoided whenever possible.
As far as blogs are concerned, categories are the single biggest contributor to both page bloat and link dilution, two of the most abominable SEO sins. Ironically, when used properly, these same categories hold the key to efficient, automated site optimization and content management…
The difference, of course, is all in how you use them. Armed with a bit of knowledge and a few lines of code, you’ll be able to use categories to:
display content however you like, wherever you like
link directly to interior pages—not to interstitial “bloat” pages like monthly archives or category archives
provide your users with a smarter, more intuitive way to browse content that may be of interest to them
WordPress Example: “Popular” Articles
Turn your attention to the sidebar of this site, where you’ll find lists of posts underneath subheadings like “Must Reads,” “Improve Your Blog,” and “Worth a Look.” As you might have guessed, I use categories to control the content of each list, and now we’re going to examine how you can do the same. For the sake of this example, let’s focus on the “Must Reads,” which are controlled by the “Popular” category.
The first step is to categorize each applicable post in an identical and meaningful way—in this case, “Popular.” Keep in mind that it makes no difference how many posts you lump under one category, simply because you’ll establish all display control through your code (which you are about to write).
Once you’ve categorized your articles, the second step is to determine what you want to display and where you want to display it. In this example, the goal is to display a list of popular posts over in the sidebar, so in order to do that, you should open the sidebar.php template file for editing.
Now that you’ve opened the appropriate theme file, it’s time to move on to the third step, which is the coding portion of our show. Here’s the code I used in sidebar.php to generate a list (&ul&, &li&) of popular articles:
while (have_posts()) :
&li&&a href=&&?php the_permalink() ?&& rel=&bookmark&&&?php the_title(); ?& &?php comments_number('0', '1', '%'); ?&&/a&&/li&
Take a look at the following snippet from the above code:
This line tells WordPress to look through its database and fetch the 5 most recent posts from the “Popular” category. Once you’ve acquired the appropriate posts, all you need to do is loop through them, displaying only the information you want. Here’s the code from our example:
&li&&a href=&&?php the_permalink() ?&& rel=&bookmark&&&?php the_title(); ?& &?php comments_number('0', '1', '%'); ?&&/a&&/li&
In this case, I chose to display direct links to the posts, and I also embellished a bit to include the number of comments on each. The most important thing to take away from this is the fact that I could have displayed any piece of information associated with the resulting posts—I just tailored the output to my exact needs.
The Bottom Line
Categories are like a site’s DNA—they literally form the organizational framework that houses all of a site’s information. Like DNA, category structures are unique, and therefore, a one size fits all solution for handling them doesn’t make any sense.
The good news, however, is that you can help your users, improve your SEO, and gain absolute control over your content by implementing your own WordPress category solution!
for more linguistic porn than you can shake your tallywhacker at!
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