2011年英语 2011年12月六级考试前考中考试 ...

  1.random a. 随意的
  词义辨析:random, casual
  random: 指无明确的方向或目的、方法与系统,暗示没有指挥或控制。
  casual: 指非正式的,轻松随便的,强调随和性。
  at random 随便地, 任意地
  The librarian took a book at random from the shelf.
  2. reap v. 收获=harvest
  reap crops 收获农作物
  He that soweth virtue shall reap fame.
  If you plant pride, you will reap destruction.
  3.reassure v. 使放心
  The police reassured her about the child's safety.
  4.reconcile v. 使和解
  We were finally reconciled when he apologized.
  5.rectify v. 纠正
  Therefore, the most enthusiastic students, we must rectify our love of the value orientation.
  6.refrain from v. 抑制You must refrain from smoking in this area.
  7. refute v. 驳倒
  词义辨析:contradict, oppose, refute
  contradict: 指肯定地否认、反对或反驳某事,坚持相反的意见
  oppose: 普通的广泛用词。指不作争论或不提出论据而无理由地反对;也指任何温和、有理由的反对或否定
  refute: 语气较强,强调凭推理或证据驳斥一项主张或言论
  Historical facts refute such a fallacy.
  8. remainder n. 剩余的部分
  He spent the remainder of his life in the country.
  9.repel v. 使厌恶;击退;排斥
  She was repelled by the dirty room.
  The crew repelled the attack.
  The positive poles of two magnets repel each other.
  10. reproach v. 责备=blame
  She reproached her husband for having forgotten their wedding anniversary.
  11. resemblance n. 相似
  bear /show a resemblance to 与...相象/相似
  Your story shows little resemblance to the facts.
  Twins often show great resemblance.
  12. resent v. 怨恨
  He resented being called his nickname.
  Would your wife resent my being with you here?
  13. retort v. 反驳
  He retorted that it was my fault as much as his.
  14. retrieve v. 取回=get back, bring back
  I should like to retrieve my umbrella which I left in the car.
  15. reunion n. 团聚=get-together
  New Year's Day is a day for family reunion.
  16. revelation n. 揭示
  The revelation of his past lead to his resignation.
  17. revive v. 使复苏
  revive economy 经济复苏
  All attempts to revive the fishing industry were foredoomed to failure.
  18. rigorous a. 严格的
  The planes have to undergo rigorous safety checks.
  He makes a rigorous study of the plant in the area.
  19. rip v. 撕裂
  The poster had been ripped to pieces.
  20. ritual n. 仪式=ceremony/routine
  His morning ritual is to make coffee, take a shower and have breakfast.
  She objects to the ritual of organized religion.
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  Opinion polls are now beginning to show that,whoever is to blame and whatever happens from now on,high unemployment is probably here to say.This means we shall have to find ways of sharing the available employment more widely.  But we need to go further. We must ask some fundamental questions about the future work. Should we continue to treat employment as the norm? Should we not rather encourage many ways for self-respecting people to work? Should we not create conditions in which many of us can work for ourselves, rather than for an employer? Should we not aim to revive the household and the neighborhood, as well as the factory and the office, as centers of production and work?  The industrial age has been the only period of human history in which most people’s work has taken the form of jobs. The industrial age may now becoming to an end, and some of the changes in work patterns which it brought may have to be reversed. This seems a daunting thought. But, in fact, it could offer the prospect of a better future for work. Universal employment, as its history shows, has not meant economic freedom.  Employment became widespread when the enclosures of the 17th and 18th centuries made many people dependent on paid work by depriving them of the use of the land, and thus of the means to provide a living for themselves. Then the factory system destroyed the cottage industries and removed work from people’s homes. Later, as transport improved first by rail and then by road, people commuted longer distances to their places of employment until, eventually, many people’s work lost all connection with their home lives and the places in which they live.  Meanwhile, employment put women at a disadvantage. In preindustrial times, men and women had shared the productive work of the household and village community. Now it became customary for the husband to go out to paid employment, leaving the unpaid work of the home and families to his wife. Tax and benefit regulations still assume this norm today, and restrict more flexible sharing of work roles between the sexes.  It was not only women whose work status suffered. As employment became the dominant form of work, young people and old people were excluded―a problem now, as more teenagers become frustrated at school and more retired people want to live active lives.  All this may now have to change.  The time has certainly come to switch some effort and resources away from the idealist goal creating jobs for all, to the urgent practical task of helping many people to manage without full-time jobs.   21.What is the main idea of the passage?  A) Employment became widespread in the 17th and 18th centuries.  B) Unemployment will remain a major problem for industrialized nations.  C) The industrial age may now be coming to an end.  D) Some efforts and resources should be devoted to helping more people cope with the problem of unemployment.   22.Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a factor contributing to the spread of employment?  A) The enclosures of the 17th and 18th centuries.B) The development of factories.  C) Relief from housework on the part of women.D) Development of modern means of transportation.   23.It can be inferred from the passage that____.  A) most people who have been polled believe that the problem of unemployment may not be solved within a short period of time  B) many farmers lost their land when new railways and factories were being constructed  C) in preindustrial societies housework and community service were mainly carried out by women  D) some of the changes in work pattern that the industrial age brought have been reversed  24.What does the word “daunting” in the third paragraph mean?  A) Shocking B) InterestingC) Confusing D) Stimulating   25.Which of the following is NOT suggested as a possible means to cope with the current situation?  A) Create situations in which people work for themselves.  B) Treat employment as the norm.  C) Endeavor to revive the household and the neighborhood as centers of production.  D) Encourage people to work in circumstances other than normal working conditions.  答案:DCAAB
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英语六级作文部分:The Certificate Craze1.现在许多人热衷于各类证书考试2.其目的各不相同3.我的看法范文1:Almost no one in China has failed to notice the phenomenon that a growing number of people are enthusiastic about pursuing various kinds of certificates. Taking a look around, one can find numerous examples with ease. A common case in point is that students spend a great deal of time and energy attending a great variety of certificate-oriented training courses to ensure a better score。The purpose of acquiring certificates varies from individuals to individuals. For students, as the job market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, not only can a certain certificate prove their capabilities, but also will put them in a favorable position in the employment market and the development of their career. When it comes to white-collared workers, more job-related certificates often guarantee greater opportunities for a salary raise and promotion. What’s more, it is also a ideal way to enhance their job techniques and sharpen their competitiveness。From my perspective, the merits of pursuing certificates are self-evident. However, we should also bear in mind that it is the practical skills, such as management, cooperation, communication, rather than certificates that guarantee one’s accomplishment in career. Accordingly, we might as well attach great importance to both certificates and the improvement of one’s comprehensive abilities。(金凌虹)
范文2:There is no denying the fact that it has become a prevailing trend for people to take part in various exams with the purpose of obtaining certificates of many kinds: that for CET-4 or CET-6, that for computer level, the driver’s license, etc。Of course people pursue certificates for various purposes. Some claim that owning these certificates can give them more edge in competition. One more certificate means a bit more chance of winning in the job market. Others, however, merely take this practice as a stimulus for them to study or study harder. They assert that, by working for those certificates, they can broaden their horizon and enrich their knowledge。Personally, I believe that one should choose to learn what he or she truly likes or really needs, instead of merely working for some certificates. As for me, I shall focus my energy on a few fields, for I believe concentration of attention and energy is the key to success. Besides, keen interest is the strongest motivation for study. To be specific, I would like to learn kungfu and Beijing Opera in my spare time. I may attend some relevant tests and be awarded certain certificates, but they are just a natural result of my study, instead of my motivation。(王兆飞)英语六级听力部分:11 C) She has not got the man’s copies for her12 B) She was late for the appointment13 C) It won’t be easy for Mark to win the election14 A) It failed to arrive at its destination in time15 A) Just make use of whatever information is available16 D) The woman isn’t qualified to take the course the man mentioned17 A) They are both to blame18 A) They are in desperate need of financial assistance19 C) We derive some humorous satisfaction from their misfortune20 C) They don’t know how to cope with the situation21 A) They themselves would like to do it but don’t dare to22 C) To relieve her feelings23 D) Bringing a handgun into Hong Kong24 D) He is suspected of having slipped something in Kunmar’s bag25 B) Find Alfred Foster26 B) They think travel gives them their money’s worth27 D) Launch a new program of adventure trips28 B) The way people travel29 B) The changing roles played by men and women30 A) Offer more creative and practical ideas than men31 C) To show that women are capable of doing what men do32 B) Reporting criminal offenses in Greenville33 D) It has fewer violent crimes than big cities34 A) There are a wide range of cases35 A) Write about something pleasantIn America, people are faced with more and more decisions every day, whether it’s picking one of thirty-one ice cream (36)flavors, or deciding whether and when to get married. That sounds like a great thing, but as a recent study has shown, too many choices can make us (37)confused, unhappy, even paralyzed with indecision. ‘That’s (38)particularly true when it comes to the work place’, says Barry Schwartz, an author of six books about human (39)behavior. Students are graduating with a (40)variety of skills and interests, but often find themselves (41)overwhelmed when it comes to choosing an ultimate career goal. In a study, Schwartz observed decision-making among college students during their (42)senior year. Based on answers to questions regarding their job hunting (43)strategies and career decisions, he divided the students into two groups:maximizers, who consider every possible option, and satisficers, who look until they find an option that is good enough. You might expect that the student (44)who had undertaken the most exhausted search would be the most satisfied with their final decision, but it turns out that’s not true. Schwartz found that while maximizers ended up with better-paying jobs than satisficers on average, they weren’t as happy with their decision. The reason (45)why these people feel less satisfied is that a world of possibilities may also be a world of missed opportunities. When you look at every possible option, you tend to focus more on what was given up than what was gained. After surveying every option, (46)a person is more acutely aware of the opportunities they had to turn down to pursue just one career。(曹倩+欧阳萍+王双林)英语六级阅读部分:快速阅读:1. B: The low graduation rates of minority students。2. D: Its increased enrollment of minority students。3. D: It is going to lose its competitive edge in higher education。4. C: Fifteen percent。5. B:they recruit the best students。6. A:Universities are to blame。7. B:They cannot afford the high tuition。8. they are loss qualified。9. preparatory courses。10. be closed。选词填空:4748 chall4950 be p51 confontations仔细阅读:52.D : The general public thinks differently from most economists on the impact of immigration。53.B: They can get consumer goods at lower prices。54.C: They have a harder time getting a job with decent pay。55 D: It may place a great strain on the state budget。56.C: People are making too big a fuss about something of small impact。57.A: Great diversity。58.B: It will produce business leaders of a uniform style。59.C: Attitude and approach to business。60.C: Applicants from outside the traditional sectors。61.D:It is shifting towards more collaborative models。(陈科+张一鑫)英语六级完型填空部分:Organised volunteering and work experience has long been a vital companion to university degree courses. Usually it is left to 62 to deduce the potential from a list of extracurricular adventures on a graduate's resume, 63 now the University of Bristol has launched an award to formalise the achievements of students who 64 time to activities outside their courses. Bristol PLuS aims to boost students in an increasingly 65 jobs market by helping them acquire work and life skills alongside 66 qualifications。"Our students are a pretty active bunch but we found that they didn't 67 appreciate the value of what they did 68 the lecture hall," says Jeff Goodman, director of careers and employability at the university. "Employers are much more 69 than they used to be. They used to look for 70 and saw it as part of their job to extract the value of an applicant's skills. Now they want students to be able to explain why those skills are 71 to the job."Students who sign 72 for the award will be expected to complete 50 hours of work experience or 73 work, attend four workshops on employability skills, including interview techniques, take part in an intensive skills-related activity 74 , crucially, write a summary of the skills they have gained. 75 efforts will gain an Outstanding Achievement Award. Those who 76 best on the sports field can take the Sporting PluS Award which fosters employer-friendly sports accomplishments。The experience does not have to be 77 organised. "We're not just interested in easily identifiable skills," says Goodman. " 78 ,one student took the lead in dealing with a difficult landlord and so 79 negotiation skills. We try to make the experience relevant to individual lives。Goodman hopes the 80 will enable active students to fill in any gaps in their experience and encourage their less-proactive 81 to take up activities outside their academic area of work。(节选并改选自《英国卫报》The Guardian, Anna Tims ,Saturday 15 May 2010 )62.D)employers63.B)but64.B)devote65.B)competitive66.C)academic67.C)necessarily68.A)outside69.D)demanding70.D)potential71.A)relevant72.D)up73.D)voluntary74.D)and75.B)Exceptional76.A)perform77.C)formally78.A)For instance79.A)demonstrated80.C)scheme81.D)peers(冯莉)英语六级翻译部分:82. would rather stop to enjoy the 83. neither chose to give up its own position84. could have cured the cancer patient85. so kind of you to have given me so much help86. before they got reunited(王兆飞)
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【精品】张 培 丁雪明 2011年秋季大学英语六级考试强化讲义
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【精品】张 培 丁雪明 2011年秋季大学英语六级考试强化讲义


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