how can i东方神起help me ? I...

I don't konw how to learn English well.Can you help me?I am an 15-year-old boy.I think i can see real English movie with captions.But i don't konw what movie should i see.The way to remember eight or ten words everyday is difficult to me.So,i don't k_百度作业帮
I don't konw how to learn English well.Can you help me?I am an 15-year-old boy.I think i can see real English movie with captions.But i don't konw what movie should i see.The way to remember eight or ten words everyday is difficult to me.So,i don't k
I don't konw how to learn English well.Can you help me?I am an 15-year-old boy.I think i can see real English movie with captions.But i don't konw what movie should i see.The way to remember eight or ten words everyday is difficult to me.So,i don't know how to learn English well.Can you help me?Can you tell me some great movie to learn English?
把课文读熟,有能力要去背,记住书中的短语,记单词根据音标去记,还有不要单纯的去死记硬背单词的意思,因为你学的越多,你就会发现,一个英文单词可能有好几种意思,把单词放在课本中去记,就是先把单词读几遍,再去读课文,在课文中体会单词的用法,如果发现在课文中你不认识某个单词再去单词表看,记忆更深刻.平时可以接触一些英文歌之类的,提高学习兴趣.语法也不要死记,要多接触一些例句去体会最重要的是多读,相信我,读遍课本中的每一角落,绝对没错 通过看电影的话学英文也是需要反复去看的,不是说你一下子就能记住多少多少东西,我有很多朋友看英文电影,听英文歌,都是先听(看)在找到歌词(对白),自己查找不会的单词,读几遍后,再跟着唱,久而久之,英文水平就会提高,不是说一下子就能提起来的,我高中的英文老师常说,从80几分到90几分是一个坎,要很努力才能跨过去,但是一旦成功,英文水平就很难下去了,我就深有体会,我现在自己在看简单点的原版的英文小说给你推荐几个网站吧不好意思,网址好像不能发,你自己搜吧爱词霸沙龙和大耳朵英语 楼上的抄袭,我是先回答的,看了楼主的关于电影问题的补充后我又修改了回答,提交后才发现我楼上的复制咱贴了我一大段回答,因为我补充了回答,所以回答落在后面,不知道的还以为我抄袭,我一定要讨回公道,我已经去知道投诉了 ,我辛苦打了这么多字,这样简直是在侮辱我的成果,我还是第一次见这种人 楼上的回答被删了,感谢百度的公正,我又想到了几点,特来补充对于我之前的回答,其实总结起来就是要多花工夫,多听,多读,多看.(这一点我深有体会,初二时,我一个很好的英语老师被气走了,结果换了一个连语法和读音都会弄错的老师,我很抵触她,于是对英语也就不怎么用心,并把责任都推给老师,进入高中,我才发现单词读音大多是靠自己拼音标,老师只指出读错的,语法老师讲解后,也要靠自己消化,理解,我才发现自己初二时有多离谱,老师不行,可以自学,其实,老师和方法都是次要的,重在自己努力)你看电影需要看字幕,有的时候不是说明你不懂那句话,而是你无法适应它的语调和语速,你先看完电影,再自己下个英文字幕,找到自己感兴趣的话,先把他练熟,在反复看电影,跟着模仿,久而久之,你就会发现你的听力会越来越好.电影我倒是可以推荐几部,不过我比较喜欢历史类的,不知道合不合你口味《角斗士》,《波斯王子 时之沙》,还有一些经典的像《傲慢与偏见》之类的也可以我现在在看床头灯英语系列,有3000词和5000词的,很不错我看的是《红玫瑰王后 玛格丽特.安茹》(《Queen of Red Rose
Margaret of Anjou》),也是历史类的,这套书内容很丰富,你可以选择自己感兴趣的同时,在百度知道帮别人回答英语问题也不失为一个好方法以上回答希望能帮到你. 你是哪个地方,高中or初中,我个人觉得现在高中的牛津高中英语还可以啊.至于口语方面,步步高电子词典里的互动英语还可以啊,不过不知道网上有没有,再不行你可以去学疯狂英语啊,其实我开始给你推荐的网站里的有BBC的real English 也还可以啊我有一个表哥过了雅思,现在在国外留学,还有一个学姐现在在加拿大,他们学英语也没什么特殊方法,补充一下 波斯王子 时之沙 是最近才出来的还有一个通过聊天学习英文的网站, /
这是干什么呢- -。
一些经典的影片像百万英镑 茶花女 现代的
我是传奇 盗梦空间 老无所依看一些有共鸣的能更容易学会
How to choose High end Shoes or boots for reasonableSneakers. You have got to have a very couple as well as 2...or even ninety-seven. They may be today's must such as air flow as well as protecti...Politeness, formality, and necessity are all important parts of asking permission. In this lesson I explain how CAN, COULD, MAY, and DO YOU MIND can all be used to ask permission in English, with different effects. If you would like to learn more about how to be a polite English speaker, have a look.
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English Teachersi am so confused!who can help me?i am a boy,20 now.i want to go abroad to learn english ,but my family cant suport me,so i want to go work abroad.i dont know how to go there.what is the course?what do i need?thanks for your helping!_百度作业帮
i am so confused!who can help me?i am a boy,20 now.i want to go abroad to learn english ,but my family cant suport me,so i want to go work abroad.i dont know how to go there.what is the course?what do i need?thanks for your helping!
i am so confused!who can help me?i am a boy,20 now.i want to go abroad to learn english ,but my family cant suport me,so i want to go work abroad.i dont know how to go there.what is the course?what do i need?thanks for your helping!
if your parents can not support you with enough funds. then you have to have a very good skill in particular job/ knowledge.
没你爸妈真的不行 再跟他们商量商量说说出国的优势与好处
应该是thanks for your help没你爸妈真的不行
何必呢? 何必呢? 何必呢? 何必呢? 何必呢? 何必呢? 何必呢? 何必呢? 何必呢? 何必呢? 何必呢?自己赚够钱再出去咯...为什么一定要依靠父母呢?How Can I Help My Girlfriend Trust Me? (6 Steps) | eHow
Trust is the cornerstone of a relationship between two people. When that relationship is a romantic one, trust is even more important. If your girlfriend does not have a solid foundation of trust regarding you, she might wonder where you at any particular time and what you might be doing that would be hurtful to her and your relationship. In a new relationship it might take a while to establish that trust as both you and your girlfriend might be mistrustful of each other because of bad relationships in the past.
Respect your girlfriend. Your girlfriend can feel distrustful if she feels she has been disrespected. There are many ways that you can disrespect your girlfriend that include flirting with other girls or making fun of her in a way she finds offensive. Show her respect by only flirting with her and complimenting her in the best light while around others and cutting off communication with previous girls you have dated.
Tell your girlfriend where you are going and who you are with. Another way a girl can start not trusting a guy is if she finds out he is not doing what he said, or hanging around different people than he said he would be with. Being honest in these areas will allow her to always trust your word.
Put her fears at ease by your actions. Humans are certainly not perfect, and your girlfriend may be predisposed to feel distrustful because of previous family or dating occurrences in her life. If you get the sense that she does not trust you verbally reassure her that you can be trusted. Then back that up with your actions.
Use communication devices. When two people who are away from each other, the mind can start to wonder to unpleasant things that the other person might be doing. Tell your girlfriend she can always call, text, e-mail, interact through social media pages or even communicate by video phone. By seeing you and the fact that you are not up to anything you should not be doing, she will have more faith in you and your relationship.
Tell her how much you appreciate her in your life. People start not to trust other people if they feel they are not valued. Their A girlfriend who does not feel valued will think you might be looking elsewhere for a connection. Tell your girlfriend how much you love and appreciate her in your life on a regular basis. Just a few words go a long way.
Remove secrets from your relationship. SEcrets can definitely destroy trust. If she feels like you are hiding something, she will always be wonder what that "something" is. If you have made a mistake, own up to it and tell her you did not want secrets from each other. That does not mean there will not be consequences, but they will be far less if she hears what happened from your mouth than someone else's.


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